Elementor #16557


Create a 3D set joining points offset from horizontal and vertical alignments.

Create a set in the current layer connecting points at offsets from selected alignments.


Plan view:
Select a horizontal alignment pline or set. The default is the active HAL.
Profile view:
Select a vertical alignment pline or set. The default is a profile with the same name as the HAL, or a profile which refers to the HAL, if existing. If no record is selected, or the VAL is out of the HAL range, the the new points have no elevations.
Enter beginning chainage
Enter ending chainage
Enter chainage increment
Use Xlines
Also create points at Xlines
Offset distance
Enter the horizontal offset
Delta elevation
Enter the elevation difference
Enter the name of the new points and set or leave blank to name points with chainages
Accept the new settings
Retain the old settings
Create points and set
Cancel without creating new points or set

See also

Create a 3D set offset from horizontal and vertical alignments, with the elevation offset vertical or perpendicular to the VAL
Create a 3D set offset from the main alignments in a roadjob
Create points along horizontal and vertical alignments
Create points along horizontal and vertical alignments at 3D distances
TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Cogo|​Streets|​3D Geocomp Update or $200 77

Filter superfluous points from a DTM.

Filter large point DTMs generated by laser scanners, hydrographic surveys and photogrametry where much of the data is not significant.

Filter points on spikes, on similar grade and where removal would make insignificant changes to the volume.

Select a DTM layer and a boundary


Max Triangle Grade %
Filter out spikes and troughs by removing points where all surrounding triangles exceed the grade and all are either sloping away (a peak) or sloping toward the point (a trough).
Max Common Side Grade Diff %
Filter large triangles of similar grade by removing points where surrounding triangles have a small difference in Common Side Grade.
Max Volume Difference m³
Filter small triangles by removing points where the resultant local difference in volume is small.
Max Effective Area
Filter points where the total area of surrounding triangles is small.
Max Number of iterations
Reform the DTM and repeat the filter for the number of iterations or, if 0.00, until less than 10% is removed by the last iteration.
Colour of Removed Points
Modify the colour of the filtered points so you can select for deletion by colour.
Move Filtered Points to layer zero
Move filtered points layer 0 or make them non-​contourable.
Only Filter point if same colour
Protect points where colours vary
Keep Points on Breaklines
Protect points that lie on a breakline.
Keep Points on DTM Edge
Protect points on the DTM Edge.
Keep Points > 1 Standard Deviations.
Protect points with an elevation difference of more than 1 standard deviation from the new DTM.
Compute Volume Difference
Report the difference in volume between the start and final surfaces.
Generate Report.
Report the results to P3Pad.

Points inside dead regions defined by SETSMOOTH are not modified.

See also FILTER to filter plines, BLFILTER to filter along sets and GC31 to remove duplicate points and GC53 to change and identify non-​contourable points. GCGEOCODE is a separate application, which can quickly filter points not close to an average surface model.

TML dateGuide Source 
01/09/18 Help button   POA  

Export MCA file for Topcon 3D-MC Machine Control.

Compute cross sections where xlines intersect selected 3D sets, then export hal, val and sections to a single MCA file and report to P3Pad.

MCA files are the input files for the now-obsolete Topcon 3D-MC machine control system. They are not usable by current Topcon 3D machine control systems which import .DWG and other files. Check with your Topcon dealer.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Report 3D lengths and angles of sets.

Report the record number and name of selected sets, then the following values for each point:

  • Back, Intersection and Forward Point Numbers
  • Xline chainages and coordinates (if selected)
  • True 3D Angle
  • 3D and 2D Chainage of Intersection Point
  • Horizontal Deflection Angle and Direction
  • Vertical Deflection Angle
  • Bearing In and Out
  • 3D Distance In and Out
  • Zenith Angle In and Out
  • Slope In and Out.

This information is especially useful for designing and laying out long pipe networks.

You can also

  • Create Xlines labelled with chainages at an interval
  • Append the horizontal deflection angle and direction to each point name
  • Write the report to a CSV file.

See also PIPEINFO and TP10.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Pipe lengths Geocomp Update or $200  

Create a 3D set joining points offset from a roadway.

Create a set in the current layer connecting points at offsets from the main horizontal and vertical alignments on a roadjob.


Select a roadjob.
Enter beginning chainage
Enter ending chainage
Enter chainage increment
Use Xlines
Also create points at Xlines
Offset distance
Enter the horizontal offset
Delta elevation
Enter the elevation difference
Enter the name of the new points and set or leave blank to name points with chainages
Accept the new settings
Retain the old settings
Create points and set
Cancel without creating new points or set

See also

Create a 3D set offset from horizontal and vertical alignment plines
Create a 3D set offset from horizontal and vertical alignment plines, with the elevation offset either vertical or perpendicular to the VAL
Create points along horizontal and vertical alignments
Create points along horizontal and vertical alignments at 3D distances

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 77

3D visualiser toolbar button

3D Visualiser.

Project a DTM surface in a perspective, orthographic or plan view.


  • Display a single DTM surface with points, links, coloured bands, grids, shadows and elevation ranges.
  • Each surface is displayed in a new window; display multiple surfaces.
  • The elevation colour ranges can be configured, saved and imported.
  • Shadows can be controlled using configurable light sources.
  • Navigate using the mouse in flying or rotating modes.
  • View the data in perspective, orthographic or plan views.
  • Export the image in .bmp, .jpg, .psd, .gif, .tif or .tga format; or as a stereo pair.

Recover lost windows

The 3D Visualiser window can be maximised, minimised and restored. The window is displayed where the previous window was last located. If that location is not visible, because that display has since been disconnected or turned off, the window is not visible and import scripts appear to lock up. Recovery is often as simple as re-attaching a removed external display or turning on a laptop display.

To reset the window to a location on the primary display:

  1. Exit Terramodel
  2. If the file TVLite_window.reg is not present in C:\TMCUSTOM​\Geocomp​\, download that registration file to that folder and then rename the file to TVLite_window.reg
  3. Open TVLite_window.reg
  4. Accept the changes to the Windows registry
  5. Start Terramodel
  6. Try 3D Visualizer again.

This registration file also enables "Data field emphasis" and "Smaller data tags" in "Raw Data Appearance" settings.

White display

If 3D Visualiser displays a white display for a very long time before rendering the image, this could be a problem with the video drivers. This could also be due to many sets having Hard or Sharp smoothness. To avoid this, modify the smoothness of existing sets to Soft with SETSMOOTH and of new sets with DESIGNSET.


3D Visualiser Help is available from the Help menu in 3D Visualizer, from the Index submenu in the Help menu and by the HELPTVL command.

Other names

3D Visualiser is also known as 3D Visualizer, TVLITE, Terravista Lite, TVL and 3D Views.


3D Visualiser is included with the Field data module. TV (Terramodel Visualizer) is a separate application that also displays Terramodel project files in perspective and in movies with points, sets, multiple surfaces, textured regions, trees and draped orthophotos. Visualizer is separately installed from the Terramodel installation disk. If you don't have any TV modules on your key, you can trial Visualizer with supplied demonstration projects.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09 ADD 9.7 51 DTM|​3D Visualiser
DTM|​3D Visualizer
Tunnels|​3D Visualiser
Tunnels|​3D Visualizer
Toolbar button
S MM 8

Set prefix abbreviations for labelling and display.

Abbreviations are used in display, reports, and labelling. They apply to both attribute text and text objects created while labeling. Once you have made changes to the abbreviations, attribute text will be updated when the display is redrawn, but text objects created by labeling must be re-labeled to be updated.

Abbreviations for circular curves. Each label can have a maximum of eight characters. You can use any ASCII character in a prefix label by entering "\" and the number of the character. For example, enter \131 for the delta symbol in TMODELF.FNT.
Abbreviations for spiral curves. Each curve prefix label can have a maximum of eight characters.
Abbreviations for vertical curves. Each curve prefix label can have a maximum of eight characters.
Line and curve table headings for LABELTABLE. Each label can have a maximum of 16 characters.
Abbreviations for point names. Each prefix label can have a maximum of eight characters. These abbreviations are only used by commands that create points along an alignment at positions where IP or curve information are listed.
Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​Abbreviations S  

Report Terramodel version number and modules.

Report Terramodel version number, Terramodel Toolpak version, copyright details, and list Modules.

Click on the Modules button to see the list of modules:

List modules for families of Trimble products other than Terramodel
Serial Number
The serial number is also the licence number written on the key. The - extension indicates the number of times the key has been updated with different modules.
Lock version
The lock version enables certain versions of Terramodel.
Days of trial
The number of days remaining on any trial period
Order form
Report the modules and purchase code details to printer or email
Enter Upgrade codes when requested by a Trimble dealer.

If there is no Products button, the Terramodel key cannot be found and Field data is the only module. If you suspect the key is faulty, or not programmed with your modules, contact Geocomp Systems. See www.geocomp.com.au/​support/​dongle.html for more about security keys and their system drivers.

See also GCHELP.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Help|​About S  

Convert DWG and DXF files to R2000 DWG files.

Use ODA File Converter to convert every DWG and DXF file in a specified folder to DWG files in R2000 format.

ACADCONV command provides a simple interface in Terramodel to ODA File Converter so you can convert all DWG or DXF files in a specified folder to R2000 DWG files in another specified folder.

Open Design Alliance

ODA File Converter and ODA Drawings Explorer can import most variations of DWG and DXF files and export them as .DWG or .DXF files of any version from R9 to R2013.

Download and install ODA File Converter, then in ACADCONV, browse to select the location of the .exe and \In and \Out data folders.

Errors when importing

If you get an error message or crash when you IMPORT, this could be because the DWG or DXF file:

ProblemPossible solution
Is too new.Use ODA Viewer or File Converter to downgrade the version.
Is too new.Install Geocomp Update M so you can import DWG and DXF files in formats up and including R2018.
Contains objects that are unsupported by the command.Upgrade to Geocomp Update K, L or M and IMPORT again, or use ACADCONV to convert to R2000 .DWG or ODA to convert to .R10 DXF.
Contains proxy objects created by third-party software.Use that software to export a standard .DWG or .DXF.
Contains vports that are not recognised. Use ODA to downgrade to R10 .DXF format.


  1. Download the latest Windows version of the ODA File Converter.
  2. Install onto a computer with Terramodel.
  3. Create a dedicated Input data folder.
  4. Create a dedicated Output data folder.
  5. Place only the DWG or DXF files that you want to convert into the Input folder.
  6. Start Terramodel.
  7. Run ACADCONV.
  8. In Settings, specify the paths for ODA software and data. For example:
    • C:\Program Files\​ODA\​ODAFileConverter_title 19.8.0\​ODAFileConverter.exe
    • X:\TMData\Project1\In
    • X:\TMData\Project1\Out
  9. Click Convert.
  10. Specify the input files filter and the output version.
  11. Exit ACADCONV.
  12. IMPORT each DWG file from the Output folder.

2000 is earliest DWG version that supports spaces in file names. R10 is the first version that supports 3D coordinates and is the last version before vports. In most cases, converting to .R10 is the best way to prepare a .DWG or DXF data for IMPORT.

TML dateGuide Source 
01/09/18 built-in   Geocomp Update or $200  

Set, clear or list the current active alignment.

Active alignment
Select the set or pline to be the active alignment
Make the set or pline the active alignment
Clear the active alignment

Active alignments are used to select alignments quickly when prompted and control the display visibility of referenced objects.

Objects that refer to alignments derive their chainage properties from those alignments and can be replaced by alignment labelling commands.

See also GCACTIVE which selects the active alignment from alignments registered in HALMANAGER.

See also REFER which refers objects to an alignment.

PROFILE refers the profile it creates to the selected alignment. Objects in the profile are invisible if they refer to alignments other than the active alignment. If the selected alignment refers to another alignment, PROFILE will use the chainages of that other alignment.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09UG 125 Settings|​Active alignment S 415

Set the active station.

Set, clear or list the current active alignment and station.


The active chainage, or active station, is the chainage of a specified xline on the active alignment. In the XSect view, set the active alignment and active chainage to view only one cross section at a time. Clear the active alignment to see all cross sections of that alignment drawn on top of each other.

In the XSect view, X value is horizontal offset, Y value is vertical offset and Z value is chainage. Each pline, text and block drawn in the Xsect view is given the Z value equal to active chainage at the time. The Z value can be modified using commands such as ELEVATION that modify elevation in the Plan view.

Cross sections are drawn as plines and text in the XSect view using RDX, RDXGC, XSHEET or XSHEETGC. Each pline and text object created by these commands has a Z value, from the chainage of its xline, and refers to the active alignment, or to another pline that refers to that alignment.

Plines, text and blocks in the Xsect view that refer to other chainages or alignments are hidden in the XSect view. Each cross section dynaview in the Sheet view only shows objects for one chainage and alignment.

Other visible objects are displayed including points, sets, and those objects with no chainage (Z value = *). Objects which are off, such as the plotboxes for the sheets, and objects on layers that are off, are also hidden in the normal way.

These rules enable you to control which cross sections is visible and to draw, edit, measure and so on.


Select the set or pline to be the active alignment
Select the chainage along the alignment to be the current active chainage
Make the next xline with a greater chainage, along the current active alignment, the active chainage
Make the previous xline with a lesser chainage, along the current active alignment, the active chainage
Set the selected set or pline to the active alignment and make the specified chainage the active chainage
Clear the active alignment and active chainage

If the US English language version is installed, Terramodel dialogs and menus refer to Station. If British English, the dialogs refer to Chainage. The Terramodel Help refers to Station. This TML List refers to Chainage.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​Active chainage
Settings|​Active station
S 410

Add prefix or suffix to names of selected points, sets or plines.

Change the names of selected points to add a common prefix or suffix.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Add prefix or suffix to selected point numbers.

Change the point numbers of selected points to add a common prefix or suffix.

If you are adding alpha characters, or any modified point number will exceed the "Max integer pn" in POINTSET, ensure that SYSTEM has sufficient "Max Alpha pts".

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     U  

Add a prefix and suffix to selected text.

Add a prefix and suffix to selected text; for example, add parentheses around text.

Extended text objects with more than 255 characters are not supported.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Modify|​Text|​Prefix or suffix Geocomp Update or $200  

Add an image located by multiple plotboxes.

Add one image to multiple plot boxes.

The same image is added to image manager at the lower left and upper right extents of each selected plotbox.

These plotboxes may be evenly spaced using MATRIX.

If all the plotboxes are the same size and refer to a mastersheet, use ASAPIMAG.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Add the depth indicated by an isopach layer to the points contained within a DTM layer.

Determine the depth of the isopach at the location of each point on a DTM surface, and then add that depth to the elevation of selected points.

If the DTM point is beyond the limits of the isopach layer's DTM edge, the point's elevation is unchanged.

See also GC54 and GC87.

TML date MenuSourceGC
29/10/08   DTM|​Add isopach thickness S 240

Add coordinate mapping systems.

Import coordinate systems from a file into the Mentor database for use with commands that transform coordinates from one mapping system to another.

The fields are: #HORIZ_DATUM,​Ellipsoid,​PROJECTION_ID,​PROJECTION_NAME,​CM_ZONE_DD,​FALSE_EASTING,​FALSE_NORTHING,​CENTRAL_SCALE_FACTOR. For example: GDA2020,​GRS1980,​BRO2020,​Broome Grid 2020,​122.3333333333,​50000.0000000000,​2300000.0000000000,​1.0000029800.

Importing coordinate systems from a file that you prepare is easier than using the "Define CS" button in GCCOORD or COORDCON. Run GCCOORD or COORDCON at least once in a session before ADDMAPSY.

Commands that use coordinate systems in the Mentor database include COORDCON, GCCOORD, FYATBOUT, GCKMLIN, GCKMLOUT, GCLLGRID, LLTABLE and SHADOW.

TML date  Source 
04/09/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

Add tide corrections to depth records.

Apply or reapply tide corrections from a tide file to selected depth records within a time period.

The tide file must in the format dd/mm/yyyy,hh:mm:ss,t.ttt where t.ttt is the tide value in metres and correctly sorted by increasing date and time.

Depth records are points with negative elevations when deeper than tide datum or positive when drying heights (above water). The point name must have been formatted by HDMS.

Restore any depths rounded with HDMSRTR prior to running ADDTIDES. Relabel depths after running ADDTIDES.

TML dateGuide Source 
01/09/18 built-in help   HDMS  

Adjust a lot to match a specified area.

Create a lot (closed set) that encloses a specified area by moving a reference boundary relative to fixed boundary sets or plines.


Bndy Objs:
Select the plines or sets that define the stationary part of the boundary. Corners of the boundary are created where the lines overlap. Curve types other than circular arcs are converted to chords.
Ref Bndy:
Select a reference line that overlaps the adjacent segments of the final figure. Create the boundary so that as it moves, it continues to overlap the adjacent segments.
Select a location near the centre of the adjusted lot. This can distingush between two possible solutions.
Adjusted Area:
Enter the target area in square project units
Type of Adjustments
Adjust by Azimuth
Shift the reference line along the specified azimuth
Pivot Point
Rotate the reference line about a specified Rotation point
OK or Cancel
Accept or reject changes to Settings and position the mouse to select a location near the centre.
Create the closed pline with the specified area.

How to adjust a lot

  1. Decide on the desired lot area in square project units
  2. Decide which boundaries are fixed
  3. Create a reference boundary to be moved until the target area is reached
  4. Check that the fixed objects and the reference boundary together enclose a region and will still do so after the boundary is moved.
  5. Run ADJAREA
  6. Select the fixed boundary objects
  7. Select a reference boundary pline or set that crosses the fixed objects to define a closed region
  8. In Settings
    • Enter the desired adjusted area in square project units
    • Specify azimuth direction in which to move, or a pivot point around which to rotate
  9. Specify a location within the proposed lot
  10. OK to create a closed pline with the adjusted area

Please refer to Adjarea.pdf or Terramodel Help for an illustrated example.

ADJAREA is also known as ADJUSTAREA.

See also PREDAREA.

Differences with PREDAREA:

Create single lotCreate multiple lots
Use set and pline boundariesUse set boundaries
Create closed plineCreate closed set
Consider boundaries, area and direction or rotationConsider frontage, minimum area, rear length, angle and setback

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 Adjarea.pdf Cogo|​Lots|​Adjust area
Cogo|​Adjust area

Label a pipe with airvalve blocks.

Place blocks on a HAL and VAL to show the location of airvalves.

The blocks must be named AirValvePlan and AirValveProfile.

The blocks are placed at high points, such as airvalves, and low points, such as scour valves.

See also TP40.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create, edit and delete command aliases.

Create, edit and delete aliases for commands.

An alias is a command that substitutes for other text entered at the command line or in a menu, toolbar button or workspace button.

Aliases are for commands which need command line arguments, are unfamiliar, renamed, misspelled, replaced or are easier to remember in your own language, dialect, idiom or standard.

Use EXEC in an alias to execute an external command.

Alias editor

Enter a new alias in the Alias field, the command name the alias is for in the Command field and any command arguments, up to 66 characters, in the Arguments field. The alias cannot include spaces. The command must be an an installed Terramodel command or TML and not another alias. To copy an alias, select an existing alias and enter a new alias name and modify the command or argumnents. Click Add to add the new alias.
Select an alias from the list and enter any new values in Alias, Command or Arguments field. Click Update to replace the alias.
Select an alias from the list. Click Delete to remove the alias.
Report all aliases to P3Pad
Accept all changes and update the ALIAS.INI file
Cancel without making any changes


User action Result Example of
Type UNITSET Execute UNITSSET Common misspelling
Type FAVOURITE Execute FAVORITES Alternative spelling
Type FAVORITOS Execute FAVORITES Spanish language
Type REVEAL Reveal hidden set segments with UNHIDE Rename obscure command
Type VOLUME Execute EARTHWORK Keep Terramodel 9.8 command
Execute THREEPC command Execute GC3PTARC command Substitute with alternative command
Click on  profile view toolbar button in Views toolbox Open Profile view using SVIEW Command line argument and toolbox
Click on  vpan toolbox west arrow button in VPAN toolbox Pan left by one screen Command line argument and toolbox
Type Z or W ZOOM using a window Like AutoCAD
Type MOOZ MAGNIFY the view scale by 0.5 to zoom out Like SDRMap
Type DXFOUT or DWGOUT Execute the AutoCAD (dwg or dxf) EXPORT script Like AutoCAD
Type 17 Measure 3D vector using GC29 Like Geocomp
Type CASCADE Cascade views by "MACROPLAY Cascade" Execute a macro
Type DCEDIT Launch the Trimble DC File Editor Launch an external executable application using EXEC
Type UG Open the User Guide Open an external file using TMRUN in a fixed location
Type RUN C:\TMCUSTOM\​GEOCOMP\​DOCS UG.PDF Open the User Guide Open an external file using TMRUN in a user-specified location


Aliases are defined in the first ALIAS.INI file in the Terramodel Search Path (TSP). If you use ALIAS command to add or edit aliases, please keep note of your changes as the default ALIAS.INI, which has over 2000 aliases, is replaced during each Geocomp Update. Many commands and menu items in the Geocomp Update rely on these aliases. The default is usually in C:\​TMCUSTOM\​GEOCOMP or C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Terramodel\​Geocomp.

Use TSP to check which ALIAS.INI is in use (although if ALIAS.INI is in any location under C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Terramodel\, the file actually in use might be a copy in the Windows VirtualStore).

You can define your own ALIAS.INI from scratch. If you do, many commands added or edited by Geocomp Systems will not run. Don't try to manually edit any file under C:\Program files (x86)\. Copy to a location under C:\TMCUSTOM where you can edit. Lines that start with a semi-colon ";" are hidden from the Alias Editor. Changes take effect when you restart or, if you use a ALIAS command, when you click OK.

Any remnant aliases in TMODWIN.INI files take precedence over aliases in ALIAS.INI so should be avoided. Use EDITINI (Import sections) to show if there is an [Alias] section in an INI file and, if so, use EDITINI (Fix Status Bar) to remove it.

ALIAS.INI in the Geocomp Update includes all commands on the English, French and Spanish menus. If you use the German menu, and want to help us add German aliases, please let us know.

See also

An alias to open an external file

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM File|​System Configuration|​Command alias S  

Import alignments from an ASCII text file.

Import HAL, VAL or SLOPE alignments with horizontal curve radii or vertical curve lengths from a comma-​delimited file.

Browse or enter the filename.

The Settings control the Name, Colour, and Linetype for the alignment created.

The check box "Adjust for HAL Equations", allows you to select the registered HAL from which to extract chainage equations.

The current view determines how the file is interpreted. Where there is no curve, omit the value in [ ].

Plan (Y before X in View Settings OFF)
Plan (with Y before X in View Settings ON)
Chainage, Elevation[,Vertical Curve Length]
Offset, Elevation[,Radius]
Chainage, Elevation[,Vertical Curve Length]

See also GC65FILE.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     U  

Import alignments offsets from a text file.

Import chainages and offsets for a horizontal or vertical alignment.

These are added to the Alignment Offsets in the HAL or VAL Manager.

  • Browse to select the comma-​delimited file.
  • The format is assumed to be: Chainage, Offset.
  • Pick the Pline or Set that you want to use for the registered HAL.
  • Enter a name for the HAL to be registered. The default is the filename.

This will overwrite any already-registered HAL with the same name.

See also GC65FILE.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     U  

Make text perpendicular to alignment.

Rotate selected text to be perpendicular to alignment.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Modify|​Text|​Align to HAL Geocomp Update or $250  

view all toolbar button

Function key F12

Zoom to extents

Zoom to the extents of all visible objects in the active view and refresh.

The extents of objects inside blocks are not considered. Use ALL to see the effect of changes to vertical exaggeration in VIEWSET.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM View|​All
Toolbar button
Function key F12
S 131

Function key F10

Enable menus for entry by keyboard.

Enable the menu for key entry so you can then select a menu by pressing the underlined character then select an item from the menu, without using the Mouse.

ALT is an ALIAS to MACROPLAY ALT which simulates the standard Windows functions of pressing ALT key or F10 function key.

Macro date MenuSource 
15/11/12   Function key F10

Report angle-right between points.

Reports the horizontal angle at an instrument point subtended to the right from the backsight point to the foresight point.

Also reports the distance from the instrument point to the foresight point.

Uses the current Angle Units setting.

If all three of the coordinate locations are point objects, the point numbers will be displayed.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     U  

Draw a pline arc from any three parameters.

Choose one of 10 Types of arc, for example "Start, Center, End" or "3 Point".

ARC defaults to the last Type used.

If you need Sets, use CONVERT or GCCONVRT command to change the Plines to Sets, or use GCARC.

The arc is drawn from the first point to the last point.

If a radius is used, a negative radius will draw the arc on the right-hand side.

In Terramodel Help, this command is called ARCS.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Pline|​Arc S 21

Create an arc pline by two locations and a radius.

The arc is drawn anti-clockwise to the left of the locations.

Use a negative radius to draw the arc on the right-hand side.

See also ARC, ARC2PSET and GCARC.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Arc|​Pline by 2 points Geocomp Update or $250 21

Create an arc set by two points and the radius.

The arc is drawn from the first point to the second point.

Use a negative radius to draw the arc on the right-hand side.

See also ARC, ARC2P, GCARC and GC3PTARC.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Arc|​Set by 2 points Geocomp Update or $250 21

Create breaklines along the arc segments of all sets on a designated DTM layer.

Create points at regular intervals along the arc and connect a set from the existing first TP to each of the new points and finally to the end TP of the arc. The number of chords created is based on a specified maximum middle ordinate (arc-to-chord tolerance) value which indicates the maximum allowable deviation from the true arc for any breakline chord.

The elevation of each point is interpolated along the arc from the elevations of the points at the arc TPs. If either TP has an undefined elevation, Breaklines will not be formed along that arc, and a warning message will be issued in the message area.

The new sets are named "SETARCBL", and given the current line colour, so they can be selected separately from the arcs.

See also GCARCBL to make the chords invisible and BLFILTER to filters out excess breakline points.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
01/09/18 RG 1217 DTM|​Arc breaklines S  

Replace arc segments in sets with points and arcs or chords.

Replace all arcs in selected sets with additional segments by number of points, chords or an arc-to-chord tolerance.


Create the specified number of new points per arc and replace the arc segments with new arcs.
Create the specified number of new points per arc and replace the arc segments with chords.
Arc to chord
Create new points at the specified maximum distance from the arc and replace the arc segments with chords.


Set layer
Create the new points on the same layer as the set
Current layer
Create the new points on the current layer


The smoothness of sets is not changed so any dead regions still apply.

See also GCCHORD which can also create chords along plines and GCARCBL which creates chords in separate sets.

TML date MenuSourceGeocomp
01/09/18   Draw|​Arc|​Break into chords Geocomp Update or $25 39

Toggle visibility of set arc centres.

Turn off or on the visibility of all points at the centre of arc segments in sets.

If sets are visible, their arc centres are also visible unless ARCENTRE has been used to toggle off project variable GC_ARC_CENTRE.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Modify|​On/Off|​Arc centres Geocomp Update or $250  

Report the area inside plines or sets.

Report the area and perimeter if closed and length if open.

Report to message scroll the area of a single figure and the accumulated area after subsequent selections.
Report to P3pad for each selected figure including the sum.
Report area inside selected locations, without creating having to create a new object.

The unit labelling is configured by UNITSSET.

The message “Unable to get record's area” usually means that the figure crosses itself somewhere. If you cannot find where the set or pline crosses itself, you can get the area using GC10 and User-defined REPORTS such as Closure Report and Geometry Report. With GC10 and REPORTS the area inside the enclosed part is subtracted from the larger part, not added, and figures with spirals are not valid.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Reports|​Area/Perimeter
S 63

Arrange icons of minimised views at the bottom left of the display.

Arrange icons of minimised views at the bottom left of the display.

Arrange is an ALIAS to MACROPLAY ARRANGEICONS which simulates the Arrange icons command in the Window menu.

Macro date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Window|​Arrange icons

Add mastersheet images to plotboxes.

Add to each plotbox the same images that are in the mastersheet.

After you have used PLANSET to create plotboxes, place each logo image once in the mastersheet using IMAGE Manager then use ASAPIMAG to copy the logos in IMAGE Manager so they appear on each sheet.

The plotboxes don't have to have been created by PLANSET, they just need to all be the same size and shape and all refer to the same plotbox (which PLANSET calls a "mastersheet" ).

See also ADDIMAGE.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import an Ashtech points file

Import an Ashtech formatted points file (.PTS).

TML date  Source 
29/10/08     S  

Renumber points in chainage|​station order.

Renumber selected points to increase in the direction of a selected alignment.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Relayer objects to match Asset_ID attribute.

Asset_ID attributes are feature attributes commonly used with pipe survey commands.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import an AusGeoid DAT or TXT file

Import a file of elevation differences (N-values) to be used to transform AUSGeoid98, AUSGeoid09 or AUSGeoid2020 elevations to or from Australian Height Datum.

In the same way, AUSGEOID can also import AUSGeoid2020 uncertainty values.

The N-values are in a one-minute grid of Latitude and Longitude. For AUSGeoid98 and AUSGeoid09 data, the coordinate system is LL-GDA94. For AUSGeoid2020, LL-GDA2020.

Select a suitable boundary to limit the number of imported points. For example, importing Ausgeoid2020 with no boundary creates over 15,000,000 points. At the other extreme, selecting a boundary that is too small will import insufficient grid points to interpolate N-values over your whole site.

Prepare an N-values grid

  1. Obtain a suitable AUSGeoid .DAT or .TXT file containing N-Values.
  2. In Terramodel,
    1. Start a NEW project.
    2. Import any clipping boundaries.
    3. Select or create an empty current layer with a suitable name like N-VALUES 09 LL or N-VALUES 2020 54.
    4. Run AUSGEOID to import N-values from the file.
    5. Use TMXOUT to export the clipped N-Value grid to .TMX for later use.


Select a geodetic coordinate system
For Bdy:
Select a limiting boundary in that coordinate system
Transform Lat. Long into East, North
Transform the grid into Eastings and Northings in that coordinate system if for adjusting elevations. Do not transform if for adjusting distances.
Import N values into Current Layer
Import points from the file that fall within the boundary


Download AUSGeoid2020 .DAT files from Geoscience Australia. These .DAT files are huge.

Download AUSGeoid09 .TXT files from NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC or WA or from Geoscience Australia.

For more information and more .DAT and .TXT files, see Geoscience Australia.


Surveyors with certain Trimble instruments can apply elevation differences while importing "Trimble raw survey (.dc)" points using .GGF files (such as these AUSGeoid09 .GGF files for Australia or for just South East Australia). Matching .GGF files must be correctly installed on the instrument and in Coordinate System Manager (CSM). Contact your Trimble instrument supplier for details.

Commands that use N-values

Import New Zealand N-values
Correct elevations
Measure distances
Import lidar

TML date  Source 
04/02/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create line, block and text features based on field codes.

Create pline, sets, blocks and text to names of selected points according to field codes defined in an AutoDraft Configuration (.ADC) file.

To join all selected points with sets based on common field code and string number in the point name, leave the ADC field blank.

To automatically draft surveys where standard survey coding procedures have been followed, select a corresponding .ADC file.

Browse to select a predefined ADC file such as Geocomp Field Codes Revised.ADC, USStandard.ADC or UKStandard.ADC, or Edit to modify or create your own.

AutoDraft can accommodate many survey conventions. One common convention is start each point name with a field code (also known as a feature code) followed immediately by a string code. Prefix each comment, global code or parameter with a space.

Select points to be automatically drafted.
Config file
Browse to select an AutoDraft Configuration (.ADC) file. The default file and location is stored as a project variable. Leave blank to join points with the same names.
Open the AutoDraft Editor.
Open or create a new AutoDraft Configuration (.ADC) File
Edit an AutoDraft Configuration (.ADC) File.
Undo changes to the .ADC
New Global Code
Select Global Settings then add a new global code or modify global settings.
Global Settings
Specify a multiple field code separator, the processing order, where to expect the string number (e.g. to the right) and the layer for radius points.
Global code
Specify codes which can apply to any feature, for example CLOSE to close a string or POC for the mid point of an arc.
Unknown codes
Optionally, define specific characters to indicate lines and arcs.
New Feature Category
Select Feature Definitions then add a new feature category of edit feature definitions
Feature Category
Define Categories such as Vegetation or Electricity
New Feature
Within each category, add a new feature or edit features
New field code
For each feature, add a new field code or edit field codes. For example, TOP or 102 for Top of Bank, up to 9 characters long. String numbers can be up to 3 characters. In Point Display, specify the new point layer and colour
New line definition
For each feature description with type Line, specify the name, layer, colour, linetype, type, smoothness, direction and offsets of any new lines.
New block association
For each feature, optionally add block associations. Specify the block names, layer, colour, scaling parameter numbers, rotation and number of points of any new blocks
New text label
For each feature, optionally add text. Specify the text, EAT codes, layer, style, colour, leader line, border and offsets of any new text.
Delete, cut, copy, paste, replace
Edit entries in the .ADC.
View only certain features.
Report some or all details of the .ADC to P3Pad.
Display AutoDraft editor Help. Windows 10 users, please use HELPTM instead to find AutoDraft pages in the Index.

Unknown features

If any point names don't match a field code, you can add them to the ADC. If you do, identify the discrepancy, undo the AutoDrafting, correct the survey or the ADC, delete the unknown features from the ADC and then rerun AutoDraft on the survey until you are no longer prompted.


All new objects are given the same new group number which is one more than the previous largest group number.

Error messages

Watch out for any error messages in message scroll, especially when editing a new or imported .ADC.

See also


Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09 FDM UG
Draft|​Automated drafting from points S 125

Enable automatic saving of project files.

AutoSave attempts to back up the current project file at a user-​specified time interval so it may help you recover from unexpected power failures or computer crashes. It does not help you recover from closing without saving, overwriting backups, and so on. The project file is autosaved with a randomly generated name in a randomly generation subfolder of the folder you specify in the AutoSave Configuration dialog box.

To use AutoSave

  1. Click FILE, Config System, and AutoSave [AutoSave].
  2. To turn AutoSave on or off, click the AutoSave On check box.
  3. To set the time interval for each autosave, type the time (in minutes) between autosaves into the Check Every box.
  4. To change the directory for autosave files:
    1. Turn off AutoSave (see step 2), and click Browse. The Browse for Folder dialog box appears.
    2. Find and click on the folder for the autosave files.
    3. Click OK. The new folder name appears in the Directory for AutoSave Files area.
    4. Turn on AutoSave if desired.
  5. Click OK.


  • Do not rely on AutoSave.
  • You cannot continue working during an autosave. This can be annoying and take a long time.
  • It's quicker and safer to turn off AutoSave and habitually save early and save often with SAVE and SAVEAS.
  • Look for files in the project folder with extensions .~pr or .pr~. These are recent backups created by SAVE and SAVEAS.
  • Check to see if you have enough disk space.
  • Check to see a directory used by Terramodel was deleted.
  • Make sure your network server is working properly if your computer is on a network.
  • If your AutoSave path is on a network, you may be opening someone else's file.
Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM File|​System Configuration|​Autosave
File|​Config system|​Autosave

Create a clockwise set joining points.

Create a closed set on the current layer joining at least three selected points clockwise from the southwest around a location at the mean of the coordinates.


Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Set|​Autoset S  

Compute average coordinates of points

Compute average easting, northing and elevation of selected points.

See also RANGE, DTMSTATS, GC05 and GC31.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Compute volumes by average end-area between DTMs

Compute volumes by end-area given an alignment, Xlines and two dtm layers

Use AVGEND to compute end-area volumes if you do not have the Site Design or Roadway modules. Compare totals with EARTHWORK reports.

Create XLINES along an alignment first. Smaller intervals give more accurate volumes.


Enter the alignment (pline or set object) along which Terramodel will compute volumes. Select the same alignment you used to create the xlines.
Select the first DTM layer from which you will calculate volumes. This layer should completely encompass the second, or inside, layer and must contain 3D points.
Use this layer control to select the second DTM layer. Make sure that, within the limits of the xlines, the points on this layer lie within the extents of the outside layer and have elevations.
Specify the chainage limits of the volumes and whether to send the report to the screen or to an external file.

See also VOLUME to compute cut and fill volumes between surfaces, GCGRDVOL and GC20 to compute volumes between surfaces within multiple boundaries.

GCGRDVOL can also report volumes within chainage ranges so it can give a similar report to AVGEND but with more accurate volumes.

EARTHWRK and XVOLUMES report volumes by end-area of roadjobs. GCGRDVOL reports prismoidal volumes between xlines which is more accurate that AVGEND.

If you get zero volumes when you expect sensible values, see FIXLAYERS.

TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
01/09/18 RG 402 DTM|​Volumes from XSections S 471

Report on installation of pre-cast road barriers.

Report on installation of pre-cast barriers along a roadjob.

Select a roadjob, and as-built points at the base and top of barriers.

In Settings, specify the chainage range, asphalt thickness, barrier height and barrier width.

TML date  Source 
10/02/20    Geocomp Update or $250  

Create, enter and edit basin attributes for a point.

Create, enter and edit basin attributes for a point.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 UG 405 Hydro|​Basin|​Define basin S  

Create a point at the intersection of two bearings or two lines.

Select a point or line to indicate the starting and second point and bearings. If you select a point, enter a bearing to indicate the direction from the point.

For each solution, BBEAR creates a new point at the intersection of the two bearings on the current layer.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Cogo|​Lines|​Bearing-​bearing intersection S 23

Import a pipe survey from Business Center.

Import a pipe survey with attributes which has been exported from Trimble Business Center as a CSV file.

You can string the pipes by Asset ID or String No.

Command date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create a point at the intersection of a line and an arc.

Solve for the intersection of two arcs or distances, and create a point object at the intersection.

Each arc is defined by a centre point and distance or by selecting an arc segment to define the centre point and distance.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Cogo|​Lines|​Bearing-​distance intersection S 12

Add a datum angle to bearing text.

Add a specified datum angle to text containing bearings expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS)

Enter the datum angle as a DMS string in HP notation like this: 125.30451 for 125°30′45.1″.

If the bearing is EAT text, the bearing is exploded to normal text then the angle is added. Any other characters in the text, such as brackets, distances and new lines are left alone.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 8

Draw a curve or plane of best fit through selected points.

Create points and a set on a specified layer by fitting an equation to selected points.

Create points and a set on a specified layer by fitting an equation to selected points.

For each curve type, enter Settings for the result layer and other parameters as required.

Curve types

2D Line
Create a set between new two points with no elevations. See also BFITLINE.
Create a centre point and a rectangular set on a 3D plane. See also ELEVREFPLANE and IRBAY.
2D Circle
Create a 2D pline circle and centre point. See also CIRCLE and BFITCURV.
3D Circle
Create a set with a specified number of straight segments joining points on an ellipse which represents a circle in 3D space observed from above. See also ELLIPSE.
Create a pline with a parabolic vertical curve. You can edit the vertical curve with CURVE if the pline is in a view mode with vertical exaggeration such as Profile or Xsect. See also PLINE, GCPRFEDT and PARABOLA.
Create a pline of segments on a catenary through three points. See also CAT.
TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Draw an arc of best fit through selected points.

Create a pline arc fitted through three or more points using the Least Squares method.

Best-fit curve options

Select the points through which a curve will be fitted.
Select layers for the points and curves, set the location method and vary the weight of each point in the computations.
Store points on
Specify the layer on which the PC, PT and radius points will be stored when using the Create option.
Store curve on
Specify the layer on which the set arc that connects the PC, PT and radius points will be stored when using the Create option.
Auto select/User select
Auto automatically calculates the beginning point. User lets you enter a beginning point. When you select User, you can enter a trial location for the centre of the radius and the radius length. BFITCURV uses the first three points to determine an initial radius and location for the radius point, and then uses an iterative process to find the solution. If, with the Auto option, BFITCURV suggests an arc in the opposite direction than desired, try again with the User option. Guessing a radius point and radius close to the true answer will speed the calculation process.
Radius center
Select a trial position for the calculation of the true radius center.
Radius length
Select a trial radius for the calculation of the true radius.
Lists the points you selected and through which a curve will be fit. From this box, you can select a point and edit its weight of importance. When you highlight a row in this list box, its corresponding weight will appear in the Weight box for you to change.
Display the selected point numbers.
Set the weight of importance of each point through which the curve will pass. Bfitcurv will ignore any points having a weight of zero. A high weight will force the arc to go through the point. If fewer than three points are given a high weight of importance, Bfitcurv will not find a valid solution. When three points are given a high weight, an arc is passed through the three points.
Show the solution by creating a pline circle with the computed radius point and radius distance. In some situations, it may take several minutes to calculate the solution.
Create a set arc, PC point, PT point and radius point.
List the points used to calculate the arc, the weight of importance of each point, their distances from the arc and their coordinates on the arc perpendicular to their position.
Delete the last set and points created with the Create option.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
01/09/18 RG 558 Cogo|​Curves|​Best-fit curve S  

Create a line of best fit through selected points.

Create a pline fitted through two or more points using the Least Squares computation method.

Best-Fit Line Options

Select the points through which a line will be fitted.
Assign independent layers for the new objects, and vary the weight of importance of each point in the computations.
Store points on
Specify the layer on which points will be stored.
Store line on
Specify the layer on which the set line will be stored.
List the points you selected and through which a line will be fit. When you highlight a row in this list box, its corresponding weight of importance will appear in the Weight box for you to change.
Display the point numbers of the points whose weight will be edited.
Set the weight of importance of each point through which the line will pass. A weight of zero will force the line to go through the point. When two points are given a weight of zero, a line is passed through the two points. To ignore a point remove it from the selection. Higher weights pull the line towards the point.
Create a set line and two points showing the solution.
List the points used to calculate the line, their weight, their distance to the line and their coordinates on the line perpendicular to their position.
Delete the last set and points created with the Create option.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
01/09/18 RG 567 Cogo|​Lines|​Best-fit line S  

Create an elevation view of points.

Copy selected points into an "Elevation" drawing in View 6.

The position of the point along the selected Baseline determines the horizontal position in View 6, while the Z coordinate of the Point determines the vertical position in View 6.

The points in View 6 are placed on the same layer that the points were originally placed on in the Plan View.

The points in View 6 are given an alphanumeric identifier (point number). If the baseline has a Name, then this name and the original identifier are combined to create the identifier for the point in View 6. If the baseline does not have a name, a (2) is combined with the original identifier to create the identifier for the point in View 6.

Max Alpha Points must be set in SYSTEM to a large enough number.

See also FLIPUP which is similar but has more features.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     S  

Import boreholes from a CSV.

Import points from a CSV file of bore hole data with elevations below a specified Top DTM layer.

The CSV file format is similar to this example:

First line HEADERHoleName, East, North, Layer01 name, Layer02 name, Layer03 name, Layer04 name, etc., etc., .....
Additional linesHoleName, E, N, depth to Layer01, depth to Layer02, depth to Layer03, ....
ExampleBH3A , 318128.00, 7345997.30, 0.5, 1.4, , 6.1, 9.8

See also BOREHOLE.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import LandXML points within boundaries without new lines.

Import points from a LandXML file that fall within a closed pline or within an offset from an open pline, when the XML file has long lines of points.

Try to import LandXML files with GCPTSIN, GCXMLIN or LandXML import script first. If they choke on XML files because it has more than 255 characters per line, try BIGXMLIN to read points one character at a time.

BIGXMLIN, GCPTSIN and GCXMLIN read points only. GCFIXXML adds a new line after each > character into any XML file. The LandXML import script can also read surfaces and alignments.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create a coloured image from depths.

Create a coordinated image file of colours representing the elevation from hydrographic data created using HDMS.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Create a breakline set.

Create a set that is also a breakline.

Create set between points that have elevations and are on the same layer as the first selected point. The set is created on the same layer as the points.


Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Set|​Breakline S 15

Create a pline with right angles.

Specify an origin, enter a bearing and distance and then click OK to enter the first wall segment.

Then enter a positive distance to create a segment to the right, a negative distance for a segment to the left, New for a new building, Undo to undo the last segment or OK to complete the command.


TML date MenuSourceGC
29/10/08   Draw|​Pline|​Building
Cogo|​Traverse|​Simple building
S 4

Filter excess points from breaklines.

Replace straight set segments with fewer segments using a filter "tube" on the selected layer within any boundaries.

The initial filter tube is of the specified width, length and height and is orientated to the first segment on the set. The width is perpendicular to the segment and height is vertical.

BLFILTER checks for additional points within the limits of the filter tube. Any points inside the tube are discarded. The first point BLFILTER finds outside of the tube is kept, and the last discarded point inside the tube is added back to the set. The tube is then reoriented to the last two points, and the process is repeated.

See also FILTER which filters plines only, SETFILT and GCFILTER which filter by 2D offset tolerance and 3DFILTER which filters insignificant points from a DTM. Commands that add points include ARCBL, GCCHORD, GCDIVIDE and GCCHORD.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​More...|​Filter breaklines Geocomp Update or $200 127

Check for crossing sets on a layer.

Wherever sets on the selected layer cross, create a point with the name "bl-cross" on layer CROSSING and labelled with symbol 40 (circle).

These points give an indication of crossing breaklines.

Some points may be created at set segments which are not breaklines, such as arc segments or sets with points that are 2D, non-​contourable or on different layers.

Any previously created points on layer CROSSING will be deleted.

As each set is checked against all the other sets, the count will appear slower at first then speed up.

Use CROSSCHK to check all selected sets or plines.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​Mark|​​Crossing breaklines Geocomp Update or $250 43

Place blocks at points based upon names in the BLOCK.MAP file.

Replaced by AUTODRAFT or GCLABPNT for most purposes.

TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
29/10/08 RG 1217 Draft|​Blocks/symbols on points S 125

Reread a block

Replace an internal block with a different external block with the same name.

See also MKBLKINT.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Draw|​Block|​Replace internal S  

Create, place, list or purge blocks.

Combine objects into a single object that can be manipulated as a block.

Blocks can consist of points, 3DFaces, plines, dynaviews, text and other blocks. Objects in blocks do not retain layer names.

A block can be inserted multiple times into projects, shared between projects, scaled, rotated and otherwise edited.

Create both internal blocks (which can only be used within a single project file) and external blocks (which can be used by any Terramodel project file). If you specify an External block, Terramodel will use the first block with that name on the Terramodel Search Path.

Points included in blocks lose point numbers. Sets are stored as plines when they are included in blocks.

Block Options

Create a block definition. Select objects and the origin of the block. Click Name to enter a block name of up to 15 characters and a description. Do not define the block as External. Click Create to create the Internal block. To create an External block, first create the Internal block then use the SAVE Option.
Establish default parameters used when inserting blocks. These block settings apply to all subsequently created blocks.
Enter a scale factor for the X, Y, and Z dimensions of all inserted blocks. The factors are measured in relation to the sizes of the original objects. For example, if you want to place a block 2.5 metres in diameter, and the block you are placing is 1 unit in diameter, use a scale factor of 2.5.
Establish the amount of clockwise rotation for the X, Y, and Z ordinates of each inserted block, rotated about the insertion point.
INTERNAL|​EXTERNAL radio buttons
Specify whether all blocks are to be created as internal or external.
Apply the current drawing scale of the active view to the block insert. Use this feature when you want to keep the plotted size of the block the same regardless of the current drawing scale. One example would be a north arrow that you always want plotted 4 inches high regardless of the drawing scale.
Cause blocks to rotate automatically through a dynaview as the dynaview is rotated. This should not be used with a north arrow but could be used with other symbols to keep them oriented upright on the final plotted sheets.
Clip the block to the limits of rectangular dynaviews, even if the insertion point falls outside the dynaview. Clipping complex blocks such as hatch patterns can cause the screen redraw speed to decrease.
When a block is inserted, it is assigned the line colour of the current layer. This block colour is retained if the block is later relayered.
All objects within the block are drawn with the colour of the block.
The objects in the block are drawn with their original colours. Blocks which contain block objects with colour 0 are drawn with the colour BYLAYER.
Edit the attributes of an inserted block.
Lists the available layers, where you choose one on which to place the block.
Modify the colour of the inserted block.
List any attributes that have been attached to the block. Any attributes must be edited using specific commands.
Modify the integer group number. Set 0 for no group.
Specify record number of a parent object to which the blocked is referenced.
This area displays the record number of the block.
Modify the name of the block to match another available block. For example, if you change the name of a block named CIRCLE to TREE1, the circle block will be replaced with a tree canopy block of different size.
Displays the description you assigned to the block definition when you created it.
Modify the X and Y of the origin of the block.
Modify the elevation of the block. See PN below.
Modify the X, Y or Z scale of the block.
Modify the X, Y, or Z rotation angles of the block.
Apply the current view scale so the block is always the same size on the plot. Auto scale is off by default. Use SCLBLKS to turn Auto scale on.
All objects within the block are drawn with the colour of the block.
The objects in the block are drawn with their original colours. Blocks which contain block objects with colour 0 are drawn with the colour BYLAYER
Cause block objects to rotate automatically through a dynaview as the dynaview is rotated. This should not be used with a north arrow but could be used with blocks that oriented to the top of final plotted sheets.
When a subject point number is specified the block origin is computed relative to the coordinates of the point. When the point is deleted any attached block will also be deleted. EAT text in the block can refer to the subject point.
Insert a block into a project file.
Block name
Specify the name of the block you want to insert. Pick from a list of blocks already inserted in the project, or type in the name of a block in the Terramodel Search Path.
Locate the origin of the block.
Set the size of the block relative to the size of the block definition. Most blocks are defined as one unit high so the scale you enter becomes the height of the inserted block in the units of the view. Note that the CIRCLE block is one unit in radius, and point label blocks vary in height as specified.
Enter the rotation of the block around the origin.
When a block is inserted, it is assigned the line colour of the current layer. This block colour is retained if the block is later relayered.
All objects within the block are drawn with the colour of the block.
The objects in the block are drawn with their original colours. Blocks which contain block objects with colour 0 are drawn with the colour BYLAYER
Insert the block once you have set the location, etc.
List the internal and external blocks contained in your project file. The list includes the block name, whether it is an internal or external block, the view in which the block was created, the number of lines (plines or sets) contained in the block definition, the number of text objects contained in the block definition, the number of inserted blocks of that block definition, and the description of the block.
Save a block definition as an external BLK file.
Select a block definition from this drop-down list box of blocks you have created.
Enter up to 8 characters for the name of an external .BLK file.
Save the block as External and create the .BLK in the current project location. To make the block available in any project, use a file manager to move the .BLK to a location on the TSP such as C:\TMCUSTOM.
Select one block from a list of external blocks that have been inserted and modify it to an internal block. See also MKBLKINT.
Place multiple identical blocks on selected points.
Specify the name of the block you want to insert. Pick from a list of blocks already inserted in the project, or type in the name of a block in the Terramodel Search Path.
Select the points.
Set the size of the block relative to the size of the block definition. Most blocks are defined as one unit high so the scale you enter becomes the height of the inserted block in the units of the view. Note that the CIRCLE block is one unit in radius, and point label blocks vary in height as specified. Also enter the rotation of the block around the origin.
Insert the blocks on each selected point.
Delete selected unused block definitions from the project file. To purge more than 130 block definitions, or purge unused blocks nested in other unused blocks, repeat the Purge. Large numbers of unused blocks imported from .DWG can take hours to purge. To purge all unused blocks in seconds, use GCPURGE instead. You may want to delete missing blocks first with DELBLKS.

Block notes

  • Depending on how the blocks were created, GCEXPLOD and EXPLODE explode blocks differently with respect to layers, colours, elevations, names and sets. If one command doesn't do what you hoped, try the other one.
  • If the exploded block or text object has an elevation, the pline retains the elevation.
  • Points in blocks do not retain their point numbers.
  • Blocks can be nested inside blocks, so you may need to repeat.
  • Recursive blocks, that contain blocks with same name, cannot be exploded. Simply delete them.
  • Blocks imported from DWG or DXF files can include 3DFaces. These become points and sets when the block is exploded in Terramodel. To create a block with 3DFaces of a Terramodel DTM, export that DTM surface as 3DFaces to DWG, block that layer in some CAD program then import as DWG into Terramodel.
  • A block with Map colour ON is displayed in the colour of the block; with Map colour OFF, in the colour of the objects in the block.
  • Use SCLBLKS to change the map colour status of multiple blocks.
  • Use SYM2BLK to replace symbols with blocks.


Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Block|​Block
S 189

Modify the direction of blocks.

Modify the direction of selected blocks to a new bearing.

Select blocks
Bearing of Blocks
Enter a new bearing
Modify Block Bearings
Modify the direction of selected blocks to the new bearing
Close command with selected blocks in the new direction

The initial new bearing is the new bearing from the previous BLOCKDIR session.

See also TEXTDIR and ROTATE.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create an array of blocks for a legend.

Create an array of labelled blocks from selected external blocks.

For an example, see the project file C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp\​Docs\​BLOCKSALL.PRO.

To see charts of our blocks in PDF files, go to DOC​UMENTS; to list internal and external blocks used in a project, use BLOCK LIST; to create an external block in the project folder from an internal block in the project, use BLOCK SAVE; to create a chart of linetypes, use LINETYPS; to make the external blocks internal, use MKBLKINT.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 148

Bluetop report.

Create a bluetop report for a roadjob.

Bluetops are pegs with a blue-painted top surface and blue whiskers placed in the ground to the elevation of the finish course.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Import boreholes from a file.

Import points from a file of bore hole data.

Specify whether the Z values are elevations or depths.

The file format is similar to this example:

First line Info and Layer Names ID,E,N,FILL 1,ALV 1,NONCO 1,COHES 1,MUD 1,SNDSTN 1,SNDGRV 1,NONCO 2,COHES 2
Example data lineOXBN15, 32624.26, 151422, 15.78, 13.6, 11.9, 9.1, 9.1, 9.1, 9.1, 9.1, 9.1, 9.1, -8.66,
Example data lineOXBN16, 32553.86, 151409, 14.033, 12, 12, 12, 9.3, 9.3, 9.3, 9.3, 8.1, 6.5, -8.66, -8.66

See also BHOLE01.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Draw a pline box by two corners.

Draw a rectangular pline on cardinal bearings at specified opposite corners.

See also GCBOX, which prompts for three corners, POLYGON, which prompts for number of sides, centre location and the distance from centre to vertices, PLOTBOX, which prompts for bearing and distances in sheet units, and PAD, which prompts for two points and an elevation.

If the box is to be used for a DYNAVIEW, locate the first corner at the bottom left so that the insertion point of any rectangular dynaview can always be found at the bottom left.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Pline|​Box S  

Create pline boxes from dynaview extents.

Create rectangular pline boxes at the extents of selected dynaviews on the selected layer and with the colour of that layer.

The plines are created with the name of the dynaview and refer to the dynaview record.

If a dynaview is rotated, or not rectangular, the extents are larger than the dynaview.

These boxes can be selected by PLOT when plotting in Multiple mode.

Creating these boxes in a distinctive colour can help locate dynaviews.


TML date  Source 
07/07/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

Break a pline or set into two parts.

Break a pline or set into two parts at location.

Select a pline or set, then a break location. The pline or set is broken into two parts at the location.

Enable this checkbox if you want the command to stay open until Cancel is clicked.
Set or pline
Select the set or pline you wish to break.
Enter a location along the line where you want to break it.

A pline cannot be broken within a spiral or vertical curve.

To break a pline or set by removing a segment, use DELETE​SEGMENT.

In Terramodel prior to 10.5, BREAK deletes set segments like DELETE​SEGMENT does now.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Break S 276

Construct a building with perpendicular or angled sides.

Construct a building with perpendicular or angled sides based on positive (right) and negative (left) offsets. Close the building by direct closure to the beginning point or close on a perpendicular to the beginning line. The beginning line can be cut or extended to match the closing line.


TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
01/09/18 building.txt Cogo|​Traverse|​Complex building Wencomp 4

Report Compute-A-Grade ditch.

Specify a HAL and chainages to report a ditch in Compute-A-Grade .DRL format.

The TML name is CAGDRL_X. If CAGDRLX does not run from the command line, create an alias from CAGDRLX to CAGDRL_X or enter CAGDRL_X.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Label objects with predefined callout text.

Create, edit, store and use predefined callout styles to label common features.

Quickly label common point and line features, such as kerb inlets, without having to type the text each time.

Stored callout styles define text in the label and may also define leader lines and text borders.

The predefined callout styles save time, look consistent and reduce typing errors.

Callout styles are stored in multiple external .COS libraries in the C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Terramodel\​Locale\​English and C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp folders in categories. The loaded styles are recorded in TMODWIN.INI and therefore independent of the project. The Geocomp Update loads the geocomp01.cos callout style library.

Callout Options

Create or edit a callout style, load and clear the styles contained within an external callout style library (.COS) file, and select the callout style to be used.
If the callout style contains EAT codes for chainage and offset, refer the callout text a horizontal alignment.
If the callout style contains EAT codes for a subject, refer to that subject. If the callout style includes a leader line, pick the leader line location.
Enter the insertion point of the callout text. Once you have entered the insertion point location, the coordinates will appear in the Loc box. If you pick a location graphically, the text will be placed. If you enter the coordinates in this control, click on the Text control to place the text.
Enter a bearing or an angle of rotation (measured from due north) at which the text is to be placed. Valid rotation angles range from 0° to 360° and can include negative angles. The default rotation is 90° which generates horizontal text.
Designate a leader line style and a border style and their properties. You can also edit the text object's subject record and its subject HAL record from within this dialog box.
Place the text once you have typed it and set the other text parameters to your liking.

See also GC21 which sets the active callout style and GCLABPNT which labels multiple points with EAT text.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Text|​Callout text... S 92

Configure plotter carousels.

Select and edit plotter pen carousel definitions.

For Windows printers, each carousel defines the colour, in RGB, and width in mm, for "pens" to be used when plotting.

For HP-GL and HP-GL/2 plotters, each carousel defines a colour, width and pen speed. The colours and widths are used for raster plotters. Use the standard HP-GL RGB values for colours 1-8. The pen speed is used for physical pen plotters.

Use PLOTSET to map the object colour to a pen number and PLOTTER​SET to assign the default carousel for each Plotter Configuration.

To copy a carousel from another computer, use EDITINI to copy the PenDef section from an .INI file such as TMODWIN.INI or C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​tmodwin_geocomp_defaults.ini.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09 Palettes, Colourmaps, Penmaps and Carousels in Terramodel File|​Plot setup|​Carousel setup S PU3

Arrange all open views so that all the view names are visible.

Arrange all open views so that all the view names are visible.

Cascade is an ALIAS to MACROPLAY CASCADE which simulates the Cascade command in the Window menu.

Macro date MenuSource 
Macro   Window|​Cascade

Create a catenary pline.

Create a segmented pline, between two attachment locations in the profile view, following the path of a cable suspended between two points.

Enter the weight, tension and horizontal increment.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create an initial design profile for a cul-de-sac or kerb return.

To create a kerb return,

  • Select the kerb return horizontal alignment at Cul-de-sac.
  • Click Begin info and select the centreline hal of one road, the vertical offset of the kerb alignment at the start of the kerb and the design profile of that road.
  • Click End info and select the centreline hal of the other road, the vertical offset of the kerb alignment at the end of the kerb and the design profile of the other road.
  • Click Create to create a profile pline with chainages from the culdesac alignment and four segments containing vertical curves end matching the grades and elevations of the design alignment profiles.

The kerb return has four segments with vertical curves.

See also GC51 and GCPRFEDT.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
01/09/18 RG 572 Cogo|​Streets|​CdsProf S  

Recentre views based on chainage of active alignment.

Recentre Plan, Profile, Super and Xsect views by chainage of active alignment at a selected location.

Select a location in the plan, profile, super or xsect views. The plan, profile and super views, if open, are recentred on the horizontal or vertical alignment at the chainage of the location. The active chainage is set to the nearest cross section, and the Xsect view is fitted to the data.

If the selected view is the Xsect, the active chainage is used.

The match button recentres the plan view to the match the profile view.

There are buttons to zoom in or out by 25% and to fit data in all four views.

Ideal for working along a long narrow alignment such as a road, rail or pipe where no roadjob has been defined.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $500  

Recentre views based on chainage of road alignment.

Recentre Plan, Profile, Super and Xsect views by chainage of a roadjob at a selected location.

For any selected roadjob, select a location in the plan, profile, super or xsect views. The plan, profile and super views, if open, are recentred on the horizontal or vertical alignment at the chainage of the location. The active chainage is set to the nearest cross section, and the Xsect view is fitted to the data.

If the selected view is the Xsect, the active chainage is used.

The match button uses the centre of the active plan, profile or super view to recentre the other views. If the profile view is active, the plan and super views are scaled to fit the chainage range.

There are buttons to zoom in or out by 25%, to fit data in all four views, and to move to the next or previous chainage and make it active.

Ideal for working along a long narrow alignment such as a road, rail or pipe.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Window|​Tile centred by chainage
Window|​Tile centred by station
Geocomp Update or $500  

Create super­elevation slope alignment from existing crossfall.

For every point in a centreline set, compute the crossfall perpendicular to the HAL from the centreline to left and right edge-of-road sets. These crossfalls are created as slope alignments in the Super view on the current layer so you can design to match existing super­elevation.

Xlines are ignored as these are not interpolated linearly.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Set the start chainage of a horizontal alignment pline.

Set the start chainage (also known as beginning station) of a horizontal alignment pline.

Chainages increase away from the first point or vertex.

Chainage equations assigned by a HALMANAGER are used in registered alignments only.

Station and chainage

CHAINAGE is an alias to STATION command.

If the US English language version is installed, dialogs for commands written by Trimble refer to Station. If British English, these dialogs refer to Chainage.

To select menus which refer to station, use MENUCFG to select a _US.M menu file. To refer to Chainage, select a different .M file.

The Terramodel Help refers to Station.

This TML List refers to Chainage and sometimes also to Station.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Chainage
S 84

Check attributes.

Check attributes for errors such as duplicates.


TML date  Source 
17/09/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

Check and correct roadway alignment registration.

Check and correct roadway alignment registration.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Check road DTM and add breaklines across roads.

Check a DTM of a road, add a DTM edge or add breaklines in the direction of the Xlines.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Replace selected attributes based on a dictionary.

Replace attribute names or attribute values of selected objects according to a dictionary file.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Change colour bylayer to colour by colour number.

For every selected object that has colour number = 0 (= BYLAYER), change the colour number to the colour of the layer.

Objects of Colour 0 cannot be selected by colour in any command, so select by any other method. Once CHNGCOLR has changed the colour number, you will be able to select them by colour.

The displayed colour will not appear to change until and unless you change the layer of the object or the colour in the layer settings.

Select all objects by view to change from colour-by-layer convention to colour-by-object convention.

To change from colour-by-object to colour-by-layer, COLOUR by view to colour 0.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Change elevation by point name

Change the elevation of all selected points to match the numeric value of the name.

All digits and the last decimal point in the name are considered; all other characters are ignored, for example:

point name new elevation
123.456 123.456
R.L.=123.456 123.456
123.456 FSL 123.456
123.456 I.L. 123456.00
90301 90301.00
TOP01 1.00
RCP dia. 225 class Y1 0.2251
give way sign *

You may need to tidy up the names with GC01, SNR or CHNGNAME first.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Replace characters in names based on a dictionary.

Replace characters in names of selected records according to a selected dictionary file.

Change the name of selected objects by replacing any string of characters in the name that matches the left-hand field from the list with the corresponding string of characters in the right-hand field. Where there is no match, the name is not modified.

Do not use to change names of blocks or text.


Select any objects to be renamed.
Stop after 1st Match
Matches are found by working down the dictionary file in order. Stop after the first match or allow multiple changes to the name.
Start Char Loc: and End:
Limit changes to within a range of character positions
Enter the name and location of a dictionary file created in a text editor. Use ' and , for delimiters. End the file with an empty new line.
Browse to select a dictionary file
Edit the dictionary file in the text editor which is the default app for that file type. For example, use Windows Settings to chose Notepad as the default app for .dic files.
Modify the names according to the dictionary
Close the command without modifying names


C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp\​CHNGNAME.DIC is an example of a dictionary file for substituting CGRDVOL grid labels.

'Row   1 Col   1','A1'

'Row   1 Col   2','B1'

'Row   1 Col   3','C1'

'Row   1 Col   4','D1'

'Row   1 Col   5','E1'

'Row   2 Col   6','A2'

'Row   2 Col   7','B2'

'Row   2 Col   8','C2'

'Row   2 Col   9','D2'

'Row   2 Col  10','E2'

See also

Change multiple text objects using a dictionary file.
Find and Replace in objects
Find and Replace in external files
Find and replace stations with chainages

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 RDES

Replace selected text based on a dictionary.

Replace characters in selected text records according to a dictionary file.

Change selected text objects by replacing any string of characters in the text that matches the left-hand field from the list with the corresponding string of characters in the right-hand field.

Matches are found by working down the dictionary file in order.


Select text
Match text width
If the new text is a different length, adjust the text width attributes to maintain the previous length.
Stop after First Match
Stop after the first match or allow multiple changes to the text.
Enter the name and location of a dictionary file created in a text editor. Use ' and , for delimiters. End the file with an empty new line.
Browse to select a dictionary file
Edit the dictionary file in the text editor which is the default app for that file type. For example, use Windows Settings to chose Notepad as the default app for .dic files.
Modify the text according to the dictionary
Close the command without modifying text


Create your dictionary in a text editor or edit a copy of C:\TMCUSTOM\​GEOCOMP\​CHNGTEXT.DIC.

Refer to characters by their three-​digit decimal ASCII value. For example, \010 for new line and \176 for degree (°) sign. What you see depends on the font. Not all fonts contain all characters. For example, in some fonts degree sign is \127. Using fonts such as symbol.fnt, you can specify a symbol by this method.

EAT codes are treated like any other text. For example, '\SUB{Z,3}','\SUB{Z,4}' modifies the number of displayed decimal places in elevations from three to four. If the EAT includes a Name, use CHNGNAME to change the name instead.

These are examples of using a dictionary to change the presentation language:

#Dictionary file format

# Lines with first char as # are ignored

#  use ' character as limiter

#'Current Text','New Text'



'Feasibility Study',​'Estudio de factibilidad'

'Road design',​'D seño decarretera'











'CROSS SECTIONS',​'Profil en Travers'

'OFFSET',​'Distance du centre'

In the example above, 'CHAINAGE' is listed above 'CH'. If instead 'CH' is listed before 'CHAINAGE', and "Stop after 1st match" is not been selected, you get 'PKAINAGE', not 'PK'.

See also

Find and Replace
Find and Replace in external files
Change names by dictionary file
Change station text to chainage text

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 514

Report chainage, offset and height difference for selected selected points from DTM.

Select a HAL, a Design DTM and some points and then report the Point Number, Chainage, Offset, Point Elevation, Design DTM Elevation, Elevation Difference and Name.

If you also select an Existing DTM, the report shows Ch, Offset, Design elevation, Point elevation, elevation differences from point to design, diff from existing to design, and Name.

The report can include Easting and Northing, a stripping depth and comma-separation for saving as a .CSV

TML date  Source
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250

Convert stationing text to chainage text.

Convert text objects representing distance along an alignment from USA stationing format, for example nn+nnn.nn, to UK and Australian chainage format, for example CH nnnnn.nn.

See also CHNGTEXT and SNR.

TML date  Source
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250

Create a circular pline.

Create a closed pline of four equal arcs centred on a specified location, with a specified radius.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Pline|​Circle S 29

Remove superfluous points from sets and plines.

Remove duplicate sequential, 2D and arc points from selected sets and vertices from zero-length plines. Any such accidentally created points and vertices can cause commands to behave in unexpected ways.

More precisely:

  • Delete from sets every point that has the same point number as the previous point,
  • Delete the last point in a set if it is an arc centre,
  • Delete sets which are zero-length arcs,
  • Remove all centre-points from two-point sets,
  • Remove from zero-length plines all splines and any more than two vertices, and
  • Relayer to layer 0 every point in a set that has no elevation and is at the same X,Y location as any point with an elevation.
  • Report all the changes, if requested.

See also DUPLTRIS.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 30

Clear text from the message scroll window.


Command dateGuideMenuSource146
12/03/09HELPTM Windows|​Clear message scroll S 146

Clip plines and sets to boundaries.

Clip plines or sets where they cross selected closed boundaries.

Each object is broken at every boundary, then clipped parts are deleted.


Break selected objects crossing the boundaries then delete all parts inside any of the boundaries.
Break selected objects crossing the boundaries then delete all parts not inside all of the boundaries.
Break all objects at the boundaries without deleting any parts.

The boundaries can be closed plines or text objects. The clipping boundary of text objects is at the extent of the text scaled by the text clip margin defined in DRAFTSET. The location of the insertion point determines whether the text is inside or outside.

  • To clip multiple objects outside one closed boundary, use CLIP Outside.
  • To clip multiple objects inside one closed boundary, use CLIP Inside.
  • To break multiple objects at one closed boundary, use CLIP Break.
  • To break one set or pline at a location, use BREAK.
  • To remove segments from sets or plines, use DELETE​SEGMENT.
  • To clip multiple objects outside all selected boundaries, use CLIPOUT.
  • To trim or extend multiple plines to an open boundary, use GCEXTEND.
  • To trim one pline or set to a distance or to one or more boundaries, use TRIM.
  • To trim or extend selected plines to a maximum length, use GC88.
  • To clip DTMs, use GCCLIP.
  • To clip and merge DTMs, use DTMMATCH, GC33, GC33MULT, GCCLIP or GCMERGE.
  • To automatically clip contours, profiles and cross sections from dead regions, see SETSMOOTH.
  • To clip Xlines, use GCXLINES.
  • To clip hatching or other blocks, use EXPLODE or GCEXPLOD then CLIP Outside.
  • To clip a block to a dynaview, see BLOCK and SCLBLKS.
  • To clip an image, use IMAGE Clip or Dynaimage.
  • To clip subsurface lines in cross sections, see RDDESIGNSET.
  • To clip a road template at a surface, see SHAPE Tie to ground.
  • To clip contours under labels during creation, use CONTOURSET .
  • To clip objects to text, use CLIP Inside.
  • To create solid hatching behind text, use TEXTBACK. If the hatching is the same colour as the background, this looks the same as clipping objects to text.
  • To display objects obscured by other objects, use RENUMREC.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Clip S 254

Clip objects outside multiple boundaries.

Clip all objects outside all selected boundaries.

Break selected objects at selected boundaries then delete all parts of the selected objects outside any of the boundaries.

For other variations on clipping, see CLIP.

The TML name is CLIP_OUT. If CLIPOUT does not run from the command line, create an alias from CLIPOUT to CLIP_OUT or enter CLIP_OUT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Close the current project without exiting Terramodel.

Close the current project file (.PRO) and the corresponding project lock (.PLK) file that was opened with the project.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM File|​Close project S 255

Close selected sets and plines.

For selected sets and plines, create a segment from the end to the start.

Optionally, use name masks from a file.

See also ISCLOSED.

TML date MenuSourceGeocomp
29/10/08   Edit|​Close lines S 126

Open Windows command prompt.

Open Windows command prompt.

See also COMMAND, EXEC and RUN.

Batch date  SourceGC
13/05/18    Geocomp Update or $200 200

Modify the color of selected objects.

Modify the color number of selected objects to a single specified color number in the range 0 to 255.

Objects with color 0 are reported as having color BYLAYER, and are displayed in the point or line color of their layer.

Blocks with Map Color flag turned ON are displayed in the color of the block. Blocks with Map Color flag turned OFF are displayed in the color of the objects in the block.

Since Terramodel 10.40, COLOR command is normally installed with US English but not with British English.

If COLOR command is not available, either

  • Enter COLOUR at the command line
  • , or
  • Install COLOR.TML available from Geocomp Systems.

TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
10/10/18HELPTM Modify|​Color S 40

Modify the colour of points relative to a tunnel design.

Modify the colour of points by 3D distance from the current roadway.


  1. Create and make current a roadway template defining a tunnel
  2. Use TUNNELDTM to unwrap a layer of points to be compared with the tunnel design
  3. Run COLORCODE to select points and modify colours
    Tunnel Layer
    Select an unwrapped layer of points to compare with the design
    Select points:
    Select points on the selected layer
    Limits and ranges
    Assign colour numbers within ranges of 3D distances.
    Create|Modify point
    Create new points on a new layer or modify the colour of existing points
    Specify a new layer for new points
    Assign offset to elevation
    Assign 3D distances to the elevations of new points
    Interpolation spacing
    Interpolate 3D distances from cross sections extracted at the specified spacing
    Modify the colours
    Close the command

See also

Modify colour all points on layer by elevation and contour interval
Modify colour by depth


Since Terramodel 10.40, COLORCODE is normally installed with US English but not with British English.

If COLORCODE is not available, try

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09 Tunnel Training Guide Tunnels|​Modify color codes S 342

Change the colour of plines by contour interval.

Increment the colour number of selected pline contours based on elevation.

Change the colour of plines, with elevations, within each normal contour interval, to the next colour number. The colour numbers increment by 1 and repeat when the specified number of colours is reached.

Use COLORCON with other commands. Here are some examples:

Bands of colour

To colour isopachs of pavement depth at 0.1m intervals in 1.0m bands

  1. CONTOURSET the normal interval to 0.1 and Index interval to 1
  2. CONTOUR the isopach surface
  3. CONTOURSET the normal interval to 1.0
  4. COLORCON with, say 20, colours—a number large enough so the colours don't start repeating
  5. Modify COLOUR by colour if required.

Reduce the number of contours

To remove every second contour pline supplied at an interval of 0.25

  1. CONTOURSET the normal interval to 0.25
  2. COLORCON with number of colours = 2
  3. DELETE the contour plines with elevations ending in .25 or .75 by colour

Ribbon effect

To modify the colour to match the last digit of the elevation

  1. CONTOURSET the normal interval to 1
  2. CONTOUR the surface
  3. COLORCON with number of colours = 10

Contours with an elevation ending in 1 will be coloured 1, those ending in 2 will be coloured 2, and so on. Contours with an elevation ending in zero (0) will have colour 15 as the colour, since zero is reserved to designate colour by layer.

Change Index contour

To change the index contour of supplied contour plines from 0.25 to 1.0

  1. CONTOURSET the normal interval to 0.25
  2. COLORCON with number of colours = 4
  3. RELAYER the 1.0 interval contour plines by colour
  4. COLOUR the contours by layer

If your contour interval is less than 1.0m, use the COLORCON installed with the Geocomp Update.

COLOURCON is an alias for COLORCON.

See also

Modify point colours by contour interval
Colour contours by cut and fill
Hatch by elevation range
Create an image coloured by elevation range
Modify point colours by 3D distances from the current roadway.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Colour contours by interval
Modify|​Color contours by interval
Modify|​Colour code contours
Modify|​Color code contours
Geocomp Update or $200 156

Modify the colour of points by contour interval.

Modify the colour number of selected points by increment withing elevation ranges.

Modify the colour of points by elevation ranges determnined by the normal interval in CONTOURSET. The colour numbers increment by 1 and repeat when the specified number of colours is reached.

Colouring points by elevation helps you visualize the direction of the ground slope and identify points considered spikes or depressions.

Colour 15 is used in place of colour 0. If you specify the number of colours as 5, the colour numbers used will be 15, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

For example, to colour points within bands of 1.0m elevation,

  1. CONTOURSET the normal interval to 1.0
  2. COLORCON with number of colours large enough so the colours don't start repeating
  3. Modify COLOUR by colour if required.

See also

Colour contour plines by interval in a similar way
Modify point colours by 3D distances from the current roadway.

TML dateGuide SourceGC
01/09/18 Tunnel Training Guide   S 156

Modify the colour of selected objects.

Change the colour number of selected objects to a single specified colour number in the range 0 to 255.

Objects with colour 0 are reported as having colour BYLAYER, and are displayed in the point or line colour of their layer.

Blocks with Map Colour flag turned ON are displayed in the colour of the block. Blocks with Map Colour flag turned OFF are displayed in the colour of the objects in the block.

Since Terramodel 10.40, COLOUR command is normally installed with British English but not with US English.

If COLOUR command is not available, either

  • Enter COLOR at the command line
  • , or
  • Install COLOUR.TML available from Geocomp Systems.

Command date MenuSourceGC
10/10/18   Modify|​Colour S 40

Modify the colour of points relative to a tunnel design.

Modify the colour of points by 3D distance from the current roadway.


  1. Create and make current a roadway template defining a tunnel
  2. Use TUNNELDTM to unwrap a layer of points to be compared with the tunnel design
  3. Run COLOURCODE to select points and modify colours
    Tunnel Layer
    Select an unwrapped layer of points to compare with the design
    Select points:
    Select points on the selected layer
    Limits and ranges
    Assign colour numbers within ranges of 3D distances.
    Create|Modify point
    Create new points on a new layer or modify the colour of existing points
    Specify a new layer for new points
    Assign offset to elevation
    Assign 3D distances to the elevations of new points
    Interpolation spacing
    Interpolate 3D distances from cross sections extracted at the specified spacing
    Modify the colours
    Close the command

See also

Modify colour all points on layer by elevation and contour interval
Modify colour by depth


Since Terramodel 10.40, COLOURCODE is normally installed with British English but not with US English.

If COLOURCODE is not available, try

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09 Tunnel Training Guide Tunnels|​Modify colour codes S 342

Modify colours and linetypes of selected objects by layer.

Modify the colours and linetypes of selected objects according the layer of the object and a mapping file. The file format is


See geocomp.lcl for an example.


Command dateGuide Source 
12/03/09HELPTM   Geocomp Update or $250  

Command line.

Open a new command line.

Open a new command line so that a command can be entered from the keyboard while another command is still active.

To start a new command line, select Command from the File menu or press Ctrl+Shift+C.

If you open a new command line while you are still in a command, when this command is complete, control is returned to the previous command.

If the command line has disappeared, see Command​Toggle.

See also CMD.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM File|​Command line
Settings|​Command line

Toggle on or off the visibility of the command line.

Toggle an invisible command line on, select Command line from the Window menu.

The command line toggle only controls visibility, unlike COMMAND in the File menu which opens a new command line on top of the current command.

Command​Toggle is an ALIAS to MACRO​PLAY COMMANDTOGGLE which simulates the Command line command in the Window menu.

Macro date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Window|​Command line

Place a compass rose.

Place a compass rose block with true north and optional magnetic deviation and date of survey.

Requires comp-tn.blk and comp-mn.blk which are supplied with the TML.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 616

Compactor Grid Settings.

Compactor Grid Settings.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report road thickness conformance.

Report whether a road design and subgrade have been constructed with a pavement thickness within tolerance.

Compare selected as-built survey points with a roadway design surface.

The design surface could be a roadway or a finish surface defined in surface manager.

In the Settings, specify a bottom DTM for thickness calculations, a chainage grouping distance, a depth from design, upper and lower elevation tolerances and maximum and minimum thicknesses.

The report shows, for each as-built point within the roadway, the chainage, horizontal offset, point elevation, roadway elevation, point conformance and pavement thickness.

The point conformance compares the elevation of each surveyed point with the elevation of the design surface, less any specified depth from design. If the elevation difference is out of tolerance, the report also shows the tolerance and the amount outside tolerance.

The pavement thickness check compares the elevation of each surveyed point with the bottom DTM. If the thickness is out of tolerance, the report shows the maximum or minimum thickness and the amount outside tolerance.

The report also includes a summary with tolerance percentages, maxima, minima and standard deviation.

For example, suppose you are constructing a road with 130mm (+/- 5mm) asphalt over 300mm (+/-10mm) crushed rock. Construct the subgrade at what's supposed to be 430mm below design. Survey the subgrade to get the "Bottom DTM". Place the rock. Survey again to get "AsBuilt Pts". In CONFORM command, select the design road and AsBuilt Pts. In Settings, enter a depth from design of 0.13, maximum thickness of 0.310 and minimum thickness of 0.290. Reconstruct the rock surface where outside conformance. Resurvey. Rerun CONFORM with the new AsBuilt Pts and other values the same to prove conformance and to create a new Bottom DTM. Place the asphalt. Survey the asphalt. Rerun CONFORM with same design road, new AsBuilt Pts, depth from design 0.00, max thickness 0.135 and min thickness 0.125.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $500  

Connect two plines or sets across a gap.

Connect two plines or two sets to form a single pline or set connected by a new segment across the gap between the ends nearest to the selected locations.

Pick anywhere on the object nearest the end that you wish to be connected to the other line.

The resulting object retains the properties of the first object including colour and record number. Any objects that refer to either object line thereafter refer to the modified object.

Tick "Repeat" to select the other end of the second line as the nearest end of the first line. Click Cancel to close the command.

See also JOIN which requires the ends to have common locations.

TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
29/10/08 RG 149 Edit|​Connect S 15

Function key F1

Help Contents.

Open Contents page with Help for Terramodel.

Open a Table of Contents, Index and Search tabs for Terramodel Help, Import-Export Help and Raw Data Editor Help. CONTENTS can be enabled on any Windows version prior to Windows 10.

These Help pages describe standard commands which are included with all Terramodel 10.61 licences and may require additional modules.

Table of Contents

  • Terramodel
    • How to use Terramodel
    • Menu Options
    • Terramodel Commands
    • Terramodel and Geodimeter
  • Import-Export
    • Download/Import Introduction
    • Export/Upload Introduction
    • Device Options
    • Download
    • Import (Command)
    • Export (Command)
    • Upload
    • Import/Export Scripts
    • Import/Export Script Managers
  • The Raw Data Editor
    • Intro to the Raw data Editor
    • RDE Features
    • Field Data Reduction - Fast Start
    • RDE Dialog box
    • Terramodel Graphics Interface
    • Surveying Basics with RDE
    • RDE - Calculation methods
    • Key names, Data Tags

Other ways to get Help

If CONTENTS is enabled, pressing F1 while using any of these standard commands, often opens Help at a relevant page.

If Geocomp Update L, M or N has been installed, Index tabs for specific Help files are also available from Index or Index + Search in the Help menu of menu files supplied by Geocomp Systems that can be selected from C:\​TMCustom\​Geocomp with MENUCFG.

Help files can be opened at the command line by entering HELPTM, HELPIE, HELPRDE, HELPTOOLBOX, HELPTVL, HELPTV or HELPGFE.

GFE, RDE, TOOLBOX, TV and 3D Visualiser commands have Help in their menus.

This TMLLIST includes all the commands in the Help and many other commands.


CONTENTS requires Microsoft WinHlp32 to be installed. WinHlp32 is standard for Windows XP, optional for Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1 and not available for Windows 10. If WinHlp32 is not enabled, a webpage with further instructions and links to the required Microsoft update will open instead. See How to use Terramodel Help for more information.


Command date   MenuSource 
12/03/09   Help|​Contents
Help|​Index|​Import + export
Help|​Index|​Raw data editor
Help|​Index|​3D Visualizer
Help|​Index|​3D Visualiser
Help|​Index|​Visualiser Complete
Help|​Index|​Geodimeter file editor
Function key F1
Geocomp Update

Extract pline contours from a DTM.

Create plines interpolated from a DTM at elevation intervals.

The extent of the DTM is controlled by LINKSET Settings.

The intervals, labelling, linetypes and layers are controlled by CONTOUR​SET.

The contours are created in the view that has the most contourable points on the specified layer. This DTM view is not necessarily the Plan view or the current view.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​Contour S 289

Create plines at a specified contour elevation.

Create contour plines everywhere a specified elevation intersects a specified DTM layer.

The labelling and minimum length are controlled by CONTOUR​SET.

Command date Guide Menu Source GC
12/03/09 HELPTM DTM|​Generate contours at elev S DTM 4

Configure contour settings.

Set the contour interval and labeling values for use by contouring commands.

For example, to CONTOUR at 0.25 m intervals and label index contours at 1.0 m intervals, specify a Normal interval of 0.25, an Index interval of 4 and a Label nth contour value of 4


Label nth contour
The label interval factor, or the number of normal intervals per labelled contour
Dist. between labels
The distance along the contours at which the labels will be placed
Label text style
The text style used to label the contours
Border style
The text border style for the contour labels
Mirror elevation
Label contours with negative elevations with positive values, and vice versa
Clip lines under labels
Clip index contour lines within their elevation labels with text clip margins set by DRAFTSET
Force placement of labels
Place labels based strictly on the distance between labels, or move the label at bends if needed. Clipping text at bends can change the shape of contours.
Label contours
Label those contours with elevations that are evenly divisible by the normal interval multiplied by the label nth contour interval factor
Label ends of open contours
Label the ends of open contour plines

Line construction

Normal interval
Create normal contour plines on contour layers where the elevation is evenly divisible by the normal interval but not by the index interval
Index interval
Create contour plines on index contour layers where the elevation is evenly divisible by the normal interval multiplied by the index interval factor
Minimum length
Enter the minimum length of contour plines
Do not smooth contour plines
B Spline
Smooth contour plines using B-spline curves which pass inside the control points (vertices)
Smooth contour plines with Overhauser curves that pass through the control points (vertices) and remain tangential to line segments
Create contours at exponential intervals for surfaces such as bacterial concentration and corrosivity
Show depression contours
Creates the lowest contour line in a depression using a specified linetype such as DEPRESSION

Layer assignment

Specify the layer for normal contours. You can use * as a wildcard for the DTM layer name. For example, enter *_CON to create normal contours extracted from the DTM_EXIST layer on layer DTM_EXIST_CON.
Specify the layer for index contours. You can use * as a wildcard for the DTM layer name. For example, enter *_ICON to create index contours extracted from the DTM_EXIST layer on layer DTM_EXIST_ICON.
Overwrite layers
Delete all objects on the contour and index contour layers before creating new contour plines

See also CONTOUR​ATELEV to create a contour at one elevation only, COLORCON to colour plines by interval, COLORPT to colour points by interval, COLORCON to colour by positive or negative elevation, GCMULCON and GCONECON to set contour elevations of plines by interval, LABEL​CONTOURS to label individual contours and LINKSET to display quick contours at the normal interval.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​Contour settings S 43

Compute volumes from contour plines.

Computes volumes for individual mounds or depressions based on contour plines.

The volumes are obtained by using the average-end-area method, where the area of a closed contour is determined, then averaged with an adjacent contour, and multiplied by the contour interval to obtain an incremental volume. Incremental volumes are then added together to obtain a total volume.

This method is less accurate than that of the EARTHWORK command, but can provide an alternative approximation of mound and depression volumes.

You can use the ContourVol command in two different modes:

Select a series of closed contour plines representing a mound or depression. Click the Volume button to display the accumulated volume in the message scroll area. If you wish to display a more detailed report that can be saved or sent to a printer, click the Report button.
Digitize closed contours representing a mound or depression.
  1. Input the elevation of the first contour using the Elev elevation control.
  2. Digitize a series of points for the first contour using the Loc point control. You must provide a minimum of three points for each contour.
  3. If you select points by typing coordinates in the Loc point control, click the Pt. button to enter the point and proceed to the next point.
  4. When you are done digitising points, click the End button to close the contour.
  5. Repeat for successive contours until you have defined the mound or depression.
  6. Click the Report button to display a detailed report that can be saved or sent to a printer.

The selected contours must be closed, assigned an elevation, and form a continuously rising mound or a continuously falling depression. If the contours are open due to labels, use GCMATCH to create plines across the gaps, then JOIN the contours.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​Volumes from contours S DTM V

Convert degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS) to decimal degrees or decimal to DMS.

Convert X and Y coordinates of selected points from ddd.mmss format to decimal degrees or decimal degrees to ddd.mmss format.

For example, a point at 123°27′24.4″ East, 89°39′15.6″ North, imported into Terramodel at 123.27244,89.39156, can be transformed by CONVDMS into decimal degrees at 123.45678, 89.65433.

DMS data can be stored in real-number fields using ddd.mmss format long as the applications that process those fields understand how to parse them. These can be imported from .CSV files into Terramodel as X and Y coordinates without error messages, but such coordinates will be incorrect for use in Terramodel until they are transformed to decimal degrees. Often, such coordinates are then transformed to metres or feet.

If your ASCII data includes other characters such as °, or spaces, remove them before importing into Terramodel.


Select points to be transformed
From DDD.MMSS to DEC Degrees
Specify transformation from DMS to Decimal degrees
From DEC Degrees to DDD.MMSS
Specify transformation from Decimal degrees to DMS
Report the new coordinates to P3Pad
Swap X and Y
Swap Lat|Long to Long|Lat during the transformation if required
Complete the transformation
Close the command without transforming any points

To convert from decimal degrees to feet or metres, use GCCOORD or COORDCON to select a From coordinate system with a name that starts with LL.

GCCOORD expresses and expects Latitudes south of the equator to be expressed as negative values. To convert Northings to Southings or vice versa, use GC56 with Y*-1.

The TML name is CONV_DMS. If CONVDMS does not run from the command line, create an alias from CONVDMS to CONV_DMS or enter CONV_DMS.

TML date  Source 
16/09/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

Convert sets to plines or plines to sets.

Convert sets to plines or plines to sets. Any lines that are already of the desired type are not converted.

Colour, linetypes and layer names are retained. Names, start chainage and other attributes are not retained.

Convert Options

Select the lines to be converted
To (Set or Pline)
Select the desired type of lines
Del old
Delete the original lines
Dup pts ok
If ON, create all new points for sets; if OFF, connect sets to any existing points at the vertices
Create the new plines or sets on the current layer. If OFF, create on the same layer as the original object.

Tips on using Convert

GCCONVRT is an alternative which retains all the attributes such as Name and is much faster.
Dup pts ok
CONVERT can take a long time to convert a lot of plines to sets, especially if "Dup pts ok" is OFF.
Duplicate point removal
Use DTM formation or GC31 instead of CONVERT to remove duplicate points.
When converting a set to a pline, the elevation of the new pline is derived from the first point in the set.
Plines and sets
You will keep or lose information specific to the object type. Plines converted to sets lose any spirals and splines. Sets converted to plines lose links to points and therefore their elevations. Sets which are lots lose lot number labels.
Any hidden sets segments are omitted resulting in multiple plines. To control the visibility of set segments see DISPLAY​SET Ignore hide, HIDE and REVEAL.
When converting a pline to a set, a new point object is created for the radius point and at each PC and PT. If multiple arcs use the same arc points, duplicate points will be created at each arc point.
To create new sets or plines made up of straight segments, use GCCHORD.
Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Convert S 292

Set slope convention.

Define the slope convention (ratio preference) according your local practice.

Choose either Horizontal run: vertical rise (e.g. 4:1) or Vertical rise: horizontal run (e.g. 1:4).

These conventions can be overridden by Terramodel settings or report formats. Even within the one project, the convention may vary, so check in each case.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​​Convention settings S  

Convert between coordinate systems with a look-up table that emphasises USA and UTM.

Convert points, plines, blocks and text between predefined geodetic coordinate systems using predefined ellipsoids and datums by the seven-​parameter or NTv2 distortion grid method.


Select From and To Coordinate Systems
Select Search to select the From and To coordinate systems.
World regions
Select a region of the world then select a system from that region from the drop-down list.
Define ellipsoid | Define datum | Define CS
If desired coordinate systems are not in any of the regional lists, new ellipsoids, datums and coordinate systems can be defined. Geocomp Systems adds new definitions requested by Customer Care Members. Add coordinate systems from a file by ADDMAPSY.
List selected
List details of the selected coordinate system.
List all
List details of every available ellipsoid, datum and coordinate system.
Any point
List the coordinates of a location in both From and To coordinate systems.
Multiple objects
Select Objs:
Select objects to be transformed.
List the coordinates of selected points in both From and To coordinate systems.
Transform the coordinates of select objects from the From coordinate system to the To coordinate system.


The look-up tables in COORDCON emphasise USA and UTM coordinate systems. GCCOORD is a similar command that transforms the same coordinate systems but which emphasises Australian and New Zealand systems. Both call the same Mentor database files COORDSYS, DATUMS and ELIPSOID files in C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Shared\​Mentor.dir. Both commands require COGO module. "List selected" in GCCOORD shows more details.

Coordinate systems with names that start with LL use latitudes and longitudes. The others use eastings and northings.

The principles and operation are described in detail in Terramodel 10 User's Guide Chapter 13: Using Coordcon

Commands that transform coordinates using the same database

Draw Latitude and Longitude grids and labels
Some other related commands

Commands that use other transformation systems

Transform when either coordinate system is not geodetic
Convert between foot and metre coordinate systems
Manage Trimble coordinate systems
Help for GeoCalc 4.20, a stand-alone 7-parameter tranformation application.

TML, LUT or DLL date GuideMenu SourceGC
01/09/18 UG 401
Nav notes
Cogo|​Utilities|​Coordinate conversion
HDMS|​Coordinate|​Coordinate transformation
Geocomp Update or $200 Geo​Calc

Display the Coordinate Scroll.

Display cursor coordinate data on a separate scroll dialog.

The data displayed varies depending on the current command, the current control type (locate, bearing, distance, offset, station, point, etc.) and the active view mode (plan, profile, sheet, cross section, etc.).

Coordinate Scroll Options

When the cursor is in the Plan view, the scroll displays the Northing and Easting. In the profile view, it displays the station and elevation; in the cross section view, the offset and elevation; and in the sheet view, X and Y.
Reserved for future use.
Used when the digitizer responds with X, Y and Z values.
Show the change in coordinate values from the anchor point to the rubber band cursor in the current view mode units.
Show the bearing and distance from the anchor point to the rubber band cursor when in the plan view mode. In the profile or cross section views, show the grade and distance.
With a rubber band cursor and an active chainage control, the chainage and offset relative to a selected alignment is shown in the plan view mode. When the cursor is rubber banding in the plan view, a single line showing the chainage will be shown in profile view and the offset in the cross section view. When rubber banding in the profile view mode the chainage and the difference in elevation from the selected alignment to the cursor is shown.
Shows the current DTM layer and the elevation on the DTM at the cursor location. Set the current DTM layer first using DTMCH, SPOT or some other command that requires a DTM.
Shows the slope of the TIN on the current DTM layer at the cursor location and the direction of the surface slope. This option must be used in conjunction with the above layer-​elevation option, to establish the current DTM layer.
Controls the visibility of the coordinate scroll.
Saves the current settings to the TMODWIN.INI file and exits the command.
Keeps the current settings for the current session without updating the TMODWIN.INI file and exits the command.

Coordinate Scroll tips

  • Use the title bar to drag the scroll to a new location.
  • Minimize the scroll to an icon by clicking its minimize button.
  • Maximize the scroll by double-clicking the minimized Coordinates icon.
  • The coordinate scroll always opens on the primary display, even if you moved it to another display.
  • VIEWSET configures the coordinate scroll labels in each view.
  • Control the number of decimal places for CoordScroll display, and the precision of graphically entered points using a digitizer, by adding or modifying CoordNdec=x in TMODWIN.INI under [CoordScroll].
  • Fix Status Bar / System, etc in EDITINI makes the coordinate scroll visible with coordinates, bearings, distances, stations and offsets, moves the scroll to a fixed location, updates the number of decimal places to match UNITSSET Precision.
  • If you lose the coordinate scroll, check that the scroll is "Visible". The scroll always opens on the primary display, and then can be moved to another display. If you still can't find the coordinate scroll, use RECOVERSCROLL or CORDSCRL or Fix Status Bar / System, etc in EDITINI.
  • Import [CoordScroll] settings from an .INI with EDITINI.

See also

Report distance and grade between sets or plines
Report station | Chainage at cursor
Report DTM differences at cursor
Report DTM elevation at cursor
Report DTM differences at cursor

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Window|​Coordinate scroll S SDS

Copy selected objects to a new location or layer.

Duplicate selected objects on a new layer or at a new location.


If ticked, specify the From and To coordinates as X,Y,Z, rather than X,Y.
If ticked, copy the objects to the current layer, otherwise to their original layers.
If not blank, the location from which the distance and direction is computed.
If not blank, the location to which the distance and direction is computed


  • The coordinate order is controlled by VIEWSET.
  • The objects are moved by the distance and direction from the From location to the To location.
  • To enter a known coordinate shift, enter 0,0 (or 0,0,0 if 3D), in "From" and dX,dY( or dX,dY,dZ) in "To".
  • To assign starting point numbers for new points, use the "Start Pn" setting of POINTSET.
  • Not all properties are retained. For example, colours, names and contourability can be modified or omitted.
  • To copy objects to another layer without changing their location, while retaining many of the properties, use GCCOPY.
  • To make multiple copies, use MULTICOPY.
Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Copy S 178

Copy a roadjob to a new roadjob.

Copy a roadjob to a new roadjob retaining all roadways, registered alignments and phases.

This allows you to quickly recompute a new design without having to re-enter all the values or lose the old design.

The Settings allow you to choose whether to copy surfaces, design templates, subgrade templates, skips, super­elevations, design settings or mass haul information.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 415

Copy one roadjob into a different roadjob.

Copy all roadways from one road job to a different roadjob.

This allows you to merge two road jobs. To copy some roadways, copy the whole roadjob then delete the roadways you don't want.

The Settings allow you to choose whether to copy surfaces, design templates, subgrade templates or supe​relevations.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​More...|​Copy roadjob Geocomp Update or $200 415

Copy a roadway template to other templates with the same name.

Update all design or subgrade templates in a roadway which have the same template name by copying the design of a nominated template.

This saves having to repeat the same edits to multiple templates with the same template name or repeatedly use the Copy button in TMANAGER.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​More|​Copy template Geocomp Update or $200 413

Recover a lost coordinate scroll dialog.

If you cannot see the coordinate scroll dialog and you have made it Visible in COORDS, type CORDSCRL, or RECOVERSCROLL (an alias for CORDSCRL), to recover the scroll by resetting the scroll coordinates to approximately 600 pixels down and 600 across from the top left corner of the primary display. You can then move the scroll to where you prefer.

Visible coordinate scrolls always open on the primary display. You can then move the coordinate scroll to another display.

See also EDITINI which recovers the coordinate scroll position and visibility and resets other settings.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 SDS

Count the number of objects of each type in each view.

Report the number of points, plines, text, sets, tables, attributes, dynaviews or blocks that exist in the Plan, Profile, Sheet, XSect, Super, View6, View7 or View8 views.

Only used object types and populated views are counted.

See also

A very similar command which is often an alias for COUNT
Count the same objects as COUNT and OLIST and report to P3pad
Count the number of objects and points by layer for selected objects
Count the number of points on DTM layers
List layers, objects, points, unused points, sets, plines and lots
View settings including view names

TML date MenuSourceGC
13/12/18   Reports|​Count objects Geocomp Update or $250 SDS

Import lists of layers in layer lists.

Import layer lists, layers, layer colours and layer linetypes from a file

The format of the input file is layer_list,​layer_name,​line_colour,​point_colour,​linetype.

Start all comment lines with the character "#". The first line should be a comment line. Include the word "Update" anywhere after the # on the first line to update all layers in the input file, otherwise colours and linetypes apply to new layers only.

If the file contains any new layers, you are prompted whether to import new layers or import only the layer lists and retain the pre-existing layers.

Only the layer list and layer name fields are required. Background prominence is not imported.

Use LLISTSET to check that the layer lists have been created correctly.

Use LLRPT to export a file suitable for use with CREATELL.

See also CSV2ADC to import a list of layers while creating an AutoDraft Configuration file.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Check for crossing sets or plines.

Wherever selected sets or plines cross, create a point with the name "bl-cross" on layer CROSSING and labelled with symbol 40 (circle).

Any previously created points on layer CROSSING will be deleted.

You could, for example, use CROSSCHK look for crossing lines in a window on an isolated layer.

Use BLINECHK to check sets on a selected layer.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​​Mark|​​Crossing lines Geocomp Update or $250 43

Toggle on|off arrowheads (crowfeet) from leader lines.

Select a segment label text object and toggle its configuration to either display or not display the crow's feet leader lines that point to the label from the end of the line segment.

If the label is a user-​mode label, toggling crowfeet off will restore the normal leader line established by this command's settings.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 RG 1223 Draft|​Crowfoot toggle S  

Coordinate System Manager.

Manage coordinate systems used by Trimble devices only.

If you import a Trimble survey .DC file using the IMPORT script, the coordinate system defined in that file is imported into the .PRO file and used by specific Trimble-related commands. For this to work, the coordinate system must be present in the current system database file CURRENT.CSD. Coordinate System Manager manages CURRENT.CSD.

Use Coordinate System Manager to

  • Browse your parameters
  • Define a local grid
  • Establish a new site if you are working in an area that is not adequately covered by the definitions provided
  • Create or edit a site, zone, datum, ellipsoid, or geoid
  • Duplicate records
  • Select the projection used by a zone
  • Select the ellipsoid of any datum
  • Specify vertical and horizontal adjustments to a zone and save them as a named site
  • Select a geoid model
  • Assign the files to be used by a geoid model or datum transformation
  • Download the latest coordinate system definitions (.ggf) from Trimble
  • Save As a new CSD to replace CURRENT.CSD.

To open Coordinate System Manager, launch the .exe (see below), type CSM in Terramodel with Geocomp Update M or use another Trimble application such as Business Center.


Terramodel 10.61 installs old versions of Coordinate System Manager and coordinate system definitions and does not update them. To update to CSM download, extract and then copy the files to C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Coordinate System Manager\. Trimble Business Center (TBC), Pathfinder and Geomatics Office (TGO) also install versions of CSM. Once CSM or later is installed, run CSM and download the latest updates to the software and definitions.


Coordinate System Manager manages the CURRENT.CSD database. The Terramodel installation backs up CURRENT.CSD and replaces it with a old default. You can manually replace CURRENT.CSD with another of the same file name and location. That file could be a copy of one of the back-ups or one created by Save As in Coordinate System Manager. See Tools | Options menu in CSM for the location of CURRENT.CSD and .GGF files (which is usually C:\ProgramData\​Trimble\​GeoData).

Some Coordinate System Manager versions

VersionExecutableFor WindowsLogo colourFolder colour
2.80 C:\Program files\​​​Common Files\​​Trimble\​​Geodb\​​Geodb95.exe95 to 98BlueRed
2.90C:\​Program files\​​​Common Files\​​Trimble\​​Geodb\​Geodbnt.exe32-bitBlueRed\​​Program files (x86)\​​Trimble\​Coordinate System Manager\Coordinate​System​Manager.exe 64-bitGreenYellow


To view and change the Trimble coordinate system in a project file, see GEOSYS.

See also

Transform coordinate systems without Coordinate System Manager
Apply AUSGeoid elevation adjustments without Coordinate System Manager.

Alias dateGuide Source 
01/09/18 In-built help   Geocomp Update  

Create custom construction staking reports.

Create roadway staking format files which allow you to control the format and content of roadway staking reports.

Open the Construction Staking command bar.

TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
29/10/08 RG 992 Road|​Reports|​Staking|​Construction S 41

Create AutoDraft Configuration (.ADC) file from .CSV. or .MAP.

Convert a table of feature codes into an ASCII Auto​Draft Configuration (.ADC) file and create new layers for use with AUTO​DRAFT.


Use a spreadsheet to populate fields following these examples and save as a .CSV:

Feature Code Layer Name Colour Point or Line Description Block name Line Type Text Category
102 TOP 0 L Top of bank   SOLID   Topo
TR Trees 3 P Tree foliage TREE8   Wattle Veg


Select a .MAP file created for use in MAPPOINTS command in this format:

Feature code,​lineype,​layer name,​line colour number

Create layers

Select "Create layers" to also create new layers in the current project with the layer name, point or line colour and linetype.


To convert your feature code list from .CSV to .ADC and use in AutoDraft:

  1. Make up a table of feature codes in a spreadsheet
  2. Save that table as .CSV
  3. Use CSV2ADC to convert the .CSV to an .ADC in ASCII format
  4. Edit the .ADC in a text editor, if you want
  5. Open the .ADC in the AutoDraft Editor
  6. Edit or add any extra information using the AutoDraft Editor
  7. Save the binary .ADC file
  8. Use the binary .ADC with AUTO​DRAFT.


The fields and values written to the .ADC file are derived from feature codes in the .CSV or .MAP. Default global codes are added.

The AutoDraft Editor saves .ADC files in a binary .ADC format that can only be opened by AutoDraft.

See also

Create points for testing AutoDraft

TML date  SourceGC
05/04/19     Geocomp Update or $250 339

Create table of text from .CSV or *.TXT file.

Create a table of text and plines from a comma-separated values (*.CSV) file or tab-separated (*.TXT) file.

Browse to select the input file and then select OK to create the table.


Enter the location of the top-left corner of the table.
Use first line in file as table heading
Create a heading on the first row of the table from the first line of the imput file.
Table heading
Enter a heading for the first row of the table. Leave blank to omit the heading row.
Heading Style
Select a text style for any heading.
Enter the layer for plines and text. The plines are created in the line colour.
Text style
Enter the text style for the data. Use a fixed-width font for numerical data.
Text Colour
Enter the colour for the text only.
Skip the first [ ] lines
Specify the number of lines at the beginning of the input file to be ignored.
Tab or Comma
Specify whether the input file is tab or comma-delimited.
Hatch background
Create hatching behind the table with specified pattern, colour and scale.

The height and width of the rows and columns are calculated from the text styles and view scale. The width of the columns vary to fit the longest text object in each column.

Lines of text with no delimiters are skipped. If your text includes commas, use a tab-delimited file. Both file formats can be saved from spreadsheet programs.

See also

Create a coordinate table from points
Create a coordinate table including latitude and longitude from points
Create rows of text from an external text file
Create text which can include a link to an external file

TML date  Source 
24/10/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create a cul-de-sac at the end of a pline or set.

Select the horizontal alignment at the end of which a cul-de-sac will be created on the same layer as the HAL.
Select one of four cul-de-sac types:
For widening on the outside of a bend
Comprising three circular arcs
Including a central traffic island
With a square end
Define the properties for selected type of cul-de-sac.
Create points and sets on the current layer using the selected alignment, cul-de-sac type and defined properties.

See HELPTM for diagrams illustrating the four cul-de-sac types.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 HELPTM and RG 574 Cogo|​Streets|​Cul-de-sac S  

Select the current layer.

Select the current layer by selecting an object or from a list of existing layers.

See also

Select or create the current layer from the toolbar
Select the current layer by selecting an object
Change the current layer to the next alphabetical layer
Create a new and current layer with parameters
Change properties of layers

TML date  Source 
04/04/19     Geocomp Update or $250  

Limit the direction and increment of cursor movement

Limit the direction and increment of cursor movement while drawing linework.

Cursor modes

No restriction on cursor direction
Draw the cursor along an orthogonal line from the last point drawn, based on the azimuth in the Snap Settings
Draw the cursor along a line perpendicular to the last line segment drawn
Snap settings
Change snap settings to control the increment

To change the cursor mode at the command line or in a toolbox, for

Cursor modeEnter at command line
NoneCursor 0
Ortho onCursor 1
Ortho On|OffCursor -1
Perpendicular onCursor 2
Perpendicular On/OffCursor -2

In the standard Trimble installation of Terramodel, function keys include:

F8CURSOR Ortho On|Off
F11CURSOR Perpendicular On|Off

The Geocomp Update uses these function keys to toggle on|off the display of point numbers (F7), point markers (F8), point elevations (F9) and point names (F11). See EDITINI to import Function key settings.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​Cursor S  

Insert or edit a pline curve.

Insert an arc, spiral, vertical, combining or Overhauser curve into a pline.

Select the type of curve to be inserted and the IP (also known as control point, vertex or Intersection Point) by clicking on or typing in the pline:cp.

After you select the curve type and vertex, click OK to select the curve properties.

The curve types are:

A circular curve defined by Arc length, Chord length, DC (Degree of curvature), External distance, Middle ordinate, Radius, or Tangent.
A circular curve defined by radius or DC (Degree of Curvature) with two clothoid transition spirals defined by the Back (In) and Ahead (Out) spiral lengths.
A parabolic curve in a profile view defined by Length, K factor, Crest, Sight distance or through a point. When the sight distance option is used, the eye and object heights are taken from the DESIGNSET.
A curve combining two arcs and three spirals. Specify the three spiral lengths, two different arc radii and "% delta 1st arc". In the "% delta first arc" either enter a positive value for the portion of the total delta angle at the IP as divided between the two arcs, or enter negative value for the length of the first arc.
A spline curve where the curve passes through the vertex.
Remove a curve

You can also enter curves while entering alignments using the PLINE, SEGEDIT and HALDATA commands.

Command dateGuideMenuSource84
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Arc|​Pline curve
Edit|​More...|​Curve in pline
S 84

Compute arc properties.

Calculate and report the properties of an arc given two arc properties. No objects are created.

CURVESOL dialog box

Radius, Chord, Arc length, Delta, Mid-Ord, External, Tangent, Deg of curvature
Select and enter the value of any two arc properties
Segment area
List the segment area of the computed arc
Sector area
List the sector area of the computed arc
Curve definition chord length
Calculate degree of curvature solutions based on the arc definition or chord definition of a curve. For the chord definition, also enter the chord length value in the real number control to the right.
Once two arc properties have been entered, click Calculate to compute the remaining values.
Report the arc properties in a P3pad report.

Curve parameters are reported to the precision established in UNITSSET.

Arc property combinationRestriction
Arc length, chord Arc length must be greater than the chord distance
Arc length, tangent Arc length must be less than 2 times the tangent length
Chord, middle ordinate Chord distance must be greater than 2 times the middle ordinate
Chord, radius Chord distance must be less than 2 times the radius
Chord, tangent Chord distance must be less than 2 times the tangent
Delta, arc length Delta must not be equal to 360 degrees
Delta, radius Delta must not be equal to 360 degrees
Delta, chord (or external, middle ordinate, or tangent) Delta must be less than 180 degrees
External, middle ordinate The external distance must be greater than the middle ordinate
Middle ordinate, radius The middle ordinate must be less than the radius.


Command dateGuideMenuSource84
12/03/09HELPTM Cogo|​Utilities|​Curve solutions... S 84

Balance cut or fill volumes.

Raise or lower a design DTM automatically until the desired cut, fill or nett volume to an existing DTM is reached.

Move the design vertically until the specified volume between the surfaces is reached. Shift or rotate the design surface for a better fit. Click OK to accept the new design location.


  1. Balance on Nett, Cut or Fill volume
  2. Specify the desired volume
  3. Specify the allowable volume tolerance
  4. Specify whether to apply shrink and swell factors to volumes
  5. Specify whether to project batters from the design at the tie-in slopes to intersect the existing surface.


  • Shrink and swell factors are set in EARTHWORK.
  • Batter (tie-in) cut and fill slopes are defined by DESIGNSET and edited by EDIT Slopes.
  • If the design layer cannot form a DTM, but has least one pline, you are prompted whether to convert plines on that layer to sets.
  • Constrain movement of points on the design DTM by names CUT ONLY, FILL ONLY, FIX, FIX X, FIX Y, FIX Z, FIX XZ, FIX YZ, FIX XY or FIX XYZ.
  • Some constraint examples:
    • FIX a long pad or water storage at one end and move the other end
    • FILL ONLY above an existing pipe
  • Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.
  • Set distance and volume units by labelling and conversion factors in UNITSSET.
  • The design DTM must be enclosed by a DTM edge of one or more breakline sets.
  • Any batters must intersect the existing surface.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|Balance cut|fill Geocomp Update or $200  

Export data to Civilcad ASCII .AS5.

Export points, sets and text to Civilcad .AS5 file format.

To export plines, GCCONVRT to sets first.

Civilcad .AS5 files can be imported by Civilcad versions 5 and later.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import data from Civilcad .AS5 file.

Import data in Civilcad ASCII .AS5 file format.

The point numbers are retained, with the option of adding a constant.

Strings on a layer with common points are joined into sets.

.AS5 files can contain zero-length arcs which can result in extra circles when exported to DXF or DWG. Use CLEANUP to remove the zero-length arcs.

Civilcad .AS5 files can be exported from Civilcad version 5 and later.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export data to Civilcad Version 4 ASC.

Export points, sets and text to Civilcad .ASC file format.

Civilcad ASCII 4 (.ASC) files can be imported into Civilcad versions 4 and 5. For later versions of CivilCAD, export .AS5 with CVD5IMPT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 FC C

Import data from Civilcad Version 4 .ASC.

Import data in Civilcad .ASC file format.

Include points, strings and text.

Layer names are retained and codes are imported as names.

Non-​contourable points in the ASC file are not included in Terramodel DTMs. EDIT and GC53 toggle this attribute.

Strings on a layer with common points are joined into sets.

Civilcad ASCII 4 (.ASC) files can be exported from Civilcad versions 4 and 5. For later versions of Civilcad, export as .AS5 and import with CVD5IMPT.

TML date   Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 FC C

Import Datamine binary data.

Import a mine model in Datamine binary data file format.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

DC File Editor

View or edit Trimble .DC files and Sokkia .SDR files.

You can also run the DC File Editor directly from Start... Programs... Trimble Office... Utilities... DC File Editor.

If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, type DCEDIT32 in the command line instead.

Alias date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Cogo|​Utilities|​Trimble DC file editor S  

Create a point at the intersection of two distances or arcs.

Solve for the intersection of two arcs or distances, and create a point object at the intersection.

DDIST uses two command bars that define the information required for the two distances (arcs) to be intersected. Each arc is defined by a centre point and distance or by selecting an arc segment to define the centre point and distance.

Distance-Distance Options

1st pt/arc
Select either a point or an arc.
If you select a point, enter a distance from the point in the distance control to the right. If you select an arc, enter a distance from the arc centre. The default distance is the radius.
Click OK to display a ghosted circle to indicate the location of the first arc. Now enter a 2nd point or arc and a distance then pick a location with the mouse to indicate one of the two arc intersection solutions.
Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Cogo|​Lines|​Distance-​distance intersection S 11

Show and create dead regions.

Show dead regions within a DTM or create dead regions.

Dead regions are defined by closed breakline sets with Dead smoothness.

Select a DTM layer.
Loc Dead Tri:
Select a location inside a DTM triangle and create a closed breakline with Dead smoothness that defines a dead region around that triangle.
Create Dead Regions
Enable creation of dead regions for each triangle that exceeds a Min Tri Area.
Min Tri Area
Enter a minimum triangle area.
Show Dead Regions Layer
Create dead regions by minimum triangle area if enabled, and then hatch every set on the selected layer that defines a dead region. Hatching previously created by this command is deleted first.
Close the command retaining any hatching blocks or sets defining dead regions.

See also

Report or edit the smoothness of sets.
Configure the current DTM layer, which is the default for DEADSETS.
Create breaklines

TML date  Source 
19/12/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Determine the angle between two bearings.

The angle is displayed in the message area for cutting and pasting into an angle control.

TML date  SourceGC
29/10/08     S 91

Delete missing blocks and external text.

Delete all blocks with missing block definitions and all text linked to missing external text files.

"Unable to find block" messages may be due to trying to display:

  • An external block that links to a missing .BLK file
  • An internal block that is not listed in BLOCK command
  • A block with an invalid or too-long name
  • A missing, unlisted or invalid block that is nested inside another block, or
  • A text object that includes $File: to specify the path and name of an external file that is missing.

Common causes include importing a .DWG or .DXF with problem blocks, AUTODRAFT with missing or misspelt block names and moving or deleting a .PRO, .BLK or text file.

to delete all
  • internal blocks that are not listed in the List mode of BLOCK command
  • external blocks that have no corresponding .BLK file in C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Shared\​Blocks or any Terramodel Search Path folder such as C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp.
  • text objects with $File: linking to a path and file that no longer exists, and
and, optionally, replace these deleted blocks and text with new points that
  • have the locations of the insertion points
  • have names that include the names of the deleted objects, and
  • are excluded from all DTMs
to reread the definition of an external .BLK after the .BLK has been updated
to explode any blocks that contain nested missing blocks (then run DELBLKS again)
to delete or edit any objects
to delete or select EAT text with a subject or parent that no longer exists
to purge selected unused blocks from the list of blocks
to purge all unused blocks from the list of blocks
To list block definitions in a project

TML date MenuSource 
15/03/18 Built-in Draw|​Block|​Delete missing external Geocomp Update or $200  

Delete layer lists.

Delete one or more layer lists.

See also LLISTSET.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Delete sets between two locations.

Delete all selected sets which cross the line anywhere between two locations.

You may want to run DUPLTRIS, GC58 or DISJOIN first.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Delete selected objects from a project.

Delete selected objects from a project.

You can prevent objects from being selected for deletion by Type with Search Settings and by Layer with LAYERSET.

Once you Delete the objects, it may be necessary to REDRAW your screen to view the changes.

If you Delete all of the points defining a set, the set is also deleted. If you have checked "Protect Pn in Use From Deletion" in Point Settings your points will remain intact if you have selected the points for deletion but not the attached set.

See also Delete​Segment.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Delete S 31

Delete a selected segment from a set or pline.

Click on each segment in turn that you want to delete then click Close to close the command without deleting any other segments.

See also DELETE to delete the whole record, BREAK to break the segment at a location, HIDE to hide or reveal a set segment and SEGEDIT to edit using a table of segments.

In Terramodel prior to 10.5, BREAK deleted set segments like DELETE​SEGMENT does now.

Possible aliases include BREAKSEG, DELETESEG, DELSEG and DS.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Delete line segment S 31

Change numeric names to alphanumeric.

Change numeric names to alphanumeric names using a user-​defined descriptor mapping file (.PCO).

This is similar to Point Descriptor Expansion during an IMPORT script.


Command date  SourceGC
29/10/08     S 76

Change numeric names to alphanumeric with separator.

Change numeric point names to alphanumeric point names using a multi-code separator and global code identifier using a user-​defined descriptor mapping file (.pco).


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 76

Project batters from a design DTM to another DTM.

Create breaklines in the Design layer by projecting at fixed batter slopes from a DTM edge to an Original DTM layer.

The DTM edge must consist of one or more contiguous breakline sets that encompasses all other DTM points on the same Design layer. When you create a new set, for example by BL or DTMEDGE, the cut and fill batter slopes are assigned by the current values for Tie-in slopes in DESIGNSET command. You can check or edit the design slopes of a set at any time by EDIT Slopes.

The grade is computed in 3D from the set. This is different to simply grading to an offset and elevation. If the set has a steep longitudinal grade, the difference will be noticeable.

DESIGN breaks arcs on the DTM edge into straight line segments using the Segments Per Arc setting of DISPLAYSET. New points created along the curves and at the intersection with the original surface, and new sets connect the new points.

Any ground intersection points, points along arcs, and sets created by DESIGN are assigned the name of the design layer. DELETE these objects by name or rerunning DESIGN. Name selection is case-sensitive.


Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​Design S  

Modify elevation to design roadway elevation.

Modify the elevation of existing points so that they lie on the design surface of a designated road job.

Terramodel projects a perpendicular intersection from a location to the HAL to determine the chainage along the HAL and the offset from the HAL. The elevation of the point is interpolated by cutting a slice through the design surface at the station and offset.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Roads|​On design|​Design elev S  

Configure design settings

Configure the default batter slopes and smoothness assigned to new sets and vertical sight distance calculation parameters. These settings are stored with the project file.

Tie-in slopes
Cut slope | Fill slope
These vertical controls let you enter values for cut and fill slopes that will be assigned to newly created sets. The tie-in slopes are used by DESIGN to project the design DTM onto the existing ground DTM. Any change to these values will change the slope of all sets, except sets where the slopes have been fixed by EDIT.
Default set smoothness
Always make the default Soft. The default set smoothness applies to all new sets. Set smoothness affects contour, cross section and profile plines created from DTMs. If many breaklines are Hard or Sharp, 3D Visualiser can be very slow. If many closed breaklines are Dead, you will have many holes in contour plines. If a DTMEDGE is Dead, you will have no contour plines at all. See SETSMOOTH to change the smoothness of existing sets and for an explanation of each smoothness property.
Vertical Curve Design Controls
Set the eye, object, and headlight distances that Terramodel will use when calculating the sight distances used for computing vertical curves based on AASHTO standards.
Eye Height
The distance from the road to the standard eye height of a driver.
Object Height, Stopping:
The distance from the road to the standard object height for computing the safe stopping distance.
Object Height, Passing:
The distance from the road to the standard object height for computing the safe passing distance.
Headlight Height:
The distance from the road to the centre of the standard headlight beam.
Divergence Angle:
The angle of the standard headlight beam divergence.
Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​Design settings S  

Remove spikes from a DTM.

Remove all points in a DTM layer where all the surrounding triangles exceed a maximum grade.

You can

  • Select a DTM layer
  • Specify a maximum grade in %
  • Limit the affected points to a boundary
  • Limit the maximum number of iterations
  • Remove points if any triangle exceeds the maximum grade
  • Remove peaks only

See also GC53, GC69 and 3DFILTER.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 GCGeocode

Data Format Editor

Edit logger (.lgr) files which contain the detailed data format used by the IMPORT and EXPORT script managers to interpret the data.

This editor uses DataFormatEditor.dll. If you have 32-bit Windows, type DFEDIT32 instead.

Alias date  SourceGC
01/09/18     User-definable Coordf

Trimble diagnostic report

Report details of the computer relevant to Trimble applications including system architecture, Windows registry, Trimble applications and files.

If TrimRptU.exe does not run, install Trimble Data Transfer Utility and try again.

If you have 32-bit Windows, use DIAG32.

Alias date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Cogo|​Utilities|​Trimble diagnostic report trimble.com  

Label dimensions between two locations or along segments.

Create labels showing dimensions between pairs of locations or along segments.

Click Props to configure the labelling method, units, decimal places, and layer.


Pt-Pt | Segment
Dimension between pairs of locations or along segments
Enter two locations
Select one segment
Locate the new label
Specify the label properties
Create label at manually entered locations. Not required for mouse-selected locations.
Close the command and retain the new labels

General properties

Distance type
Dimension the whole distance (Linear), the Horizontal (X-axis) distance or Vertical (Y-axis) distance. In the Plan view, Horizontal is the difference in the Eastings, and Vertical is the difference in Northings.
Select the layer on which to place dimension lines and text. Select layer 0 for current layer.
Dimension blocks
Create the label as a block instead of text and plines. Dimension blocks are named dim n, where n is a sequential number. If you delete a dimension block object, the block definition is discarded when the project is saved.
Force Dimensions outside
Create dimensions with arrows that point inward, or in the same direction, when the dimension is located outside the extension lines.
Select Engineering format which uses decimal project units (feet or metres) set by MEASUNIT or Architectural format which uses feet, inches and fractional inches.
Units suffix
Append a suffix to the labels to show the distance unit.
Sub-units suffix
Append another suffix show the sub-units in the Architectural format.
Number of decimals
Enter the precision for distance labels using the Engineering format.
Units Scale
Enter the factor for the calculated distance. For example, to convert feet to inches, enter 12.0.
Fractional increment
Select the precision of the Architectural format.

Text Properties

Text style
Select the text style for font, height, aspect and slant. The justification is Center-Middle, and the orientation is Legible.
Text Colour
Specify the colour.
Distance from text to line
Enter a factor of the text height for the distance of the text away from the dimension line or the lines from the beginning and the end of the text.
Draw text above dim line
Place dimension text above the dimension lines or even with and between the dimension lines.

Line Properties

Draw dimension line
Enable dimension lines.
Select the line type (usually a LEADER LINE).
Specify the colour for the dimension lines.
Draw dimension line 1
For Segments, create the first extension line.
Line type
Select the line type of the first extension line.
Draw extension line 2
Create the second extension line.
Line type
Select the line type for the second extension line.
Specify the colour for both extension lines.
Length of outside lines
Define the length of the outside dimension lines in sheet units when you Force Dimensions Outside and locate the dimension text outside the extension lines.
Extension line gap
Define the offset (in sheet units) to the beginning of the extension lines. If a dimension is located within this offset, the lines are extended further.

Vertical exaggeration

Any vertical exaggeration in the current view is applied to the label. If the vertical exaggeration is later changed, the label will then be distorted.

TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
18/12/18 RG 1228 Draft|​Dimensioning S 91

Break sets and plines into segments.

Break sets and plines containing straights or arcs into segments. DISJOIN does not break plines containing spirals or vertical curves.

DISJOIN is an alias of GCUNJOIN.

See also JOIN to join sets and plines with common ends and EXPLODE to explode sets and plines with complex linetypes.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Display feature attributes.

Report, label or rename selected records that have feature attributes.

Select objects
Create Text in Layer
Specify layer for any new EAT text labels
Text Style
Specify text style for any new EAT text labels
Select attributes
Select Display for a feature attribute to label, rename or report objects with that feature attribute. Select All to select All.
Create Text
Create text labels for selected objects showing the selected feature attribute, and value, if any
Copy Atts to Name
Append to existing names of selected objects the selected feature attributes, and values, if any
Report to P3Pad for selected objects, the selected feature attributes and values, if any



TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Configure how objects are displayed.

Partially display some objects for quicker redraw times and configure point display size.

View Resolution Segments per

Curves are displayed as a series of short straight segments, but maintain their full mathematical properties for computations.

For any curve, the maximum number of segments for all the components of a curve together is 100 otherwise the curve will not display correctly. For example, if arcs have 20 segments and spirals have 10, the total for Arc curves would be 10+20+10=40, and the total for Combining curves would be 10+20+10+20+10=70.

With more segments the curve appears smoother, takes longer to display and uses more memory. The segments are also used to extract profiles from DTMs and to exporting to relevant files. The PLOTSET resolution is independent.

Segments per Arc
Set the number of segments per circular curve. 10 is typical.
Segments per Spline
The number of segments per splined pline. Splined lines are used primarily for contour lines. A setting of 0 displays the line as unsplined. The maximum number is 100. A typical value is 3.
Segments per Vertical Curve
The number of segments per vertical curve. A typical value is 10.
Segments per Spiral Curve
The number of segments per transition spiral. A typical value is 10.
Quick dynaviews
Toggle on to hide objects displayed through dynaviews and to show dynaview frames only. See also SHOWDYNA.
Quick text
Toggle on to display and plot text as boxes drawn to the limits of the text objects. Toggle off to display and plot normally.
Quick EAT codes
Toggle on to display and plot all EAT codes as the actual codes and not the interpreted value.
Quick linetype
Toggle on to display and plot all linetypes as solid lines.
Ignore hide
Toggle on to reveal set segments hidden by HIDE are displayed and to enable CONVERT to convert hidden set segments to plines.
Hold DV scale
Toggles the way attribute text and the linetype scales are displayed and plotted within dynaviews. When toggled on, attribute text and linetypes are scaled within the individual dynaviews in which they are displayed, based on the scale assigned to the dynaview, as opposed to being based on the plot scale of the viewing mode in which the attribute text or line is drawn. This allows you to create multiple dynaviews showing the same object or even of the same viewport at varying scales. When toggled on, the attribute text and linetypes appear in accordance with their definition, regardless of subsequent alterations of the plot scale of the viewing mode in which these objects are drawn. When toggled off, attribute text and linetypes as displayed within a dynaview, are scaled based on the current plot scale of the target viewing mode, and their appearance will change as that plot scale is altered. Normal text objects are not affected by this setting.
Drag Text Quick
Toggle on to distort the text so the text can be dragged quickly. Toggle off to display legible text as you drag, which is slower.
Point size
Enter the size in pixels for a cross symbol for each point.
Text box size
Enter a minimum number of pixels for text. Text objects and attribute text that are smaller will be displayed as a text box. Enter 0 to always draw the text characters (except when Quick Text is toggled on).
Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​Display settings S  

Report the distance between two locations.

Report the 2D distance between two locations defined by coordinates in From and To point controls.

The distance is displayed in the message scroll in both project units, and in sheet units at the view scale.

You have the option to also display the accumulative length which can be reset.

The locations can be limited by object snaps.

See also GC29 for 3D distances between points and along segments and these other commands that report distances: GC29UTM, REPORTS , GEOMINQ, GC3DSETS, GC75, GC81, LABELSEG, GCDIMLOT and GEOMRPTS.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Reports|​Distance
S 17

Divide a line into intervals.

Create points along a set or pline at intervals.

You specify the number of segments, whether to divide one segment or an entire line, whether the points are moved to round number chainages, and whether to insert the points into sets.


Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Point|​Divide Line S 13

Import a USGS DLG (optional format) file

Import a United States Geological Survey Digital Line Graph-Optional format lines with elevations.

See Terramodel help for details.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 HELPTM File|​Misc. Import/Export|​USGS-O DLG Import S  

Export a USGS DLG (optional format) file.

Export a United States Geological Survey Digital Line Graph-Optional format lines with elevations.

See Terramodel help for details.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 HELPTM File|​Misc. Import/Export|​USGS-O DLG Export S  

Dimension between two locations.

Draw pline segments between two locations with the specified linetype and labels in the specified text style showing the length in metres to the specified number of decimal places.

See also LABGRADE and DIM.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 91

List Terramodel documents.

List user guides, tutorials, manuals, charts, table, classes, notes, lists and help files installed with Geocomp Update.

The documents and associated sample data are installed into C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp\​Docs.

See also HELP and GCHELP.

Command date Guide Menu Source  
01/09/18 Documents Help|​Documents Geocomp Update  

Drafting settings.

Configure the text spacing, text offset distance, and other general drafting settings for the project.

Flip over angle
Configure the angle when attribute set segment labels are automatically flipped so that they can be read from left to right, from the right-hand side and the bottom of the sheet. Valid entries for this parameter are from 0° to 45°. If the value is set to 45°, the label will be upside down if read from the bottom of the sheet, but will appear correct when read from the right-hand side of the sheet. The angle should generally remain at 0° or 10°. This angle is applied to each dynaview so that the same labels can be oriented properly through multiple dynaviews.
Text clip margin
Set the amount of space around text objects, for CONTOUR, CLIP and HATCH when clipping lines to text. Typical values range from 0.3 to 0.5 times the height of the text object. This value also controls the spacing between text and its associated text border, with the exception of the Underline border style which uses the following offset distance value.
Offset distance from line/arc
Set the distance between a line or curve and its label. This value also controls the offset between the line generated by an Underline text border style and the first and second lines of text when that style is used. Typically, enter a value at least twice the diameter of your largest pen.
Space (%) between lines of text
Establish the spacing between lines of attribute text or lines of text objects. A typical value is 50% of the text height.
Fixed Detail Border Size
Configure the fixed height for all text borders with a Detail border style. Borders with other text border styles, vary in height according to the limits of the text and the above text clip margin.
Text Line Colours
Configure the colours for leader lines and borders associated with text. These global settings affect all text in the project file.
Leader Lines
The colour for text leader lines
The colour for all text borders with Underline text border style
Margin Lines
The colour for all text borders with Margin text border styles.
Enclosed Borders
The colour for text with other text border styles.
Underline title Text Enlargement (%)
Increase the height of the first line of multi-line text with Underline text border style by this percentage (e.g. 20%). If you use PLOTSET to map the plotter pen selection to the text height, the first line use a different plotter pen.
Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​Draft settings... S 90

Import Drag Head log file.

Import Drag Head log file.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Report drainage details to a CSV file.

Select drain sets and specify a lid layer.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 DGE 10

Create sets where selected plines cross a DTM.

Create points on the current layer where selected plines cross links in the selected DTM and connect the points with sets alomng the plines.

If there is no grade change at the link crossing, no point is created.

See also GCDRAPE which also transfers chainages, references and names to the sets.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   DTM|​Drape plines S 298+400+252

Label a drill hole.

Label a drill hole with some properties of the collar point and drill hole.

The text label includes the name and coordinates of the collar point and the bearing and dip of the drill hole segment at the specified text location. The Settings button controls the text style.

The collar point does not have to be an end point of the drill hole segment.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Label a set segment of a drain with the grade.

Label a selected set segment with text indicating the grade of the segment.

Select a set segment and a text location and, in Settings, specify whether to display an arrow or a table, any added text, the text style and a leader linetype.

Specify Display Arrow to create a pline with an arrow in the direction of slope, labelled with any added text and the grade expressed as a ratio and a percentage.

Specify Display Table to create multi-line text, with a rectangular border and leaderline, showing any added text, the elevation of the upstream point, the set name and the grade expressed as a ratio, the segment length and the elevation of the downstream point. The optional added text can be used for a table heading and the set name could indicate the pipe description or diameter.

See also LABGRADE for a more general grade labelling command.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report volumes and surface areas of ponds in a DTM.

Hatch pond extents and report water volumes around low points in a DTM.

Select a DTM
Select any limiting boundaries
Water Layer:
Layer for new pond extents
Min Water Depth:
Enter a minimum pond depth
Enter a step size
Create hatch blocks on water layer inside extents
Compute Volumes:
Compute water volumes
For each pond deeper than the minimum, generate contours at step intervals, clip them to selected boundaries, then, for each low point, find the closed contour with the largest area, create pond extent plines and hatch blocks, and report the water elevation, area, depth and volume.
Cancel command

See also

Create sets around drainage catchments
Show flow paths and catchments in a DTM
Show triangle slopes
Compute volumes of depressions

TML date  Source 
27/02/20     Geocomp Update or $250  

Export DTM layer to Leica 1200 DBX database files.

Export a DTM layer within a boundary to an XML file and convert to Leica 1200 DBX database using RoadRunnerAddOn.

The database files can be used with Road Runner or DigSmart3D on Leica 1200 instruments. The XML file can also be imported into UMC_3D and iCON.

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

To suit some Leica applications, DTM2LDBX limits DTMs to 99,999 points. To create larger XML files, use DTM2XML.

If you select 'Create Leica DB files', but no .X?? files are created in the same folder as the .XML, download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86).


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export DTM layer to LandXML triangles.

Export a DTM layer to a layer of triangles in a LandXML .XML file.

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

See also DTM2LDBX , VRMLOUT and EXPORT LandXML script.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Refresh all DTMs toolbar button

Function key F12 Refresh all DTMs

Relink all DTM layers and redraw the display.

Relink all DTM layers, redraw the display and store the current contour intervals.

DTMALL reads the normal and index intervals defined by CONTOURSET and writes the project variables DTMALL:CONT_INT and DTMALL:CONT_INDEX_I. If you use these project variables in EAT text, run DTMALL each time you change either contour interval.

See also GCDTMALL which also creates arc breaklines, TOGLINKS which turns on and off link visibility without relinking and DTMUPDT which updates only the current DTM layer.

TML date MenuSource
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|​Update all DTM layers
Toolbar button
Function key F12
Geocomp Update or $250  

Change the current DTM layer.

The current DTM layer is displayed in the Coordinate scroll box with the elevation, aspect and slope at the cursor.

To relink the current DTM layer only, use DTMUPDT.

The current DTM layer is not necessarily the current layer.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|​Change current DTM layer Geocomp Update or $250 1

Project a cone onto a DTM.

Radiate from a specified x, y location and a specified height difference from the DTM, to the specified DTM layer, in 5° increments.

Join the locations with a pline or join points at those locations with a set and radial sets to the centre point.

Enter a positive height if the centre is above the DTM; a negative height if the centre is below the DTM.

Enter a positive slope to project up; a negative slope to project down. The slope may be entered in any vertical angle mode: Z (degrees from zenith), H (degrees from horizontal), N (degrees from nadir), P or % (percent slope from horizontal), R (ratio of horizontal to vertical) or D (vertical distance).

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
01/09/18 RG 1251 DTM|​Conical projection to DTM S  

Create set lines around drainage catchments.

Create set lines along the boundaries of drainage catchments of a DTM.


Select the DTM.
Select the layer for the new sets. The default layer is set by HDEFS.
Enter a depth above which shallow ponds fill and overflow and boundary sets are created. The default height is the Minimum drainage height setting in HDEFS.

The minimum height is used to eliminate small depressions and must be reviewed for the overall effect.

DTMDRAIN makes assumptions such as water draining to one side of each triangle and consistent ground cover.

See also GCFALL which can use multiple locations per triangle to create catchment boundaries and flow paths.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09 UG 401 Hydro|​Compute drainage S  

Create a set around a DTM edge.

Create a set in the current colour joining every point along the outside links of a selected DTM.

The DTM edge set locks the extent of the DTM, even against changes in link settings. The extent is limited by the outside points and breaklines and current link settings.

Before running DTMEDGE, select a distinctive layer colour and use LAYERSET or QISOLATE to isolate, LINKSET and DTMALL to display the extent of links and EVALDTM to look for breakline problems.

Multiple contiguous breakline set segments around a DTM function as a DTM edge. This means that DESIGN and CUTFILL can use different batter slopes and that the outside of a DTM formed from imported triangles always forms a DTM edge.

Edit a DTM edge set using GCDTMEDG, DELETE​SEGMENT, BL and so on.

If there are any 3D points on the layer outside the DTM edge set, the DTM edge is invalid. GC22 checks for and fixes this.

GCDTMBDY creates pline boundaries at multiple DTM edges.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​DTM edge S  

Interpolate a grid over a DTM.

Specify origin, bearing, intervals and boundary.


Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​Generate DTM grid S 221

List DTM information by layer for selected points.

List by layer, for the selected points, the layer name, number of points, number of 3D Points, number of 3D points not in DTM, number of points in DTM and the maximum and minimum Easting, Northing and Elevation.

The totals are summed and the ranges also computed for all the selected points.

The DTM status shows which layers have been linked and whether they are part of a Multilayer DTM.

The number of points in the DTM is number of contourable points in the DTM view with the most DTM points on that layer. This is not necessarily the current or Plan view. You are warned if selected points are not on this DTM view.

The selected DTM layers are relinked. If you want a report of duplicate points, run GC92 first.


TML date MenuSourceGC
12/12/18   DTM|​More...|​List DTM layers Geocomp Update or $250 290

Match overlapping DTMs at a match line.

Match two DTMs created by photogrammetry.

The surfaces are adjusted so that any contours created from the new DTM match perfectly at a match line.

Select two DTM layers to be matched
Select a pline along which the DTMs are to be matched
DTM Match Defaults dialog box
Specify the type of elevation adjustment to be applied to the points.
Each point will be adjusted by the ratio of its offset distance from the match line to the maximum adjustment width, times the distance from the elevation of the point to its interpolated elevation to the other DTM layer. This method moves each point towards the other DTM. In the event the DTM layers cross in the overlap area, some points on each DTM may move up and others down. Generally this is the preferred method.
Each point will be adjusted by the ratio of its offset distance from the match line to the maximum adjustment width, times the elevation from layer 1 to layer 2 on the match line perpendicular to the point being adjusted. This method moves each point based on the condition at the match line. If the DTM layers intersect in the overlap area, some points on each DTM may move away from the other DTM.
Specify the maximum distance from the line in which points will be adjusted.

Tips on using DTMMATCH command

  • The objects on the matched layers can be relayered to the same DTM layer for relinking.
  • DTMMATCH makes significant modifications to the project data including deleting points. We strongly recommend that you keep a copy of the original data by using SAVEAS before you start.
  • If DTMMATCH is to be used several times in one project file, save your work at each step.
  • Before beginning DTMMATCH, you must have two DTM layers that overlap.
  • Along the overlap create a single-segment pline or set where two DTMs are to match. Only points that fall within the length of the segment will be erased.
  • Match lines should not be significantly longer than the limits of the DTM as this can prevent Terramodel from properly determining which points should be deleted.
  • Set lines that cross the match line are clipped. A point will be created to hold each clipped set. The DTMs will re-link if required.
  • Elevations of points that fall within the length of the line and the specified adjustment width will be adjusted according to the method specified. A set is created on each DTM along the match line through the points created. All points outside the match line for each DTM are deleted. The maximum elevation difference found along the match line, and the number of points adjusted, are reported.

See also GCMATCH to match contours, JOIN to join matched contours, GC33 to create the highest or lowest of two overlapping surfaces, GC33MULT to create the highest or lowest of multiple overlapping surfaces, MERGE to create a surface from two overlapping surfaces, GCMERGE to replace a surface with multiple overlapping surfaces, GCCLIP to clip multiple surfaces from a single surface and GCCOPY to copy multiple objects into a single surface.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​DTM Match S  

Create points by comparison with two DTMs.

Create new points on a third layer with elevations determined by a user-​defined mathematical formula which may include the elevations of the first and second specified DTMs.

In the Settings, specify the formula, whether to use the points from the first or second layers, or both and whether to report the results.

Layer 1
Select a DTM layer
Layer 2
Select a second DTM layer
Layer 3
Select a layer for the new points
Use layer 1 points
Use layer 1 points
Use layer 2 points
Use layer 2 points
Generate Report
Report each computed value to P3Pad
Enter a mathematical formula for the elevation of the new points on layer 3

For example, to get an "average" elevation, use a formula like ((Z2-Z1)/2)+Z1 or (Z2+Z1)/2.

See also GC70.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     U  

Interpolate elevations of points from a DTM.

Assign elevations to 2D points from a DTM surface.

Points outside the limits of the DTM are not assigned elevations.

Only 2D points are be modified. To modify 3D points, first use GCNOELEV or ELEVATION (Absolute) to make the points 2D by giving them an absolute elevation of *.

See also ELEVOBJS which replaces elevations of point, text and blocks interpolated from a DTM.

See also GC70 which replaces elevations of both 2D and 3D points, and can also combine the point elevations with the DTM elevations.

See also GCPTSTXT which interpolates elevations from nearby text instead of a DTM.


Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​DTM Pts S 236

Create sets from DTM links.

Create a set for each link or triangle on a DTM layer.

Specify the new DTM layer, whether to create sets with three segments (triangles) or one segment (links) and whether to copy points to the new layer (or just the sets).

If these sets are used as breaklines in another DTM application, the resulting DTM will be similar.

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

If you are exporting to an application that prefers DXF or DWG 3DFaces, use the AutoCAD Export script instead.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|​Create sets from links Geocomp Update or $250 156+SDS-DXF

Create a point on a DTM at a grade and bearing.

Create a point at the intersection of a theoretical 3D line and a DTM.

Specify a DTM layer, a start point, a bearing and a vertical angle.

The start point cannot be at the same elevation as the DTM.

The bearing and vertical angle units are controlled by UNITSSET.

See also GC23 and SLICE.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​DTM shot S  

Report the points with the highest and lowest elevations in a layer.

Report the points with highest and lowest elevations in a layer and list the point numbers, the elevation difference and the average elevation.

The highest and lowest points are marked with temporary circles; the bigger circle marks the higher point. The circles disappear on refresh.

All 3D points on the layer are considered including invisible and non-​contourable points. See also RANGE, AVERPTS and EVALDTM.

TML date   Menu Source GC
01/09/18   DTM|​DTM statistics S 169

Relink the current DTM layer and refresh.

Use DTMCH to change the current DTM layer first.

GCARCBL creates breaklines around arcs, DTMALL relinks all layers and GCDTMALL does both.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|​Update current DTM layer Geocomp Update or $250 289

Project sets onto a DTM.

Create sets projected onto a DTM from a viewpoint.

Select sets joining 3D points
View Pt
Select a point from which to project
DTM layer
Select a DTM onto which the sets are to be projected
Step distance around set
Enter a step distance in project units
Create points on the current layer for each step along the sets where they would appear on the DTM from the view point
Cancel without creating sets

For example, to lay out a sign on a hillside to be legible from a lookout:

  1. Adopt a view point at the lookout with elevation at eye level
  2. Define four points on a 3D plane near the lookout which frame the vista to the hillside
  3. Draft up a sign to the same proportions at the four points
  4. REVIEW to Plan, EXPLODE text, CONVERT plines to sets, ARCBREAK curves to straights, modify ELEVATION and so on to define the sign as straight set segments joining 3D points
  5. Transform the sign points and sets onto the plane near the lookout using GC3DADJ
  6. Use DTMVIEW to step along the sets, projecting from the viewpoint to the DTM to create points and sets on the current layer

TML date  Source 
07/06/19     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report the attribute records stored for a selected object.

Report the attribute records stored for a selected object.

TML date  Source 
29/10/08     S  

Remove duplicated segments from triangular sets.

Remove segments from triangular sets on a layer that join the same points as segments on other sets on that layer and replace with single segments in the current layer colour.

This can significantly reduce the number of segments in an imported DTM that has a closed set for each triangle.

Select “Shortest Length Side Only” to minimise total breakline length, separate breakline strings like kerbs or remove flat triangles from digitised contours. You can also choose to keep the “Middle Length Side only” if that suits the model better.

Select “Create all triangle sides”, to create a DTM surface very similar to the original but without duplicate triangle sides.

If you don’t need to keep any breaklines or boundaries, you may be able to simply DELETE all the sets on the layer and let Terramodel reform the DTM from the remaining points.

Any point in a set with the same number as the previous point is removed. Duplicate points are removed next time you reform the DTM.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Remove duplicated segments from triangular sets.

Use DUPLTRIS instead if you have the Geocomp Update.

The TML name is DUPLT_US. If DUPLTUS does not run from the command line, create an alias from DUPLTUS to DUPLT_US or enter DUPLT_US.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Import elevations from .DXF files.

Import elevations from 3D coordinates in a .DXF file corresponding to points in Terramodel.

Replace the elevation of each point in the Plan view with the elevation corresponding to the first matching X,Y coordinate pair in a selected DXF file.

For example, to import elevations from PolyFaceMesh objects in a DXF, use

  1. DXFIN (AutoCAD (dwg or dxf) _i import script) to IMPORT the .DXF file
  2. GCCONVRT to convert the remaining plines to points and sets
  3. DXF3D to read the elevations from the DXF onto the points
  4. DTMALL or DTMUPDT to form the DTM and remove duplicate points to layer 0
  5. DUPLTRIS to remove duplicate segments
  6. DELETE all objects from layer 0


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Change the name of layers in a .DXF file.

Change the layer names in a specified input .DXF file to new layer names in an output .DXF file.

DXFCHANG can be used to substitute layer names with a different naming convention and to accommodate differences in valid characters and maximum layer name lengths.

The format of the .MAP file is:

input layer name,output layer name

Enter any characters to prefix the new layer names.


  1. If the data file is in .DWG format, export from CAD application to .DXF
  2. Open or create a new project in Terramodel
  4. Browse to select DXF In (the input file name and DXF Out (the output file name)
  5. Browse to select a Mapping File
  6. Enter any prefix
  7. Select "DXF Out to Import into Terramodel"
  8. OK
  9. DXFIN to import .DXF into Terramodel


  2. Export from Terramodel to DXF using the "2000" file format
  4. Browse to select DXF In (the old file name), DXF Out (the new file name)
  5. Browse to select a Mapping File
  6. Enter any prefix
  7. Select "DXF Out to Import into CAD"
  8. OK
  9. Import .DXF into CAD application


Prefixes help create new layers which identify the objects imported from a particular .DXF. If no file name is entered for DXF Out, the Out file has the same name as in the DXF In file but with the prefix as a suffix.

Terramodel layer names have a limit of 16 characters.

DXFIN can use a project variable to determine which 16 characters to read.

The maximum length of lines in the .MAP file is 255 characters, so a Terramodel layer-name of up to 16-characters can be mapped to DXF layer-name of up to 238 characters.

Some characters are automatically substituted. The new layer names can have any characters acceptable to the destination CAD software. DXF files exported from Terramodel by DXFOUT have layer names limited to 16 characters that must each be an Upper Case letter, a digit, a -, a _, or a $. While Terramodel has always supported spaces in layer names, this has only been supported in .DXF format since DXF version "2000".

Layer map files in .LNM format created by GC12DIN can also be used.

GCMAPOUT can create create an initial .MAP file from selected objects, with default substitutions, for later amendment or addition of layer names in any text editor.

Layers names in the DXF that are missing from the .MAP file can be added to the end of the .MAP file. Use an empty .MAP file to read all layer names from the .DXF.

Any lines in the .MAP file that start with # are treated as comments and ignored.

Previous revisions of DXFCHANG used object names to specify layer names.

If a CAD application reports an error reading the DXF, try opening the file in ODA Drawings Explorer and saving as .R10 DXF.

See also LAYERMAP and DXF3D.

Prefixing layer names does not require a mapping file.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create dynaviews.

Use a dynaview to display a portion of a view in another location.

For instance, create a plotbox around a part of the plan view, create a second plotbox at a difference scale around the same part in profile view, and place dynaviews for both next to each other in the sheet view.

Refresh the view of the dynaview to show the objects inside the plotbox at that time.

Dynaview creation

Select a plotbox, a closed set or pline that defines extent of the dynaview, such as one created by PLOTBOX, GCBOX or CIRCLE.
Enter the location of the origin of the new dynaview. This location can be in any view including the same view. Locate the dynaview where the first vertex of the plotbox is to appear.
Set the scale at which the new dynaview is drawn. The default scale is the plot scale for the view of the selected Box. Use VIEWSET to preview or modify plot scale for any view.
Set the angle of rotation for the dynaview. The angle of rotation is measured clockwise relative to the closed polygon. The default rotation aligns the last side with the east-west axis.

Dynaview editing

Use EDIT to edit dynaviews. To select the dynaview by mouse, click on the origin, which for rectangular plotboxes, is the south-west corner by convention.

Editable dynaview properties are layer, attribute if defined, name, auto off, group, boundary, layer list name, scale, rotation and location.

Turn Auto off ON, to turns off the display of objects that are referenced and not a part of the family tree.

The boundary is the closed plotbox pline that defines the extent of the dynaview.

A layer list can be used to display only a nominated layers. See LLISTSET.

See also

Lay out multiple dynaviews
Create a plotbox by height and width in sheet units
Create a plot box graphically
Explode objects incluing Dynaviews
Mirror dynaviews about Y-axis
Show objects visible on dynaviews
Replace dynaview plotboxes
Create dynaviews from multiple plotboxes
Scale dynaview plotboxes
Display settings including Quick (hidden) dynaviews
Create boxes at dynaview extents
Modify the layer list of dynaviews
Scale blocks and whether clipped in dynaviews

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​DynaView S 93

Compute cut and fill volumes between two DTMs.

Compute cut and fill volumes between two DTMs, for any material (not just Earthworks).


Compute and report cut and fill volumes between two DTM surfaces.
Compute and report cut and fill volumes between a DTM surface and a datum.
Compute and report the volume of a measured stockpile, based on an assumed underlying surface.
Compute and report the volume of a measured depression or excavation, based on an assumed original surface.
Compute and report cut and fill volumes associated with a previously stored isopach surface.


When checked, EARTHWORK adds previously calculated volumes to the volumes being calculated. You enter previous cut and fill volumes in the real number control shown. The default values will be the cut and fill totals from the last volume calculation. If the box is not checked, the Previous excavation and Previous fill options will be greyed out.
These real number controls let you enter factors which will be applied to calculated volumes to obtain excavation and fill quantities. Note: Generally, only the fill factor should be varied, leaving the excavation factor at 1.0.
When the Volume Totals Only option is selected, only the total volumes will be reported.
When the Volumes by Depth Increment option is selected, the excavation|​fill volumes calculations will be reported by a depth increment. When this setting is selected, you may enter the desired reporting interval in the real number control immediately to the right.
When the Volumes by Elevation Range is selected, the excavation|​fill volumes calculations will be reported by elevation range. When this setting is selected, you may enter the desired reporting interval in the real number control immediately to the right. Terramodel uses the value entered in the index elevation control as a basis for calculating the intervals. For example, if the interval is 2 metres, the index elevation is 100.5 metres, and the elevation range of the excavation\​fill region is 98.5 to 106.5, the volumes are calculated for 98.5-100.5, 100.5-102.5, 102.5-104.5, 104.5-106.5, etc.

EARTHWORK finds the minimum and maximum elevations for the excavation|​fill volume and reports the volumes over the entire elevation range.

When checked, the isopach surface will be stored on the selected layer. When not checked, the isopach surface is computed in the same manner and then automatically deleted.
Select the colours for points in areas of excavation, points in area of fill in the isopach, and breaklines.


A Digital Terrain Model is also referred to as a Triangulated Irregular Network or TIN.
The isopach surface is the surface representing the difference between two other surfaces. Isopachs are contours extracted from the isopach surface. CONTOUR or 3D VISUALISER the saved isopach surface to check for erroneous data in the other surfaces.
Quick isopach generation
For an accurate volume, make sure Quick isopach generation in LINKSET is OFF so that all the intersection points between the triangles are included in the isopach surface.
Pond Volumes
The volume of water displayed is the excavation volume rather than the fill volume.
Initial Surface to Design Surface Volumes
If your design surface has batters to an existing surface, project the batters using DESIGN or SIDESLOPE before calculating volumes to insure that the design sideslopes are projected. Otherwise, vertical sideslopes may be projected up or down.
Surface to Surface Computation
Surface-to-surface volumes are calculated by computing the isopach between two DTMs or between a datum and a DTM. First, each point is projected onto the other surface, the corresponding elevation interpolated, and the elevation difference is stored with the generated isopach point. The breaklines (of both surfaces are used to generate isopach breaklines. Additional points are inserted into the isopach breaklines where they cross DTM triangles.
The triangulated isopach surface is used to determine the volume by breaking the data for each triangle into the appropriate number of truncated vertical prisms. If the three points of a triangle all have positive or all have negative elevations (all fill or all cut) then a single triangular prism is present. If the isopach triangle has both positive and negative elevations (cut and fill) then the triangle is broken into a triangular prism and a quadrilateral prism. See Terramodel Help for this command for illustrations.
The volume of each prism is equal to the average height (that is isopach elevation) times the planimetric area. The total fill volume for the isopach is the sum of all positive prismoidal volumes. The total cut volume is the sum of all negative prismoidal volumes.
This method is more accurate than cross section or grid methods using average end area. The differences obtained between methods depend on the size of the grid or interval of cross sections and irregularity of the surfaces. Smooth surfaces may show differences of less than 1%. Some test cases have shown differences of as much as 10% when the cross section interval is 50 foot and the terrain is rough. As the size of the grid or cross section interval decreases to a very small value, the volumes of these methods agree with volumes computed from the isopach surface triangles.
The accuracy of the calculations is no better than the accuracy of the data and the calculated DTM. If breaklines are not properly used to form the proper TIN, good point data can produce bad volumes. If an insufficient number of points are used to describe a surface, then irregularities from the recorded data to the actual ground will produce volumes differing from field conditions.
Additional points
To roughly estimate how many extra points you must allow for when setting the maximum number of points in Terramodel, using SYSTEM command, add the number of points in the two surfaces and multiply by two. Terramodel has a limit of 8 million points. Some of these points will be duplicate. A point is duplicate if it is on the same layer and is within 1 mm. Duplicate points are often created when computing the isopach surface, especially if a boundary line is used. Duplicate points are relayered to layer 0 during the linking process. These points can then be deleted from layer 0 to save space.
Special Case: Link setting "remove flat triangles"
Normally triangles are created to be as equilateral (equal interior angles) as possible. The "remove flat triangles" setting in LINKSET changes the DTM to eliminate, as much as possible, flat areas. This technique is usually used on data from imported contours, forcing each triangle to have a slope. If the points along a set line are within a tolerance of the first point on the set line then flat triangles are removed. Adding and or removing break lines may be required to achieve the desired results. Note that "flat" lines in DXF and DWG files are automatically imported as plines, so you have to CONVERT to sets.
DTM Edge
Once you have the correct link settings for a DTM, use DTMEDGE to fix the boundary to with a bounding set. Then you can change link settings on another surface without affecting the first surface.
EARTHWORK command was previously known as VOLUME so VOLUME is often an alias for EARTHWORK.

See also

Report volumes including cut|fill areas
Report volumes of multiple regions
Report volumes by end-area in columns
Report end-area volumes to .CSV
Report volumes of ponds
Report volumes of dams

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM DTM|​Earthwork volumes
DTM|​Earthwork reports
DTM|​Compute volumes

Report roadjob volumes by end-area.

Report accumulated roadjob volumes by end-area in columns to P3Pad or a text file.


Road job
Select a Roadjob
Chainage range
Specify start and end chainages.
Report interval
Enter a report interval. For all chainages, enter *.
Select Screen to report to P3Pad. Select File to specify a text file.
Select one or all phases
Report volumes for each surface material, by subgrade or within each closed shape.
Shrink|​swell factors
Apply shrink and swell factors to volumes for each surface material, by subgrade or within each closed shape.
Full report
Report, for each material used at each cross-section in the chainage range, the total volumes, the volumes by material, Chainage totals and Totals Only.
Chainage|​Station totals
Reports, the cut|fill and total volumes at each cross-section in the report range and Totals Only.
Totals only
Report only the total cut and fill volumes across the report range.

See also EARTHWORK for prismoidal volumes, GCGRDVOL for prismoidal volumes between xlines and XVOLUMES for end-area volumes to .CSV.

If you get zero volumes when you expect sensible values, see FIXLAYERS.

Command date Guide Menu Source GC
29/10/08 RG 1005 Roads|​Reports|​Earthwork...
Channel|​Reports|​Dredge volumes...
S 471

Edit any object.

Edit these properties of any object according to object type.

A set is a string of straight or arc segments joining point objects.
  • Replace a point with another point.
  • Insert a point into a set before a selected point.
  • Append a point to the end of a set.
  • Delete a selected point from the set. If the set contains only two points, the entire set is deleted.
  • Reverse the order of the points. See also REVERSE.
  • Change the set Smoothness. See SETSMOOTH.
  • Reorder the points of the set so that the selected point becomes the first point in the set, the next point becomes the second and so on.
  • Swap the first specified point with the second specified point
  • Toggle the subtended angle of an arc between > and < 180°.
  • Change cut and fill Slope values.
  • Open or close the set. A closed set connects the first point and last point with a set segment.
  • Change CAD properties: layer, colour, linetype, group, name, reference object (parent) and start chainage.
A pline is a string of straight or curved segments with a single elevation.
  • Move an IP (PI, intersection point, control point, cp or vertex) from one location to another
  • Insert a vertex before the selected vertex
  • Append one or more vertices to the end of the pline
  • Delete the selected vertex
  • Reverse the order of the vertices of a selected pline.
  • Spline or desplines the pline
  • Reorder the vertices of a pline
  • Swap the first specified vertex with the second specified vertex
  • Close or open the pline
  • Undo the last change to pline
  • Change CAD properties: layer, colour, linetype, group, name, reference object (parent), start chainage, elevation
  • If the text was created by LABELSEG, segment point numbers are displayed. Use LABELSEG to update these text objects.
  • Copy text from another text object
  • Enter up to 255 characters of text
  • Origin is the text insertion location
  • Elevation
  • The bearing orients the text.
  • Open the Eat Code Insertion Aid Dialog Box
  • Leader line colours are set globally by DRAFTSET.
    • Select the leader line style, indicating the use of a leader line, or [none]. If the subject text is a segment label, you can also select the Crows Feet style (dimension arrows). Toggle crow's feet with CROWFOOT.
    • Select leader line linetype. The leader line is drawn from the subject being labeled to the text
    • Designate the location to which the leader line points. The leader line will normally point to the subject of a callout, but it can actually point anywhere you wish
    • Assign a gap in project units between the leader line point and the beginning of the leader line. If the gap is expressed as negative, the gap scales with the view scale
  • Select the border style and linetype. See also DRAFTSET
  • The attributes of a subject of the text object can be used in EAT codes
  • An alignment from which the callout's subject can be locate for EAT codes which display a chainage and offset
  • EAT Extended attribute text
  • Text Metrics. See TEXTMETRICS.
  • Change CAD Properties: layer, colour, group, reference object (parent)
  • Change properties: layer, colour, group, reference object, name, origin, elevation, auto scale, map colour, auto rotation, and subject point number
  • The block can be scaled in X, Y and Z, and rotated about those axes.
  • If the block is tied to a point number, the point and block will move together.
  • If AutoScale is ON, the block changes size with the view scale
  • If Map Colour is ON for this block, the block is displayed in the block colour. If OFF, in the colours of the objects in the block. When a block is first created, the block colour is the same as the line colour of the layer.
  • If Auto rotation is ON, the block is rotated so that it is displayed through a dynaview so it can be read from the left or bottom of a sheet.
  • If you change the block name, the appearance will change to match the appearance of any existing block with the new name.
  • Use commands like BLOCK, UNITBLK, MKBLKINT, SCLBLKS and AUTODRAFT to control block placement.
  • Change properties: layer, name, auto off, group, boundary, layer list name, scale, rotation and location.
  • If Auto off is ON, this turns off the display of objects that are referenced and not a part of the family tree.
  • The boundary is the closed pline that defines the extent of the dynaview.
  • You can limit each dynaview to display only those layers on a nominated layer list. See LLISTSET.
  • The dynaview is located at the first vertex in the boundary pline
  • Change properties: point number, layer, colour, group, name, contourability, location, elevation and label.
  • See LABELPOINT for point labelling.
Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Edit object S 32


Edit the Terramodel initialisation file TMODWIN.INI.

Installing Terramodel or the Geocomp Update creates or modifies TMODWIN.INI which contains settings for the Terramodel user-interface that control colours, menus, toolbar buttons, function keys, and so on. Most of these configurations can be controlled from within Terramodel using commands such as those listed below. Use EDITINI to edit other configurations in the file without having to use a text editor.

If there is no current TMODWIN.INI, EDITINI creates a new blank one into which you must "Import Sections from old INI file".


The displayed background, cursor and highlight colours depend on the current palette and colourmap. See PALETTE.

Background colour
Select a colour number for the background of graphics window.
Cursor colour
Select a colour number for the graphics cursor.
HiLight colour
Select a colour number for the colour used to show selected objects.
Frame height and width
Specify the size of the Terramodel window frame on start up.
Command columns
Specify the maximum number of characters for the Command Line.

Terramodel Search Path

Terramodel looks for prototypes, blocks, TMLS and many other file types firstly in the current project folder, then the folders in the Terramodel Search Path (TSP) in order, then specific Terramodel software folders that do not need to be added here. Sub-folders are ignored unless you include them.

Edit or add user-definable locations into the Terramodel Search Path. Use Crtl Enter to insert new lines for each folder.

Click "Add TMCustom to TSP" to add C:\TMCUSTOM\GEOCOMP and C:\TMCUSTOM if those folders are not included.

Click "Update Terramodel Search Path" to remove any paths that do not exist and replace the TSP with the new values.

Fix Status Bar / System, etc.

Click "Fix Status Bar / System, etc." to reset values of some properties:

  • Edit set: Clear default mode
  • Coordinate scroll: Visible
  • Coordinate scroll: Location 300 pixels from left and 300 from top of primary display
  • Coordinate scroll: Coordinates visible
  • Coordinate scroll: Bearings and distances visible
  • Coordinate scroll: Station|chainages and offsets visible
  • Coordinate scroll: Match E|N decimal places of coordinate precision in UNITSSET
  • Status bar: Visible
  • Command line: Visible
  • Command line: 200 characters long
  • Message scroll: Visible
  • Message scroll: 2 rows
  • Toolbar: Visible
  • Toolbar: Current layer visible
  • Toolbar: Current linetype visible
  • Toolbar: Current object colour visible
  • Toolbar: Current point colour visible
  • Plotterset: Suspend lock driver off.
  • File menu: 8 recent files
  • System: Undo 19999 objects
  • System: 0.001 units tolerance for unequal arc radii
  • System: Maximum of 20,000,000 objects (in P3Server)
  • Alias: Remove section if present. See ALIAS.

Copy and backup

Copy the current TMODWIN.INI to a selected location or backup to TMODWIN.BUP in its current location.

Import sections from an old INI file.

Import or replace sections from an .INI file that contain colourmaps, palettes, penmaps, carousels, function keys or toolbar. Click "Show Old INI File" to browse to select the INI file, select the relevant sections by Click, Control Click or Shift Click, and then Import. New sections are added. Sections with names that match sections in the current TMODWIN are updated and reported to message scroll. Certain sections indicated by *** are not imported, such as lists of palettes or carousels.

Show old INI File
Browse to select an old TMWODWIN.INI file, or another INI file containing relevant sections in the same format. Typical "old .ini files" include:
  • A TMODWIN.INI that you copied as a backup
  • A TMODWIN.INI that you copied from your old computer
  • A TMODWIN.INI that you abridged with just your changed sections or parts of sections
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​TRIMBLE_​DEFAULTS_​TMODWIN.INI with sections from a default installation with no Geocomp Update
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​GEOCOMP_​AUST_DEFAULTS_​TMODWIN.INI with sections from Geocomp Update with Australian defaults
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​GEOCOMP_​USA_DEFAULTS_​TMODWIN.INI with sections from Geocomp Update with American defaults
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​HDMS_​DEFAULTS_​TMODWIN.INI with sections to suit Hydrographic mapping
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​FIELD_DATA_​TMODWIN.INI with sections to suit Field data module (no key)
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\VIEWER_​TMODWIN.INI with sections to suit Viewer only (no key and restricted menu)
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​DELETE_​COLORMAPS_​TMODWIN.INI with empty colormaps
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​DELETE_​PALETTES_​TMODWIN.INI with empty palettes
  • C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​P3PAD_​REPORT_​TMODWIN.INI with the default P3Pad report font
Import Selected
Import configurations from the selected sections. New configurations are created. Configurations with the same names are updated. Other configurations are unchanged.
Replace Selected
Replace the whole of selected sections. All existing configurations in those sections are deleted. Only imported configurations are retained.
Import Selected Sections or Replace Selected sections
Import or replace selected sections into the current TMODWIN.INI file.

TSP is defined in [System]. If you import TSP, you are prompted whether to continue, or to leave TSP alone.

To make current an imported palette, colourmap, penmap or carousel, use PALETTE, PLOTSET or PLOTTERSET afterwards.

Remove sections from TMODWIN.INI.

To delete a section from TMODWIN.INI, select an empty section with the same name and Replace Selected. To remove a palette or colourmap, select the corresponding empty palette or colourmap section from C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​DELETE_​COLORMAPS_​TMODWIN.INI or C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​DELETE_​PALETTES_​TMODWIN.INI. Penmaps are best removed with PLOTSET. Carousels are best removed with CAROUSEL.

Location of TMODWIN.INI

EDITINI reports the location of the current TMODWIN.INI on the title of the dialog. Depending on your versions of Terramodel and Geocomp Update and how they have been installed, this TMODWIN.INI may be in C:\Program files (x86)\Trimble\Terramodel\Locale\English (or some other Locale) or in a location set by an environmental variable. In addition, Windows can redirect these changes to a hidden copy in the VirtualStore By using EDITINI, you don't need to know exactly where, when or how.


DTMAREA, GC44, GC44CSV and GC82 refer to a table of decreasing percentage slope ranges defined in TMODWIN.INI. For example,






To edit the slope table, copy TMODWIN.INI to a location where you can edit, use a text editor to change the ranges, then import the [SlopeTable] section from that file. To restore the default slope table, import from C:\TMCustom\Geocomp\TMODWIN_TRIMBLE_DEFAULTS.INI.

After defining the slope ranges, specify the corresponding TableSize up to a maximum of 100.

SHADESLP uses a separate Shade Slope Ranges (.SSR) file.

Other commands

See also these commands that edit TMODWIN.INI:

Configure Autosave delay and location
Load or change the callout style
Turn on the command line
Add or modify a pen carousel definition
Configure the coordinate scroll
Reset the coordinate scroll
Favourite commands
Convert software paths from 32-bit to 64-bit and add Geocomp folder
Report and edit Terramodel Search Path
Toggle linetype selection on the toolbar
Configure the menus
Current project name and location
Set running (object) snap modes
Select the current palette and colourmap
Add or edit plotter configurations and lock driver on|off
Toggle the status bar display
Modify company name and address, macro directory, Max objects, Max alpha points, TML debug level, lock file on open, undo buffer, vertex marker size, cursor aperture size, toolbox autostart, mouse dragging or prompting for new points in sets.
Display, edit and save toolboxes in workspaces
Change view settings

Some of these commands also modify values in P3SERVER.INI, project variables, environmental variables or Windows registry entries.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 MM2

Change the name of selected points and plines to match their elevations.

Change the name of selected points and plines in the Profile and Xsect views to match their Y values and in the Plan and other views to match their Z values.

You can overwrite, prefix or suffix the names.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Modify the elevation of points along a set using a vertical angle

Modify the elevation of selected points within a particular set based on their position along the set with respect to a 3D reference point in that set, and a vertical angle.

If the specified vertical angle is other than a vertical distance, Terramodel multiplies the implied slope by the horizontal distance between the points along the set's alignment, and adds the resulting change in elevation to the elevation of the reference point to compute the elevation of the selected point.

If *
The selected point's elevation will always be set to the computed elevation.
If <
The point's elevation will only be altered if the computed elevation is less than the point's existing elevation, or if the point is currently a 2D point.
If >
The point's elevation will only be altered if the computed elevation is greater than the point's existing elevation, or if the point is currently a 2D point.

This command is similar to ELEVREFPT, except that the distance between the selected point and the reference point is determined along the horizontal alignment of a set within which they are both members.


Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Modify|​​Elevation|​​Along set S  

Modify the elevation of selected objects.

Modify the elevation of selected objects to an absolute elevation or relative to the current elevation of the object.

Use the radio buttons to select Absolute or Relative.

Turn 3D points into 2D points by entering an asterisk (*) as the elevation.

One way to balance earthwork is to repeatedly change the relative elevation of the design DTM by layer then repeat to project new sideslopes.

Replaced by GCELEV which does the same thing but with better-labelled radio buttons.

See also GC69 , GC53, GCNOELEV and CUTFILL.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Modify|​Elevation|​Elevation S 9

Interpolate elevation of points, text and blocks from a DTM.

Replace the elevation of selected points, text and blocks by interpolating from the DTM.

See also DTMPTS which only adds elevations on 2D points and GCPTSTXT which takes the elevation from the value of the nearest text object.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Elevation|​From DTM Geocomp Update or $250 237

Modify the elevation of points along a set using a vertical angle

Modify the elevation of selected points by projecting them vertically to an imaginary plane surface.

The plane surface is defined with respect to a 3D reference point by specifying a bearing, and a vertical angle.

The vertical angle is applied in the direction of the indicated bearing, establishing the tilt of the plane surface, which passes through the reference point.

If *
The selected point's elevation will always be set to the computed elevation.
If <
The point's elevation will only be altered if the computed elevation is less than the point's existing elevation, or if the point is currently a 2D point.
If >
The point's elevation will only be altered if the computed elevation is greater than the point's existing elevation, or if the point is currently a 2D point.


Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Modify|​Elevation|​Reference plane S  

Modify the elevation of points along a set using a vertical angle

Modify the elevation of selected points based on their horizontal distance from a 3D reference point and a vertical angle relationship.

If the specified vertical angle is other than a vertical distance, the implied slope will be multiplied by the distance between the points, and the resulting change in elevation will be added to the elevation of the reference point to compute the elevation of the selected point.

If the specified vertical angle is entered as a vertical distance, it will simply be added to the elevation of the reference point to get the elevation of the selected points.

If *
The selected point's elevation will always be set to the computed elevation.
If <
The point's elevation will only be altered if the computed elevation is less than the point's existing elevation, or if the point is currently a 2D point.
If >
The point's elevation will only be altered if the computed elevation is greater than the point's existing elevation, or if the point is currently a 2D point.
Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Modify\​Elevation\​Reference point S  

Show elevation and grade of a profile at a chainage.

The chainage can be keyed-in or selected graphically in the profile view.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Elevation at chainage
Reports|​More...|​Elevation at station

Create an ellipse.

Create a pline that aproximates an ellipse.

Major axis record
Select a set or pline that extends along the major axis
Minor axis length
Enter the length of the minor axis
No. segs
Enter the number of segments around the new pline

TML date MenuSource 
18/09/19   Draw|​Pline|​Ellipse Geocomp Update or $250  

Interpolate elevations onto contour plines.

Modify the elevations of selected plines to match the averages of the elevations interpolated from the specified DTM at the vertices of each pline.

The elevations are rounded to the nearest interval in the current CONTOURSET command settings. Use ELVPLINE to convert 2D plines to contours when you have the DTM.


TML date MenuSource 
29/10/08   Modify|​Elevation|​Pline elev. from DTM S  

Import a GeoPak alignment report

Read a specific GeoPak alignment file format.


TML date  Source 
29/10/08     S  

Define error ellipse attributes

Define attributes on selected points derived from any error ellipse blocks attached to the points.

These points can then be labelled with attributes using EAT TEXT.

RDE can create elliptical blocks indicating the possible error by least squares. These blocks are circles which are scaled by the errors in x and y, then scaled again by 1000 so they are readily visible, then rotated.

The TML name is ERR_ELIP. If ERRELIP does not run from the command line, create an alias from ERRELIP to ERR_ELIP or enter ERR_ELIP. ERRELIP requires the attribute definition file ERR_ELIP.ADF.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Evaluate DTM breaklines

Report potential problems with DTM breakline formation.

For each set in a DTM layer, report:

  • Unused segments
  • 2D Points
  • Non-​contourable points
  • Points on different layers
  • Dead regions

Every straight set segment which connects two 3D contourable points on the same layer is a breakline unless it is crossed by another breakline with a higher record number.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   DTM|​Evaluate DTM surface Geocomp Update or $200 140

Execute an external program

Execute an external .EXE application using arguments for the path and variables.

For example, DCEDIT is an ALIAS for EXEC "C:\Program Files (x86)\​Common Files\​Trimble\​DCEditor\​DCEditor.exe".

See also RUN and CMD.

Command dateGuide SourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM   S 200

Exit Terramodel

Save recent changes to objects, close the current project and exit Terramodel.

If you have made changes to objects since the last save, you will be prompted to save changes. If you have changed project variables only, save changes before exiting.

When you save changes, records are renumbered to remove any gaps in the sequence of record numbers caused by deleting objects.

See also RUN.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM File|​Exit S 0

Explode blocks, text, tables, dynaviews and complex linetypes.

Explode selected blocks, text, tables, dynaviews and complex linetypes into components.

To explode theseinto theseuse
one set or plinetwo sets or plinesBREAK
setsset segmentsDISJOIN
sets with arcssets with chordsARCBREAK or GCCHORD
plines with no spirals or vertical curvespline segmentsDISJOIN
plines with spiralsplines with arcs and chordsOFFSETDIST
plines with spirals, vertical curves or splinesplines with 2D chordsGCCHORD or FILTER
alignment plines with arcs, spirals, vertical curves or splinessets with 3D chordsGCCHORD
sets or plines with complex linetypessets or plines and symbol textGCEXPLOD
normal textplinesGCEXPLOD
extended attribute text (EAT) with leader line and bordernormal text and plinesGCEXPLOD
blocksplines, text, blocks and pointsGCEXPLOD or EXPLODE
label tablesplines and textEXPLODE
dimensionsrounded textTEXTRND
lot labelsnormal textLABELSETS Text
lot segment labelsEAT textLABELSETS Text
point labelstextLABELPOINT Explode
symbolstext with symbol fontLABELPOINT Explode
mass haul diagramsplines and textMASSHAUL and MASSDIAG
dynaviewsobjectsEXPLODE or GCEXPLOD

Exploding blocks

  • Depending on how the blocks were created,
  • EXPLODE and GCEXPLOD explode blocks differently with respect to layers, colours, elevations, names and sets. If one command doesn't do what you hoped, try the other one.
  • Because blocks can be nested inside blocks, you may need to repeat to explode more blocks.
  • Optionally, delete the old objects.
  • Recursive blocks, that contain blocks with same name, cannot be exploded. Use DELETE or BLKREAD.
  • Select or restrict by Type. For example, to select blocks but not text, use SEARCH settings or Right mouse button Type.
  • Explode hatching before you include any in a new block.
  • A block with Map colour ON is displayed in the colour of the block; with Map colour OFF, in the colour of the objects in the block. Use SCLBLKS to change the map colour status of multiple blocks.
  • Use CLIP to break plines or sets at a boundary.
  • Use DELBLKS to delete missing external blocks.
  • Use GCPURGE to purge all unused blocks.
  • Use SYM2BLK to replace symbols with blocks.
  • Use GCBLKFIX to explode blocks, modify the colours of the objects and recreate the blocks.
Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Explode S  

Windows Explorer toolbar button

Open Windows File Explorer.

Open Windows File Explorer file manager.

Windows File Explorer is also known as Explore, Explorer, My Computer, Computer and This PC.

Alias date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Toolbar button user-definable  

Export data using scripts.

Using a system of configurable scripts, export data from Terramodel, directly to some survey instruments, or to a data file.

Survey formats

The formats cover a wide range of survey instruments and software including:

  • ASCII points
  • DiNi
  • .DWG and .DXF
  • Elta
  • Geocomp
  • Geodimeter
  • LandXML
  • Microstation V7 .DGN
  • Nikon
  • Paydirt SiteWork
  • SDMS
  • Softdesk
  • Sokkia .SDR
  • SMI
  • SpectraPrecision .ALN, .RLN
  • Star*Net
  • Terramodel.PRO
  • Trimble Constructor
  • Trimble DiNi
  • Trimble SCS900
  • Trimble SiteWork
  • Trimble Survey Controller
  • Trimble Survey Data Card
  • Trimble DTM .TTM
  • Trimble Roading 3D .DC
  • Trimble Setout .DC
  • Tripod Data Systems (TDS)

This list includes both standard Terramodel scripts and scripts supplied with the Geocomp Update. Use EXPORTSMGR to create and edit export scripts.


Other commands that export to Trimble formats include GCDCOUT, GCLFAOUT, GCMULTDC, GCPTSOUT, GCSZAOUT, GCTMAOUT, GCTTAOUT, SURVCONT, TRMBGRID and TRMBROAD. Refer to www.geocomp.com.au/​support/​terramodel/​acu.html.

ESRI shape files

When exporting shape files, select "Name", "Layer" or "Colour" but not "Attributes" (unless you have previously set up ESRI attributes).

The ESRI files created in the same folder are:.SHP containing geometry, .SHX containing the index and .DBF containing attributes. If a .PRJ containing the projection is requested, ask the recipient to supply theirs, open that in a text editor to discover the projection and use GCCOORD or COORDCON to transform your data to that projection before exporting the files.

See also

Export points to various formats
Import using a script
Find and replace text in a file

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09 HELPIE, UG, FDM UG File|​Export/​Upload S 188,​FC D,​FC I

Export or report cross sections in Geocomp format.

Given a road job surface, create a Geocomp .CES cross section file or a detailed cross section report similar to that produced by Geocomp RDP 482, or both.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 402,482

Export script manager.

Hide, create, edit, delete or run export scripts.

Create a new export script

Name script and select destination
Give the script a name and specify whether the script action is to export, upload or both.
Instrument|​data collector
If you selected upload, select a device to upload to.
Select output file format
If you selected export, select a file format, such as ASCII points.
Target file
Specify an export file location or name (e.g. *.CSV) which you can leave blank. Specify other information depending on the chosen format such as mapping file or output format.
ASCII formats
For ASCII formats, enter codes delimited by spaces or commas to indicate the data order of the source files. Enter P for Points field, E for Easting, N for Northing, Z for Elevation, D for Description|​Name, X for Station|​Chainage from the active alignment, O for Offset from the active alignment, S for Space or " before and after a literal string, and optionally enter field widths or precisions and point settings.

For Import + Export help, see Index on the Help menu. Press F1 while creating a script might also open Help.

The scripts are stored as files of the same name in the C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Shared\​ImportExport\ folder. If the script file name is ticked, the script is visible on the EXPORT menu and the file extension is .xe. If not ticked, the script is not visible, and the extension is .xe_.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM File|​Export/​Upload|​Export script manager S  

Export cross section data in Terramodel .XSC format.

Export or list a selected surface from a roadway as cross sections in Terramodel .XSC file format with a chainage range.

Specify Segment 1, unless you are using chainage equations.

The report includes the offset and elevation of each point at each chainage.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     S  

Extend a pline or set to boundaries or by a distance.

Extend a pline or set to boundaries or by a distance.

To bdy
Extend to a boundary or to a specified distance
Extend by a specified distance.
Extend to the first the boundary, or lines projected from the ends of the boundary. The boundaries do not need to be closed.
Specify a pline or set to be extended
Add Pt
Create a new segment between the end and the new location.
Move Pt
Move the end of the set or pline segment.

Spirals and vertical curves cannot be extended.

See also GCEXTEND, which extends multiple plines to a single boundary, and GC88, which extends or clips to a specified total distance.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Edit|​Extend S 276

Function key F7

Toggle point number labels.

Label points with point numbers. F7 command again to turn point numbers off.

Add or change point labels that show the point number, at a legible view scale, for all visible points. If the point number is currently displayed, F7 turns the point number off.

If point markers have already been turned on by F8, elevations by F9 or names by F11, a point label block is selected which continues to show them. These labels are also known as block labels in LABELPOINT and style indices in EDIT.

The point label has the same colour as the point.

Blocks and point symbols are unchanged.

When F7 turns on point numbers, the height of the displayed labels is maintained by adjusting the view scale, if required, to suit the Point Label Height setting in EDITINI.

These point labels are intended for quick use while examining or editing your data. If you are drafting, or otherwise work with fixed view scales, or want control over colours or layers, use LABPT, BLOCK or AUTODRAFT to create text or blocks.

To reassign function keys F7, F8, F9 and F11 to launch F7, F8, F9 and F11 commands, use EDITINI to import the [Function​Keys] section from C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​GEOCOMP_​AUST_​DEFAULTS_​TMODWIN.INI.

See also

Update the plan view scale to suit labels then redraw
Add or edit point labels
Change the view scale
Enter a plan view scale or change the plan view scale to suit point labels

TML date MenuSourceGC
15/07/19   Draft|​Label points with numbers
Function key F7
Geocomp Update or $250 F7,136

Function key F8

Toggle symbol labels.

Label points with circle symbol labels. Run F8 again to turn symbol labels off.

Add or change point labels that show a circle (symbol 40), at a legible view scale, for all visible points. If the symbol label is currently displayed, F8 turns the symbol label off.

If point numbers have already been turned on by F7, elevations by F9 or names by F11, a point label block is selected which continues to show them. These labels are also known as block labels in LABELPOINT and style indices in EDIT.

The circle label has the same colour as the point.

Blocks and point symbols are unchanged.

When F8 turns on circle labels, the height of the displayed labels is maintained by adjusting the view scale, if required, to suit the Point Label Height setting in EDITINI.

To label points with a user-defined symbol number and symbol height, see F8C.

These point labels are intended for quick use while examining or editing your data. If you are drafting, or otherwise work with fixed view scales, or want control over colours or layers, use LABPT, BLOCK or AUTODRAFT to create text or blocks.

To reassign function keys F7, F8, F9 and F11 to launch F7, F8, F9 and F11 commands, use EDITINI to import the [Function​Keys] section from C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​GEOCOMP_​AUST_​DEFAULTS_​TMODWIN.INI.

See also

Display temporary point markers
Update the plan view scale to suit labels then redraw
Add or edit point labels
Change the view scale
Enter a plan view scale or change the plan view scale to suit point labels

TML date MenuSource 
15/07/19   Draft|​label points with circles
Function key F8
Geocomp Update or $250  

Toggle preset symbol labels.

Label points with preset symbols. Run F8C again to turn preset symbols off.

Blocks, point labels and other symbols are unchanged.

To preset the symbol, use PROJECTV to create or set the Integer project variable "F8C:​Symbol_Number" to the desired symbol. The default symbol is 34 (+).

The symbol size is dependent on the current view scale at time of creation. To change the size, change the view scale with VIEWSET or VIEWSCAL then toggle off then on.

To preset the symbol size, use PROJECTV to create or set the Double project variable "F8C:​Symbol_Height" to the desired height in sheet units. The default height is 0.10.

The colour of the label is the same as the point colour.

The point labels are the same as those placed by LABELPOINT. These labels are intended for quick use while editing your data. If you are drafting, use LABPT, BLOCK or AUTODRAFT instead for control over colours, size, layers and so on.

To label with circle symbols at heights that adjust view scale for legibility, use F8. To configure the F8 function key to use F8C, ALIAS from F8C to F8 or use EDITINI to edit F8 in the function key section of TMODWIN.INI. To display temporary point markers, use F8T.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Display temporary point markers.

Display temporary point markers on all points in visible layers.

The point marker size is dependent on the current view scale. The colour is the cursor colour.

Point markers are temporary and disappear after refresh. They are not objects or labels or vertex markers. Blocks, symbols and point labels are unchanged.

To display circle symbols at heights that adjust view scale for legibility, use F8. To configure the F8 function key to use F8T, ALIAS from F8C to F8 or use EDITINI to edit F8 in the function key section of TMODWIN.INI. To display point markers with a user-defined symbol, use F8C.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​Mark|​Points Geocomp Update or $250 F8,137

Function key F9

Toggle elevation labels.

Label points with elevations. F9 command again to turn elevation labels off.

Add or change point labels that show the elevation, at a legible view scale, for all visible points. If the point number is currently displayed, F9 turns the point number off.

If point numbers have already been turned on by F7, circles by F8 or names by F11, a point label block is selected which continues to show them. These labels are also known as block labels in LABELPOINT and style indices in EDIT.

The point label has the same colour as the point.

Blocks and point symbols are unchanged.

When F9 turns on elevation labels, the height of the displayed labels is maintained by adjusting the view scale, if required, to suit the Point Label Height setting in EDITINI.

These point labels are intended for quick use while examining or editing your data. If you are drafting, or otherwise work with fixed view scales, or want control over colours or layers, use LABPT, BLOCK or AUTODRAFT to create text or blocks.

To reassign function keys F7, F8, F9 and F11 to launch F7, F8, F9 and F11 commands, use EDITINI to import the [Function​Keys] section from C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​GEOCOMP_​AUST_​DEFAULTS_​TMODWIN.INI.

See also

Update the plan view scale to suit labels then redraw
Add or edit point labels
Change the view scale
Enter a plan view scale or change the plan view scale to suit point labels

TML date MenuSourceGC
15/07/19   Draft|​Label points with elevations
Function key F9
Geocomp Update or $250 F9,138

Function key F11

Toggle point name labels.

Label points with names. F11 command again to turn point name labels off.

Add or change point labels that show the name, at a legible view scale, for all visible points. If the name is currently displayed, F11 turns the name off.

If point numbers have already been turned on by F7, circles by F8 or elevations by F9, a point label block is selected which continues to show them. These labels are also known as block labels in LABELPOINT and style indices in EDIT.

The point label has the same colour as the point.

Blocks and point symbols are unchanged.

When F11 turns on point name labels, the height of the displayed labels is maintained by adjusting the view scale, if required, to suit the Point Label Height setting in EDITINI.

These point labels are intended for quick use while examining or editing your data. If you are drafting, or otherwise work with fixed view scales, or want control over colours or layers, use LABPT, BLOCK or AUTODRAFT to create text or blocks.

To reassign function keys F7, F8, F9 and F11 to launch F7, F8, F9 and F11 commands, use EDITINI to import the [Function​Keys] section from C:\TMCustom\​Geocomp\​GEOCOMP_​AUST_​DEFAULTS_​TMODWIN.INI.

TML date MenuSourceGC
15/07/19   Draft|​Label points with names
Function key F11
Geocomp Update or $250 F10,110

Favourite commands.

Edit a history of up to 30 Terramodel favourite and most recently used commands.

Commands from this history are available by right-​clicking in the graphics area when prompted for a Terramodel command.

Enable command completion to anticipate commands from this history as you type.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM File|​System configuration|​Favorites S 201

Import ASCII points into square regions in separate project files.

Import ASCII points into separate Terramodel project files for each square data region of the nominated size. The input data format is assumed to be E N Z or E,N,Z. Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.

For example, if the region size is 1000m, all points with X between 0 and 1000 and also Y between 0 and 1000, are added to one Terramodel project, whereas those points with X between 0 and 1000 but Y between 1000 and 2000, would be added to a different Terramodel project file, and so on.

Project Variable MAX_​NUMBER_​OF_​FILES restricts the number of files open. The default is 100.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     S  

Create a curve by radius at the intersection of two set segments or two pline segments.

  1. Select the first segment using the Seg1 locate control.
  2. Select the second segment that intersects the first using the Seg1 locate control.
  3. Input the radius for the arc using the Radius distance control.
  4. Specify whether to trim the two selected line segments using the Trim check box. When the box is checked, the lines are trimmed to the point at which the fillet arc is added. If a radius of 0 is used, the lines will be trimmed to the point at which the lines intersect.
  5. Click OK to create the fillet.
Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Arc|​Fillet S 73

Filter vertices in plines.

Create plines made up of straight segments from selected plines within a filter "box".

The number of vertices is reduced along straights, such as contours, and can be increased for splines, arcs and spirals.

The initial filter box is of the specified length and width and is orientated to the first segment. The width is perpendicular to the segment.

FILTER checks for additional vertices contained within the limits of the filter box. Any vertices inside the box are discarded. The first vertex found outside the box is kept, and the last discarded vertex inside the box is added back to the pline. The tube is then reoriented based on the last two vertices, and the process is repeated.

Set the current colour and layer so you can see the difference between the new plines and the old.


Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Pline|​Filter S DTM F

Filter duplicate points within 3D tolerance.

Relayer any duplicate points within a specified 3D tolerance to layer 0 with the option to report.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Move three-​point-​arc points onto tangents.

Fix non-tangential arcs by moving the end and centre points of three-​point-​arcs onto the line of adjacent straight segments.

In selected sets, for each pair of adjoining arc segments with equal radii, where the first and last surveyed points are approximately tangent points (TPs) and the adjoining set segments are straight, move each "TP" along the adjoining straight until both are exactly tangential and move the centre point so the radii remain equal.

You can also interpolate new elevations along the tangents.

Three-​point arcs are represented by pairs of adjoining arc segments with equal radii. To create a three-point arc, select three points using GC3PTARC, use a POC (point-on-curve) global code in AUTODRAFT or import Geocomp three-​point-​arc strings using GCIMPORT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Fix breaklines connected to points in other layers.

For set segments on a DTM layer that join contourable points on other layers, "fix" them so they function as breaklines.

For each set on the DTM layer, wherever the set is connected to a 3D point on layer 0, and there is 2D point on the DTM layer at the same X and Y location, replace the 2D point in the set with the 3D point.

For any such points found, P3Pad reports the point numbers and "Swapping point number in set".

If the set is connected to a point on any other layer, and there is no point at the same location on the DTM layer, copy the point into the DTM layer and then insert the point into the set.

During DTM formation by any command, duplicate points on a DTM layer relayer to layer 0. Any connected to a set are usually replaced by one on the DTM layer and message scroll reports "Set Node Changed". If this doesn't happen, use FIXDTM or GC31.

See also EVALDTM and GCCOPY.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Replace dynaviewed plotboxes with new plotbox records.

Create new closed plotbox plines to replace selected plotboxes.

For each selected pline, that has a dynaview,

  • Close the pline, if it is open
  • Create a new plotbox pline at the same locations
  • Change the parent of the dynaview to the new plotbox

Delete the old plotboxes or retain them as plines with no dynaviews

Delete any text or plines that referred to the old plotboxes or retain them as records with no parents.

Use FIXDYNA when you have many dynaviews, and visibility of objects in some dynaviews is incorrect because you have lost track of object referencing.

TML date  Source 
15/03/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Fix layers.

Repair layers that cannot be used to compute end-area volumes.

Deleting multiple empty layers using LAYERSET in Terramodel 10.20 only, can corrupt a layer attribute in the project such that commands such as AVGEND, EARTHWRK and TEMPLATE report 0.00 volumes and, in road cross sections, materials are not shaded in colour.

Fix these layers in the current project by running FIXLAYERS at the Terramodel command line.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     S  

Import 12D Model .FLD field file.

Import 12D Model .FLD survey file for Raw Data Editor.


  1. Copy an .RDE file that contains only comments, such as C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp\​Docs\​EMPTY.RDE, to a new name with extension .RDE.
  2. Use the Empty.RDE _i IMPORT script to import the .RDE file with the new name and create a new survey job in Raw data editor (RDE) with the description "[new file name.RDE] imported at [time and date]".
  3. Exit RDE.
  4. Run FLD2RDE command.
  5. Browse to select a .FLD file created by a data collector with 12D Field software.
  6. Select OK to import the survey, convert the survey to .RDE format, display the survey in P3Pad and display the Procedure button "Copy All from P3pad report into RDE main screen".
  7. Click "Copy All from P3pad report into RDE main screen" to open RDE.
  8. Use Alt-Tab keys together to bring P3Pad editor to the current window.
  9. In P3Pad, use Control-A to Select All text.
  10. Alt-tab to RDE window.
  11. In RDE, use Control-C keys to paste text.
  12. Exit RDE to process the survey and create points.

See also

IMPORT with Geocomp 17-20 FLD_i import script
Import Geocomp or LisCAD coordinate data in Geocomp .FLD format with station identifier in characters 17 to 20 of the description
IMPORT with Geocomp 6-8 FLD_i import script
Import Geocomp or LisCAD coordinate data in Geocomp .FLD format with station identifier in characters 6 to 8 of the description (typically from Leica surveys)
GCIMPORT Data Collector Interface
Import survey observations, convert to Geocomp .FLD format, reduce to coordinates in .PTS|.STR format and import into RDE
DOS Geocomp
Import survey observations, convert to Geocomp .FLD format, reduce to coordinates in .PTS|.STR format and display for editing in Spatial Data System
Import 12Model Archive .12DA data

TML date  Source 
20/12/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Copy objects from an elevation view into a plan view.

Copy selected objects from an "Elevation" view such as Profile, XSect or View6 into a selected "Plan" view.

The objects are created at distances, elevations and offsets, along a reference line selected from the Plan view, equal to their X, Y and Z coordinates in the Elevation view.

The objects refer to the original object so you can then label a point with the original point number or elevation using EAT codes.

See also FLIPUP, BGELEV and GC56.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Cogo|​Flip|​Flip down Geocomp Update or $200  

Copy objects from a plan view into an elevation view.

Copy selected objects from a plan view into an "Elevation" drawing in a selected view.

The chainage of the point along the selected baseline determines the x-coordinate, while the elevation of the point determines the y-coordinate position.

The objects maintain the layer, colour and linetype of the original points.

The name of the new object is the original name plus the baseline name and original point number, X, Y and Z.

The objects are referenced to the original object. This enables you to label a point with the original point number, elevation, etc. using EAT codes.

See also FLIPDOWN, BGELEV and GC56.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Cogo|​Flip|​Flip up Geocomp Update or $200  

List or change fonts of selected text.

Report which fonts (typefaces) are used by selected text objects or change all selected of that font to a specified font.

Use this to fix text with incorrect fonts.

The From list shows only fonts used by any of the selected text.

The To list lists alphabetically all fonts which have been loaded into Terramodel or listed in p3server.ini.

If Terramodel cannot find a corresponding FNT file for a font, the font of the text is still changed to that font, but is displayed with the default font, usually TMODELF. To add a new font to the To List, place the FNT file into the fonts folder, specify that font in TEXTMETRICS or STYLESET, then add to the ini file when prompted.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Modify|​Text|​Font Geocomp Update or $200  

Design a forest road.

Select a registered HAL, check the settings and then press Enter. The result is a road fully designed in horizontal, including fitting of curves, templates, transitions, super­elevation and widening. In conjunction with VAL Editor, design a long road in minutes!

Keep any of your existing curves, superelevation, widening, xlines, and existing profile, or update them.

The settings include design speed, default cross slope, pavement and shoulder width and widening ratio.

Great for forest, haul and mountain roads where the same design criteria apply for most of the length.

Use WALK to get the initial alignment if based on constant grade, otherwise pick some IPs. Use RDVALEDIT to design the vertical alignment. Then modify your horizontal and vertical design to accommodate variations such as intersections.

FORESTRD and a prototype file are customised according to your requirements which could match those of any road authority. The default is setup for NSW RTA and Forestry Tasmania.

See also HAULROAD which also generates vertical and slope alignments, can allow you to edit your alignments and computes volumes.

See also FORESTTB.

TML date  Source 
Custom     POA  

Report offsets for a forest road

Use with FORESTRD.

TML date  Source 
Custom     POA  

Export FM 700 Full Road Geometry (.FRG) file.

Specify the centreline HAL of a road and records to set out and export this to an .FRG file. This file can then be used to store the full road geometry on Nikon DTM-800 series and Zeiss total stations running Fast Map 700 Road Engineer software. This can then be used for checking and setting out complex surfaces and alignments.

FM700 has built-in Quality Assurance. The default HAL is the active alignment, if set. If the VAL is picked, the elevations are the difference between the height of the object and the VAL, otherwise the elevations are from the points.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Edit feature attributes.

Copy feature attributes of a parent object onto selected objects.

If the parent object does not have feature attributes, enter feature attribute names and values using a dialog.

Feature attributes can be defined with a Name, Value and Date/Time.


The TML name is FY_ATBED. If FYATBEDIT does not run from the command line, create an alias from FYATBEDIT to FY_ATBED or enter FY_ATBED. This command requires FEATURES.ADF which is also supplied.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Feature Attribute TML bundle @ $400  

Export feature attributes to CSV.

Export feature attributes of selected objects to a comma-separate values (.CSV) file.

Feature attributes can be defined with a Name, Value and Date/Time.


The TML name is FY_ATBEP. If FYATBEP does not run from the command line, create an alias from FYATBEP to FY_ATBEP or enter FY_ATBEP. This command requires FEATURES.ADF which is also supplied.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Feature Attribute TML bundle @ $400  

Import feature attributes from a survey file.

Import all feature Attribute codes from a selected Trimble .DC, Leica .TLF or .CSV points file.

These feature attributes can be collected in the field for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) purposes.

The steps are:

For Trimble surveys:
  1. Upload a feature code table that uses Feature Attributes to a suitable Trimble
  2. Conduct a feature survey using those field attributes
  3. Extract the Trimble survey data as a .DC.
  4. IMPORT the Trimble DC survey file using the import script "Trimble raw survey data (dc)".
  5. Run FYATBIN from the command line
  6. Browse
  7. Choose Trimble Raw Data Collector Files
  8. Select the same DC file as before
  9. Import attributes onto the corresponding points.

For Leica surveys:
  1. Upload a suitable format file that uses Attributes to a suitable Leica survey instrument
  2. Conduct a feature survey using those field attributes
  3. Extract the Leica Survey data as a .TLF with attributes.
  4. IMPORT the Leica TLF survey file using the import script "Geocomp Leica TLF _i".
  5. Run FYATBIN from the command line
  6. Browse
  7. Select Leica Data Collector Files
  8. Select the same TLF file as before
  9. Import attributes onto the corresponding points.

For spreadsheet data:
  1. Create, edit or import Terramodel objects with unique names
  2. Create a .CSV file
  3. Create the first column with the heading Name then the names of the objects onto which the feature attributes are to be imported
  4. Create the other columns with headings of the feature attribute names then feature attribute values corresponding to the object names
  5. Run FYATBIN from the command line
  6. Browse
  7. Select CSV Data Files
  8. Select the .CSV file
  9. Import attributes onto the corresponding objects.


Import the attributes immediately after importing the points, so that you can be sure that the point numbers haven't changed.

The "Trimble raw survey data (dc)" import script reads the point name on "D9 Code" records and then "87 Feature Name" records. If both records exist for the same point, the "87" record is used. If the "D9" records are preferred because they are similar but are appended with additional data such as string numbers, use FYATBIN to replace the "87" point names with the "D9" point names.


The TML name is FY_ATBIN. If FYATBIN does not run from the command line, create an alias from FYATBIN to FY_ATBIN or enter FY_ATBIN.

FYATBIN requires FEATURES.ADF which is also supplied.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Feature Attribute TML bundle @ $400  

Export feature attributes to MapInfo files.

Export feature attributes of objects on a selected layer list to Mapinfo MIF/MID files that match D-SPEC as-built drainage specification.

The attribute names are written to the .MIF file and the corresponding values are written to the .MID file. Elevations can be included.

If the Coordinate System selected by GCCOORD is MGA, AMG or ISG, the definition is includes in the header, otherwise the default "non earth" is specified. To add another coordinate system, please contact Geocomp Systems.

Feature attributes can be defined with a Name, Value and Date/Time.


The TML name is FY_ATBOU. If FYATBOUT does not run from the command line, create an alias from FYATBOUT to FY_ATBOU or enter FY_ATBOU. This command requires FEATURES.ADF which is also supplied.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Feature Attribute TML bundle @ $400  

Import a Garmin GPS Waypoint (.wpt) file.

Import a Garmin GPS Waypoint (.wpt) file.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Export a Garmin GPS Waypoint (.wpt) file.

Export a Garmin GPS Waypoint (.wpt) file.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Remove characters in a name by a range of character positions.

Nominate the start and end character positions. The range is inclusive.

To remove characters within the range, select Delete.

To retain only those characters within the range, do not select Delete.

The values are stored as project variables.

Note that for text objects, the name is the same as the text value.

See also SNR.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​More...|​Truncate name Geocomp Update or $250 rdes

Modify point names to include chainage|​station and offset.

Modify the name of selected points to include chainage|​station and offset from HAL.

Select a centreline alignment pline or set
Select points
Include Sta.|Ch.
Include Sta.|Ch. and the value of station|chainage measured along the alignment
Include Offset
Include offset from selected HAL
Use EAT for Offsets
Configure offset to Offset EAT code format
Hal Pt Labels
If the point has the same chainage|​station as a significant HAL point, append the label such as IP, SC, CS or TP
Prefix Chainage|​Station
Enter any prefix to chainage|​station
Suffix Chainage|​Station
Enter any suffix to the chainage|​station
Prefix Offset
Enter any prefix to the offset
Suffix Offset
Enter any suffix to the offset
Append to point's name
Append to or replace existing point name
Prefix to point's name
Prefix to or replace existing point name
Create text
Also create text with the same characters as the point name
Text layer
Select layer for new text
Text style
Select style for any text
Text colour
Select a style for any text

The dialog uses the full chainage or station label (such as Chainage or Station) and the short chainage or station label (such as Sta., Ch. or KP) as configured by STAORCHN. These are configured in the [Geocomp] section of TMODWIN.INI for the computer and are independant of the project file. The short label also prefixes the station or chainage value.

If Offset EAT code format is selected, the format of the offset, configured by UNITSSET Labeling, can include any characters and indicate direction such as L or - for left, R for right and CL or 0.000 for zero offset).

The order of the potential components of the new name is: Original name|​chainage prefix|​Short chainage label|​chainage value|​chainage suffix|​offset prefix|​Offset value with Off or EAT codes|​Offset suffix|​HAL point label|​Original name.

See also

Modify point name to chainage|​station only
Label point with offset
Report offsets

TML date  SourceGC
16/11/18     Geocomp Update or $250 176

Report chainage and offset from HAL and VAL.

Report Pt Number, Chainage, Offset, Elev and Name of selected points, relative to a horizontal and vertical alignment.


  • List Easting and Northing
  • List vertical differences to a specified Design DTM
  • Extend the alignment past the end of the HAL record

In Settings, you can specify

  • Text for headings (up to five)
  • Text for a footer
  • Whether to create a .CSV file in format Pt No, Ch, O|S, Elev, Val Diff,Name
  • Whether to include Easting and Northing
  • Whether to report coordinates before or after Name column
  • Whether change the Point Names to show the Point number, horizontal offset, and elevation difference.

The report includes any pline vertices.

If the HAL is a 3D set, and you do not select a VAL, the elevation differences will be to the set.

Chainages are measured horizontally. See GC14 to use sloping chainages.

See also GC03A to use a master HAL or GC03DRN for an as-built drain report.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Chainage and offset
Reports|​More...|​Station and offset
Geocomp Update or $250 122

Report chainage and offset from master HAL.

Report Pt Number, Chainage, Offset, Elev, Val difference, Name and optionally, Coordinates, Vertical differences to a design DTM, up to five headings and a footer.

Specify points, a master HAL and a design Line.

In the Headings dialog, you can "Create CSV file" for use in spreadsheets

The report includes pline vertices.

If the HAL is a 3D set, and you do not select a VAL, the elevation differences will be to the set.

The HAL can be extended past the end of the HAL record. Chainages are measured horizontally.

See also GC03, GC14 for 3D chainages and GC03DRN for an as-built drain report.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Chainage and offset Geocomp Update or $250 122

Report chainage and design offset As-Built report from HAL and VAL.

Report selected points showing Pt Number, Chainage, As-built Offset, Design Offset, As-built Height, Design Height, Height difference from VAL, Design Grade As-Built Grade, Easting, Northing and Name|​Description.

Select points, a HAL, and enter the design horizontal and vertical offsets and tolerances for Horizontal, Vertical and Grade.

Optionally, select a VAL, to List Coordinates and enter Headings. To also create a .CSV, select the option under headings. Coordinates are only listed to .CSV.

See also GC03.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 122

Report chainage and offset from two HAL and VAL pairs.

Report Pt Number, Chainage, Offset, Elev, Val difference and Name from main Horizontal and Vertical alignments and Secondary Horizontal and Vertical alignments.

You can also list coordinates, extend past the end of the HAL record, and report vertical differences to a design DTM.

In the Secondary HAL/VAL and Settings dialog, enter up to five heading lines and footer for your reports, pick a secondary HAL and VAL and, optionally, create .CSV file for use in spreadsheets.

The report includes pline vertices.

If the HAL is a 3D set, and you do not select a VAL, the elevation differences will be to the set.

See also GC14 for 3D chainages and GC03DRN for an as-built drain report.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 122

Report chainage, offset and rake from HAL and VAL.

Report Pt Number, Chainage, Offset, Elevation, Elevation difference, Rake in 1m and Name of selected points, relative to a horizontal and vertical alignment.

You can also

  • List Easting and Northing
  • Extend the alignment past the end of the HAL record

In Settings, you can specify

  • Text for headings (up to five)
  • Text for a footer

If the HAL is a 3D set, and you do not select a VAL, the elevation differences will be to the set.

Chainages are measured horizontally.

See also GC03 for a simple report, GC03A to use a master HAL, GC03DRN for an as-built drain report and GC03WALL for a wall report.

TML date     Source  
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report chainage, offset, lean and rake of a wall from HAL and VAL.

Report chainage, offset, as built elevation, height above design toe, direction of lean and rake from HAL and VAL.

You can also

  • Backfill to left or right
  • List Easting and Northing
  • Extend the alignment past the end of the HAL record
  • Specify tolerances
  • Specify
    • Text for headings (up to five)
    • Text for a footer

If the HAL is a 3D set, and you do not select a VAL, the elevation differences will be to the set.

Chainages are measured horizontally.

See also GC03 for a simple report, GC03A to use a master HAL, GC03DRN for an as-built drain report and GC03RAKE for a rake report.

TML date     Source  
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create mid-points on short plines.

Where a single-segment pline is less than a minimum length, create a mid-point.

If the mid-point of the next pline is in the same location, omit the duplicate point.

A common use is to create a single point on each pair of crossing plines imported from CAD.

See also ILINE to intersect lines and GC31 to remove duplicate points, GC83 to select short plines or sets and DIVIDE to divide a pline or set.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 314

Calculate the centre of mass between two DTMs.

Calculate the centre of mass between two DTMs and inside a boundary.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Round elevations in project file.

Changes elevations to rounded values.

Only use GC06 where you cannot round the displayed values with EAT codes or precision settings.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Helmert transformation.

Compute shift, rotation and scale values that best fit selected pairs of points then transform the selected objects in 2D.

Select the objects to be transformed, carefully.
Use Form
Control point
Select up to nine points in the new coordinate system by point number or mouse.
Data point
Select up to nine corresponding points in the old coordinate system.
Specify the number of times to use each control and data point pair.
Generate report
Report to P3Pad.
Fix scale factor to
Fix the scale factor (e.g. to 1.00) rather than use the computed factor.
Apply Elev shift to Transformed objects
Shift the elevations rather than leave the elevations unchanged.
From the control and data points, weights and scale factor, calculate the Residuals, Rotation, Scale, East shift and North Shift for a 2D Helmert transformation, and the average elevation difference for an elevation shift, and display the calculated values on the right-hand side.
Clear Form
Clear the input information so you can reenter.
Transform Objects
Immediately transform the selected objects in 2D from the old coordinate system to the new, and shift the elevations if specified.
Store Transformation Values
Store calculated values as project variables so you can transform other data in the same project file with the same rotation, scale and shifts.
Store Transformation to hmt
Store calculated values to an external .HMT file so you can transform data in other project files with the same rotation, scale and shifts.
Use Stored Values
If you have previously stored transformation values as project variables using the form, immediately transform the coordinates of the selected objects.
Use HMT file
Select a .HMT file containing transformation values previously stored using the form, and immedately transform the selected objects.
Read a .WLD file containing coordinate pairs previously created by Arcmap and then compute and report the transformation values.
Read a .HEL file containing coordinate pairs previously created by 12D Model and then compute and report the transformation values.
Read Control/Data points from a file
Read a .CSV file containing point pairs and weights and compute transformation values.
Transform Points
Transform points using the transformation values read from .WLD, .HEL or .CSV files.


Use Helmert transformation to transfer between two plane coordinate systems or a geodetic and a plane coordinate system.

If the computed residuals shown in the form are not acceptable, omit point pairs or correct the coordinates before you transform points.

Do not include your control points in your selected objects.

The .HMT file contains three pairs of parameters on one line. The first two combine to store rotation and scale, the second locates the data centroid and the third, locates the control centroid. If a HMT file contains two lines, the first line is a heading displayed in the message scroll and the second line contains the parameters.

.WLD and .HEL files contain pairs of coordinates. New points are created at these locations.

The .CSV format is either Control_Point_number, Data_Point_Number or Control_Point_number, Data_Point_Number, Weight. Use .CSV when you have more than nine point pairs or point pairs are supplied in a spreadsheet.

See also

Transform from Grid to Ground or Ground to Grid
Affine transformation, which uses different scale factors in North and East
3D transformation
Shift, rotate or scale around a single point
Mirror around an axis

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Transform|​Helmert Geocomp Update or $200 37

Places blocks or symbols by group.

A mapping file (default = Geocomp.map) determines the block or symbol, the size and scaling behaviour. If the group =0, no symbol is placed.

Most import TMLs written by Geocomp Systems set a group for each object. If you import or create objects in other ways you will need to assign groups to use this function.

GCIMPORT enables this method during the import by selecting "Map Points and Circles with Blocks or Symbols". To place the blocks or symbols at a later stage, use GC09 after setting groups where required.

To replace circles with blocks by group (for example tree canopies), use GCIMPORT or GCINSBLK.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 90

List and sum area, 2D length and 3D length.

For each selected pline or set, report the horizontal or slope length and the totals to P3Pad.

As objects are selected, the total distance is updated in message scroll.

Select "Compute closed areas", to report the closed areas and the lengths of unclosed areas.

The slope distance is computed in 3D for set segments connecting 3D points and also 2D distances for plines and set segments joining 2D points.

Use for estimating lengths and areas of kerbs, pipes, paving and so on.

You can also report to .CSV for use in spreadsheets.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Report|​More...|​Lengths + areas Geocomp Update or $200 275

Report thickness between two DTMs at selected points.

For each selected point, report the Point number, Chainage, Offset, Easting, Northing, Thickness and Name.

The thickness is the interpolated elevation from the Upper DTM less the Lower DTM.

Where the thickness is expressed as a negative value, the Upper DTM is below the Lower DTM.

Where a point is outside either DTM, the thickness is shown as *.

Points outside the selected Roadjob are marked "Outside Roadjob".

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 224

Import 12D Model .12DA or .12DAZ file.

Import 2D, 3D, arc, text and alignment strings from a .12DA or .12DAZ archive file from 12D Model.

The 12D Model archive format is either an ASCII file with extension .12DA or a zipped .12DA with extension 12DAZ.

File selection

12D Archive file
Browse to select a .12DA to import or to first select a .12DAZ file then select the extracted .12DA file to import.
Colour mapping file
Specify a colour mapping files with extension .CNN, in this format:
12DA colour name, Terramodel colour number
Examples are installed in the C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp folder.
Layer name mapping file
Specify a layer name mapping file with extension .LNM, in this format:
12DA model name, Terramodel layer number
Terramodel uses the first matching case in the file. If you select an .LNM file, any new model names in the .12DA file are added to the end of the file. If you don't specify a .LMN, you can create a new one with values suggested by the .12DA file.
Line style mapping file
Specify line style mapping .LSM file in this format:
12DA line styple, Terramodel linetype
Any new line styles in the .12DA file are added to the end of the file. If you don't specify a .LSM, you are prompted to create a new one with values suggested by the .12DA file.


All the following options are OFF by default.
Import hidden super alignment segments
Import super alignments with hidden segments as single sets with hidden segments or as multiple sets with the hidden segments removed.
Convert 2D Super strings to plines
Import 2D super strings (such as cadastral boundaries) as plines or as points and sets. Super strings with elevations, including contours with data_2d, are always imported as sets.
Create sets around TIN edges
Create set boundaries along the edge of each imported TIN for use with EARTHWORK, RELAYER, GCCOPY, GCMERGE, GCGTRACE and so on. This can take a long time.
Ignore triangles with sides less than 1.5m long
Reduce the size of DTM surfaces by ignoring small triangles
Prefix point name with super string name
Prefix points the from super strings with the name of the super string
Import Trimesh_3D Edges
Import Trimesh Primitive_3D edges with Group 5475. See Trimesh note below.
Do not remove duplicate points from TIN models
Neither remove duplicate points nor adjust near-vertical walls to suit Terramodel DTM formation tolerance
Import Vertex ID as Point number
Assign each new point number by Vertex ID ("point_data"). Otherwise, assign the next available integer point number.
Ignore all TINs
Do not any import TINs, Full_TINs or Super_Tins.

.12DA and .12DAZ files

  • .12DA files can be very large. Consider SYSTEM to increase the maximum number of objects or requesting more, smaller, data files.
  • .12DAZ files simply contain zipped .12DA files. Extract the files with any unzipping utility, or use GC12DIN to extract them.
  • After extracting all files from the .12DAZ file, GC12DIN presents any .12DA file that has the same name as the .12DAZ to be imported. If the .12DAZ had been renamed after it was created, browse to select the .12DA file with the original name when prompted.
  • If you are supplied an archive containing multiple .12DA files, such as .mrarchive, rename the extension to .mrarchive.12DAZ so that GC12DIN can extract the files.
  • Creating subfolders for .12DAZ files can help keep track of extracted files.
  • If you are supplied .12DXMLZ files, please ask for .12DA or .12DAZ files files instead.


  • TIN (triangulated irregular network) is what 12D Model calls a DTM.
  • Each model is imported onto one Terramodel layer, even if it comprises more than one TIN.
  • Nulled triangles in Full_TINs are deleted.
  • Three points are imported for every triangle in a TIN, which results in multiple points at common vertices. By default, GC12DIN removes these duplicate points.
  • The duplicate point TIN tolerance in 12D is tighter than in the 1mm for Terramodel DTMs. If you remove these duplicate points during import, any remaining points nearer than 1mm are moved apart to fix problems forming near-vertical walls, such as backs of kerbs. To check for other duplicate points, use GC92 command.
  • A Super Tin is a list of tins in a .12DA that 12D Model can merge in sequence. The super tins are not imported into Terramodel. Instead, import the TINs then merge them in a layer list using GCMERGE.


  • Horizontal, vertical and slope alignments from super alignment strings are imported as plines and registered.
  • If the computed location of the end of an alignment differs from the location given in the file, the misclose is reported.
  • Alignments containing vertical curves are created in the Profile view.
  • Alignments containing arcs and no spirals are imported as straights and arcs. Arc not tangential to the adjacent straight are imported with a warning.
  • Alignments containing spirals are assumed to start and end tangential to straights.
  • Arc centres are hidden. They can be made visible afterwards by ARCENTRE.

Other notes

  • Layer names that are longer than 16 characters are automatically shortened to fit by substituting using common words with abbreviations, removing spaces and beginning characters (other than TIN).
  • To assign the new layer names yourself, use the layer mapping file.
  • Attributes are imported provided GC12.ADF is in the TSP and the attributes were exported to the .12DA file using GC12DOUT.
  • Trimeshes are networks of Primitive_3D triangles that define surfaces, like pipes, that are not TINs. Display imported trimeshes in 3D using TV with Set features turned on in Environment Visibility Settings. If you also import the trimesh edges as single set segments, separate them by group 5475 using SELECTGP, IGRP or ONGRP.
  • 12DA files created by 64-bit 12D Model can contain null characters. GC12DIN extracts the data from any such file to an .ASC file then imports from that .ASC. The null characters can also be removed by STRIPNUL.

See also

Export .12DA files

TML date MenuSourceGC
26/11/18   File|​Misc. import|​12DA Geocomp Update or $250  

Export 12D Archive file.

Export selected objects or DTM layers to a .12DA file for use with 12D Model software.

Export objects, or DTMs, or both to the same .12DA file.

Select any plines, sets or text
DTMs(Layer List):
To export one or more DTM layers as standard tin (triangulated irregular network) models of visible triangles, select a layer list defined by LLISTSET. Triangles inside any dead regions defined by SETSMOOTH are not exported.
Select the output file name and path
Colour Map:
Map Terramodel colours to 12DA colours using a .CNN mapping file.
Layer Name Map:
Map Terramodel layers to 12DA model names using a .LNM file
Line Style Map:
Map Terramodel linetypes to 12DA line styles using a .LSM file
Prefix TM layer name to 12D record name
Prefix TM layer name to 12D record name
Export Terramodel attributes
Export attributes
Export Points as 12D Super String Points
Export Points as 12D Super String Points
Export 12DModel Archive file (.12DA)


Use GC12DIN to import .12DA and .12DAZ files.

Use GC12DIN and a text editor to prepare the mapping files.

Names of layers, styles and colours in .12DA can have characters A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 and space. Names of points, sets and plines exported to strings can be blank or have A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, space, comma, ., +, -, (, ) and = characters. Other characters such as _ and / are invalid. Any invalid characters that remain after mapping are replaced with spaces.

Text objects are exported with "text" values from the text names, "model" and "name" values from the layer names and "text_colour" names corresponding to the geocomp_64 palette.

If "Export Terramodel Attributes" is selected, any "12DA" Attributes for selected objects are exported to the .12DA, otherwise "Feature" attributes are exported, if any. These require 12DA.ADF or FEATURES.ADF in the TSP. Use EDIT and DUMPATT to show whether any attributes have been set.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   File|​Misc. export|​12DA Geocomp Update or $250  

Report the chainage and offset of points measured along HAL and VAL.

Report selected objects showing Pt Number, Chainage, horizontal offset, RL, RL Diff, 3D Chainage, Actual offset, Distance travelled and Name.

The Chainage, horizontal offset, RL (=elevation) and RL Diff (=elevation difference to VAL) are from the point to the closest location on the horizontal alignment measured in 2D. The 3D Chainage and Actual offset are from the same point to the closest location measured in 3D, which will usually be different to the 2D location.

See also GC03.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report chainage and offset in TMS ProFit XY format.

Report chainage and offset to a .DAT file used for processing tunnel as-built reports in TMS ProFit software by Amberg Technologies.

See also GC14.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Report the chainage and offset of points measured along HAL and VAL, sorted by chainage and offset.

The Chainage, horizontal offset, RL (=elevation) and RL Diff (=elevation difference to VAL) are from the point to the closest location on the horizontal alignment measured in 2D. The 3D Chainage and 3D Offset (=Horizontal component of the 3D actual offset), 3D RL Diff (=vertical component of the 3D Actual offset) are from the same point to the closest location measured in 3D, which will usually be different to the 2D location.

See also GC14.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report the chainage and offset of points measured along alignment set.

Report selected objects showing Pt Number, Chainage, Offset, Height, Height difference from set3D chainage, 3D offset, Distance travelled and Description/​name.

See also GC03.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Delete selected plines and sets with total length inside a specified range.

Prompt for records, minimum and maximum total length.

Points will also be deleted with sets.

GC15 is useful for cleaning up lines of unwanted hatching or symbols from imported data.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Modify colours and linetypes by group, name or layer.

Modify the line colour and linetype of selected objects by the group, name or layer in a .CLT mapping file.

Lines in the .CLT must be in one of the following three formats:




See C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp\GEOCOMP 2.CLT for an example.

Wild cards: * and ? can be used in the group, name or layer.

See also

Modify line colours and linetypes to match AutoDraft
Modify colours and linetypes by layer
Modify layers, colours and linetypes by mapping file
Join points and modify colours and linetypes by .CLT
Import Geocomp .PTS and .STR
Import .CSV

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 90

Modify colour based upon AutoDraft report.

Modify the colours of selected objects by layer to match the colours they would have if set by AutoDraft.

GC16ADC requires an ADC report file which you can create in AUTODRAFT by selecting the Full Report.

Blocks names are also changed to match.

See also GC16 and CSV2ADC.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Project from points on a set to a DTM.

Create a set or pline joining the points created by projecting from points on a set at a specified bearing and slope.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report chainage and elevation along a VAL.

Report chainage and elevation along a VAL at an interval.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 412

Compute the cut and fill volumes of selected boundaries.

Compute the cut and fill volumes within selected set or pline boundaries and report.

The report shows the volumes, and the horizontal and surface areas, of the cut and fill.

Enter a stripping depth in metres to lower the existing surface by that much.

Select Exclude dead regions to subtract the areas and volumes within dead region boundaries from the totals. Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

Select Additional Surface Info to report the coordinate ranges of the DTMs.

GC20 can be slower than EARTHWORK which reports neither volumes within dead regions nor areas of cut and fill.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $500 DTM 3

Change the default Callout Style.

Change or establish the current callout style recorded in tmodwin.ini.

For example, GC21 Date to set the current callout style to Date.

Use with an alias or toolbar.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 90

Check a DTM Edge boundary.

Report whether a set is suitable for use as a DTM Edge or DTM design boundary.

Select "Report only" to check whether

  • the selected set
    • is open (and, if so, locate the first and last points),
    • has any points with no elevations,
    • has any points that are not contourable,
    • has any points that are not on the same layer,
    • has any segments that are not used by the DTM, or
  • the layer of the set
    • has any DTM points outside the set.

Turn off "Report only", to also

  • Remove points from the set that are not in the DTM, and
  • Relayer DTM points outside the set to a specified layer such as INVALID.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|​Check DTM edge Geocomp Update or $200 197

Create a set where slopes from points intersect a DTM.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 DTM C

Bowditch adjustment of a lot or traverse.

Adjusts heights if present on points. Puts the adjusted set on layer "ADJUSTED".

Optionally, specify a closing point.

Only works with sets, not plines.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 62

Create isopachs at intersection of two DTMs.

Create a temporary isopach surface of the elevation difference between two DTMs then interpolate isopachs where the differences are equal to the nominated value.

Use the isopach elevation of 0.00 to create cut|fill lines. Cut|fill lines indicate where the DTMs intersect and thus the boundary between cut and fill areas.

Select whether to create a 2D pline or 3D set.

The name of the new pline or set is "Cut/Fill Line".


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 DTM C

Create multiple isopachs between two DTMs.

Create pline isopachs between two DTMs at a specified interval and range and inside specified boundaries.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Test attribute records.

Create up to four new attribute records for an object: two alphanumeric names, one integer and one double precision real number and save them to the attribute definition file geocomp.adf.

Delete all attributes, or just new ones.

GC26 is mainly used to demonstrate attributes in Terramodel.

Contact Geocomp Systems if you need commands with user-definable attributes.

See also

CALLOUT and other EAT code functions
Label objects with the new attributes
List all attributes of an object
An example of a golf course tree database using attributes
Feature attribute commands
An example of creating attributes in an external database

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create attribute database records for an object.

Create one or two attribute records in a MS Access database.

GC26GIS requires the attribute file TMGIS.ADF. contact Geocomp Systems if you need to link Terramodel to a database.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Place chainage labels on xlines.

Label all xlines with text on the current layer with chainage values parallel to all xlines which refer to the alignment and are within the chainage range, even xlines which are invisible or are on other layers.

Select an alignment with xlines and select a text style.

You can

  • Create the label on the left, right or centre
  • Delete old chainage labels
  • Prefix the label with with "Ch "
  • Place block GC27 instead of text

Xlines on exact metre chainages are shown with no decimal point and no training zeros. Other chainages are labelled to the number of decimal places in UNITSSET Precision.

If you "Use Blk", create or edit your own block GC27 which includes EAT text.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draft|​Label Xlines Geocomp Update or $250 93

Create 3D points along HAL and VAL at 2D distances.

Create points in the plan view within a specified chainage range, at the nominated interval, HAL points, VAL points or Xlines.

Elevations are interpolated from the vertical alignment. If no VAL is selected, elevations are interpolated from the 3D horizontal alignment set. Point names are derived from a prefix followed by the chainage|​station value. Points are created at the start and end chainages.

Specify a horizontal alignment.
Specify a vertical alignment or leave blank.
Start and End
Specify start and end chainages.
Create points at 2D chainages evenly divisible by the nominated interval. Enter a space or * for no points at intervals.
Hal Pts
Create points at vertices and at beginnings and ends of arcs and spirals.
Create points at vertices, sags and crests and at beginnings and ends of vertical curves.
Create points at Xlines.
Create Set
Join the points with a set.
Specify any prefix to the point names.

See GC283D for 3D distances and 3D and GC99 for offsets.

TML date MenuSourceGC
14/02/18   Draw|​Point|​Along HAL Geocomp Update or $250 77

Create 3D points along HAL and VAL at 3D distances.

Create points in the plan view within a specified chainage range and interval.

Specify a horizontal alignment
Specify a vertical alignment
Start and End
Specify a 2D chainage range.
3D Distance
Create points separated by the 3D distance within the chainage range.
Name the points with the cumulative 3D distance and any prefix.

See GC28 to create points at 2D distances and GCIN2SET to insert the points into the set.

The TML name is GC28_3D. If GC283D does not run from the command line, create an alias from GC283D to GC28_3D or enter GC28_3D.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Point|​Along HAL Geocomp Update or $250 77

Report distance and direction with 3D components to the message scroll.

Report distance, direction and X and Y differences between two locations. If both locations have elevations also report the vertical angle, slope distance, height difference and grade. If points at those locations are connected by an arc segment, also report the arc length and radius.


After each measurement, the next measurement is from the first location
After each measurement, the next measurement is from the second location
Select locations by mouse or point numbers
Select locations by set segment
First Pt:
The first location
Second Pt:
The second location
Close the command


The elevation at a location is the elevation of a point at that location, or else an elevation interpolated from the current DTM layer.

In the plan view, report the bearing and distance between two locations. In section views, report the horizontal distance, slope distance and grade.

Enter "GC29 segment" at the command line, to start in segment mode.

TAB and Shift+TAB keys can be used to quickly change the focus. For example, when in Traverse mode, Shift+TAB can return the focus to the first location, which is similar to Radial mode without selecting the Radial option.

See also

Report bearing and horizontal distance only
Report bearing, horizontal distance, and zenith angle and arc properties where appropriate
Set the current DTM layer

TML date MenuSourceGC
07/10/19   Report|​Distance 3D Geocomp Update or $250 17

Compute and label ellipsoidal distance and direction.

Report the ellipsoidal distance, ground distance, slope distance, elevation difference, line scale factor, grid bearings (forward and back), grid convergances and arc-to-chord between two locations.

Points | Segment
Select two points or a segment of a set or pline.
Central Meridian
Enter the longitude of the central meridian.
Avg N-value
Enter the average N-value
Label the plane or spheroidal bearings and distances with specified layer, text style and colours.
Interpolate N-values from a DTM layer with coordinates in Longitude and Latitude.
Create an Inverse report
Create an Inverse report.

Use AUSGEOID or NZGEOID to import a latitude and longitude grid of N-values, or import a .TMX of such a grid.

TML date  SourceGC
04/02/20     Geocomp Update or $200 UTM 10

Report coordinates and elevation difference measured vertically to DTM, with horizontal alignment and labels.

Report for each selected point, the Point number, Easting, Northing, Point elevation, DTM elevation, elevation Difference and Name.

The report includes the average vertical elevation difference and RMS.

Options and Settings

  • Chainage and Offset to HAL
  • Band width to group points at similar chainages
  • Subtract stripping
  • Sign convention for differences
  • Bandwidth for sorting by chainage
  • High and Low tolerance
  • Modify point names
  • CSV-type report
  • Create difference text
  • Difference text layer, style, bearing and units
  • Point and text colours for cut, fill and tolerance

If project units are feet, all reports, tolerances and difference text labels are in decimal feet. If project units are metres, elevations and differences are reported in metres, tolerances are entered and reported in millimetres, and difference text is labelled in m or mm.

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

TML date  SourceGC
18/10/18   Reports|​More...|​Vertical differences Geocomp Update or $250 236

Report coordinates and elevation difference measured perpendicular to DTM.

Report for each selected point, the point number, easting, northing, point elevation, DTM elevation, elevation difference perpendicular to DTM and name.

The average elevation difference perpendicular to the DTM, and RMS, is included.

You can choose a tolerance range, a stripping depth and the sign convention for the difference in elevation.

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

GC42AB is usually preferable for elevation difference and slope reports of road batters.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Remove duplicate points on a layer with tolerances.

Remove duplicate points on a layer within specified tolerances in Easting, Northing and Elevation.


  • At each location within tolerance, one point is retained and any duplicate points are moved to layer 0.
  • You can also generate a report.
  • Choose "Mean Pts", "Highest" or "Lowest".
  • If the Elevation tolerance is *, all points within the Easting and Northing tolerance are considered and duplicate points with no elevation are relayered to layer 0.
  • Alphanumeric point numbers are retained in preference to integer point numbers.
  • The name of the remaining point is appended with the names of any removed points, unless the names are duplicate or the resulting name exceeds 80 characters.

Duplicate points

  • DTM formation, which occurs whenever a DTM is required by a commands such as CONTOUR and 3DVISUALISER, automatically removes duplicate points within approximately 1mm in the DTM layer, to layer 0, much faster than GC31.
  • Reserve Layer 0 for "junk" objects such as duplicate points so you can safely delete objects on that layer.
  • CONVERT can take a long time to convert a lot of plines to sets, if "Dup pts ok" is OFF. It is much faster to CONVERT with this ON, or use GCCONVRT, then use DTM formation or GC31 to remove duplicate points afterwards.
  • Duplicate points can be removed while importing DWG files by first creating a Terramodel layer called DXF_PT_CHK. This slows the import. Removing duplicate points later by DTM formation is much quicker.
  • If you use GC58 to remove duplicate sets, plines and text, consider carefully whether to remove duplicate points before or afterwards.
  • GC92 reports points within 1 mm with height differences, with an option to move them slightly apart.

See also FILT3DPT which removes or reports selected duplicate points within a single 3D tolerance. These points can be on any layers.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Edit|​More...|​Duplicate points Geocomp Update or $250 170

Report visible layers in layerlists.

List the visibility status of each layer in each layerlist.

For each layer, report the line colour, point colour, linetype, number of objects, and whether objects on that layer are visible in each layerlist.

LLAYER is a similar report without the layer lists.

If there are too many layer lists to fit on the report, use LLRPT which reports in layer list order.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 86

Create a DTM from the upper or lower regions of two DTMs.

Create a DTM on the selected Higher or Lower DTM layer from the higher or lower of all the regions of the two selected DTM layers.

The new DTM covers the extent of both DTMs; regions within only one DTM are included.

The new DTM can be limited to a boundary.

Points are omitted from the new layer within a narrow band the width of the entered "Clip Dist". A typical value of Clip Dist is 0.01 metres.

Breaklines interpolated by draping from the original surfaces are created in the new surface half way between the band edges and the cut|fill lines. The gap between the new breaklines is therefore half the clip distance.

GC33 is great for use with complex cut and fill volume estimation.

See also GCMATCH to match contours, JOIN to join matched contours, DTMMATCH to match the elevations of two DTMs, GC33MULT to create the highest or lowest of multiple overlapping surfaces, MERGE to create a surface from two overlapping surfaces, GCMERGE to replace a surface with multiple overlapping surfaces, GCCLIP to clip multiple surfaces from a single surface, GCSUBDTM to lower parts of surfaces to subgrade depths and GCCOPY to copy multiple objects into a single surface.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|​Upper or lower of 2DTMs Geocomp Update or $200 240

Create a DTM from the upper (or lower) components of multiple DTMs.

Select a starting DTM, typically the largest, and a layer list of the other DTM layers.

Nominate the name of the final higher or lower DTM layer.

A new surface is created from the starting DTM and the first DTM in the layer list. That surface is then compared with the next DTM in the layer list, and so on in alphabetical order, which can be also date order in a suitable layer naming convention.

The new DTM covers the extent of all selected DTMs, with small gaps at the transitions to avoid overlaps. Points are omitted from the new layer within a narrow band the width of the entered "Clip Dist". A Clip Dist of 0.01 is suggested.

Breaklines interpolated by draping from the original surfaces are created in the new surface half way between the band edges and the cut|fill lines. The gap between the new breaklines is therefore half the clip distance.

GC33MULT is great for use with complex cut|fill volume estimation.

See also GCMATCH to match contours, JOIN to join matched contours, DTMMATCH to match the elevations of two DTMs, GC33 to create the highest or lowest of two surfaces, MERGE to create a surface from two overlapping surfaces, GCMERGE to replace a surface with multiple overlapping surfaces, GCCLIP to clip multiple surfaces from a single surface, GCSUBDTM to lower parts of surfaces to subgrade depths and GCCOPY to copy multiple objects into a single surface.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Find and report a nominated point by number.

Type in or pick a point then either highlight with concentric circles, recentre the display or recentre the display and zoom by 10x.

The message scroll also reports the point number, easting, northing, elevation, name, layer, view, group, colour, contourability and set, and if the point is part if an arc, connected points, radii and any unequal legs.

The view scale is updated so point labels remain the same size.

See also RECENTER which recentres the display where you pick.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​Mark|​Find point Geocomp Update or $250 299

Create points at centroids of plines and sets.

The centroids can be of any closed shapes including circles.

The elevation is derived from the pline or, if a set, the mean elevation of the points.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Point|​At centroids Geocomp Update or $250 181

Move points onto a HAL or line.

Move selected points perpendicular to (or square off) the HAL or line until the offset is zero.

Choose two points or a HAL.

See also GC86 to move points by a distance.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​More...|​​Move points onto alignment Geocomp Update or $250 120

Report and label cross section from strings.

Report and label cross sections at chainages and offsets where Xlines intersect selected sets and plines, without using a DTM.

Select the alignment and strings and control the output as follows:

Nominate an alignment for the centreline.
Select sets or plines for the intersecting strings. Only strings with elevations are used.
Create points
Create points on the current layer at the intersecting strings. The point name is derived from the string.
Create CES
Export the cross section as a Geocomp Cross section (.CES) file. This .CES file can be imported into Terramodel (see below), Geocomp Road Design or Geocomp Spatial Data System.
Sort offsets
Select "Sort offsets" to sort strings on offset from left to right, when you want to form a DTM such as a roadway surface. Do not sort on offsets, when you want sort on record number to allow for overlaps such as in a tunnel.
Select Report to Report to P3Pad the Chainage, Offset, Elevation, (optionally) Grade and set and plines.
Show Grade
Select "Show grades" to report the grades between strings.
Label grade
Select "Label grades" to create text labels in the XSect view.

If you show or label grades, choose whether to label as percentage or as Run:Rise ratio.


To create a roadway from strings:

  1. Import or create sets along string lines
  2. Create Xlines
  3. Use GC37 to create a .CES file
  4. Register a roadway alignment, create a roadjob, surfaces, and so on
  5. IMPORTXS the model into a roadway, specifying Geocomp Existing as the format

See also GC37CSV, GC94 and GC75.

TML date MenuSourceGC
08/03/18   Roads|​Reports...|​Intersecting strings Geocomp Update or $250 80

Create cross sections in a .CSV file at strings intersecting xlines.

Create cross sections by intersecting selected sets and plines with xlines of a nominated alignment without reference to any DTM.

The sections are written to a comma-​separated .CSV file.

The file format is Chainage, Offset, Elevation, Grade, String Description, [all fields except the chainage are repeated on the same line for every intersecting string].

See also GC37.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Affine Transformation.

Using up to 10 Control Point|Data Point pairs, compute a best fit of shift, rotation, north scale and east scale and then transform the selected data, and report the residuals.

Text and blocks are shifted, rotated and scaled, but not skewed with the rest of the data. To skew text or blocks too, explode first.

See also GC07 for Helmert transformation, which computes a single scale factor, and GC3DADJ, which transforms in X, Y and Z.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Transform|​Affine Geocomp Update or $200 161

Move intersection point and update Xlines.

Delete the Xlines on the main registered HAL of a roadway and place new Xlines at alignment points and at the nominated interval.

If you pick the main registered hal, you can move the nearest intersection point to a new location.

The new Xlines will all have the left and right extents of the first of the original Xlines.

Use GCXLINES to create new xlines including hal points or to change offsets.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​More...|​Move IPs and update Xlines Geocomp Update or $200 84

Create a 3D set offset from horizontal and vertical alignments, with the elevation offset vertical or perpendicular to the VAL.

Create a set in the current layer connecting points at offsets from selected alignments.


Hal Record:
Select a horizontal alignment pline or set. The default is the active HAL.
Val Record:
Select a vertical alignment pline or set. The default is a profile with the same name as the HAL, or a profile which refers to the HAL, if existing. If no record is selected, or the VAL is out of the HAL range, the the new points have no elevations.
Enter beginning chainage
Enter ending chainage
Enter chainage increment
Use Xlines
Also create points at Xlines
Offset distance
Enter the horizontal offset
Delta elevation
Enter the elevation difference
The chainage of the new point is the same
Prep to Val
The chainage of the new point is adjusted to be perpendicular to the VAL
Enter the name of the new set
Accept the new settings
Retain the old settings
Create points and set
Cancel without creating new points or set

See also

Create a 3D set offset from horizontal and vertical alignments
Create points along horizontal and vertical alignments
Create points along horizontal and vertical alignments at 3D distances
TML date MenuSourceGC
08/11/19   Cogo|​Streets|​3D Geocomp Update or $200 77

3D Conformal adjustment.

Transform selected points, text and blocks in 3D, maintaining the shape but applying 3D scaling, rotation and shift.

Use up to nine pairs of control and data points.

To keep the points at the current 3D distances, fix the scale factor to 1.0.

Check the report for Sigma Zero value and other potential problems before completing the transformation.

2D points can be transformed using a default elevation. Plines are not transformed.

Possible uses

  • Adjust heights along long straight traverses.
  • Confirm that a beam will fit between abutments with fixed scale factor of 1.0.


Pts, Text and Blocks
Select objects to be transformed.
Control Pt:
Enter by point number or select from three to nine Control Points.
Data Pt:
Enter by point number or select the same number of corresponding Data Points.
Generate report
Report transformations to P3Pad
Transform 2d co-ords using default Elev:
Enter an elevation, otherwise consider elevations on control and data points.
Fix Scale Factor to:
Enter a scale factor, otherwise use the computed scale factor.
From the control and data points, weights and scale factor, calculate the Residuals, Rotation, Scale, Shifts for a 3D conformal adjustment transformation and Sigma Zero, and display the calculated values, and save the values as project variables.
Transform 3D objects
Immediately transform the selected objects in 3D from the old coordinate system to the new.
Close the input dialog without further transformation.
Store Transformation to File
Store calculated values to a .3DADJ file so you can transform data in other project files with the same rotations, scales and shifts.
Use Stored Values
If you have calculated and stored values as project variables, immediately transform the coordinates of the selected objects.
Read Values From File
Read values from a .3DADJ file and update project variables.
Close the dialog without further transformation.

See also

Rotate in 3D around a centroid in steps
Transform in 2D by Helmert transformation, which transforms using a single computed scale factor
Transform objects in 3D space using exactly 3 pairs of control and data points.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Modify|​Transform|​3D conformal Geocomp Update or $200  

Rotate points, text or blocks in 3D by steps.

Select points, text or blocks and then rotate them in X, Y or Z around their centroid in small steps or by 90 degrees.

Once you select the objects, rotate them, use other commands such as GCREVIEW, PAN, DELETE or SET, or restore their original locations.

GC3DROT can also be used to present data in isometric views.

To retain objects in both the original and rotated coordinates, copy objects into View 6 with GCREVIEW.

New objects created after the attributes have been assigned cannot be "restored" with the other objects unless they are sets, blocks or labels that are attached to the selected objects.


Select Pts, Text and Blocks to Rotate
Select objects to be rotated. If this prompt does not appear, you have previously selected some objects.
Assign attributes to the selected objects that include their original locations and whether they are on or off, turn all other objects off and then Zoom All.
Rotate Dynamically
Rotate the objects towards the entered location by one small step. Use mouse clicks to rotate graphically through multiple successive locations.
Rotate about X, Y or Z axes
Rotate About X or Y
Click buttons to rotate about X or Y axes by small steps or by 90 degrees.
Rotate About Z
Click buttons to rotate clockwise or anticlockwise about Z axis by small steps or by 90 degrees.
Rotate About Point
Enter X, Y and Z coordinates of the origin about which to rotate. The default origin is the centroid of the selected objects.
Close the buttons
Rotate by steps of [ ] degrees
Enter the increment for small steps
Restore Co-Ords
Restore each selected object to its original location, on or off status and attributes, and then Zoom All.
Close and keep the new coordinates.

See also

Rotate by three named pairs of points.
Compute and transform points by multiple pairs of points.

TML date  Source 
14/11/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Find the closest or perpendicular 3D distance.

Report closest or perpendicular 3D distance between a set and a point or another set, and create the corresponding points and set.

3D Set:
Select a set of straight segments joining 3D points
3D Set or Point
Select another set of straight segments joining 3D points or a single 3D point
Report the closest 3D distance between a set and a point or between two sets
Report the shortest perpendicular 3D distance between a set and a point or between two sets, extended in the directions of the end segments.
Create Line in Layer
Create two points and a connecting set on a specified layer
Report the distance to message scroll and create the points and set if specified.

The closest distance considers only the selected point and sets. The perpendicular distance also considers the extension of end segments beyond the end points. If both the new points are within the extents of the sets, the closest distance is also the perpendicular distance.

GC3DSETS is useful for determining whether points or sets meet minimum 3D distance requirements. See GCOFFELV or similar to define any parallel strings for pipes, trenches or shafts first. See GC75 to report instantaneous horizontal distances perpendicular to an alignment.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Closest 3D distance Geocomp Update or $200  

Create a set through three points.

Create a set consisting of two arcs connecting three points in order.

Replaces THREEPC which does not connect to the middle point. The difference is especially noticeable when all three points have elevations, the mid-point is lowest and you interpolate elevations along kerb sets using a command such as ARCBREAK or GC50.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Cogo|​Curves|​3 points Geocomp Update or $125 46

Compare points in two layers by coordinates.

Compare points in two nominated layers and list the differences in easting, northing and elevation.

Settings include minimum distance for comparison and point comparison tolerances (in x, y and z).

The standard report is in the format:

Point Point Bearing Distance DEast DNorth DElev Name_Pt1 Name_Pt2

The Expanded report format is:

Point East North Elev Name Point East North Elev Name DEast DNorth

See also GC40A and GC40M.

Points which are reported as "No match" become the current selection set so they can be readily selected by another command with right-​mouse-​button Previous.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Compare layers Geocomp Update or $250 182

Compare points in two layers by coordinates using search ranges.

Compare points in two nominated layers using search ranges and list the differences in easting, northing and elevation.

Settings include minimum distance for comparison, point comparison search ranges (in x, y and z) and point tolerances in plan and elevation.

The Basic report format is:

Point Point Bearing Distance DEast DNorth DElev Name_Pt1 Name_Pt2

The Expanded report format is:

Point East North Elev Name Point East North Elev Name DEast DNorth DElev

Select "Create CSV file", to export the report as a .CSV file.

See also GC40 and GC40M.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 182

Compare points in two layers by coordinates using alignment.

Compare points in two nominated layers and list the elevations and differences and the easting and northing or the chainage and offset.

Settings include horizontal alignment, point comparison search ranges (in x, y and z) and whether to report as comma separated values.

The Basic report format is:

Elev1, Elev2, DElev, Name1

The "Show Eastings/Northings" report format is:

Point number1, Easting1, Northing1, Elev1, DElev, Name1

The HAL report format is

Chainage, Offset, Elev1, Elev2, DElev, Name1

See also GC40 and GC40A

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report pile differences

Report differences between pairs of points representing the design and as-built locations of piles.

Typically these points will both be on the top of the pile.

Select a layer of design points for each pile
Select a layer of as-built points for each pile
Show Chn and Offset
Report chainage and offset from the active alignment for each point in both layers; otherwise report Easting and Northing
Report vector
Include horizontal bearing and distance between each pair of points
Enter text for report headings and footer
Enter point comparison search ranges and tolerances, and whether to report to .CSV
For each point on the design layer, look for one point on the as-built layer within the search ranges and report the differences in coordinates or chainages and offsets between the design and as-built points

TML date  Source 
28/08/19     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report pile rakes

Report rakes between pairs of points on piles.

Within the search ranges of each design point, report the rake between a pair of as-built points near the bottom and top of the pile.

The report shows, for each design point, the point number, easting, northing, elevation and point name, and for a corresponding pair of as-built points, the lower point number, the higher point number, the bearing from the lower to the higher and the rake expressed as a horizontal distance per metre of elevation difference.

Select a layer of design pile points
Select a layer of as-built pile points
Enter text for report headings and footer
Enter point comparison search ranges and tolerances
For each point on the design layer, report the rake between two nearby points on the as-built layer.
Cancel the command

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Label points in two layers with differences.

Label points in two layers with differences in easting, northing and elevation or offsets and elevation.

Compare points in two nominated layers and list the differences.

The differences are of Eastings, Northings and Elevations, unless you select a HAL, in which case the differences are of Offsets and Elevations,

Settings include

  • Standard or Expanded report
  • Minimum distance for comparison
  • Point comparison tolerances (in x, y and z)
  • Number of decimal places for reports
  • Text style
  • Display text or vectors
  • Option to report 2D distance only
  • Option to show alignment direction

Each point is labelled with the Name, "East" Diff, "North" Diff and "Elev" Diff in a single multi-line text object. The "East", "North" and "Elev" titles are derived from View settings.

Points which are reported as "No match" become the current selection set so they can be readily selected by another command with right-​mouse-​button Previous.

See also GC40 and GC40A

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 332

Show obstructions in profile view.

Label a horizontal alignment where selected objects cross, or selected points are nearby, with concentric circles or vertical lines in the profile view and points in the plan view.


Specify a horizontal alignment
Select points, sets or plines in the plan view that represent obstructions such as pipes or limits such as boundaries
Max Pts OS
Consider only points within this offset from the HAL
Obs Ht
Enter a height for the obstruction labels, such as the outside diameter of pipes
Select Obvert to place the top of the circle at the elevation of the point or set
Select Invert to place the bottom of the circle at the elevation of the point or set
Add text
Also label the obtruction with elevation text
Add Plan Pts
Also create points at the obstructions in the Plan view on CLASH POINTS layer

Circles are displayed and plotted as ellipses if the vertical exaggeration is greater than 1.0.

Selected "obstructions" that have no elevations, such as lot boundaries and xlines, are indicated by tall vertical plines at 0.00 elevations or elevations derived from the HAL.

See also

Interpolate elevations from a DTM at plines
Add obstructions to cross section plots
Draw pipes in Profile
Label with chainage and elevation
Create points and blocks at XLines in XSect view
Label with instructions from a layerlist

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Cogo|​Streets|​Profile obstructions Geocomp Update or $250  

Report point elevation minus roadway elevation.

Report elevations of selected points minus the design elevation a roadway.

The design elevations are calculated from the roadway designed by templates or a finish surface DTM.

Where the elevation difference cannot be determined, or the points are outside the default xline offsets, the points are marked with *.

The basic report shows the chainage, offset, elevation difference and point name.

The extended report shows the point number, chainage, offset, elevation, design elevation, elevation difference and point name.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​Reports|​Compare points Geocomp Update or $200 429

As-built roadway report.

Compare points from an as-built roadway survey with the roadway design.

The design elevations are calculated from the roadway designed by templates or a finish surface DTM.

Nominate a roadway, horizontal offset, depth and whether to compare with the design pavement or batter.

The horizontal offset and depth are adjusted by values you enter.

Settings control tolerances, text, colours and reports.


The report headings show the roadway name and description and the desired depth of material (default = 0). The P3Pad reports also show desired tolerances above and below that depth.

The Pavement report shows point number, chainage, horizontal offset, design elevation, surveyed elevation, difference (mm), High or Low, * if out of tolerance and point name. The pavement difference is the surveyed elevation minus design elevation measured vertically.

The Batter report shows point number, chainage, offset, design elevation, surveyed elevation, difference, an indication when out of tolerance, point name, and prompts whether to include the horizontal offset to the batter. The batter difference is the surveyed elevation minus design elevation in mm measured perpendicular to the design at depth.

List Coordinates to include easting and northing coordinates in the Pavement and Batter reports, where there is room in the P3Pad report. The .CSV always includes coordinates.

List Slopes report includes Des Slp (the instantaneous slope of the design surface), ASB Slp (the slope from the previous As-Built point at that chainage) and Diff Slp (the difference between the two slopes), at the location of each selected point.

CSV report reports to a .CSV file: Point Number, Chainage, Offset, Easting, Northing, Design Ht, Survey Ht, Diff (mm) and Pt Name.

The end of each report shows the number of points, mean of differences, mean of positive differences, mean of negative differences and standard deviation.


In Settings, specify Band Width, High Tolerance, Low Tolerance and Slope Tolerance.

If the Band width is positive, the results are sorted by offset within chainage bands. If zero or negative, they are sorted by chainage only. If *, they are not sorted.

By default, the difference is checked for tolerance before rounding to the nearest mm for the report. Points between 0.5mm out of tolerance and 0.5mm in tolerance have the same reported difference as the tolerance.

To check for tolerance only after rounding to the mm, so that points up to 0.5mm out of tolerance are shown as in tolerance and match the rounded differences, use PROJECTV to define project variable GC42AB:ROUNDTOL.


Optionally, change the point name to include the difference.

Optionally, Create Difference Text, with specified layer, style and bearing and units (m or mm).

Specify new colours for points in fill, in cut and within tolerance.


Where the point is outside the extents of the roadway, the elevations and differences are marked with *.

For a point to be within the roadway, it must be within all of these extents:

  • The whole main horizontal alignment
  • Any road design template specified in TEMPLATE Manager,
  • Any Finish Surface specified in SURFACE Manager,
  • Any existing surface specified in SURFACE Manager, and
  • The default left and right xline extents specified in XLINE.

To check whether a point is within the roadway, use ROADSPOT.

If the default extents set by XLINE are less than 100m, GC42AB prompts to increase the extent to 1000m.

Only points that you select are considered! Xlines are not considered!

TML date MenuSourceGC
27/02/19   Roads|​Reports|​Compare as-built Geocomp Update or $200 435

Select as-built points within tolerance of roadway design.

Selects points within tolerance of roadway for use in another command.

Nominate roadway, depth, tolerances, and whether to compare against the design pavement or batter.

Once you have selected the points, run the next command that Use Previous to reselect the points in another command.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Compare DTM triangles within tolerance of roadway design.

Compares DTM points, triangle centroids and link midpoints to a roadway.

Nominate roadway, DTM layer, depth, tolerances, and whether to compare against the design pavement or batter.

Where the elevation difference cannot be determined, or the points are outside the default xline offsets, the points are marked with *.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Roads|​Reports|​Compare DTM Geocomp Update or $200  

Compare as-built points with HAL in selected Roadway.

Compare as-built points with the horizontal alignment in a selected roadjob.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Compare as-built points with HAL and design kerb set.

Compare surveyed points with a design set, such as a kerb, to report whether offsets are within tolerance.


Select a HAL for centreline chainages and offsets. To compute chainages and offsets from the design set, select the same set for CL and design.
Design set
Select a design set, such as a lip or back of kerb.
Add a horizontal offset to design set.
Enter a depth offset to design set.
Consider points to the left of the design set to be Inside. Consider points to the right Outside.
Consider points to the left of the design set to be Outside. Consider points to the right Inside.
As Built Points
Select surveyed points to compare with the design set.
Inside Tol | Outside Tol
Select maximum horizontal tolerance Inside or Outside of design set (in mm).
RL High Tol | RL Low Tol
Select maximum vertical tolerance Low or High from design set (in mm).
Limit points by chainage range
Report only points within a specified chainage range.
Report to P3Pad.


Report properties and computed values for each selected As-Built point.

Point Number
Point number.
Distance in m along CL HAL.
C/L Offset
Horizontal offset in m from CL.
As Built Offset
Horizontal offset in m to CL minus offset in m from design set to CL.
Diff Offset
Horizontal offset in mm from design set (adjusted by entered Offset in m).
* In
Diff Offset is out of tolerance Inside of design set.
* Out
Diff Offset is out of tolerance Outside design set.
Diff Height
Difference in elevation in mm from design set (adjusted by entered Depth in m).
# Low
Diff Height is out of tolerance below design set.
# High
Diff Height is out of tolerance above design set.
Design Height
Elevation of design set where point is perpendicular.
Point name.

Negative offsets are to the left. Chainages and CL offsets are computed along the CL. As Built offsets and design height where the point is perpendicular to the set.

Use SHOWDIRNto show the direction and reverse if needed.

TML date  Source 
01/03/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Compare as-built points with VAL in selected Roadway.

Compare as-built points with the vertical alignment in a selected roadjob.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Report surface or horizontal areas of shapes in a roadjob.

Estimate approximate areas quickly.

This report is presented in chainage ranges. The length of shape is reported for each chainage.


  • Shapes are used only once in a subgrade. If a shape is used more than once, the calculated areas include the shape each time. This could overestimate the area of a shape.
  • The roadway is straight. Because no curve correction is applied, this may over or underestimate the area.

See also GC43S and GC43CSV

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​Reports|​Surface area of shapes Geocomp Update or $250 475

Report surface or horizontal areas of shapes in a roadjob based on chainages, to a comma-​delimited file.

Report surface or horizontal areas of shapes in a roadjob based on chainages, to a comma-​delimited file.

See also GC43 GC43SCSV.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $275  

Report surface or horizontal areas of shapes in a roadjob based on chainages, for multiple surfaces, to a comma-​delimited file.

Report surface or horizontal areas of shapes in a roadjob based on chainages, for multiple surfaces, to a comma-​delimited file.

See also GC43CSV.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $275  

Report surface or horizontal areas of shapes in a roadjob based on chainages, within surface materials.

Compute areas within a selected surface material.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $275  

Report surface or horizontal areas of shapes in a roadjob based on chainages, within surface materials to a CSV.

Compute areas within a selected surface material.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $275  

Report surface or horizontal areas of a DTM based on chainages.

Find triangle centroids within specified surface, chainage, boundary, offsets, slope or cut or fill limits, and then calculate and report the areas of matching triangles.

By using centroids, and not precisely clipping triangles, this command is ideal for fast estimation of pavement areas and batter areas on large jobs.

  • Use a Roadjob and Design DTM layer to define the surface
  • Use the maximum slope of the triangle or the crossfall at right angles to the HAL.
  • Select only triangles with centroids within specified
    • slope direction
    • cut or fill condition
    • chainages
    • boundaries
    • offsets
    and exclude those within
    • dead regions
    • plines in a layer list
  • Create points in the current layer at matching centroids.
  • Enter a report heading.
  • Report horizontal or surface areas.
  • Report within Slope ranges.

Slope table

Slope ranges are derived from [SlopeTable] Section of TMODWIN.INI. For example:






See EDITINI to import a slope table.

Dead regions

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

See also SHADESLP, GC44S and GC44CSV.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​Reports|​Surface areas by chainage
Roads|​Reports|​Surface areas by station
Geocomp Update or $250 117

Report surface or horizontal areas of a DTM based on chainages, to a comma-separated (.CSV) file.

Find triangle centroids within specified surface, chainage, boundary, offsets, slope and cut or fill limits, and then calculate and report the areas of matching triangles.

By using centroids, and not precisely clipping triangles, this command is ideal for fast estimation of areas on large jobs.

  • Use a Roadjob and Design DTM layer to define the surface
  • Use the maximum slope of the triangle or the crossfall at right angles to the HAL.
  • Select only triangles with centroids within specified
    • slope direction
    • Slope ranges
    • cut or fill condition
    • chainages
    • boundaries
    • offsets
    and exclude those within
    • dead regions
    • plines in a layer list
  • Create points in the current layer at matching centroids.
  • Enter a report heading.
  • Report horizontal or surface areas.
  • Report within Slope ranges.

Slope table

Slope ranges are derived from [SlopeTable] Section of TMODWIN.INI. For example:






See EDITINI to import a slope table.

Dead regions

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $275 117

Report surface or horizontal areas of a DTM within a surface material.

Find triangle centroids within specified surface, chainage, boundary, offset and surface material limits and then calculate and report the areas of matching triangles.

Using centroids to select whole triangles means fast estimation of areas on large jobs at the expense of overestimation or underestimation. Any triangle that overlaps the specified limits is wholly included if the centroid is inside and wholly excluded if the centroid is outside.

  • Use a Roadjob and Design DTM layer to define the surface
  • Use the maximum slope of the triangle or the crossfall at right angles to the HAL.
  • Select only triangles with centroids within specified
    • surface material
    • chainages
    • boundaries
    • offsets
    and exclude those within
    • dead regions
    • plines in a layer list
  • Create points in the current layer at matching centroids
  • Enter a report heading.
  • Report surface or horizontal areas

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $275  

Create points along a HAL or VAL at incremental distances.

Create points along a pline or set a nominated interval.

In the profile view, the distances are measured along on the pline.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Point|​Along HAL Geocomp Update or $250 28

Compute cut volumes between surfaces within blocks.

This is ideal for computing excavation volumes in pits, mines and quarries, where there are large numbers of layers of material. Triangles are used, rather than grids, which increases accuracy.

Set up the surfaces using Surface Manager. The Finish Surface, which represents the design limit of excavation, needs to cover the extent of the other surfaces. You can also nominate multiple boundaries in plan (="blocks"), an elevation range, and a report style. If a .CSV report style is selected, the resulting comma-​separated variable (.CSV) file can be imported into a spreadsheet application for further computation.

If a depth surface is nominated an elevation surface is created then deleted.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 247

Create road resheet design profiles.

Create profiles to guide you when drafting road resheet design profiles.

Compare selected points against the centreline and templates in a roadjob to create a proposed profile which maintains the nominated minimum cover, and two other profiles which allow for variations in crossfall.

For example:

  1. Create a roadjob with templates, a horizontal alignment and a vertical alignment.
  2. Run GC47
  3. Select the roadjob
  4. Select points on the existing road surface under the proposed road pavement
  5. Enter a desired minimum depth of cover (e.g. 0.2)
  6. Enter Min% and Max% for the crossfalls
  7. Click OK.
  8. At the chainage of each selected point, GC47 creates a vertex in a profile pline with design elevation = point elevation + (crossfall x offset) + minimum cover
  9. The values are also reported to P3Pad
  10. Re-run GC47 with non-zero tolerance values for Min% and Max% to create two additional profiles
  11. Use these three profiles as guides when you create your final design profile

If your design profile remains below all three profiles then the minimum cover will be satisfied at the selected existing surface points.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 118

Create profiles from shapes in a roadway.

Select a roadway, chainage range and interval, and selected shapes.

The created profiles are ideal for checking grades on kerblines, edge of pavement, and so on.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 253,450

Create a point on a line at an elevation.

Create a point on the line between two points, at a location such that the new point has the specified elevation.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Point|​On line at elevation Geocomp Update or $250 260

Grade a set from known points.

Interpolate or extrapolate elevations onto 2D points from elevations of 3D points in the same set.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Elevation|​From points in sets Geocomp Update or $250 185

Intersection Design.

Design vertical alignments in intersections. A limit of nine alignments allows for four kerb returns, four splitter islands and a roundabout.

This simplifies a process which would otherwise require repeated use of profile editing, 3D, DTM creation, etc.

Before running this function, design the intersection in 2D and tile plan and profile views so that you can see the updated intersection contours immediately the vertical profiles are edited.

To use this function:

  • Select Settings to nominate up to nine HAL/VAL pairs.
  • Select Recompute to create 3D points along the alignments (on the nominated layer using the 3D settings), regenerate a DTM of the intersection and show updated quick contours.
  • Selecting the radio button for a pair, makes that alignment active, highlights the alignment and its direction in the plan view, and fits the profile view showing only referenced profiles.
  • To edit profiles, make the desired alignment active with the radio button, exit the Settings dialog, pick the design profile then locate the point in the profile to edit.
TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Cogo|​Streets|​Intersection design Geocomp Update or $200 492+77+254

Change the group of selected objects.

See also SGRP which has a dialog for keeping track of used groups and SETGRP which sets to the next group.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Group Geocomp Update or $250 40

Modify, list or highlight contourable or non-​contourable points.

Modify, list or highlight and select the contourablity of selected points.

To be included in a DTM, a point must have 3D coordinates, be on the DTM layer and be contourable. GC53 lists, displays or modifies the contourability.


Select those points to be considered
Contourable | Non-​Contourable
List, select or make Contourable or Non-​Contourable
Re-Form DTMs
Reform all DTMs afterwards
Of the selected points, list those points that are Contourable or those that are Non-​Contourable
Highlight and Select
Of the selected points, highlight with temporary circles those that are Contourable, or those that are Non-​Contourable, and make those selectable by Previous in subsequent commands
Include Points into DTM
Make all selected points Contourable
Exclude Points from DTM
Make all selected points Non-​Contourable
Cancel the command

See also

Edit the contourability of a single point by the "Include point in DTM" check box
Modify contourability during survey
Refresh all DTMs
Display links or quick contours
Commands which can import points that are Contourable or Non-​Contourable
Filter points from a DTM by making them Non-​Contourable

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|​Include or exclude points Geocomp Update or $250 257

Transform ellipsoidal elevations to geoidal elevations.

Transform to elevations relative to an ellipsoid to elevations relative to a geoid using differences interpolated from a layer of N-values.

For example, to transform elevations of MGA points from ellipsoidal heights to elevations relative to Australian Height Datum (AHD) using differences from AUSGeoid09:

  1. Use AUSGEOID create a .TMX of AUSGeoid09 N-values on a grid of coordinates transformed to an MGA94 zone.
  2. Use TMXIN to import the N-values.
  3. Use GC54 to select a layer of "Ellipse height points" and subtract N-values interpolated from the "N-Geoid heights" layer to derive elevations on AHD.

If transforming elevations from AHD to AUSGeoid, GCCOPY the N-values to a new layer with a suitable name and then SCALEELV to multiply the Z values by -1.

For more information and more files of N-values, see Geoscience Australia.

The same method can be used for Geoid-​Spheroid differences.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Extrapolate or interpolate heights from two 3D sets onto points in a 2D set using grades along perpendicular bisectors.

For each point on the 2D set, the new elevation is on the grade between the 3D sets, along the perpendicular bisector.

Construction plines on the current layer can show where the grades were measured.

If one of the sets is a DTM edge, and the other draped onto the DTM parallel to and inside the edge, this TML can be used to extend a DTM outwards at approximately the same grade. Alternatively use GC90 or GC91.

See also GC55HAL.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 81

Extrapolate or interpolate heights from two 3D sets onto points in a 2D set using grades perpendicular to HAL.

For each point on the 2D set, the new elevation is on the grade between 3D sets, perpendicular to the selected HAL.

Construction plines on the current layer can show where the grades were measured.

See also GC55.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Elevation|​From two sets Geocomp Update or $250 81

Swap in X,Y or Z.

Swap either X with Y, X with Z or Y with Z.

Alternatively, mirror around X or Y axes.

Adjust for coordinates the wrong way around, contour walls using terrestrial photogrammetry, move or rotate structures in 3D, etc.

Handles points, plines, blocks and text.

Functions that might be useful in conjunction include SCALE, GCSCALE, MIRROR, MIRRORDY, GC07 and GC38.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Modify|​Transform|​Swap X Y Z Geocomp Update or $250  

Create 3D points from cross sections

Cross sections must be selected in the Xsect View. They may include points.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 157

Remove duplicate sets, plines and text from a layer.

Compare objects in a layer or layer list and move duplicates to layer 0.

Use GC58 to remove redundant objects, for example objects that have been imported multiple times. You might want to check for duplicate points first with GC92 or remove them with GC31 or DTM formation.

Duplicate sets join identical point numbers in the same or reversed order.

Duplicate plines have the same (or reversed) vertex coordinates, elevation, colour and spline type.

Duplicate text has the same insertion point coordinates (within a tolerance), characters, layer, colour, slant, height, rotation, aspect, font, orientation, horizontal justification and vertical justification.

Compares objects in the current view only. To compare objects in all views, close all views first.

See also DUPLTRIS to remove duplicate triangle sides and GC58S to remove duplicates from selected objects.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Edit|​More...|​Duplicate sets and plines Geocomp Update or $250 154

Remove selected duplicate sets, plines and text.

Compare selected objects (on any layers) and move duplicates to layer 0.

Use GC58S to remove redundant objects that have been imported multiple times. You might want to remove duplicate points first. See GC31 and GC92.

Duplicate sets must join identical point numbers and have identical layer names but can be reversed.

Duplicate plines must have all identical layer names, vertices, elevation, colour, spline type, etc. but can be reversed.

Duplicate text must have the same layer name, insertion point coordinates, characters, layer, colour, slant, height, rotation, aspect, font, orientation, horizontal justification and vertical justification.

See also GC58 which selects by layer or layer list.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 154

Report Quality Assurance from Geodimeter as-built survey.

Read a Geodimeter job file from an as-built survey, compare with a HAL and report. The job file must include the setout points and the corresponding picked-up points.

The report includes Design Chainage, Design Offset, Design Elevation, Setout Chainage, Setout Offset, Setout Elevation, Chainage Difference, Offset Difference and Elevation Difference.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report radial setout.

  1. Pick a layer containing the station points from which you are setting out
  2. Select the points to set out
  3. Specify a limiting radial distance

For each station in turn, all points within the limit are listed. The report shows the station point, setout point, bearing, horizontal distance, elevation difference and name.

Use this report in the field to set out points by theodolite or level, where you do not have the ability to upload the station and setout points into a total station.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Radial setout Geocomp Update or $250 41

Create a point at a distance along a line between two points.

Nominate two points, and a horizontal or slope distance along the line from the first point to the second point.

Once the first point is created, the default distance is the last distance entered. The message scroll keeps track of the total distance entered.

Choose whether to measure the distance from previous point or the first point.

To extrapolate, enter a negative distance or a total distance greater than the distance between the points.

If the points have elevations, the elevation is interpolated.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Point|​On line at distance Geocomp Update or $250 28

Intersect batter defined by two sets with DTM.

For each Xline, the grade between the sets is extended until it meets the DTM. The created points are joined to create the intersection between the batter and the DTM.

A vertical or perpendicular offset (negative for down) can be applied to the batter.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Intersect two slopes each defined by two sets.

Create points on the slope between two sets where it meets the slope between another two sets.

The created points are placed at each xline of the selected HAL. The xline must extend past the intersection. The points are then joined to create a set at the intersection of the two slopes.

One pair of sets is the "design" and the other is the "batter".

For example, the "design" sets may be on the bottom of subgrade and the "batter" sets may be on a batter. You can also use this to find the low point of a median strip with the "design" being the right batter of a left carriageway and the "batter" being the left batter of a right carriageway.

Vertical or perpendicular offsets (negative for down) can be applied to both slopes.

See also GCXTIE.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Fix initialisation to suit 64-bit or 32-bit Windows.

Correct the TSP, macro, menu and callout folders in a TMODWIN.INI file copied from another computer to suit the current version of Windows 64-bit or 32-bit Windows and add C:\TMCUSTOM\GEOCOMP to the Terramodel Search Path (TSP).

Terramodel is installed into C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Terramodel\ on 32-bit computers and C:\Program files\​Trimble\​Terramodel\ on 64-bit computers. The TMODWIN.INI file contains user-interface settings. If you copy tmodwin.ini from a computer with 32-bit Windows to one with 64-bit Windows, or vice versa, the path for the macro, menu and loaded callout styles will be incorrect. This can result in user-interface problems like grey buttons on the toolbar, changed menus and "GC*" commands not being found.

Because there may be multiple copies of TMODWIN.INI on a computer in surprising places, use EDITINI instead to edit and update TMODWIN.INI.

See also GCHELP and TSP.

The GC64BIT command is installed into C:\Program files\​Trimble\​Terramodel\​TMLs or C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Terramodel\​TMLs folder by the Geocomp Update.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update  

Create points by manually entering chainage, offset and elevation.


Select the horizontal alignment
To enter differences in elevation, select the vertical alignment. To enter absolute elevations, leave blank.
Ch: (or Sta: or KP:)
Enter the distance along the HAL(chainage or station)
Enter the horizontal offset. Enter 0.00 to create the point on the HAL.
Enter the elevation. For no elevation, leave blank.
Diff Elev:
Enter the difference in elevation to the selected VAL.
Enter a group, or leave blank for group 0.
Enter the point name, or leave blank.

The dialog uses the full chainage or station label (such as Chainage or Station) and the short chainage or station label (such as Sta., Ch. or KP) as configured by STAORCHN. These are configured in the [Geocomp] section of TMODWIN.INI for the computer and are independant of the project file. The short label also prefixes the station or chainage value.

See also

A similar command
Import chainage, offset and elevation from a file
Import sections from TMODWIN.INI

TML date MenuSourceGC
27/08/19   Draw​|Point|​By Ch+Offset+Elev
Draw​|Point|​By Stn+Offset+Elev
Geocomp Update or $250 344

Import points by chainage, offset and elevation.

Create points relative to a selected HAL from values in a CSV with each line containing chainage, offset, elevation, name or point number.


The distance along the alignment is imported from the first field. This can be a distance along the HAL (2D) or along the VAL (3D).

The horizontal offset is imported from the second field. If the second field is empty, the offset is 0.000.

The elevation, elevation difference or perpendicular distance from the VAL is imported from the third field. If the third field is empty, the new point has no elevation.

The point name is imported from the fourth field. If the fourth field is empty, the point name is blank.

The point number is imported from the fifth field. If the fifth field is empty or duplicated, the number of the new point is the next integer point number.


Select a horizontal alignment.
Import the chainage along the HAL.
Import the 3D distance along any selected VAL.
Extend HAL
Extrapolate beyond the extents of the HAL.
To import differences in elevation, select the vertical alignment. To import absolute elevations, leave blank.
Import differences in elevation and add the elevation of the VAL.
Perp to Val
Import a distance and create the new point at that perpendicular distance from the VAL.
Create set
Join the imported points with a set.

Chainage or station

The dialog uses the full chainage or station label (such as Chainage or Station) and the short chainage or station label (such as Sta., Ch. or KP). These labels are configured by STAORCHN and stored in the [Geocomp] section of TMODWIN.INI and are thus dependant on the computer and independant of the project file. The short label also prefixes the station or chainage value in some commands. Station values can include + characters.

See also

to type in the values
to import chainage and elevation into a profile
to import cross sections into a roadway
to import alignments only
to import alignment offsets
to create xlines at the imported points

TML date MenuSource 
14/11/19   Roads​|​More...|​​Import chainage offset elevation
Roads​|More...|​Import station offset elevation
Geocomp Update or $250  

Create breaklines at changes of grade, valleys or ridges.

Create breaklines along DTM triangle sides at Changes of Grade (where both triangles slope the same way and the difference in grade is greater than a specified value), Valleys (where both triangles slope up) or Ridges (where both triangles slope down).

This is useful for interpreting and refining DTMs made up from point data.

The breaklines are created in the nominated colour on the DTM layer.

You have the option of ignoring existing breaklines or creating new breaklines only where there isn't already a breakline.

See also GCFOLLOW.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   DTM|More...|​Create ridges and valleys Geocomp Update or $250  

Move points onto nearest perpendicular Xlines.

For each Xline in turn, find the chainage where the xline crosses the HAL, then find all points within both the specified "Chainage tolerance" distance value and the extent of the Xline, then move each point to the chainage of the Xline while maintaining the offset from the hal.

If the Xlines are perpendicular to the hal, and the chainage tolerance is less than half the spacing between the Xlines, this has the same effect as moving points onto the nearest Xline.

If "Create XSects" is ticked, the 3D points within the Ch Tol. are used to create cross sections in the XSect view. Cross sections are not sorted on offset.

GC67 is useful when working with surveyed cross section point data.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 66

Move points onto nearest skewed Xlines.

For each Xline in turn, find all points within the specified "Sect Tol." distance perpendicular to the xline then move each point to the nearest location on the Xline.

If "Create XSects" is ticked, 3D points within the Sect Tol. of the chainage where the Xline crosses the alignment are used to create cross sections in the XSect view. The cross sections are not sorted on offset and do not follow skewed cross sections.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Add points into sets with connecting breaklines.

Add points into one or two sets, to achieve a minimum number of segments and connect with breaklines.

For each selected set, insert new points where the segment length is greater than the set length divided by the minimum number of segments.

If both the start and end points of the original segment are 3D, elevations are interpolated onto the new points.

"Connect Pts" to create breaklines linking pairs of new points in the new sets.

Enter any name for the new points.

Use GC682SET to create extra breaklines for a smooth transition surface between sets or to divide a set into a fixed number of segments.


TML date  Source 
25/10/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Change zero elevations (Z = 0) to no elevation (Z = *).

2D points are often stored in DWG and DXF files as 3D points with elevations equal to zero. Because these elevations are retained when imported into Terramodel, they interfere with DTM formation.

Be careful, as there are cases where zero elevations are correct, especially near coastlines.

See also GCNOELEV to select all 2D points, GC53 to retain elevations but exclude them from DTM and ELEVATION to modify elevations.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Elevation|​0.00 to * Geocomp Update or $250 333

Combine elevation of point and DTM.

Compares the elevation of each point with the elevation interpolated from the DTM layer and changes the elevation. The options are: DTM, DTM - Z, DTM + Z, Z - DTM, -Z - DTM, DTM * Z and DTM / Z.

For example, use this to convert drill hole depths to absolute elevations.

You have the "* Outside DTM" option to remove the elevations of points outside the extent of the DTM, or leave the elevations of those points unchanged.

See also DTMPTS which modifies the elevations of 2D points only.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Modify|​Elevation|​Combine with DTM Geocomp Update or $250  

Solid hatch along lines.

Create parallel plines on either side of each selected pline or set, close the ends then solid hatch each closed pline.

Parallel lines are offset by half the nominated width in plan units. The pline and hatch are created in the specified layer. To create dashed solid lines, specify a gap and length.

One application is to show line marking.

The hatch is SOLID pattern with spacing = 1. Chose a suitable hatch scale so that you appear to have solid thick lines, independent of view scale and smooth around bends without using a complex linetype.

The line will be plotted wider on paper by the width of the pen assigned to its colour, so use a thin pen.

If the plines to be selected include splines, despline or FILTER a copy first.

GC71 can also be used to create boundaries that follow alignments for use with volumes and dynaimages.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Hatch|​Along lines Geocomp Update or $250 510

Report satellite horizon curtain.

Compute the vertical angle from selected points to visible sky at a nominated bearing interval.

Useful for entry into GPS satellite visibility software.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Interpolate elevation from VAL.

For each selected point, find the chainage along a HAL, interpolate the elevation from a VAL at that chainage, and modify the elevation of the point.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Elevation|​From VAL Geocomp Update or $250 77

Set start chainage for multiple HALs.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 252

Show distance and grade between sets or plines at cursor.

Display the chainage, horizontal difference, vertical difference and grade between the sets or plines, perpendicular to the selected HAL, in the message scroll area.

The HAL may be one of the sets or plines.

See also GC37, GC94 and GC3DSETS.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Distance between sets Geocomp Update or $200  

Report on Geodimeter .JOB file.

Report on Geodimeter .JOB file.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Change elevation of text to match subject.

Text objects have an elevation of 0.00 by default, even if created by labelling a point with text. Use GC77 to change the elevation of text to the elevation of the subject point. Now when you export to CAD the text will appear at the same height as the point.

See also SYM2BLK which replaces symbols (that display with symbol font) with blocks with elevations.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Elevation|​From subject Geocomp Update or $250 92

Renumber points to match their point names.

Renumber points to match their point names.

You can remove blanks or force alphabetic characters to upper case.

Points are not renumbered if the point number is already in use.

If the names are alphanumeric, use SYSTEM to set Max Alpha Points high enough.

See also PTS2NAME.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Compare sum of lot areas against boundary.

Report the area of each selected set, and compare the area of the largest set against the sum of all the others.

In a subdivision, the area of the external boundary should equal the sum of the areas of all the other lots, including roads and reserves. If the difference is the size of a lot, look for omitted or duplicated lots of that size. If the difference is smaller, look for incorrectly drawn lots.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 75

Report horizontal alignment.

Report coordinates and curves along an alignment.

Report curve details and coordinates along a selected alignment at a nominated interval.

The curve summary lists the hal record, radius, tangent length, arc length, deflection angle and coordinates of the intersection point, start, centre and end.

At the nominated interval, report the chainage, bearing, easting and northing.

The coordinates of the start and end chainage are also listed.

See also HAL and Alignment REPORTS.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report DTM areas.

Report the planimetric and surface of a DTM within boundaries or slope ranges.

The planimetric, or horizontal, areas are the areas as measured from a plan. The surface area is larger because it takes into account the slopes. The areas could be from any DTM including lot areas, pavement areas or batter areas.

Select a DTM from the list.
Select no boundary for the whole DTM or select boundaries to limit areas.
Exclude dead regions
Subtract areas of any dead regions defined by SETSMOOTH.
Report of Slope Ranges
Include areas and percentages of defined slope ranges in the report.

The default layer is the current DTM layer. To set the current DTM layer, see DTMCH.

Dead regions

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

Slope ranges

The slope ranges are defined by decreasing percentage slope in the [SlopeTable] section of TMODWIN.INI. Use EDITINI to import a new SlopeTable.

See also

Report areas within slope ranges for a whole DTM.
Create hatching, a report and a legend of slope ranges and define, save slope ranges in an .SSR file.
Create boundaries for a single slope range
Report volumes and slope ranges
Report slope areas within chainage ranges
Control link settings
Report areas of golf course boundaries

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   DTM|​DTM areas
DTM|​DTM area
Geocomp Update or $200  

Select objects less than or greater than specified length.

Select objects with length less than or greater than a nominated Max Length, from selected sets, plines and text.

Objects equal to the length are also selected.

The selected objects can then be selected by the next command using Right-​mouse-​button Previous.

For example, to delete all short plines less than or equal to 10.0m, first use GC83 to select objects less than or equal to 10.0m long from within a selection of objects of Type Pline. Then DELETE the selected objects using Right-​mouse-​button and Previous.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Join multiple plines or sets.

Join multiple consecutive plines or sets if the locations of the ends match. See also JOIN and DISJOIN.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Move objects relative to an alignment or point.

Move points, blocks or text towards or away from an alignment or point by a nominated amount.

If the entered offset is positive, selected objects will be moved away from the alignment or point. If negative, towards. Points closer to the alignment than the negative offset will be moved across the alignment. Points exactly on the alignment, will be moved slightly to the right of the alignment.

Points, Text or Blocks
Select points, text or blocks to be moved.
HAL or Point
Select a set or pline for a horizontal alignment or a reference point.
Offset Distance
Enter a horizontal offset distance.

Use GC86 to move part of a vertical wall by at least 2mm so the DTM forms correctly. See also GC92.

Use GC86 to offset HAL-point labels created by LABELHAL.

Use GC86 to offset a set without copying, by selecting the points by Ofline and the HAL by the set.

Use GC86 to adjust a distance by a prism constant which can't be adjusted in the instrument or in RDE.

To move points exactly onto the alignment, use GC36 instead.

TML date  Source 
21/01/19     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create an elevation DTM from another elevation DTM and a difference DTM.

Select and existing surface DTM layer, a depth layer and the DTM layer for the new elevations.

See also ADDISO, GC54 and EARTHWORK.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Clip or extend a pline to a defined length.

Clip or extend a pline to a defined length.

See also CLIP and EXTEND.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create a DTM layer parallel to another DTM.

Create new DTM points at the specified distance parallel to the selected DTM.

The distances are measured perpendicular to the mean of the slopes of the triangles on each point.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Extend DTM to point.

Create a new point on a DTM layer with elevation extrapolated along the slope of the closest DTM triangle.

See also GC91.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Extend DTMs by a horizontal distance.

Create points on one or more DTM layers at a nominated distance along the perpendicular bisectors from each point on the edge of the DTM.

The shortest horizontal distance from the new point to the existing DTM will be no more than the nominated distance.

The elevation on the new point is the average of the elevations extrapolated along the slopes of the two triangles adjacent to the DTM edge point.

The new points are assigned the name "Extend Bdy".

You can "Create Bdy" to create a new DTM edge.

If the new point would fall inside the old DTM, it is not created.

See also GC90 and GC55.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   DTM|​More...|​Extend by horizontal distance Geocomp Update or $250  

Report or move duplicate points.

For all selected points, report which points are within 0.001 ground units in horizontal distance and have elevations, with the option to move those points apart.

Use GC92 on models immediately after importing from DWG, DXF, GENIO or 12DA files, and before forming any DTM.

Duplicate points

As Terramodel forms any DTM, wherever there is more than one point with a horizontal proximity of approximately 0.001 ground units (1.0 mm or 0.012 inches), one of those points is left on the DTM layer and the duplicate points are relayered to layer 0.

If the layer contains vertical walls or string lines that should really be on separate layers, such as top and bottom of kerb, or "triangles" created in an application with a proximity tolerance tighter than 0.001, you may not get the desired or expected surface when you form a DTM. For this reason, anytime you import data that you intend to contour, from files such as DWG, GENIO or 12DA, you should run GC92 to report the duplicate points with height differences before running any command that forms a DTM (such as CONTOUR, QPROFILE or 3DVISUALISER). If you notice problems in your contours before running GC92, delete the data, reimport and run GC92 immediately.


The report shows the point numbers, names and layers for selected points which are both at the same horizontal location and have elevations.

Same height and same layer

To see only elevation differences which might affect DTM formation, don't report points with the same height but do only check points in same layer.

Points which are on other layers, have no elevation difference or are not contourable will not affect the DTM. Where the report shows points which will affect the DTM significantly, and you can separate the points by properties such as colour, elevation, "of line" or name, you can use commands to move, delete, relayer or change elevations before forming a DTM.

Reported duplicate points can be selected by right-​mouse-​button Previous in subsequent commands.


You can also use GC92 to move duplicate points. Where the horizontal distance to a second point is less than 0.0011, the second point is moved in that direction to 0.0011. This has the effect of moving points apart. This is especially helpful in a DTM with near vertical walls imported from an application with tighter tolerances.


If you Move and select Repeat, the whole selection set is checked again and remaining duplicates are moved in a different direction this time.

You can restrict the movement to only along sets such as kerbs.


Polylines, and similar .DWG and .DXF data that have varying elevations, import as points and sets; polylines with single elevations import as plines. This means that cadastral boundaries and extracted contours become plines, as intended. So do design contours, tops of levees, flat pads and flat spots which you might want to include in as breaklines in triangulated networks. GC92 reports any plines on the same layer as 3D points, to warn you to GCCONVRT them to sets. If polylines on a constant non-zero grade import as plines, install Geocomp Update 10.61K or later.

See also

GC31 relayers points on a layer that are within a configurable tolerance and GC86 moves selected points relative to an alignment.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Duplicate points Geocomp Update or $250  

Mirror or rotate point labels.

For all selected points, mirror or rotate point labels.

The text bearing can be set to any increment of 22.5°.

The bearing is reset to horizontal if the label style is replaced. For example, create point number labels with F7. Rotate with GC93. F7 to retain rotated bearings when toggled on or off. Add elevations with F9 by replacing the label style. This also resets the bearing.

The text on the mirrored point remains legible from the bottom right of display.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report crossfall between two 3D sets.

Report crossfall at xlines between two selected 3D sets.

The standard report includes the chainage, offset and elevation of both sets and the slope between them. Select "Report Slope Only" for just chainage and slope.

Select "Show Ht Diff" to add the Ht Diff and the Eastings and Northings of the points on the first set.

Select "Create point" to create points on the current layer at each intersection of the xlines and the sets.

See also GC37 and GC75.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Delete set segments greater than a nominated length.

For selected sets, remove each segment that exceeds a specified maximum segment length.

You can break and change the colour of the long segments, or simply delete them.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Select points between two DTM layers.

Find those points above one DTM and below another, within the extent of both DTMs.

For each point in the new selection set, the colour is modified, the group is set to the next group number and the report shows the point number, easting, northing, elevation and the elevation of the two DTMs.

You can also select just one DTM.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create sets parallel to an alignment using a table of offsets.

Create sets parallel to the main alignment of a selected roadjob joining points at offsets along each xline within a chainage range. Any horizontal or vertical alignment offsets defined in the alignment managers are applied first.

In Settings, specify up to nine offset strings on each side. For each string you can specify the horizontal and vertical offset, name and colour.

If the road job has a VAL, you have the option to add heights from the VAL.

On each side, rotate the strings about the HAL and VAL by specifying a slope alignment.

The templates can be saved as project variables, or to a template .TEM file.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Cogo|​Streets|​Parallel sets Geocomp Update or $200 71

List registered horizontal alignments and select the active alignment or current road job.

List alignments registered in the HALMANAGER

The list shows registered HAL number, registered alignment name, record number, number of alignment offsets and record name.

If you Restrict to only Hals in Road jobs, the list shows registered HAL number, registered alignment name, record number, number of alignment offsets and road job name of only alignments used in roadjobs. The current road job is marked with a *.

The active alignment in the current roadjob is highlighted.

Select an alignment from the list, then you can

  • Set that Hal as the active alignment
  • Set that Hal as active alignment and that roadjob as the current road job
  • Select an alignment as the current road job and make that the
  • Pick a Hal graphically, and select the HAL if it is registered
  • Make visible only layers with names matching the roadjob name
  • Set the active alignment
  • Reform the design DTM after adding chords along arcs
  • Re-reference all xlines to the selected alignment
  • Clear the active alignment
  • Exit the command

See also GCHALOFF to create a new pline alignment then make that active.

See also ACTIVE, where you need to know the current record number of the alignment, or to switch to the plan view then find the record graphically.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Active alignment from registered HAL Geocomp Update or $200 84

Insert a block graphically and interpolate elavations.

Display a selected block at the cursor scaled by 1, 2 or three points and insert at a location with the option to interpolate an elevation from a DTM.

To insert a block graphically

  1. UNITBLK command
  2. Settings
  3. Enter or select the name of a block in the project or browse to select an external .BLK file
  4. Choose how to locate and scale the block by 1, 2 or 3 locations
  5. OK
  6. Select 1, 2 or 3 locations using the mouse
  7. Select more locations to insert same block again
  8. Close when finished


Locate the insertion point and change the cursor to display the selected block in the cursor colour.
Pt. 2:
Specify an optional second location.
Pt. 3:
Specify an optional third location.
Specify the block, scaling, rotation and colour.
Select an internal block or browse to specify the name of an external block. The first external .BLK with that name in the TSP is used. This might not be the selected .BLK.
Map colour
If ON, display with the colour of the block. If OFF, display with the colours of the objects in the block.
1 Point
Insert a point at a location with a specified Y scale, X scale and rotation. Optionally, interpolate the elevation from a selected DTM.
2 Point
Insert a point at a location and scale the block graphically.
Rotate the Y axis of the block and scale.
Scale Y
Use the distance between the locations to specify the scale of the block along its Y axis and the keep the X axis scale at 1.0.
Scale X=Y
Use the distance between the locations to specify the same scale of the block along the X and Y axes.
Scale X&Y
Scale the block in X and Y axes in proportion to a window defined by two locations.
No Scale
Rotate the block and keep the scale of X and Y axes at 1.0.
3 Point
Use the distance between the first location and the second to specify the scale of the block along its Y axis and the distance between the first location and the third location to specify the scale along its X axis. Specify Rotate to rotate the Y axis of the block.
OK or Cancel
Accept or reject changes to the settings
Close the command without inserting any more blocks.


The scale factors determine the dimensions of the inserted block along its axes.

Unequal scale factors distort the block, for example stretching a pit or gate.

If the block is a unit block, that is the block has been created with the distance along an axis = 1.0, the dimension of the inserted block along that axis is equal to the scale factor. For example, if you create a block from some objects making up a "tree canopy" one unit in diameter, and scale X and Y by 3.50 when you insert into the plan view, the inserted tree block will be 3.50m in diameter. If your block is defined with a radius of one unit, such as "circle radius" block, the inserted block will have a radius of one unit multiplied by the specified scale.

See also

Insert a unit block
Create, insert or list blocks
Make a a unit block

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Block|​Insert graphically
Draw|​Insert unit block
S 90

Prefix name with first four characters of layer name.

Change the name of selected objects to the first four characters of the layer name followed by the original object name.

See also LAY2NAME.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Adjust points for a non-vertical antenna.

Adjust points that have been computed at a fixed height vertically below a target or receiver on a pole, when the pole was actually perpendicular to the surface.

Use GCADJANT to correct points collected by a GPS mounted on a vehicle when the height of the antenna above the surface was not allowed for during GPS installation.

For each point, the true antenna location is determined at the antenna height above the point. By projecting the antenna length from the true antenna location in a direction normal to the average slope of triangles touching the point, a new point is created uphill from the first point, optionally on a new layer.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or POA  

Adjust points for a new vertical or slope alignment.

Adjust the elevations of selected survey or design points, by the difference in vertical or slope alignments.

Create a roadjob

  • GCCOPY the points to be modified (so you keep the originals) and relayer any points on a different layer to selected sets.
  • Register the main horizontal alignment with HALMANAGER.
  • Register the old vertical alignment with VALMANAGER.
  • Create a ROADJOB with those registered alignments.

Adjust vertically

  1. Register a new vertical alignment with VALMANAGER by a pline in the Profile view. The new vertical alignment could use a new pline or the old pline with new vertical offsets.
  2. In GCADJDES, select the road, the new VAL and the points to be adjusted.
  3. Click "Modify Pt Hts" to adjust the elevation of the points by adding the difference in elevation between the new VAL and the old VAL.

Adjust slope difference

  1. Register a new "difference" slope alignment with SLOPEMANAGER by a pline in the Super view, or by slope offsets to another slope alignment.
  2. In GCADJDES, select the road, the new slope alignment and the points to be adjusted.
  3. Click "Modify Pt Hts" to adjust the elevation of the points by adding the slope of the slope alignment to the computed slope from the roadjob HAL/VAL.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Report and label angle-right between locations.

Report the angle-right given locations for backsight, instrument and foresight.

Optionally, label the angle with default text style.

See also ANG and GCLABIP.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Draw a pline or set arc from any three parameters.

Choose one of 10 Types of arc, for example "Start, Centre, End" or "3 Point".

ARC defaults to the last Type used.

Similar to ARC, which only creates a pline.

The arc is drawn from the first point to the last point.

If a radius is used, a negative radius will draw the arc on the right-hand side.

See also GC3PTARC, ARC2P and ARC2PSET.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Draw|​Set|​Arc
Draw|​Arc|​By 3 parameters
Geocomp Update or $250  

Create breaklines along the arc segments of all sets on a designated DTM layer.

Create points at regular intervals along the arc and connect a set from the existing first TP to each of the new points and finally to the end TP of the arc. The number of chords created is based on a specified maximum middle ordinate (arc-to-chord tolerance) value which indicates the maximum allowable deviation from the true arc for any breakline chord.

The chords may be created invisibly.

The selected tolerance and invisibility become the defaults for this project.

The elevation of each point is interpolated along the arc from the elevations of the points at the arc TPs. If either TP has an undefined elevation, Breaklines will not be formed along that arc, and a warning message will be issued in the message area.

Any objects named SETARCBL are deleted, then the new points and sets are named SETARCBL, and given the current colour, so they can be selected separately from the arcs.

The cut and fill slope values of the chords match the values of the arcs. If slope values have not been edited, the current default slopes from DESIGNSET are used as normal.

See also ARCBREAK which replaces the old arcs, ARCBL which does not allow for invisible chords, GCDTMALL which is equivalent to GCARCBL then DTMALL and BLFILTER which filters out excess breakline points.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Delete or select text objects containing Bad Rec EAT codes.

Select text records that contain Extended Attribute Text with Bad Record codes and optionally delete them.

Bad records are displayed when an EAT code in a text object refers to an object by number that no longer exists.

Selected records can be used in other commands as the Previous selection.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create a bench set.

Create a bench string beside an existing set.

Select a set, a chainage range and slopes to project up or down. Click Next to specify whether to terminate at a DTM, a datum or a horizontal and vertical offset. Click Next again to specify left or right, layer, Interval or corner tidying.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Modify colours of block definitions.

Recreate selected blocks with specified colour and exploded hatching.

When you manually create, import or export blocks, objects in blocks retain the original colours and layers. GCBLKFIX allows you to modify all the colours inside selected blocks to any single colour (such as ByLayer), and all their layers to 0, without having redefine or redraft the blocks. This gives you control over the block object colours for drafting in Terramodel or other CAD software.

What GCBLKFIX does

  1. Select block objects and a new colour
  2. For each selected block, get the block name
  3. For each block name in turn,
    1. Insert the block at 0,0 and scale 1:1 on layer 0 of Sheet view
    2. Explode the block
    3. Explode sub-blocks including hatching
    4. Relayer all new objects to layer 0
    5. Modify new objects to the specified colour
    6. Join any plines
    7. Recreate as an internal block with the same block name
    8. Save the block as a .BLK file in the current project folder
    9. Delete new objects
  4. Redraw


  • Updates definitions for all selected block objects.
  • Updates all blocks in the project that have the same name as any selected blocks.
  • You don't have to select every block with that name.
  • Modifies the colours of objects in the selected blocks.
  • Does not modify the colour number of the inserted object.
  • Does not modify the map colour status.
  • Blocks with map colour ON will still display in the block colour.
  • To specify colour BYLAYER, choose new colour 0.
  • Explodes sub-blocks such as hatching (which solves problems with conflicting hatch names).
  • Modifies multi-coloured blocks to a single colour.
  • Does not explode text or change fonts.
  • Blocks exported to .DWG display the colours of the objects in the block as mapped by the .ACF.
  • Some CAD operators will appreciate objects on layer 0 in the block definition.
  • You can move or rename .BLK files afterwards.
  • To retain links to external blocks, after updating the block definitions, quit without saving after GCBLKFIX and open the project file again.
  • To use the external block with projects in other folders, move the .BLK to a location on the Terramodel Search Path.
  • Use BLOCK to List or insert blocks or to Save to external.
  • Use MKBLKINT to make selected blocks internal.
  • Use BLKREAD to replace internal blocks with external blocks.
  • Use SCLBLKS to modify the map colour status of blocks.
  • Use EXPLODE or GCEXPLOD to explode blocks.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create points at insertion point of blocks.

Create points at the insertion points of selected 3D blocks, on a specified layer. You have options to include 2D blocks, and to delete the blocks.

See also PTBLKS and TEXT2PNT.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Draw|​Point|​At blocks Geocomp Update or $200  

Match extents of boundaries

For each of two DTM edges, copy the points from the other set which are outside the selected set on to the layer of the selected set, then create a new DTM edge.

The two new sets cover the maximum horizontal extent of both boundaries, but with different layers and elevations.

The areas and volumes between the new surfaces are shown in the message scroll area.

Use this to compute volumes between two surfaces by assuming batters of even grade between the extents one of the DTMs.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Draw a pline box by three locations.

Draw a rectangular pline at three specified corners. The first corner is at the first location, the second corner is on the bearing from the first location to the second and the third corner is at the third location. You can also enter an elevation.

GCBOX is an alternative to BOX, which creates a pline and PAD which creates a set. Both commands prompt for two points and create sides on cardinal bearings.

See also PLOTBOX, which prompts for bearing and distances in sheet units and POLYGON which prompts for number of sides.

If you create a DYNAVIEW from the box, always locate the first corner in the south west so the insertion point is at the bottom left of the dynaview.

TML date  Source 
21/02/18    Geocomp Update or $200  

Create chords from arcs, spirals and splines.

Create plines or sets with straight segments along selected plines or sets.

The points and vertices are located by a specifying a maximum chainage interval and a maximum 3D offset from curve to chord.

The chord offset is measured in 3D to the horizontal and vertical alignments which are defined by the set or by a pline in the Profile view that refers to pline in the Plan view. The plines can include straights, arcs, spirals, combining curves, parabolic vertical curves, circular vertical curves, B-splines or overhauser splines.

Delete the selected objects or not.

Create objects on the current layer or the layers of the selected objects.

To filter excess chords use FILTER or BLFILTER.


TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import a profile from file of chainage and elevation.

Import a profile from a comma-​delimited file in this format:


See also GC65FILE.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create PPS Tunnelling System CL file.

Create CL file for PPS Tunneling system from HAL, VAL, Xlines, and chainage range.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Create new DTM surfaces clipped at boundaries.

Use closed pline boundaries to create new surfaces from an existing surface, either inside or outside each polygon. The pline is also draped on the existing surface, the points and sets created are added to each new surface.

This command prepares surfaces for 3d and 4d modelling applications.

  1. Create pline clipping boundaries around design features or regions
  2. Uniquely name each boundary pline.
  3. Run GCCLIP
  4. Nominate the DTM Surface to be clipped
  5. Select the pline boundaries
  6. Select "Keep Inside" or "Keep Outside"
  7. New DTM surfaces are copied from the existing DTM, inside or outside the boundaries.
  8. The new layers have the boundary name suffixed with _IN and _OU.

See also CLIP to clip objects at boundaries, GCMATCH to match contours, JOIN to join matched contours, DTMMATCH to match the elevations of two DTMs, GC33 to create the highest or lowest of two surfaces, GC33MULT to create the highest or lowest of multiple overlapping surfaces, MERGE to create a surface from two overlapping surfaces, GCMERGE to replace a surface with multiple overlapping surfaces, GCSUBDTM to lower parts of surfaces to subgrade depths and GCCOPY to copy multiple objects into a single surface.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Modify colours of positive, zero, and negative objects.

Modify the colours of selected objects according to three elevation ranges: negative, zero and positive.

GCCOLCON easily modifies the colour of labeled isopachs to show cut and fill.

2D objects are not modified.

Use HDMS, 3DVISUALISER or COLORCON if you need to define more colour bands.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Colour contours by +|-
Modify|​Color contours by +|-
Modify|​Colour +/- contours
Modify|​Color +/- contours
Geocomp Update or $250 90

Modify elevations of points in contours.

Modify elevations of 2D points of selected sets to equal elevations of 3D points on the same sets that have matching elevations.

Use to repair sets that represent contours where some of the points are 2D.

See also GC50.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 258

Import contours from Geocomp (.CON) file.

Import a contour .CON file created by Geocomp.

TML date   SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 166

Export contours to Geocomp (.CON) file.

Export a Geocomp contour (.CON) file.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 105

Export a contour to simulator (.TXT) file.

Export contours in a TXT format to suit a ship-piloting simulator.


Select contour plines
Change CS:
Select a coordinate system
Export file:
Select a location file name
Export the TXT file


  • The coordinates are transformed into latitudes and longitudes in degrees and decimal minutes.
  • For contours below water level, use negative elevations. Plines with no elevations are skipped.
  • Contours must have straight segments. Plines containing splines, arcs and other curves are skipped. Use SPLINE, CURVE or GCCHORD, if required.
  • Each contour is given a unique, incrementing ID number. Use NAME to add a prefix to a contour ID.

TML date  Source 
17/06/19     Geocomp Update or $250  

Modify elevations of labelled contours.

Change the elevation of the plines on the selected layer to match nearby text.

The text is considered nearby if the insertion point is within the specified tolerance of the ends of a pline, or within a tolerance equal to the height of the text from the nearest location on the pline.

If the tolerance is too small, some contours will be missed. If you have only labels on index contours, and the tolerance is too large, some unlabelled contours will be assigned elevations.

By default, plines with elevations already are not changed. To force a change, tick "Do all".

Text containing non-numeric characters is ignored.

To change the pline elevations from nearby points, first use LABPT to label the points with EAT text containing elevations.

Once the plines have elevations, you can GCCONVRT them to sets form an approximate DTM surface from a labelled 2D contour plan.

If there are insufficient labels, the other contour elevations can be set manually using GCMULCON, GCONECON or PLTO3D. If there is a DTM, you could interpolate the contour elevations using ELVPLINE or regenerate the contours.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 258

Convert sets to plines and plines to sets.

If all points in a set have the same elevation, the pline is assigned that elevation, otherwise the pline is assigned no elevation (= *).

Zero length plines are converted to points.

GCCONVRT does not remove duplicate points. If you need to remove duplicate points during the conversion use CONVERT.

If you choose to delete the original sets, you can choose to delete the points in those sets.

GCCONVERT converts hidden and visible set segments.

The new objects may have the original or current layer name, and a prefix.

Unlike CONVERT, GCCONVRT retains all attributes and is much faster with large data sets.

See also GCCHORD to create straight segments along sets or plines.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Edit|​Convert Geocomp Update or $250 292

Convert between coordinate systems with a look-up table that emphasises Australia and New Zealand.

Convert points, plines, blocks and text between predefined geodetic coordinate systems using predefined ellipsoids and datums by the seven-​parameter or NTv2 distortion grid method.


Select From and To Coordinate Systems
Select Search to select the From and To coordinate systems.
World regions
Select a region of the world then select a system from that region from the drop-down list.
Define ellipsoid | Define datum | Define CS
If desired coordinate systems are not in any of the regional lists, new ellipsoids, datums and coordinate systems can be defined. Geocomp Systems adds new definitions for Customer Care Members. Add coordinate systems from a file by ADDMAPSY.
List selected
List details of the selected coordinate system.
List all
List details of every available ellipsoid, datum and coordinate system.
Any point
List the coordinates of a location in both From and To coordinate systems.
Multiple objects
Select Objs:
Select objects to be transformed.
List the coordinates of selected points in both From and To coordinate systems.
Transform the coordinates of select objects from the From coordinate system to the To coordinate system.


The look-up tables in GCCOORD emphasise Australian and New Zealand coordinate systems. COORDCON is a similar command that transforms the same coordinate systems but which emphasises USA and UTM systems. Both call the same Mentor database files COORDSYS, DATUMS and ELIPSOID in C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Shared\​Mentor.dir. Both commands require COGO module. "List selected" in GCCOORD shows more details.

Coordinate systems with names that start with LL use latitudes and longitudes. The others use eastings and northings.

The principles and operation are described in detail in Terramodel 10 User's Guide Chapter 13: Using Coordcon.

Commands that transform coordinates using the same database

Draw Latitude and Longitude grids and labels
Some other related commands

Commands that use other transformation systems

Transform when either coordinate system is not geodetic
Convert between foot and metre coordinate systems
Manage Trimble coordinate systems
Help for GeoCalc 4.20, a stand-alone 7-parameter tranformation application.

TML, LUT or DLL date GuideMenuSourceGC
01/10/19 UG 401
Nav notes
Cogo|​Utilities|​Coordinate conversion
HDMS|​Coordinate transformation|​Coordinates
Geocomp Update or $200 Geo​Calc

Copy selected objects onto a layer.

Copy selected objects onto a single layer retaining location, colour and so on.

GCCOPY is ideal for creating a single layer DTM from objects on multiple layers.

GCCOPY copies many object properties such as colour, elevation, colour, linetype, reference, group, visibility and hidden segments, but not attributes.


Select Objects to be copied
Layer List
Select objects to be copied by layers in a layer list
Into layer
Select layer for copied objects
Retain Colour by Layer
For any selected objects that have colour = 0 (which means colour ByLayer), either retain colour number = 0 (so the objects display in the colour of the new layer), or change the colour number to the colour of the layer from which the object is copied (so the new object is displayed with the same colour as the old object)
Append Layername
Append the names of the original layers to the names of the new objects
Del Old
Delete or retain the original objects
Update Ref
When both parent and subject objects are copied at the same time, refer to the copied objects, or the original objects
Elev Diff
Add a difference to the elevations of copied objects
Copy the objects
Cancel without copying


Points in selected sets are copied to the new layer, even if the points are not selected. This avoids invalid breaklines due to sets connected to points on other layers.

Points subject to selected text and blocks are also copied. This enables you to move copied points and update the dimensions.

The new point numbers start above the highest existing point number.

See also

Copy objects to a new location while retaining the layers. COPY does not copy the name and can change the colour to match the new layer.
Copy objects in layers listed in a .DTP file
Layer list settings
Copy objects to multiple locations
Create a multi-layer DTM

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Copy to layer Geocomp Update or $250 178

Import and string comma-​delimited ASCII (.csv) coordinate data.

Import CSV data in common ASCII formats exported from tables, GPS and other coordinated data sources.

Browse to select one or more .CSV, PTS or .TXT files.

The column delimiters can be commas, tabs or spaces.

Number of fields per linefields assumed to becomment
onenot valid 
twoeasting, northing (or northing, easting) 
threeeasting, northing (or northing, easting), elevation 
fourpoint number, easting, northing (or northing, easting), elevation 
fivepoint number, easting, northing (or northing, easting), elevation, name 
more than fivepoint number, easting, northing (or northing, easting), elevation, name, layerAnswer Yes, when prompted
more than fivepoint number, easting, northing (or northing, easting), elevation, name which can include delimitersAnswer No when prompted, and specify Current layer
more than fivepoint number, easting, northing (or northing, easting), elevation, name including layer, layerAnswer No when prompted, and specify Separate layers


Entity file
String points as you import using a Geocomp Entity file.
CLT file
Change colours and linetypes as you import using a .CLT file.
MAP file
Insert blocks or symbols using a MAP file.
Easting, Northing or Northing, Easting
Specify the coordinate order.
Current layer or Separate layers
Create the points on the Current Layer or on Separate Layers.
Use additional fields for Point's Layer
This prompt appears if there are more than four delimiters on any line.
Use Long Entity Names
Substitute the name with a Long Name or Short Name read from an ENT file.
Match using Short names
If you specify an ENT file, match using Short Names.
Use Imported Point Numbers
Use point numbers from the file or assign new point numbers.
Add imported Point Number to name
Add imported Point Numbers to names.
Specify commas, tab or space for the delimiter
Import CSV files
Prompt to select one or more ASCII files to be imported. The default file extensions are .CSV,.PTS and .TXT

Blocks, colours and linetypes

Do not select .ENT, .CLT or .MAP files, unless you have coded descriptions to suit Geocomp DOS. In general, the better way to string, relayer, colour and add blocks is to import the points first then use AUTODRAFT. To modify blocks, symbols, colours or linetypes after import, see GC16, GC09, GCINSBLK, BLOCK Multiple and LAYERMAP.

See also IMPORT ASCII Points to configure the import format and filter by closed pline, GCMFI to import multiple files, FBLOCK to split into regions and GCPTSIN to import points in various file formats.

TML date  Source 
15/01/20     Geocomp Update or $250  

Compute dam volumes in increments.

Compute incremental volumes of water above a DTM or earthworks below a DTM.

Specify a DTM and the volume unit, and, typically, a high water level, a low water level and a vertical increment and a boundary.

Select Water Vols for the volume of water in a depression in a DTM, or Earth Vols for the volume of material in surrounding walls.

The P3Pad report shows, for each boundary, the incremental and cumulative volumes as limited by the DTM surface and the high and low water levels. **** indicates that the area is not changing.

Digital terrain model layer.
Enter a High Water Level or * for the highest elevation.
Enter a Low Water Level or * for the lowest elevation.
Enter a vertical increment or * for no increments.
Enter a vertical offset, which may be 0.000, to be added to each increment.
Water Vols
Compute volumes above the DTM.
Earth Vols
Compute volumes below the DTM.
Select any limiting boundaries.
CSV File
Also report to a comma-separated-values (.CSV) file for importing into another application.
Cubic Unit
Express the volume in units defined in UNITSSET by the "Volume" label and "Cubic units/volume unit" conversion factor. If the project units are metres, the volume label is typically m³ and the conversion factor is 1. If the project units are feet, the volume label is typically Cu. Yd. and the conversion factor is 27.
Express the volume in litres. 1 litre = 0.001 cubic metres. The UNITSSET factor is not applied. Only selectable if the project units are metres.
Express the volume in megalitres. 1 megalitre = 1000 cubic metres. The UNITSSET factor is not applied. Only selectable if the project units are metres.
US Gal
Express the volume in gallons. 1 US fluid gallon = 231 cubic inches = 0.13368056 cubic feet = 0.00495113 cubic yards. The UNITSSET factor is not applied. Only selectable if the project units are feet.
Express the volume in acre-feet. 1 acre-foot = 43560 cubic feet = 1613.3333… cubic yards. The UNITSSET factor is not applied. Only selectable if the project units are feet.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Dam volumes Geocomp Update or $250  

Export cross sections at intersecting sets to DC file.

Create a roading .DC file from HAL/VAL or roadway from cross sections where Xlines intersect selected 3D sets.

This is useful with Trimble machine control, especially where your data are supplied as strings or if needs cleaning up in Terramodel.

See also GCMULTDC and IMPORT Roading DC files.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   File|​Misc. Export|​Trimble DC from strings Geocomp Update or $250  

Delete sets and points in sets.

Delete selected sets including attached points, without having to select the points.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 60+31

Label lots with dimensions.

Label multiple closed sets with bearings and distances on the current layer.

The labels are EAT text attached to the points, so the dimensions update as you move the points.

The text is created on the current layer, at the current plan view scale, with the nominated colour and text style.

You can therefore create multiple dimension text layers at different scales for use with different dynaview layerlists.

The lot with the largest area can be dimensioned as a surround lot.

The length suffix is selected from the list defined in UNITSSET Labelling.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​text|​Lot dimensions Geocomp Update or $200 75

Add points into sets based on maximum horizontal distance.

In selected sets, for each segment longer than the specified maximum horizontal distance, insert new points and create new segments. The new segments may be the exact distance in length or shortened so each new segment is equal length.

New arc segments are created using arc lengths.

If both the start and end points of the original segment are 3D, elevations are interpolated onto the new points.

Use GCDIVIDE where points are too far apart for commands like SIDESLOPE and DESIGN to work properly.

Use GC682SET to create breaklines linking two sets and GCPTDIST to check whether any segment has less than a minimum length. See also DIVIDE, GCCHORD and ARCBREAK.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create sets where selected plines cross a DTM.

Create points on the current layer where selected plines cross links in the selected DTM and connect the points with sets along the plines.

Each new set is assigned the same start chainage|station, reference object and name as the original pline.

The original plines can be deleted.

If there is no grade change at the link crossing, no point is created.

See also DRAPE which is a standard Terramodel command that assigns beginning station | start chainage 0.000, Ref Obj 0 and no name, and does not give the option to delete plines.

TML date MenuSourceGC
10/10/19   DTM|​Drape plines Geocomp Update or $200 298+400+252

Relayer objects into a DTM layer using a .DTP file.

Relayer or copy all objects in the plan view, that have group numbers listed in a selected .DTP file, into a specified DTM layer

Set groups first by a command such as GCIMPORT.

Digital Terrain Parameter (.DTP) files are created by Geocomp during DTM formation.

Optionally, copy the boundary as a breakline.

See also GCCOPY and GCDTMIN.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 43

Create arc breaklines, relink all DTM layers and refresh.

For every layer that has at least three 3D contourable points, create arc breaklines, relink the DTM then refresh the display.

The arc breakline points and sets are created in the DTM layer using the current point and line colours.

The arc-to-chord tolerance and visibility of the chords are as previously set by GCARCBL.

See also DTMALL and DTMUPDT which do not change arc breaklines. DTMUPDT just updates one layer.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 289

Create multiple DTM boundaries.

Create closed plines or sets at the extents of the links on DTM layers.

Specify DTM layers by selecting objects or a layer list.

Specify whether to create lines or sets.

Specify whether to create the boundaries on the DTM layers or the current layer.

These boundaries may be useful for volume computations.

Select sets in the DTM layer to create DTM Edges.

See also DTMEDGE and PTS2BDY.

TML date  SourceGC
30/05/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report elevation differences between three DTMs at cursor.

Report the interpolated elevation and elevation differences between up to three selected DTM layers at the cursor location to the status line (below the command line).

See also

Report the elevation of a DTM at a location
Report the elevation of a DTM at the cursor
Report elevation of roadjob at a location
Configure the coordinate scroll

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Remove triangles from a DTM edge.

Edit a DTM edge set by removing edge triangles specified by locations outside and inside the edge.

DTM Edge

Select a set that encloses all the points and triangles on a DTM layer, such as a set created by DTMEDGE.

Once you select the set, the command turns on links, turns off quick contours and regenerates the DTM.

Pt Pt

Select triangles crossing a line between two locations, inside and outside the DTM edge.

For each triangle in turn, working from the outside to the inside, GCDTMEDG deletes the outside segment, creates segments on the other two sides, and then joins them into the edge set.


  • This command replaces the equivalent manual process using DELETESEGMENT, BL and then JOIN.
  • Before you run DTMEDGE, check the current extent of the triangles with LINKSET.
  • DTM edges override the maximum edge distance and angle in LINKSET.
  • DTM edges defined by multiple sets are not selectable by this command.
  • Breaklines are not removed.
  • Points are not removed.
  • Triangles are not removed if that would split the triangulated network.
  • To see pline contours, create them first by CONTOUR.
  • Toggle quick contours, links or slope arrows during editing with a toolbox including TOGQUICK, TOGLINKS, TOGSLOPE or LINKSET.
  • The colours of links, quick contours and slope arrows are defined by LINKSET.

TML date  Source 
29/03/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create super­elevation slope alignments from a DTM.

Create registered slope alignment plines in the Super view from a design DTM and registered left and right horizontal alignments.

These slope alignments can be especially useful to place SUBGRADE templates. Horizontal offsets can be defined in the HAL​MANAGER.

The selected alignments must be more than 10mm inside the edge of the DTM.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Import a Geocomp .DTM file onto a layer.

Create closed sets from triangles in a Geocomp .DTM file.

Each set is created with a group of 1037 on the nominated layer.

The DTM boundary is created as a pline.

A Geocomp Digital Terrain Model (.DTM) is a self-contained model of coordinates, triangles and breaklines, from which Geocomp (DOS) can extract contours and sections and compute volumes.

TML date    SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 FC D

Export a layer as a Geocomp .DTM file.

Create a Geocomp Digital Terrain Model (.DTM) from a DTM layer.

To export the whole DTM, do not select a boundary.

To clip the .DTM at an arbitrary pline boundary, you will need SiteDesign module.

The maximum number of DTM points in Geocomp 9 is 32,767 points and in Geocomp 10 is 99,999 points.

Define any dead regions by SET​SMOOTH.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 43 or SDS-DXF

Roadway volume report in columns.

Similar to EARTHWRK and XVOLUMES except the report is laid out in columns separated by commas.

See also AVGEND.

If you get zero volumes when you expect sensible values, see FIXLAYERS.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $125  

Modify the elevation of selected objects.

Modify the elevation of selected objects to an absolute elevation or relative to the current elevation of the object.

Use the radio buttons to select Absolute or Relative.

Turn 3D points into 2D points by entering an asterisk (*) as the elevation.

To select objects by elevation range, use Right-mouse Elev.

GCELEV is similar to ELEVATION but with a clearer dialog.

See also GC69 , GC53, GCNOELEV and CUTFILL.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Modify|​Elevation|​Elevation Geocomp Update or $125 9

Import ESRI ArcInfo ARC DEM grid files.

Import ESRI ArcInfo ARC Digital Elevation Model grid files.

ESRI DEM files are gridded elevation models from sources such as lidar and Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission CGIAR-CSI.

The ESRI DEM format defines the grid extent with a heading followed by the elevation values like this:

ncols         1100

nrows         1100

xllcorner     520950.0

yllcorner     5257950.0

cellsize      1.0

NODATA_value  -9999

30.02 29.99 29.95 29.9, and so on.

The data can be all on one line, or in rows. The number of values must equal nrows x ncols. No points are created where the value matches the NODATA value.

ESRI DEM files can be huge. You can import only those grid points inside a boundary pline or within a maximum offset from a pline.

You can define your own grid in a spreadsheet. GCESRIIN can import files delimited by spaces, tabs or commas.

To import Trimble Alignment Planning .NED data from Quantm, see GCNEDIN. For ESRI Shape (.SHP) files, use the ESRI (SHP) IMPORT script. For US Geological Survey .DEM files, use the USGS (dem) IMPORT script. For other lidar data, see GCLASIN, LIDARIN and LIDARGRD.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   File|​Misc. Import|ESRI DEM Geocomp Update or $250  

Explode blocks, text and complex linetypes into components.

Explode blocks, text and complex linetypes into components.

To explode theseinto theseuse
one set or plinetwo sets or plinesBREAK
setsset segmentsDISJOIN
sets with arcssets with chordsARCBREAK or GCCHORD
plines with no spirals or vertical curvespline segmentsDISJOIN
plines with spiralsplines with arcs and chordsOFFSETDIST
plines with spirals, vertical curves or splinesplines with 2D chordsGCCHORD or FILTER
alignment plines with arcs, spirals, vertical curves or splinessets with 3D chordsGCCHORD
sets or plines with complex linetypessets or plines and symbol textGCEXPLOD
normal textplinesGCEXPLOD
extended attribute (EAT) text with leader line and bordernormal text and plinesGCEXPLOD
blocksplines, text, blocks and pointsGCEXPLOD or EXPLODE
label tablesplines and textEXPLODE
dimensionsrounded textTEXTRND
lot labelsnormal textLABELSETS Text
point labelstextLABELPOINT Explode
symbolstext with symbol fontLABELPOINT Explode
mass haul diagramsplines and textMASSHAUL and MASSDIAG
dynaviewsobjectsEXPLODE or GCEXPLOD

Exploding blocks

  • Depending on how the blocks were created, GCEXPLOD and EXPLODE explode blocks differently with respect to layers, colours, elevations, names and sets. If one command doesn't do what you hoped, try the other one.
  • If the exploded block or text object has an elevation, the pline retains the elevation.
  • Points in blocks do not retain their point numbers.
  • Blocks can be nested inside blocks, so you may need to repeat.
  • Recursive blocks, that contain blocks with same name, cannot be exploded. Use DELETE or BLKREAD.
  • A block with Map colour ON is displayed in the colour of the block; with Map colour OFF, in the colour of the objects in the block. Use SCLBLKS to change the map colour status of multiple blocks.
  • Use DELBLKS to delete missing external blocks.
  • Use GCPURGE to purge all unused blocks.
  • Use SYM2BLK to replace symbols with blocks.
  • Use GCBLKFIX to explode blocks, modify the colours of the objects and recreate the blocks.
TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Extend or trim multiple plines to a boundary.

Specify a pline or set as a limiting boundary. The boundary does not need to be closed.
Select plines to extend or trim.
Max Extend distance
Specify a maximum extend distance or enter *.
Both Ends
Extend or trim in the direction of the last segment from the end closest to the boundary or both ends so that the pline ends on the boundary or lines projected from the ends of the boundary.
Add Pt
If extending, create a new pline segment between end and the new location.
Move Pt
If extending or trimming a straight, move the end of the pline segment.

To extend a pline or set by a distance or to multiple boundaries, see EXTEND. To extend pline to a total distance, see GC88. For other variations on clipping and trimming, see CLIP.

TML date  Source 
01/09/2018     Geocomp Update or $250  

Import .EZIGRADE RTK Survey file.

Import .EZIGRADE RTK Survey file produced by Ezigrade from Foresoft.

Select Existing, Design and Field layers and set the coordinate system.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     NFS  

Export .EZIGRADE RTK Survey file.

Export .EZIGRADE RTK Survey file for Ezigrade from Foresoft.

Specify Coordinate system, Existing, Design, Benchmark and Field layers, grid settings and boundary.

Select .EZIGRADE or .AGD file type to export.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     NFS  

Create paths flowing from locations on a DTM.

Create plines in the current layer showing paths of maximum DTM slope that approximate the direction of flow of liquids such as water.

Flow paths

Each path stops at a maximum path length if specified, a low point at the bottom of a depression or the lower of two points on a DTM edge link.

Where linked points have exactly the same elevation, one of the elevations is modified very slightly to enable consistent flow directions.

Where there are multiple possible paths, only one of the paths is followed.

Water depth is not considered; any rise of any height is an obstacle that can create a low point.

To show discrete flow paths

Click in Start Loc: then select a location within the DTM.

GCFALL creates a pline on the current layer that falls from that location in the steepest direction and continues across more triangles until the limit is reached. Click more locations to create more flow paths. Click Close to close the command.

To show the whole surface drainage network

Select "Triangle Centroids" to create plines that begin to fall from every triangle on the DTM.

For each catchment, the colours of flow plines are distinguished and a circle is created at the common terminus with the elevation of the DTM and a name showing the total area of triangles and the longest path. The paths are created on the current layer; the circles have the same layer name but with _CIRC on the end. Existing plines on those layers can be deleted.

Water from a single triangle can flow in multiple paths. Specify one, three or six flow path locations per triangle.

To show catchment boundaries

In Settings, select Create Catchment Boundaries and specify a layer. Then select Triangle Centroids to create plines of catchments and flow paths.

To hatch catchments, HATCH selecting catchment boundaries by colour AND layer.


For flow path plines, choose a linetype with a symbol that indicates direction, such as 142, 145, CROW'S FOOT, DIR DASH, DIRECTION, LEADER, LEADER D, TADPOLE, TYRE_TRACK_>>>> or XLEADER. The pline is created in the direction such that the symbols point downhill.

Load these linetypes in LINETYPESET from DIRECTIONAL.LIN, GC10.LIN, LEADERLINE.LIN, TMODEL.LIN, TMODEL_2.LIN or TMODELT.LIN in C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp\ folder. Your choice of linetype and plan view scale affects the size of the symbols and the time taken to display the paths.

See also

Create and report pond extents and volumes
Create sets along pline paths
Create breakline sets along DTMs
Label grade between points
Display slope and aspect of current DTM layer at cursor in coordinate scroll
Label slopes of triangle centroids
Display direction of slope and quick contours of triangles
Create a path at a constant grade
Create sets around drainage areas.

TML date  Source 
10/12/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Insert or expand multiple arcs.

Insert arcs into selected sets or plines and increase radii of small arcs in plines.


At each point in selected sets, a new arc with the entered minimum radius and its new points is inserted. No arc is inserted where an arc already exists or the distance to either adjacent point exceeds the new tangent length. Specify "Delete set IPs" to delete existing set points at new arcs.


At each vertex in selected plines, a new arc with the entered minimum radius is inserted or the radius of an existing arc is increased. If the distance to either adjacent vertex exceeds the new tangent length, the new radius is reduced to fit. Splines, spirals and vertical curves are not modified.

Closed figures

When an arc is inserted at the beginning of a closed figure, the start chainage is adjusted to match the previous chainage at the new start location.

See also

Create an arc at the intersection of two segments
Insert or modify a curve at a pline vertex
Insert or modify an arc at a set point
Insert points into set arcs
Spline or despline a pline
Graphically edit curves in alignments
Remove points from arcs or recreate arcs from chords

TML date  SourceGC
25/03/19     Geocomp Update or $200 127

Filter excess points from straights and arcs in sets.

Filter excess points from sets by offset and radius tolerances, recreate arcs from chords or replace sets with alignment plines.

Relayer filtered points to layer 0. If layer 0 is invisible, these points disappear.

Select sets to be filtered
Line Tol:
Horizontal offset tolerance on straights
Arc Tol:
Horizontal offset tolerance on arcs
Elev Tol:
Vertical offset tolerance
Filter Points
Remove points within Line or Arc tolerance and within Elev Tolerance
Convert Chords to Arcs
Convert chords to arcs where the implied radii and centres of arc match
Convert to HAL/VAL Plines
Convert sets to horizontal alignment plines in Plan view and corresponding vertical alignment plines in Profile view

GCFILTER can reduce the size of background maps to be uploaded to instruments.


TML date  SourceGC
09/05/17     Geocomp Update or $200 127

Create a set that follows segments or links.

Create a set that follows segments or links in both directions from a selected segment.

The first segment is a copy of the selected segment. Segments are then added to each end along segments or links to the point closest to the direction of the previous segment until no point falls within the specified deflection angle.

The new segments can follow existing set segments or triangle sides, can be sets or plines, can be on the current layer or on the layer of the selected set and are the line colour of the current layer.

Use to distinguish breaklines such as kerbs from supplied DTMs.

See also GC66 and GCFALL.

TML date  Source 
27/05/17     Geocomp Update or $200  

Fix .XML files with long lines.

Read a specified .XML file and write another with a new line inserted after each > character.

The new .XML file can then be read by Terramodel commands that can't read lines longer than 255 characters, such as GCXMLIN, GCPTSIN and the LandXML import script.

.XML files contain ASCII characters in fields delimited by tags defined by < and > characters. Tabs, spaces and new lines may be included for human readability but are not required by the .XML specification so, to save space, .XML files may have been written all on one long line. Such files exceed the maximum of 255 characters per line that most Terramodel commands expect. GCFIXXML fixes that problem.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create points on a grid pattern.

Create points at nominated interval, bearing and number within a boundary on the specified layer.

Insert the grid origin at the south west corner.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draft|​Label grid Geocomp Update or $250 265

Import Leica .GEO coordinate data.

Import points, lines and attributes from Leica .GEO coordinate files. GEO files are part of the Leica SBG Universal Machine Control (UMC) system.

To export .GEO files, see also GCUMC3D.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Import GPX GPS data.

Import points from a GPX file and transform from lat/long coordinates to a specified coordinate system.

You can limit to point inside a boundary or close to an alignment.

See The GPS Exchange Format.

See also GPXOUT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Report the cut and fill volumes of regions.

Create region boundaries and report their cut and fill volumes to P3Pad, CSV, text and hatching.

Create region boundaries as closed plines in a rectangular grid (for broad zones) or between xlines (for roads), or select existing boundaries (such as stockpile toes).

GCGRDVOL can improve on EARTHWORK, EARTHWRK and AVGEND for many situations.

Create Grids/Regions

Create rectangular regions at a location
  • Select New grid
  • Locate the north west corner
  • Enter the bearing
  • Enter the number and width of columns
  • Enter the number and height of rows
  • Select a layer and colour for the grid
  • Click OK to create a grid of closed rectangular plines
  • Each pline name indicates the row and column
Create rectangular regions inside a Box
  • Select Sub grid
  • Select any pline to define a the extents of a Box
  • Enter the bearing
  • Enter the number of columns
  • Enter the number of rows
  • Select a layer and colour for the subgrid
  • Click OK to create a grid of closed rectangular plines within the box
  • Each pline name indicates the box and the row and column
Create Regions using active alignment and Xlines
  • Select a layer and colour for the regions
  • Click Create Regions using active alignment and Xlines
  • Each pline name indicates the chainage range
Use existing regions

There is no need to delete and recreate region plines, when prompted, if you are working with

  • the same regions again (e.g. monthly volumes)
  • irregular boundaries from other sources (e.g. stockpiles)
  • imported regions (e.g. transferred by TMXOUT and TMXIN)


  • Label each region with text showing Cut Volume, Fill Volume, Nett Volumes, Average Depth or Region Name.
  • Enter the Prefix, layer name, style, colour and vertical shift for each label type.
  • To avoid labels overlapping, specify text styles with different vertical justification or enter different shifts (in text height units).
  • To distinguish label types, specify prefixes, layers or colours.
  • Delete previously created labels and hatching, or not.
  • Specify a text bearing.
  • Hatch each region with patterns and colours to indicate whether there is more cut or more fill.
  • Report
    • Cut and fill volumes
    • Maximum depths of cut and fill
    • Net volumes
    • Average depths
    • Region names
    • Cut and fill and boundary areas
    • Topsoil volumes (if any)
    • Dead regions (if any)
    • Cumulative cut, fill and nett volumes.
  • For reports that overflow P3Pad, generate a CSV file.
  • Delete regions with no included volume.

Use Shrink/Swell factors

Apply the shrink and swell factors defined in EARTHWORK Settings.

Compute Volumes

Once you have defined regions and settings, select Compute Volumes.

Existing DTM surface layer
Proposed DTM surface layer
Select region boundaries (typically by layer)
Select an optional limiting boundary
Top Soil
Estimate topsoil volume by multiplying entered thickness by the area of cut. The reported cut volumes are not adjusted for topsoil.
Compute Vols
Compute the volumes, labels and reports

Any dead regions are excluded from the results by SETSMOOTH.

See also EARTHWORK to report volumes within one boundary, GC20 to detail volumes within multiple boundaries, MASSHAUL to create a mass haul diagram, and EARTHWRK and AVGEND for less accurate end-area volumes.

TML date MenuSourceGC
05/06/17   Reports|​More...|​Grid volumes Geocomp Update or $200 222

Export alignment in Leica RoadPlus GSI format.

Choose from HAL and VAL or Roadjob.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import alignment in Topcon/​Civilcad GC7/GTS format.

Import horizontal alignment into the plan view, the vertical alignment into the profile view and the cross sections into the plan view.

The cross section points are strung according to descriptions in the cross section file.

The file names are assumed to have .GT7 file extension, and have the same name except for "- H", "- V" and "- XS" prefixes.

See also GCGTSOUT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export alignment in Topcon/​Civilcad GTS format.

Export horizontal and vertical alignment, and cross sections extracted at xlines, to separate files.

See also GCGT7IN.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Adjust a registered HAL to use offsets.

Adjust a registered HAL to use offsets from the nominated main HAL instead of the current alignment record.

Offsets are computed at the nominated interval so the adjusted alignment will initially follow approximately same path, but the adjusted alignment will now follow any edits to the main registered alignment.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Delete selected registered HALs.

Remove selected registered horizontal alignments from the HAL Manager.

The plines are not deleted.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Edit a registered horizontal alignment graphically.

Edit the main horizontal alignment of a roadway graphically.

  1. Register your HAL using HALMANAGER
  2. Select your HAL as the main horizontal alignment of your roadway using ROADJOB
  3. Make the pline of the HAL visible and selectable
  4. Make nearby plines invisible or unselectable so you don't select by mistake
    1. Select your roadway from a list
    2. Click in the IP field
    3. Click on a curve or bend in the HAL to select an IP

You can then move the selected IP to a location, insert a new IP after the selected IP, delete the IP, or change the arc radius, spiral in (back) and spiral out (ahead) lengths of the IP.

You can also report the offsets from the design alignment to an as-built set record.

Watch for messages in message scroll.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Roads|More...|​Edit HAL Geocomp Update or $200 84

Import Geocomp horizontal alignment (.HAL).

The HAL file is imported as a pline in the plan view.

Use GCIMPORT if you want the SDS data with the HAL.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​More...|​Import Geocomp HAL Geocomp Update or $250 253

Create a pline HAL from a registered horizontal alignment with offsets.

A pline is created along a registered alignment defined by offsets in the horizontal alignment manager.

The IPs are created at the chainage interval in the Settings.

A report is displayed showing each chainage, offset, easting and northing of each IP.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 157

Export Geocomp horizontal alignment (.HAL).

Converts a pline HAL in the plan view consisting of straights, arcs or spirals, but not splines.

The output file name must be six-digits with extension .HAL, for Geocomp to read it.

To extract sections other than to edge of model at 10m intervals, change the interval and offsets in SDS 84.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 84

Add Masshaul Import and Export materials from a CSV file.

Add a MASSIMPORT table of import or export material for MASSHAUL.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

GCHelp toolbar button

Report key, version and path configuration

Display a report showing details of key and paths and names of configuration files used by Terramodel and Geocomp Update and store the details as project variables.

Version information


  • Terramodel with Geocomp Update version
  • Security key​|Serial​|licence|​dongle number
  • Toolpak version number
  • GeocompSystems.dll version number
  • GCHELP Revision number and date

Location of Tmodwin.ini

Report the location of the tmodwin.ini that configures the initial Terramodel user-interface. The true location can be a copy of this file hidden by Windows in a VirtualStore.

Terramodel Search Path (TSP)

Terramodel searches the folders in the Terramodel Search Path in sequence for many user-​definable files including the prototype project, workspace, toolbar buttons, TML commands, aliases and blocks. The sequence is the current project folder, then user-definable folders, then C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Terramodel.

Typical user-definable folders include C:\TMCUSTOM\ for your user-​definable files and C:\TMCUSTOM\​GEOCOMP\ for Geocomp Update software.

Make any required changes to the paths. Use Ctrl Enter to start each path on a new line. Click "Update TSP" to update the TSP in the current TMODWIN.INI.

To verify the changes, restart Terramodel then use TSP to check the paths and files.

Terramodel Prototype file

Report the location of the prototype project on the TSP. Browse to select a prototype project file, like SYSTEM but with checks.

Terramodel Project Units, Sheet Units, Workspace and Menu

If a project is open, report the current project units and sheet units defined by MEASUNIT.

Report the name of the current workspace. Use TOOLBOX to select, display and edit workspaces.

Report the location and name of any menu configuration file. Use MENUCFG to select any different file.

Environmental Variable and Net Lock

Report any environmental variables used to locate TMODWIN.INI or network licensing keys.

Modules on Key

Report any Terramodel modules on the security key. Field data module is not reported as that module is not dependant on the key. See also ABOUT Products.

Link buttons

Run STAORCHN to set station or chainage convention for some commands.
Check for Updates
Run UPDATE to open the webpage to check for and download updates to Terramodel.
Help Terramodel
Run HELPTM to open the Index for Terramodel Help.
Help Import/Export
Run HELPIE to open the Index for Import and Export Help.
Help Toolboxes
Run HELP​TOOLBOX to open the Index tab for Toolbox Help.
Run DOCUMENTS to open a page of links to documents.
TML List
Run TMLLIST to open the TML List.
Support Links
Open a page of public support links.
Contact Us
Open a page of Contact details for Geocomp Systems.

See also

Display Terramodel version and modules and enter upgrade codes
Report and edit system variables
List folders and files on the Terramodel Search Path
Add C:\TMCUSTOM\Geocomp\ to the TSP

TML date MenuSource 
25/10/18   Help|​GCHelp
Toolbar button
Geocomp Update  

Display the chainage and offset from a selected alignment at the cursor.

Select a pline or set in the plan view and a location in plan, profile, xsect or super view.

The pline or set is made the active alignment and the location of the cursor is displayed in each view.

Click on Recentre Views to recentre open views at the current location.

If Update Plan View is selected, the centre of the Plan view moves to the location you select

If Update XSect View is selected, the cross section of the nearest xline is made the active chainage.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update  

Import Geocomp Points (.PTS) and (Strings (.STR) or use the DOS Data Collector Interface to import survey data.

DOS Geocomp

DOS Geocomp software is a separate DOS application with similar functions to Terramodel for Windows. It can download raw data in a number of different data collector formats, convert them to a Geocomp Standard Field File (.FLD) and then Geocomp Points (.PTS) and (Strings (.STR) with coding, stringing and symbols all automatically applied.

Computed coordinates are stored in a .PTS file with feature code and stringing in a matching .STR file. The resulting 3D points are assigned block or symbol, layer, name and group according to the feature code. They are strung where required with sets of configurable layer, colour and linetype. Blocks representing tree canopies can be sized by the recorded radius.


Import .Pts .Str .Lto .Hal .Ver .Ant .Dmn Files

Select "Import .Pts .Str etc." button and browse to select a GEOCOMP .PTS file. Other files, such as STR (Strings), ANT (Annotations), DMN (Dimensions), LTO (Lots), HAL (Horizontal Alignments) or VER (Vertical Alignments) with the same name as the PTS file in the same folder, are also imported.

This dialog also allows for selection of the ENT table. This table controls the layer names, descriptions/names, colours, linetypes and symbols according to the Geocomp entity number. If the Geocomp files have been derived from survey, the entity and stringing have been worked out from the feature coding.

The layer name can be the short description, long description or moss string code in the ENT file. The entity number may be added to the front of the layer name.

The record name (sometimes called description) is derived from the Geocomp string description, the short name (alpha-code), the long name or the moss (point or string) code in the ENT file.

The Group is derived from the Geocomp Entity.

Points are initially placed in layer 0. As the strings are imported, the points are relayered to the same layer as their sets. Points with no strings remain in layer 0. If "Copy Points into different layers if Point is in different Entities" is enabled, points used by more than one entity will be copied into each layer. Otherwise, the point will be placed only in the layer of the entity of the last string attached to that point.

If "Map Points and Circles with Blocks or Symbols" is selected, blocks or symbols are automatically placed by group. The heading of Geocomp.MAP describes the format of the mapping file. See GC09 and GCINSBLK.

A Geocomp plot parameter file can be used to control text attributes when importing DMN (Dimensions) and ANT (Annotations).

The colour of the points and sets is derived from the GEOCOMP.CLT file in the Terramodel Search Path. If the entity is not in GEOCOMP.CLT, the colours are derived from the colours of the existing layer. If the layer does not exist, it is created, and the colours of the new layer and objects come from the default layer. (See also GC16 which uses the CLT to set the colours without importing the objects).

Data Collector Interface

The DOS Data Collector Interface in GCIMPORT enables Terramodel users without DOS Geocomp but familiar with it, to download and import these same files. This Interface only is installed by Geocomp Update G, H, J, K and L.

DOS Geocomp users can use their own software to download surveys and create .PTS and .STR files. Terramodel and DOS Geocomp users can import into Terramodel with IMPORT .PTS/.STR (see above) or IMPORT Scripts, RDE and AUTODRAFT. The only people who should consider using this DOS Data Collector Interface are experienced DOS Geocomp users who do not have a DOS Geocomp key but do have a 32-bit Windows XP Pro computer and a Terramodel key with CAD module.

Sufficient environment space and free conventional memory must be made available.

ANSI must be supported to download from any instrument other than a Geodimeter.

Geocomp Updates installed these interface files into C:\Program Files\​Trimble\​Shared\​Geocomp. If these are installed anywhere else, edit the TM.BAT and the GEOCOMP.PAR files and set a project variable. Contact Geocomp Systems for details.

Select your data collector type, communication parameters and coding character positions. See the Geocomp manuals for an explanation of these settings.

Downloading from the Data Collector or Instrument to DOS Data Collector Interface

  1. Open a new project
  3. Select Data Collector. This will launch the Data Collector Interface.
  4. From the Data Collector Interface, select 1, New File Number. Assign a unique four-digit job number and a two-digit version number for the survey data. If you don't do this, you will overwrite previous survey files each time.
  5. Select 3, Data Collector Interface
  6. Select 2, Transfer from [currently configured data collector]
  7. Download the file from the data collector. This creates a data file with a six-digit number (with a file extension dependent on the data collector format) in C:\Program Files\Trimble\​Shared\​Geocomp.
  8. Alternatively, download the data using some other software (e.g. Terramodel Download Script, Geocomp, SokkiaComms, Leica Survey Office, Nikon TransIT or Geodimeter Software Tools) and copy the raw data into the C:\Program Files\Trimble\​Shared\​Geocomp directory with a name six-digit number format.
  9. If you get a black screen, you have an ANSI problem. See www.geocomp.com.au/​support/​geocomp/​ansi.html for solutions on Windows XP.
  10. Select 3, Create Standard Field File. This is a raw data file in a standard Geocomp format.
  11. If you need a control point file, create it in advance using GCPTSOUT and a target of Geocomp CRD. The .CRD file name is in the format CONTnn.CRD where nn are digits indicating the control point file number. The character positions of the station description in the name of the point are critical.
  12. Optionally, Select 8 to edit or view the .FLD file, or use any text editor.
  13. Select 4, Reduce Standard Field File. This creates a pair of Geocomp .PTS and .STR files. The .PTS file contains the coordinates and the .STR file contains the stringing and coding information.
  14. From the main Data Collector Interface menu, select 0 then Enter to return to Terramodel GCIMPORT.
  15. Select Import Survey Data in Terramodel to import the survey data into the current plan view.

Uploading from Terramodel to the Data Collector or Total Station using the DOS Data Collector Interface

  1. Create the coordinate file to upload with PTSOUT or GCPTSOUT, selecting the appropriate data collector format as the Target. Save the coordinate file in C:\Program Files\Trimble\Shared\Geocomp. Use a six-digit name with an extension depending on the target.
  3. Select Data Collector
  4. From the Data Collector Interface, select 1, New File Number. Assign a unique four-digit job number and a two-digit version number for the survey data. If you don't change these values you will overwrite previous survey files each time.
  5. Select 3, Data Collector Interface
  6. Select 6, Transfer to [currently configured data collector]
  7. Upload the file to the data collector.
  8. From the Data Collector Interface menu, select 0 Enter to return to Terramodel GCIMPORT.

Uploading from Terramodel to the Data Collector or Total Station using other uploading software such as Geodimeter Software Tools or SokkiaComms.

  1. Create the coordinate file to upload with PTSOUT or GCPTSOUT, selecting the appropriate Data Collector format as the Target, or use an alternative method appropriate to your uploading software.
  2. Upload the file according to your software instructions.

Transfer survey data to and from Trimble instruments and Terramodel.

Refer to www.geocomp.com.au/​support/​terramodel/​acu.html.

TML date Guides Menu Source GC
01/09/18 Geocomp 10 User Guide
Geocomp 10 Reference Manual
Geocomp Feature Code Table
The manuals for your total station or data collector
The manuals for your instrument's file transfer software, if used
File|​Misc. Import|​Geocomp .PTS + .STR
Toolbar button (in Geocomp Updates before K)
Geocomp Update 30

Insert points into multiple sets.

Insert the selected points into selected sets if the points are within a specified distance of the set.

The entered set tolerance is stored as a project variable. The initial value is derived from the SetArcTol value in TMODWIN.INI.

If there is already a point in the set at that location, the point is not inserted, unless you replace 2D points with 3D points. If you replace 2D points, selected 3D points are inserted and can be relayered to the same layer as the set. 2D points at those locations can be separated from the set or deleted.

For example, if you have been supplied 2D linework as plines, and 3D points at some of the pline vertices, you can GCCONVRT plines to sets then GCIN2SET to add the 3D points to the set on the set layer. Also, if you have a rectangular grid of plines intersecting at grid points, each point will be added to two sets.

See also INTOSET which selects one line at a time, GC50 to interpolate elevations from 3D points onto 2D points in the sets and DTMPTS to interpolate elevations from a DTM onto 2D points, GC31 or DTMALL to remove duplicate points.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create points with incrementing point numbers.

Create points with incrementing point numbers at locations.

Configure a prefix, suffix, last point number increment, elevation and name.

See also GCINCTXT.

The TML name is GCINC_PT. If GCINCPT does not run from the command line, create an alias from GCINCPT to GCINC_PT or enter GCINC_PT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create text with incrementing numbers or letters.

Create text records at selected locations with values that start at a specified real number or letters and increase by a specified increment.

The text could indicate house numbers, lot numbers, boreholes, and so on.

The text is created, the increment is added, and then the new value is defined ready to create the next text object. If the value is a real number, the value is trimmed to the number of decimal places. If the value contains any letter, the last character is incremented by the integer part of the increment. If the next character would be after Z or z, the next letter is appended. Any prefix or suffix is added after the increment is applied.


Enter a starting real number or any other text
Enter a real number or a number of letters to increment by
Enter the location of the new text
Enter any prefix
Enter any suffix
Text style:
Select the text style
Specify the text direction
Decimal places
Specify the number of decimal places for real numbers
Copy text settings
Select a text object from which to copy text settings
Exit settings
Create text and increment the current number/text
Cancel without creating any more text


For sequence start with increment by and set
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ... 1 1 0 decimal places
-0.50, -0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 ... -0.50 0.25 2 decimal places
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 ... 1 1 Prefix A and 0 decimal places
a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1 ,h1 ,i1 ... a 1 Suffix 1
W, Y, Z, AA, AB ... W 1
A, C, E, G, I ... A 2
A, A, A, A, A ... A 0

See also

Create text
Create integer text incrementing by one
Renumber lots (rename closed sets) by incrementing integers
Label closed sets with lot numbers and areas
Create text to label closed sets lot numbers and areas
Create closed lots from sets or plines enclosing text

TML date  Source 
28/08/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Replace circles with tree blocks

Place a symbol or block for each selected circular set, scaled to match the diameter.

The most common use is to place large numbers of tree blocks scaled to fit canopy or trunk diameters.

You can delete the original circles.

For a few circles, UNITBLK or BLOCK Insert may be better.

If the circles are plines, CONVERT to a set first, then set the group with GC52 or SGRP.

The block is chosen from a mapping file according to the group of the set. This is the same mapping file used by GCIMPORT and GC09. See Geocomp.map for an example which includes an explanation of the format.

GCIMPORT can import survey data including circles. If you elect not to "Map points and Circles with Blocks or Symbols" at the time, you can use GCINSBLK to replace the circles later.

Use GC09 to place blocks or symbols on points by group, GC35 to create points at centroids of sets or plines, BLOCK Multiple to place blocks on multiple points or AUTODRAFT to place blocks on multiple points by name.


Tree canopy blocks included with Terramodel include: Tree1 to Tree8, Tree coniferous type 1, Tree deciduous type 1 to 3, GCSYM423, 437, 438, 452 and 453. Symbols 100 to 109 are provided as both symbols and blocks SYM100 to SYM109. DOCUMENTS and Terramodel 10.1 User Guide pages 171 and 200 have block charts.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 93

Design ramps for pivot irrigation.

Design ramps and process a complete irrigation pivot.

Specify a pivot point, tower height, existing DTM, pivot boom details and settings, then design ramps and process the complete pivot.

TML date  Source  
01/09/18     NFS  

Merge pivot irrigation ramps into DTM.

Merge a topographic DTM, a ramps DTM and a clearance DTM into a pivot irrigation design DTM.

TML date  Source  
01/09/18     NFS  

Check pivot irrigation boom.

Check pivot irrigation boom cross sections.

TML date  Source  
01/09/18     NFS  

Create pivot irrigation profile.

Create pivot irrigation profile along a boom defined using GCIRBOOM.

TML date  Source  
01/09/18     NFS  

Join points with gaps

Create sets on the current layer between selected points.


  • starting from most westerly point, to nearest point, leaving gaps where outside a maximum distance, or
  • in point number order, or
  • in consecutive point number order


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 15

Create sets from points by feature and string in name.

Create sets by joining points according to the feature code and string data in the name following the conventions of Geocomp software.

Join selected points with sets according to feature codes defined by sequential characters starting from the beginning of each name and immediately after any point code separator characters. The characters from the entity start position to the entity end position are treated as the feature code. The characters from the string start position to the string end position are treated as the string number.

Points and sets can be separated into layers or placed on the current layer.

If you specify a Geocomp ENT file, integer feature codes are matched against the entity field in the first column, and other feature codes are matched against the short description in the second column.

Colours and linetypes are determined by the layer settings, unless you specify a colour and linetype file (CLT) file (see GC16).

Blocks and symbols can be placed according to a MAP file (see GC09).

You can specify that the layer name is derived from the long description in column 7 of the ENT file.

GCJOINPT has been replaced by AUTODRAFT where a Feature Code is called a Field Code, a String Number is called a Feature Instance ID, points with Lines are strung even when the string number is blank, and the ENT, CLT and MAP files have been replaced by the ADC file.


TML date Guide   Source GC
01/09/18 Geocomp Feature Code Table   Geocomp Update or $250 125

Import points from Google Earth (.KML or .KMZ).

Import placemarks and paths from a .KML or .KMZ file, created in Google Earth .or similar, within a selected boundary pline or within a maximum offset of a pline HAL.

The WGS84 latitude and longitude coordinates in the KML are transformed into eastings and northings in the specified coordinate system. Click on Change to pick a different system. The available systems are defined by GCCOORD and COORDCON.

To export from Google Earth, use File, Save, Save image... or Save place as..... and select .KML format.

A .KMZ file contains one.KML file and may also contain folders with other files such as images. GCKMLIN extracts the components into their folders. If the KML file has the name doc.kml or the same name as the .KMZ, GCKMLIN imports the KML. If the .KML name does not match, browse to select and import the .KML. If the .KMZ includes photos, select Image Info to create links to the images.

To import an image saved from Google Earth, use Terramodel IMAGE Manager.

Lines with elevations are imported as points and sets. To modify elevations = 0.00 to *, use GC69. To select objects with any elevation, use right-mouse Elev with range * to *. To select objects with no elevation, use Right-mouse Elev with NOT * to *.

TML date MenuSource 
12/03/20   File|​Misc. Import|​Google Earth KML Geocomp Update or $0  

Export to Google Earth, NearMap or Web Map Services (WMS).

Display aerial or satellite images of the selected location in Google Earth, NearMap or a Web Map Service.


  1. Transform your data into a geodetic coordinate system.
  2. Install or configure Google Earth Pro or similar display application.
  3. Connect to the Internet
  5. Select Terramodel objects to display on the map.
  6. Change the current Coordinate System, if it does not match your objects.
  7. In Settings, select an output type and relevant parameters.
  8. Browse to select the output file name.
  9. Export the relevant objects in the relevant file format.
  10. The Windows application or Web Mapping Service opens at the location of the selected objects.
  11. Configure and save your map.
  12. Import your map into Terramodel with IMAGE, if you want.

Export to Google Earth

Export selected points, sets and plines, in a Google Earth .KML file, then open Google Earth to display the objects.

The colours of exported points, plines and sets match the colours displayed in Terramodel at the time of export.

Once you have located the data in Google Earth, change the rotation, tilt, colour and style and the visibility of points, lines, Geocomp Systems logo and other data layers. Reset the Tilt and Compass by View|Reset or by R key. Save the image by File|Save|Save Image...


Google Earth
Export objects to Google Earth .KML format then open the .KML with Google Earth or Google Earth Pro, if installed, to display the objects on the Google Earth global model.
Near Map
Export objects to Nearmap .KML and open NearMap with your default Internet browser. Login to Nearmap then open at the extents of the .KML to display an orthorectified image, but not the objects. To use the image in Terramodel, export the image as a .JPG with its georeferencing .JGW world file then add the image to IMAGE Manager.
Other WMS Map
Select a Web Map Service to open from a list. Settings not relevant to WMS are not selectable.
Show Point Elevs
Include any elevations in Google Earth point labels.
Show Point Numbers
Include point numbers in Google Earth point labels.
Show Object Names
Include object names in Google Earth labels.
Float above surface
Display objects at elevation if above the Google Earth surface. Turn off to display objects on the Google Earth surface.
Show Drop Lines
For objects displayed above the Google Earth Surface, also display extrusions between the object and the surface.
Fill Closed Plines
Fill closed plines with their pline colours.
Text Scale
Specify the size of exported text.
Line width
Specify the line width of exported objects.
Icon Scale
Specify the size of point icons.
Icon name
Specify the name of the icons.
Fill transparency %
Specify the transparency for filled closed plines.
Interpolation of Points around Curves
Specify a maximum 3D distance and a chainage interval for interpolating points and chords around curves.

Point icons

Specify a standard Google Maps icon to mark points on Google Earth in the point colour (not the icon colour). Enter the name and location of a .PNG file at http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/.

For example,

Enter to display this icon from this URL
/shapes/​open-diamond  Google Maps open diamond icon http://maps.google.com/​mapfiles/kml/​shapes/​open-diamond.png
/pushpin/​wht-pushpin  Google Maps pushpin icon http://maps.google.com/​mapfiles/kml/​pushpin/​wht-pushpin.png
/paddle/​wht-blank  Google Maps open diamond icon http://maps.google.com/​mapfiles/kml/​paddle/​wht-blank.png
/paddle/​wht-circle-lv  Google Maps white circle lv icon http://maps.google.com/​mapfiles/kml/​paddle/​wht-circle-lv.png

Fill inside boundaries

To fill closed plines or sets with their colours, select "Fill Closed Plines". For solid fill colours, select 0% transparency.

Pline boundaries created by SHADEDTM, SHADEISO and SHADESLP are always filled.

Use fill instead of hatching to reduce the file size.

Use Google Earth images in Terramodel

Google Earth saved images are not orthorectified and have no registration file. They be added to IMAGE Manager and the manually Registered by picking a pair of Source points in Terramodel and corresponding Destination points on the image.

If Source points are not visible in the image, you can create them like this:

  1. In Terramodel
    1. Create or select two points far apart but within the area of interest
    2. Use GCKMLOUT to export those points to Google Earth
  2. In Google Earth
    1. Save the image with the two points visible
    2. Turn off the points
    3. Save a second image
  3. In Terramodel Image manager
    1. Add the image that shows the points at corners with arbitrary locations
    2. Include the pline box.
  4. In Terramodel POINTS command
    1. create new points at the locations of the points in the image
  5. In Image manager,
    1. detach the image
    2. Add the second image at the corners of the pline box
    3. Register using the new points as the Source and the original points as the Destinations.

 Export to Web Map Services

Select "Other WMS Map" to select a Web Map Service from a list. Each WMS serves a map of the location of the selected object or objects to your computer in a particular file format according to applicable settings. You may need to install or sign up to a corresponding service to view the map. If you want a WMS that is not on this list, please try the User-defined WMS or let us know.

Available Web Map Services include:


  • Once you have displayed the map, you can then export a map image for use in Terramodel.
  • The coordinates are transformed from the selected geodetic coordinate system to latitudes and longitudes in the .KML or .HTML file. See GCCOORD or COORDCON.
  • To transform points from an arbitrary coordinate system, to a selectable geodetic coordinate system, use GC3DADJ or GC07.
  • The image quality is only as good as the data source.
  • You will need an Internet connection to view the data on the map.
  • "&" characters in names are not valid in .KML so are substituted by "and".
  • Leader lines and text borders are not exported. Text with leader lines are exported at the leader line location. Text with subject points are exported at the point locations.

TML date MenuSource 
24/10/17   File|​Misc. Import|​Google Earth KML Geocomp Update or $0  

Label and draw grid in polygons.

Create a north-south|​east-west grid of plines, labels, or both, within multiple bounding plotboxes.

Select a layer for the grid lines, or select No Grid. The grid can be lines, ticks or dots (short plines)

Select a layer for the labels, or layer 0 for no labels.

Select easting and northing intervals for the grid.

For easting and northing labels, select layers, decimal places, styles, prefixes, suffixes, the number of spaces from the border and whether to label inside or outside the plotbox. The initial default suffixes are derived from the X and Y coordinate labels for the Plan view in VIEWSET.

Plot boxes can be any closed pline, including closed plines those created by PLANSET. Gridlines can cross a polygon up to 20 times.

See also
Label a simple grid of existing plines within a rectangular box
Create a grid of plines within a closed pline at GRIDSET intervals
Create a grid of points on any azimuth
Create and a grid of points, interpolate elevations and report.

TML date  SourceGC
06/07/18     Geocomp Update or $200 93

Label intersection points.

Label all intersection points on selected HAL, with IP Chainage, and optionally Delta, Easting and Northing.

Chainages are labelled with "Ch".

The text is placed legibly and perpendicular to the HAL at an offset which you can enter or select graphically.

See also LABELPI, LABELHAL and GC27.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 84

Label closed sets with lot area and lot number text.

Label selected closed sets with EAT text showing the lot numbers and lot area.

The lot numbers are derived from the set names.

The areas up to 10,000 square units are labelled as m². Alternative areas above 10,000 square units are divided by 10,000 and labelled as Ha.

The precision of the basic and alternative areas is controlled by UNITSSET.

If you want feet and acres or other area unit labels, or you don't want to use EAT text, use LABELSETS instead.

You can use commands such as LABELSETS, LOTJOIN, NAME, QSET and RENUMLOT to set the lot numbers as set names.

See also GCDIMLOT which labels dimensions using EAT text and GC80 which reports lot areas.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Text|​Lot numbers Geocomp Update or $250 91

Label points in a set with pipeline peg labels.

Create text labels at a specified offset from all points in a selected set, showing the word PEG followed by the point name and chainage.

Tick boxes enable extra labels for delta angle (to minutes or seconds) and coordinates.

Use PROJECTV to control the left/right direction.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Label multiple points with EAT text, leaderline and border.

Label points with user-​definable text labels at an offset perpendicular to a HAL on a specified layer with rounded rectangle borders and leader lines.

Enter the text and text style in the Settings.

The text can include EAT codes referring to the subject points.

Select points to label
Select a horizontal alignment
Enter an offset from the HAL
Text layer:
Select a layer for the labels
Enter text for the label, which can include any EAT codes relevant to points. Also select a text style.
Create text labels for each selected point.
Close the command without creating text

To start a new line of text, use Ctrl Enter. To control the format of offsets, use UNITSSET Labeling. To label groups of subject points, enter \SUB{Group}.

For points on a HAL, create a temporary HAL to control the side on which to place the labels. If no HAL is selected, the insertion point of the text is the specified offset to the west of the point.

The border properties are fixed. These can be edited with commands such as EDIT and MATCHOBJ.

See also CALLOUT to label one point at a time with different options.

TML date  Source 
26/02/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

List points with invalid coordinates.

List points with an undefined easting or northing or both.

The report also lists the first available point number, the last point number and the maximum and minimum non-zero values for easting, northing or elevation, if any.

Points with undefined coordinates are most commonly created when RDE cannot compute the coordinates from the available survey information. Such points, and any sets connecting them, are not visible and thus not selected by Window, Crossing or Inside controls. They can be selected by other controls, such as Record, View and Point number range.

Elevations are not considered. To select points with undefined elevations (2D points), see GCNOELEV.

TML date   Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import lidar data in .LAS or .LAZ format.

Import lidar (light radar) survey data from .LAS or .LAZ files following a specification of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

.LAS files contain many points with with X, Y and Z coordinates and, sometimes, values for RGB (red|green|blue), Intensity or NIR (Near infra-red).

.LAZ files contain compressed .LAS data.

.LAZ files

  1. If not a .LAZ, see ".LAS extents" below
  2. Click on Import
  3. Change file type to .LAZ files
  4. Select any .LAZ file to extract .LAS data from all .LAZ files in that folder
  5. OK to return to Import dialog and select .LAS files

LAS extents 

  1. Specify "Import LAS File Data Extents ONLY".
  2. Click Import
  3. Select as many .LAS files as you want
  4. Click Open to create pline boxes and text that show for each selected .LAS file the extents, file name and number of points.
  5. Compare the boxes against your other data to determine which .LAS files are relevant.
  6. Prepare or identify any limiting boundaries or corridor alignments.

.LAS points

  1. Run GCLASIN again.
  2. This time, do not select "Import LAS File Data Extents ONLY".
  3. Choose any limits to reduce the number of points to import
  4. Select Import
  5. Select as many .LAS files as you want.
  6. Import points from the selected files that are within the specified limits.


Limit the number of imported points:

Limit by closed pline boundary or maximum offset to an open HAL pline.
Max offset from HAL
Limit by maximum offset from a HAL and any Xlines. The default offset is 100m.
Closed Plines Layer
Limit by closed pline boundaries on a layer. 0 to deselect.
Limit RGB
Limit the range of colours defined by decimal Red, Green and Blue values.
Limit intensity
Limit the range of intensity values.
Limit NIR
Limit the range of near-infrared values.
Limit to cuboids
Limit the number of imported points by dividing the extents into cuboids and importing only one point from each cuboid. The dimensions of the cuboids in X, Y and Z are the data extents X, Y and Z divided by the cube root of the entered number of cuboids.


P3Pad reports for each .LAS file, the file name, boundaries used, number of points imported and comments in the file that explain the content.

Only if the comments report values for RGB, Intensity or NIR, can you use those values to limit the data set. For example, you might try to select or exclude trees by high NIR, road pavements by low RGB or windows by high Intensity.

Use GCLASIN to extract .LAS data from .LAZ. They cannot be extracted by typical unzipping utilities.

To import .LAS data only within a distance from control points on a layer, insert circle blocks on those points by layer, explode those blocks then specify that layer for closed plines in GCLASIN.

The .LAS file may not define the coordinate system. If the coordinates are close to 0,0, and you specify when prompted that the coordinates are in decimal longitude|latitude, GCLASIN converts the coordinates to eastings and northings in the current From coordinate system specified by GCCOORD.

If there are no RGB colours in the file, the groups, names, and colours are derived from the values of Intensity, if any. The point colours are derived from the colour in the current PALETTE and colourmap that most closely matches the RGB values or intensity values (divided by 256) of the points in the file.

To approximate observed colours, for a LAS with RGB values, manually create your own palette with up to 64 colours of the surveyed surface, often greys, browns and greens, with a corresponding colourmap of up to 255 colours, import the palette and colourmap with EDITINI and make them current.

To create points with colours that match colours in 3DVISUALISER and Visualizer, choose OldPal for your palette and Default for your colourmap.

.LAS files can be very large. Use SYSTEM to set the maximum number of points in a .PRO file.

See also

Import ASCII lidar files
Import gridded ASCII lidar files
Import ESRI DEM lidar files
Filter lidar data after import

TML date  Source 
01/08/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Relayer and recolour objects by name and mapping file.

Relayer and colour selected objects by name according to a comma-​delimited mapping file with name, layer, colour.

PLAY.MAP is a supplied example mapping file.

To relayer but not recolour, leave the colour field empty.


TML dateSourceGC
30/07/20 Geocomp Update or $250 40

Export Trimble Alignment Planning linear features .LFA

Quantm from Trimble Alignment Planning System uses a linear_features.lfa file to define crossing requirements at linear features.

The set name defines the linear feature description and the layer name defines the linear feature label.

Sets must have all 3D points or all 2D points. If you have some 2D points in the set, assign elevations first, for example by DTMPTS or GC50. If a set has all 2D points, Quantm will interpolate from the DTM.

Export special zones using GCSZAOUT.

Export DTM data using GCTMAOUT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $POA  

Draw Latitude and Longitude grids and labels.

Create labelled plines representing latitude and longitude according to the selected Coordinate System.


The settings provide control over the coordinate system, pline spacing and labelling.

Change coordinate system
Select a coordinate system.
Enter the grid line step. The default step interval is 1. For example, enter a value of 3 to label every third grid line.
Enter the distance in sheet units for the label offset from the edge of the pline box. The default value is 0.5 cm.
Enter the number of decimal places for labels. If the seconds are not selected, this value is used for minutes. If minutes are not selected, degrees. For example, to label in the form DDD MM SS.ss, include seconds in Label Components, and enter a value of 2 seconds. For the form DDD MM.dddd, untick seconds and enter 3 decimal places. For DDD.dddd, untick seconds and minutes and enter 4 decimals. Degree signs ° are represented by the character \176 unless changed by a project variable.
Select the text style for latitude and Longitude labels. If labels appear to be missing, they may simply be too small or too large. If labels cross the pline box, you may want to edit them.
Label Components
Enter any required prefix or suffix. For example, for Southern latitudes, use "-" prefix or "S" suffix.
Grid interval
Enter the grid interval in seconds of arc. The default interval is 10. For Longitude, one second of arc is approximately 30.9 metres. For Latitude, one second of arc varies from approximately 30.9 metres at the equator to 0 at the poles.
Enter the number of pline control points per grid interval. More vertices better approximate the true curve but take longer to compute. For example, with an interval of ten seconds of arc, for a pline segment every two seconds, enter a resolution of five.
Save the label grid settings file format version between projects.

To label grids in multiple boundaries, enter GCLLGRID M at the command line.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   HDMS|​Coordinate|​Draw latitude and longitude grid Geocomp Update or $250  

Import Geocomp long section .LNG

Import long section as a pline in the profile view

See also GCVERIN.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 412

Label lot corners with two elevations or a difference

Label points in selected sets with a single text object showing elevations from both an existing DTM and a design DTM at that location, or the elevation difference between the DTMs.

For each point, the text is oriented along the longest of the two connecting segments on the first lot tested.

The design elevation is labelled with F/S.

The text can have a leader line.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

List the coordinates of selected points.

List the coordinates and some properties of selected points to a P3Pad or .CSV report. GCLPTS replaces LPOINTS which does not include options to report the RDE status, Group, CSV or Ranges.

The Options include any permutation of Point Number, Record Number, Easting, Northing, Elevation, RDE status, Name, Layer, Colour, View, Symbol Number, Group or Range and whether to also export to a comma-​separated .CSV file.

RDE Status shows, by Yes or No, whether the point is associated with the Raw data editor. If Yes, some points may also have a status code which, in combination with the listed coordinates, and remarks in RDE, can help you work out which points have been fixed in RDE or changed outside of RDE. RDE points that have been deleted in Plan view, can be marked as ignored by RDE and are listed with *,*,* coordinates by GCLPTS — if selected by View; they cannot be selected by Window. RDE points that have been moved outside of RDE are marked as ignored by RDE. Points with unknown RDE status codes are reported with "?", which usually indicates some edit outside RDE. Use Previous to select these points with unknown codes by a command such as RELAYER, or even GCLPTS again.

Select Ranges to append to the P3Pad report the first available point number, the last point number used and the coordinate ranges.

See also LPTSRAD which also reports bearing and distance from a stand point and PORTSC1 which reports heights as depths.

TML date MenuSource 
01/07/18   Reports|List [Points] Geocomp Update or $250 26

Assign point properties by text from Topcon Magnet Field.

Assign names, elevations, numbers and feature attributes to points from text created by Topcon Magnet.

Once you have surveyed using Topcon Magnet, you can transfer your data to Terramodel with point properties and linework.


In Magnet

  1. Complete your survey
  2. Make any edits such as adding lines
  3. Export using AutoCAD with Text Fields
  4. Select .DWG or .DXF file format

Then, in Terramodel

  1. Save your project
  2. File, Download\Import
  3. Import AutoCAD .DWG or .DXF
  4. Run GCMAGNET command
  5. Select all points from Magnet (e.g., by View)
  6. Specify "Delete matching text records"
  7. OK


  • Points and text are processed in record number order. Do not make any edits that interfere with this order after importing from .DWG or .DXF and before running GCMAGNET.
  • If you select "Delete matching text records", any remaining text indicates discrepancies.
  • In data from .DWG files, the record numbers of text records from Magnet follow the points. From .DXF, they precede the points. Both formats work OK, but .DWG format has a more compact file.
  • Adjacent record numbers of any text on on PNTNO, PNTELEV, PNTDESC and PNTATTRS layers are assigned to the Point number, Elevation, Name and Feature attributes respectively.
  • The point number is changed to the value of any text on the PNTNO layer. If a point already exists with that number, that point is first renumbered to the next available point number.
  • Text on the PNTELEV layer is not used if the point already has an elevation with higher precision. If the point has no elevation, the value is used. If the difference between the two elevations is significant, the text is not deleted and the difference and the old or new point number is reported to message scroll.
  • The point name is changed to the value of any text on the PNTDESC layer.
  • The feature attribute of the point is changed to the value of any text on the PNTATTRS layer.
  • Lines created in Magnet joining points with varying elevations are imported as sets
  • Lines created in Magnet joining plines with the same elevation are imported as plines. GCMAGNET deletes these plines are replaces them with sets joining the points.
  • The names do not include string numbers. To transfer points to Terramodel with string numbers but not strings drafted in Magnet, export a CSV file using a custom report that combines names and strings into a single feature code. Then import the .CSV into Terramodel and run AUTODRAFT. With this method, you do all the edits in Terramodel.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Import a contour .MAP file.

Import contours from a .MAP file interpolated from Shuttle Radar Topograhy Mission (SRTM) data.

See also GCCONIN.

TML date  Source 
01/10/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create a layer map file.

Create a file of layer names of selected objects.

The .MAP file is in the format:

Old layer name, New layer name

New layer names match the layer names of the objects; in old layer names, any character that is not a letter, digit, -, _ or $, is substituted with _, to be consistent with DXF files created by DXFOUT.


To replace layer names in a DXF file:

  1. Create objects in Terramodel with suitable layer names.
  2. Use GCMAPOUT to create the initial.MAP file.
  3. Use a text editor to define the new layer names
  4. Use DXFOUT to export objects to a 2000 format .DXF file.
  5. Use DXFCHANG to replace layer names in the DXF file.

Terramodel layer names can be up to 16 characters long, yet DXF layer names can have up to 255 or 2049 characters depending in the CAD software. With GCMAPOUT and DXFCHANG you can create .DXF files with longer layer names and more characters.


To modify the layer names of objects in the project file:

  1. Use GCMAPOUT to create the initial .MAP file.
  2. Use a text editor to define the new layer names
  3. Use LAYERMAP to replace layer names

See also NAME2LAY and LLRPT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Display temporary vertex markers on visible plines.

Display temporary vertex markers on visible plines. To turn off the markers, run GCMARKER again or refresh the display with REDRAW or similar.

To use GCMARKER with other commands, create a GCMARKER button in a toolbox.

The marker size is set by SYSTEM. The colour is the cursor colour. Restart Terramodel to see the effect of any changes.

MKV also displays temporary markers, for a single pline or set. Markers turned on or off by MKV are toggled off or on by GCMARKER, and vice versa.

See also F8 and F8T which display point markers.

TML date  SourceGC
21/01/20     Geocomp Update or $200 60

Close gaps in contours.

Create new contour segments across the gaps. Then JOIN to create contiguous contours.

Use GCMATCH to match contours at sheet edges and cross gaps at labels.

Also match sets within a tolerance.

See also DTMMATCH which matches overlapping DTMs.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import a list of road materials.

Add to or modify the materials in the Road Material Manager MATERIALS. The list is exported by GCMATOUT to transfer materials from one project to another.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export a list of road materials.

Export a list of materials from the Road Material Manager MATERIALS.

Each material has a name, shrink/swell factor, colour, and is classed as embankment, unsuitable or neither.

Import into another project using GCMATIN.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Merge multiple regions or DTMs.

Create a final layer by merging multiple regions from layers in a sequential layer list.

The objects on the Initial DTM layer are first copied to the Final DTM layer. Then, for each layer in a layer list in alphabetical order, objects in the Final DTM are clipped to boundaries on the listed layer then all the objects from the listed layer are copied into the Final DTM layer. Breaklines are also draped onto the Final DTM 2 mm inside the clipping boundaries. The process is repeated in alphabetical order for each layer in the layer list.

The clipping boundaries are at the "Clip Dist" outside the region boundaries. Make the Clip Dist greater than 3 mm to reduce potential crossing breakline problems.

If "Use DTM Edge" is specified, one region boundary is created for each DTM layer. Otherwise, every closed set with more than three segments is a region boundary.

GCMERGE can be used to merge multiple surveys or design components into big models. If you use GCMERGE to build an end-of-​month DTM, spell layer names so the alphabetical order is also the data order (for example, EOM 09 20090822A).

See also CLIP to clip objects at boundaries, GCMATCH to match contours, JOIN to join matched contours, DTMMATCH to match the elevations of two DTMs, GC33 to create the highest or lowest of two surfaces, GC33MULT to create the highest or lowest of multiple overlapping surfaces, MERGE to create a surface from two overlapping surfaces, GCCLIP to clip multiple surfaces from a single surface, GCSUBDTM to lower parts of surfaces to subgrade depths and GCCOPY to copy multiple objects into a single surface.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Import multiple .PTS or CSV files.

Import multiple ASCII coordinate files in common formats.

  1. Specify whether the files is space-separated .PTS or comma-​separated .CSV.
  2. Select a data order from this list: E N Z, N E Z, P E N Z, P N E Z, P E N Z D, P N E Z D, E N Z D or N E Z D.
  3. Next
  4. Browse to select a file to import. If the file extension is not .PTS or .CSV you can select from All files.
  5. Click next again to import another file of the same format
  6. Click Cancel when you have completed importing all the files.

Lines with unexpected data, such as blank fields, letters or spaces, header lines and * for elevations are skipped.

Deep negative elevations are read as 2D.

See also GCPTSIN, IMPORT, GCCSVIN and so on.

TML dateGuide Source 
01/09/18 in-built help   Geocomp Update or $200  

Assign contour elevations to multiple 2D plines.


  1. Set the contour interval using CONTOURSET
  2. Copy or relayer the contour plines to a single layer
  4. Pick the layer with the contour plines
  5. Pick a starting contour height
  6. Pick two locations to define a line across multiple contour plines
  7. The command computes two possible elevations for the last contour, one for uphill and one for downhill.
  8. Apply one of the two end elevations to all the selected contour plines

GCMULCON correctly allows for the line to cross the same contour multiple times.

This is similar to LABELCONTOURS, except the elevations are assigned rather than read.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 258

Export sets to a Trimble Roading DC file.

Create a roading .DC file of alignments for every selected 3D set.

See also GCDCOUT and IMPORT Roading DC files.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Export multiple alignments to Geodimeter .rln files.

Create one .RLN file for each set containing horizontal and vertical alignment only.

Useful for uploading strings for set-out.

See also GCRLNOUT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Export multiple alignments to a Leica 1200 LandXML file

Create an .xml file of alignments for every selected 3D set.

See also GCXMLOUT and IMPORT LandXML files.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Compute cut volumes between pairs of DTM surfaces.

Compute cut volumes within boundaries for materials defined by pairs of DTM surfaces listed in a table.

The volumes are computed between each sequential pair of DTM or depth surfaces.

Select limiting boundaries.
Create CSV File
Create a .CSV file with fields for Start Surface, Finish Surface, Boundary Name, Material, Cut Volume, Cut Area, Fill Area, Boundary Area and Boundary Perimeter.
Exclude Dead Regions
Omit volumes within dead regions.
Top and Bottom
Enter pairs of top and bottom layers, and material names, limited by an existing DTM and a Design DTM.
Top Down
Enter of list of layers and materials starting from the top surface. The second and subseqent layers can be elevation surfaces or depth surfaces.
Define surfaces and materials
Enter a table of surfaces and materials.
Compute Volumes
Report cut volumes of the materials within each boundary between each pair of surfaces.
Close without computing volumes.

The selected boundaries may represent mining "blocks".

See also

Other commands that compute multiple volumes
Commands that control dead regions

TML date  Source 
19/12/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

Name points sequentially along a set.

Rename points along a set from a starting integer with optional prefix and suffix.

See also GCRENUM.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Select all points near selected sets or plines.

Select all points within a specified tolerance of any set or pline on a layer for selection by Previous in another command.


Set and Pline layer:
Select a layer of sets and plines
Select points to be considered
Enter a maximum horizontal distance
Select only Points "Near Line" to selected Sets and Plines
Update the current selection set of objects to only the points within tolerance
Cancel without updating the current Terramodel selection set


  1. Use GCNEARLN to select points
  2. Run a command to process the selected points, such as COLOUR, DELETE, or GCLPTS.
  3. Select records by Right-mouse Previous
  4. Complete the command

Nearline select control

Another way to select objects near a set or pline is to use the NearLine select control.

Click on the black dot then enter an offset and select a set or pline.

To select all the points in the selected set, use the default offset of 0.000.

To select any other objects, enter a larger positive offset even if they are right on the line. Objects are selected if they fall within the linear extent and the distance on either side.

Points, sets and plines must be entirely within the region. Text and blocks must have insertion points within the region.

The reference set or pline can be selected even when sets or lines are turned off on Search settings.

See also

Select points of selected sets

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Select points of line Geocomp Update or $250 60

Import Quantm grid data.

Import Grid (.NED) data created by Quantm for Trimble Alignment Planning.

GCESRIIN imports similar data files created by other applications.

See also GCTMAIN.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Import NMEA log data.

Import NMEA strings tagged as $GPGGA´ from GPS receivers.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Select objects with no elevations (2D).

Select all objects from selected points, sets, plines, text and blocks that have no elevation.

Use the Previous selection of the right-​mouse-​button to use these objects in another command.


Sets are also selected if all connected points have no elevations.

In other commands, objects with no elevation report elevations of *.

GC50 interpolates elevations from 3D points onto 2D points in the same set.

GC53 retains the elevation on the point but excludes the point from any DTM surface.

GC69 turns points with elevation = 0 into 2D points with elevation = *.

GCCONCHK interpolates elevations from 3D points with identical elevations onto 2D points in the same set.

GCLINPTS lists points with no easting or no northing.

DTMPTS interpolates elevations from a DTM onto 2D points.

Selecting 2D objects by elevation range

2D objects can also be selected using the right-​mouse-​button for any desired filter then for

  • inside an elevation range, by AND Elev and enter range
  • outside an elevation range, by AND NOT Elev and enter range.
  • with any elevation, by AND and Elev and enter range * to *
  • with no elevation by AND NOT Elev and enter ranges * to *

TML date MenuSourceGC
16/03/20   Reports|​More...|​Select 2D points Geocomp Update or $250 88

Import data in Wavefront .OBJ format.

Import points and faces in Wavefront .OBJ format.

Import the vertices as points, and optionally the faces as well.

.OBJ files can 3D models of solids, point clouds, laser scans and so on.

OBJ files can contain other object types such as NURBS surfaces and splines. Simplify these into triangles using another application before running GCOBJIN.

See also GCOBJOUT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export DTM to Wavefront .OBJ format.

Import a DTM surface to Wavefront .OBJ format.

Select a DTM layer and any limiting boundary, select Settings and then specify the name and location of the output file.

.OBJ files can be used to display 3D models in applications such as CloudCompare and Microsoft Office 2016.

See also GCOBJIN.

TML date  SourceGC
27/09/17     Geocomp Update or $200 327

Create plines or sets at a horizontal and vertical offset.

Pick the set, offset, elevation difference and side.

Pick the set, then
  • if you know the offset and the direction of the set, enter the values
  • if you know the offset, but not the direction, enter the offset and pick the side
  • if you don't know the offset or direction, pick a location to enter the offset and side


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 71

Select all points in selected sets.

Select all points in selected sets for selection by Previous in another command.


Select sets
Include Arc Centre Points:
Include or exclud arc centre points
Select all Points "OfLine" selected Sets
Update the current selection set of objects to only the points in selected sets
Cancel without updating the current Terramodel selection set


  1. Use GCOFLINE to select points in sets
  2. Run a command to process the selected points, such as COLOUR, DELETE, or GCLPTS.
  3. Select records by Right-mouse Previous
  4. Complete the command

OfLine select control

Another way to select points in a set is to use the OfLine select control.

When selecting objects in a command, select OfLine in the Right-mouse button menu.

Click on the black dot then select a set.

The reference set or pline can be selected even when sets are turned off on Search settings.

See also

Select points near selected sets or plines
Select points not in sets.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Reports|​More...|​Select points of line Geocomp Update or $250 60

Modify the elevation of one contour pline or set.

Modify the elevation of one contour pline or set at a time and increment up or down.


  1. Set the intended contour interval using CONTOURSET
  2. Copy or relayer the contour plines to a single layer (optional)
  4. Enter a contour elevation
  5. Pick a pline or set
    • The elevation is modified
    • The colour is modified
    • The default elevation for the next contour is reset


  • The "contour" can be a pline or set.
  • The colour of the completed contours is always modified to 3.
  • You can specify whether the elevation of the next contour to be selected is Up or Down by the contour interval or the Same.

See also

Change multiple contours at once
Derive elevations from contour label text
Change change the increment or colour of single contours as you go
Interpolate elevations onto a digitized river valley

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 258

Export data to Geocomp .PTS and .STR format.

Geocomp SDS data consists of at least two files with the same name and certain file extensions. The name must be a six-digit integer for Geocomp to read them.

The points file (.PTS) contains the easting, northing, elevation and a standpoint number. The standpoint is 0 when exported from Terramodel. If point has no elevation in Terramodel, the elevation is -9999 in the PTS file, which means no elevation. The point number is derived from the line number.
The string file (.STR) contains the stringing for those points. The STR file is automatically created with the .PTS file of the same name. Each string has a description (see below) and an entity (see below). The string number is the line number in the string file.
The annotation file (.ANT) contains text. This file is only created when text is selected and not exploded. EAT codes in text are replaced with the value. The following characters are substituted to suit Geocomp: ° by ^, " by ~ and new line by two spaces.
The description is the first 20 characters of the name. The following characters are substituted to suit Geocomp: ° by ^, " by ~ and , by ;.
Geocomp data are divided into entities ranging from 1 to 999. To set the entities, chose from:
  • Match record name with short entity name
  • Match record name with moss code
  • Match record name with long entity name
  • Use group number of record
  • Decode the layer name from the first few characters (e.g. get entity 102 from layer 102_TOP.)

You can choose whether you want to explode blocks, linetypes or text.

The maximum number of points or strings that Geocomp 9.x can read is approximately 32,000. For Geocomp 10.08 and 10.1, the maximum is approximately 132,000.

Other Geocomp data types that can be exported include:

Cross sections CES See EXPORTGC and GC37
Digital Terrain Models DTM See GCDTMOUT
Horizontal alignments HAL See GCHALOUT
Vertical Alignments VER See GCVEROUT

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   File|​Misc. Export|​Geocomp PTS + STR Geocomp Update or $250 68

Place building pads at nominated elevation within a lot.

Create a new set on the current layer, offset from the lot boundary by 0.005 with points at the specified elevation.

Select a free location anywhere inside a lot. Define a standard offset and either a Relative or Absolute Elevation. If an existing set is already offset, then only the Elevation Relative or Absolute values need to be applied.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 283

Pan by keypad with North = 8.

Pan to the adjacent screen in the direction of the numeric keypad.

As shown in the following table, type in GCPAN, a space and a numeric keypad button indicating the direction.

 N = GCPAN 8
 W = GCPAN 4
 E = GCPAN 6
 S = GCPAN 2
If you want to use a mouse to move to a location, Shift while holding down the middle mouse wheel, or select PAN, RECENTER, GC34 or the VPAN toolbox in the Geocomp workspace.
TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     S 133

Create concrete roadway batter panel set out points.

Create points to set out concrete roadway panels given a panel alignment, start chainage, panel gap and hole edge distance.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $500  

Create a CSV file of pavement depths in a format suitable for use in Paveset paving machines.

Specify a roadway, pavement depth, as-built layer, chainage range, offsets (in m) and export CSV file name.

The CSV file includes at the specified offsets, for every xline, the chainage and the difference in mm between design elevations interpolated from the road design and as-built elevations interpolated from the as-built DTM layer.

The optional report also shows the road name and description, layer depth, design elevation and as-built elevations.

If elevations cannot be interpolated from both surfaces at any offset, the output files are deleted with a warning.

You may need to use GC91 or similar to extend the surfaces beyond the as-built points to ensure that elevations can be interpolated. The xlines at the reported offsets should be at the as-built points. The specified chainage range should not exceed the as-built surface.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create pile points along an alignment.

Create points for each pile given alignments, chainage range, spacing, offsets, elevation and pile numbers.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 340

Import a HP-GL or HP-GL/2 (.PLF, .HPG, .GL2, .PLT or .000) plot file into sheet view.

Import and edit plot files in HP-GL and HP-GL/2 format.

Import HP-GL or HP-GL/2 plot file from Geocomp or other software if you don't have the source data, or you just want to send the plot to a Windows printer which does not support HP-GL or HP-GL/2.

Supported plotter commands

Pen numbers
End of page
PG, NR, Esc%01A
Text labels
Page size

Unsupported plotter commands

Color and pen mapping
and all the others


The supported commands make up most HP-GL and HP-GL/2 plot files

Plot files which have been polyline-encoded to reduce the file size, including those from Terramodel, are not supported.

Specify colour mapping during import.

Use the pen carousel to define the pen thickness and colour for each pen.

The plot is placed in the current layer in the sheet view in at the specified location.

Everything is imported as plines.

Dimensions are in sheet units.

The text labels use TMODELF font. You can change the font with TEXTMETRICS or FONTCHNG.

If a .PDF contains vector linework, you can extract these to HP-GL or .DXF with a third-party converter.

You can print to a PDF printer.

Notes for Geocomp users

  • To import Geocomp .PLT files, see GCPLTIN.
  • Use GCPLFIN rather than GCPLTIN, to closely approximate Geocomp plots.
  • Create a PLF from your PLT with SDS 94, RDP 494, or PU4.
  • Linework and symbols are converted to plines.
  • If the first character in the Geocomp .CMD file is *, text is retained as labels, otherwise text is exploded to plines.
  • While Geocomp can be configured to output PLF files to suit almost any vector plotter, GCPLFIN is optimised to import PLF files in HP-GL format.
  • If you specify the Geocomp pen number to equal the Terramodel colour number, and map the colour number to equal the Terramodel pen number, the selected Terramodel pen carousel will use the same pen numbers as the Geocomp plot.

To use Terramodel as a Windows plotter for Geocomp

  1. In Geocomp
    1. Copy GCPLFIN.CMD from C:\TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp to C:\GC10\CFG as OTHER.CMD
    2. Configure Geocomp to use OTHER plotter format
    3. Create a .PLT, for example using Geocomp command SDS 93
    4. "Send plotter instructions to disk file" using Geocomp command SDS 94 or PU 4.
  2. In Terramodel
    1. Configure a carousel
    2. Add a plotter configuration for your Windows plotter and carousel
    3. Create a new Terramodel project
    4. Open the Sheet view
    5. Set a suitable current layer
    6. Run GCPLFIN command
    7. Edit the plot if required.
    8. Plot at 1:1 scale to your Windows plotter (unless you want a different scale).
TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $125  

Import Geocomp .PLT plot file into sheet view.

The Geocomp PLT file format is unique to Geocomp. The font, character height, character width, label origin, orientation and slant are set in the PLT using the entity definition in the Geocomp plot parameter file.


Layers are determined by the entity of the record and the selected Geocomp entity file.
The Geocomp font is substituted by the Terramodel font used in the text style nominated for that font. Some suggested equivalents:
Geocomp font Terramodel font
0 iso3098b, tmodelp
5 tc-romns
10 tmodelf, tc-mono
98 subdiv
99 iso3098b, tmodelp
Character height
The character height is derived directly from the character height in the PLT file text record.
Aspect ratio and text width.
The aspect ratio in Terramodel is the character width in the PLT file multiplied by the width factor divided by the character height in the Geocomp PLT file [Aspect ratio = width * factor / height]. The width of a text record is dependent on the Terramodel font, character width, width factor and characters used. Leave the width factor as 1.0 unless you want to consistently stretch or compress text from a certain font.
Select Terramodel colour numbers to substitute for Geocomp pen numbers 1 to 20. Use PLOTSET, PLOTTER​SET and CAROUSEL to control the colours and thicknesses on paper. Use PALETTE to control the display colours.
Numbered Geocomp linetypes are substituted by linetypes of the same name, otherwise Solid is used. These linetypes can be loaded from GC9.LIN.
Symbols and blocks
Geocomp symbols are substituted with the closest equivalent Terramodel point symbol, unless "Use Terramodel blocks instead of point symbols" is enabled, in which case the matching Geocomp symbol block is used. For example, Geocomp symbol 68 (+) is labelled with point symbol 34 or block GCSYM068.
File format
To import HP-GL/2 files, see GCPLFIN. Use GCPLTIN rather than GCPLFIN, if you don't want to explode linetypes and text.
TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $125 FC D

Edit profile IPs graphically.

Edit an Intersection Point from a vertical alignment profile in the profile view.

Choose an editing mode such as Drag.

You can set maximum, minimum and increment for grades and whether to display.

See also CURVE to edit the curve details at an IP and RDVALEDIT to use design speed criteria.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​More...|​​Edit VAL Geocomp Update or $250 412

Create profiles from multiple HALs and DTMs.

Create profiles along multiple HALs interpolated from multiple DTMs.


Select horizontal alignment records or select no records to use the active alignment only.
DTM Layer List
Select DTM layers by a layer list or [None] to select visible layers.
Delete previous profiles
Delete any previously created plines in the profile view that refer to the selected HALs
Create Profiles
For each HAL, create profile plines in the Profile view, referenced to its HAL, interpolated from break points in each selected DTM layer, with the colours, linetypes, object names and layer names from the DTM layers.
Cancel the command

The profiles are broken at the edges of the DTM and within dead areas.

If an alignment is active, GCPROFIL, by selecting no records and no layer list, creates profiles from the same DTMs as PROFILE does by breaks and * for DTM layer mask.

See also

Create profiles along one HAL in layers selected by a layer mask.
Create profiles along roadjob surfaces.
Display temporary profiles using a layer list.
Define an active alignment as the default alignment.
Define a layer list.
Select visible layers.

TML date MenuSourceGC
02/05/19   DTM|​More..|​Profiles from layerlist Geocomp Update or $250 235

Import data from TPSetout/​TPStakeout .PTA survey point file.

See also TPSETOUT for exporting to TPSetout and TPSTKOUT for exporting to TPStakeout.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Check minimum distances between points on sets.

Report record number, layer name and point numbers for each segment.

Indicates with **** whether any segment is less than a specified maximum distance.

Report average distance between points for each set and overall.

Use GCPTSDIST to prove that you have taken sufficient observations in surveys of linear features such as roads.

Use GCDIVIDE to interpolate points at a minimum distance.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Import points from an ASCII file.

Select from a range of coordinate survey formats.

Formats include:

  • Agtek (.ASC or .AGT)
  • Civilsoft (1 and 2) (.CVL)
  • Geopak (.TXT)
  • Lewis and Lewis (.LEW)
  • Lietz SDRMap (.ASC)
  • LisCAD (.TXT)
  • TDS (.TXT)
  • Wildsoft (.TXT)
  • Lat-Long (.TXT)
  • Geocomp Control (.CRD)
  • Geocomp Field coordinates .(FLD)
  • Trimble E N D (.PTS)
  • Carlson Raw (.RW5)
  • Trimble Recon LM80 (.TXT)
  • Desc East North Elevation (.PTS)
  • Leica (.CST)
  • Leica GSI16 (.GSI)
  • Geodimeter Area (.ARE or .AGA)
  • LandXML (.XML)
  • Trimble RTX (.XML)

See also PTSIN which imports some of these formats, IMPORT which imports many formats using scripts, GCCSVIN which imports a commonly used .CSV format, LIDARIN and LIDARGRD which filter as they import, CVDIMPT and CVD5IMPT which import Civilcad ASCII and GC12DIN which imports 12D ASCII. GCPTSOUT and PTSOUT export ASCII points.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   File|​Misc. Import|​Points
Geocomp Update or $250  

Output points to an ASCII file.

Select from a range of coordinate survey point formats for uploading into survey instruments for setout.

Formats include

  • CivilSoft 1 and 2
  • Geopak
  • Lewis and Lewis
  • Lietz SDRMap
  • LisCAD
  • Wildsoft
  • Leica with 8 character descriptions .GRE
  • Leica with 8 character descriptions .GSI
  • Leica with 16 character descriptions .GSI
  • Sokkia SDR2x
  • Sokkia SDR33
  • Geodimeter Area .ARE
  • Nikon 700 series Upload
  • Geocomp Field .FLD
  • Geocomp Control Point .CRD
  • Trimble $PTNL,PJK .TXT
  • Leica 1200 LandXML
  • Trimble Recon LM80

The Job name field is currently only used with Sokkia formats.

Some of the formats have been modified slightly compared with the similar PTSOUT, such as adopting Easting/Northing order.

Points with undefined (*) easting or northing, are not exported. Points with undefined elevation (2D points), may be exported depending on the format. With some formats, you can choose whether to export the point number or the point name.

See also EXPORT and PTS2TEXT.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   File|​Misc. Import/Export|​Points Export Geocomp Update or $200 188

Change elevation or name of points on layer by the nearest selected text within tolerance.

Change the elevations or names of points imported from 2D CAD drawings where the points are labelled with text objects.

Select the text objects, a layer of points and a tolerance.

Select whether to replace all elevations or names, or just those which don't already have elevations or names.

Select whether to delete text objects for those points which have been changed.

Select whether to replace the point elevations or the point names.

Select whether the tolerance is to be measured from the points to the insertion points of the text or to the centroids of the text boxes.

If you don't have points, use TEXT2PNT to create points at the insertion point of the text.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Purge all unused blocks.

Purge all blocks which are not used in the project.

To delete unused blocks nested in other unused blocks, select Repeat.

If you import a DWG with blocks, the block definitions remain in the project even if you delete the block objects. Purging these blocks can reduce the project file size substantially, especially if each block has a unique name.

GCPURGE is faster than the Purge in BLOCK. For hundreds of blocks this can mean seconds rather than hours.

If you have missing external blocks, run DELBLKS first.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18   Draw|​Block|​Purge all unused Geocomp Update or $200  

Report chainage, offset and elevation difference to DTM.

Compare points in a survey against a design DTM.

The report shows the chainage, offset, design DTM elevation (=rl), point elevation (=fl) and elevation difference (dz) for each selected point.

You have the option to ignore points outside the DTM extent and specify a stripping depth.

The chainage and offset is computed relative to the active alignment.

See also GC30.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Interactive quick profile or cross section.

Display profiles (or cross sections) interpolated from DTM layers between two locations.

Pick layers, a section display method, locations in a view (typically, Plan view) then move the mouse to display profiles in the XSect view between those locations.


DTM | Layer List
Select a DTM layer or a DTM layer list.
Select From and To locations to display profiles along a line between them.
Select From and To locations to display profiles along a line and then move the To location to display profiles parallel to that line.
Select About location and then move the To location to display profiles along the line between the two.
If an active alignment has been set, select a From location by chainage and offset to display profiles at the chainage of the To location along a line from the left offset to the right offset.

No objects are created. The view scale and length of profiles are automatically adjusted.

Profiles are only shown where the DTMs are valid and not in a dead region.

See also QPROFILE.

TML date  Source 
01/08/2019     Geocomp Update or $200  

Move a HAL or VAL IP and recompute roadway volume.

Move a selected point of intersection along a horizontal or vertical alignment to a new location and calculate the resulting cut and fill roadway quantities.

QV Options

Terramodel will display the current road in this control. If you have more than one road in your project file, open the drop-down list box to select a different road.
Select the HAL whose alignment you want to modify from this locate control.
Enter the IP you want to relocate in this point control. Selecting the HAL along a curve or tangent causes Terramodel to locate the closest point of intersection to the location you picked.
This command button calculates the new cut and fill quantities from the modified HAL, the original vertical alignment, and the stored templates and displays it in the Message scroll.
  • You must have used the ROADS module to store a road job, shapes, templates, horizontal alignment and vertical alignment in your Terramodel project file before executing GCQV.
  • Execute Undo after each IP modification to return the alignment to its previous form.
  • GCQV is an improved version of QV.
TML dateGuide Source 
01/09/18 RG 1244   Geocomp Update or $250  

gcredraw toolbar button

Redraw all views and reset view scale for point labels.

Redraw all view modes.

If the current view is the Plan view, the plan view scale is also set so that point labels are a consistent, small but legible height.

GCREDRAW is similar to the VIEWSCAL Default for Pt Labels button followed by REDRAW.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   View|​Redraw for labels
Toolbar button
Geocomp Update or $200 132

Renumber points in set order.

Sequentially renumber points in selected sets, starting at the highest point number in the project plus one.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 129

Start a new report in P3Pad editor.

Start a new report in P3Pad editor by clearing any current report or opening a new P3Pad report window.

Any new report created by a Terramodel command, will replace any currently open report. To keep a report, select File from the P3Pad menu then Save As...

Editor features include Text formatting, Print Preview, Find and Replace, Insert Date and Time and Embed or Insert objects such as images.

The P3Pad report editor can be used to edit Terramodel reports, or write new text. The reports can be Saved and Opened in Text or Rich Text (RTF) formats. Use TXT format to reuse in commands such as TEXT or TXTIN.

Changes to page setup, typeface or font size for new reports take effect only after you close the report editor.

To configure the page setup and fonts during the current Terramodel session only:
  1. Run any Terramodel command that generates a P3Pad report
  2. Use File​|​Page setup menu to configure the paper size, orientation and margins
  3. Use Format​|​Font menu to configure the font style, size and colour
  4. Use Format​|​Paragraph menu to configure the paragraph indentation
  5. Use Format​|​Tabs menu to configure the tabs
  6. Close the P3Pad report
  7. Generate a new report.

To reset the configuration to defaults:

  1. Exit Terramodel
  2. Start a new session.

To configure the default font name, size (in points), left margin (in inches) and top margin (in inches) :

  2. Edit that file with a text editor
  3. Run EDITINI
    1. Show Old INI file ;
    2. Browse to select and open that file ;
    3. Select [Report] ;
    4. Import selected sections ;
    5. OK ;
    6. Close

To save all format and content changes to the document:

  • Save As.. Rich Text Format (.RTF).

To save content without formatting:

  • Save As... Text document (.TXT)

To configure the printer used by P3Pad reports:

  • Use Windows Settings or Control panel to configure the default Windows printer.

To preview the report, including margins:

  • Use File|Print preview or configure the default printer as a PDF printer.

To configure the name and address in the headings:

To configure a project description in the headings:

  • The description is not shown if the project name and path are too long.

To line up columns:

  • Use a font such as Courier New or Courier Prime Code which is fixed width (and displays m² correctly).

To use a different editor such as WORDPAD or NOTEPAD:

  • Copy and paste or save and open.

To find and replace characters in a report:

To import or display the report:

  • Use TXTIN to import as lines of text, TEXT to display the file as text or CSV2TAB to import a table as text and plines.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 201

Move or copy objects from one view to another.

The only attribute that is changed is the View mode. The coordinates are retained.

The objects are removed from the original view, unless you do not "Delete Old".


Review a point from Plan to XSect
A point in the PLAN View with Easting X = 1000, Northing Y = 2000 and Elevation Z = 100 when reviewed to the XSECT view becomes Offset X = 1000, Elevation Y = 2000 and Chainage Z = 100.
Import profile
If you have an ASCII file of a profile in the format "Chainage,Elevation" you could IMPORT into the PLAN view then review to the PROFILE view.
Rotate a copy in 3D
Review objects from the Plan view to View 8, without deleting them. Then use GC3DROT to rotate the copied objects.

See also REVIEW which always deletes the objects from the original view.

TML date Guide Menu Source  
01/09/18 RG 1246 Modify|​​ReView Geocomp Update or $250  

Interpolate elevations onto a digitised river.

Create a point wherever a 2D "river" pline crosses a pline representing a contour, with the elevation of the contour pline then create a set along the path of the river pline and interpolate elevations along the set.

For best results, remove flat triangles in LINKSET before forming the terrain model.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200 185

Create Geodimeter Roadline3D Files from sets

Cross sections are created by intersecting sets at Xlines along the alignment.

The HAL, VAL, "roadway templates", and "side templates" are exported to an .RLN file suitable for uploading to Geodimeter Program 39 using Geodimeter Software Tools or the Upload Script.

Selecting "Use names" includes names in the .RLN file. Select "Limit 12 Pts" if uploading, as only 12 points can be uploaded for each side template. Alternatively, if the file is to be imported using the Import script for editing as a Terramodel Roadway, the limit is not required.

The details of each computed point are reported.

See also P39 and See also GCMULTGD.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Report runway conformance

Report the conformance at defined offsets of a runway DTM relative to a roadway of the design.

TML date  Source 
25/08/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

Multiply X, Y or Z by scale factors.

Multiply X (Easting), Y (Northing) or Z (Elevation) of selected objects by scale factors, relative to a location.

Values entered into each field are stored as project variables.

Carefully select all relevant objects only. Consider whether to include points in sets, radius points, objects that have been turned off and invisible and locked layers. Consider selecting objects by Crossing, View or Layers.

To multiply the coordinates, enter values for X, Y or Z Scale.

To avoid scaling in a direction, enter * for X, Y or Z Scale.

To scale relative to a location, enter X, Y or Z coordinates.

To scale without moving the origin, enter 0 for the X, Y or Z.

To scale text, blocks and dynaviews around their insertion points, leave the X,Y Location blank.

To scale from mm to m, use 0.001 in Scales X, Y and Z; from feet to metres, use 0.3048 in Scales X, Y and Z; from southing to northing, use -1 in Scale Y; from depth to height, use -1 in Scale Z.

To multiply or divide EAT text without scaling the subjects, use EAT code math.

See also

Scale in X or Y
Scale or swap around X or Y axis by -1
Scale blocks
Scales text
Scale mass haul diagrams
Scale, rotate and move
Scale plotboxes
Report and scale project units
Scale in X and Y by Helmert transformation
Scale differently in X and Y by Affine transformation
Scale in X, Y and Z by Conformal transformation
Mirror around an axis

TML date  SourceGC
20/12/19     Geocomp Update or $200 123

Report elevation of a DTM at the cursor.

Report the easting, northing and DTM elevation at the cursor.

The elevation is interpolated from the selected DTM surface.

The chainage and offset from any active alignment is also reported.

See also

Report the elevation of a DTM at a location
Report the elevation of a roadjob at a location
Report elevation differences at the cursor
Configure the coordinate scroll
Display Sta or Ch
Configure active alignment

TML date  Source 
17/01/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

Import Lidar Scan data and filter by many variables.

Import large Lidar scan data sets and filter by ranges of colour, intensity, vertical angle, boundary and chainage.

For example, filter scans from a moving vehicle to distinguish buildings, cables and pavements.

Elevations can be corrected by N-values on a layer defined by AUSGEOID.

Filtered points can be saved to the project, or to an external file, or both.

TML date  Source 
29/08/19     POA  

Export alignment in Sokkia SDR format.

Use a Roadjob, HAL/VAL or intersect 3D sets.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Replace skip ranges by CSV or pline boxes.

Replace skip ranges from skips defined in a CSV file or by pline boxes.

Use GCSKIPMN when you have too many skip ranges to manage by manual editing with SKIP.

Add or replace skip ranges from a file which you have previously created in a spreadsheet application.

Create pline boxes at the current skip ranges in both the plan and profile views, centred on the road alignment. After editing these boxes for position and range and updating the alignments, Create Skips from selected boxes.


Select the roadjob
Sort the skip ranges in chainage order
Report the skip ranges
Import skip ranges from a CSV file with start chainage, end chainage, skip name
Box Width
Specify a width in m for pline box
Create boxes
Create pline boxes at skips
Create skips
Create skips at selected pline boxes
TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Check spelling of text.

Check spelling of words in selected text objects against a dictionary.

Select from Options and Dictionaries.

TML dateGuide Source 
01/09/18 built-in   $200  

Export DTMs to surface models in .STL format

Export a layer list of DTM surfaces to a stereolithography .STL format file.

Each DTM layer is written as a separate SOLID. Large coordinates are left-truncated to within fit the ranges expected by most .STL software.

.STL files can be used to view triangles in 3D or export to 3D printers in many applications such as SketchUp, Cloud Compare, 3D Viewer and Print 3D.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Create points at strata from table of materials and depths.

Create multiple points with the same coordinates as selected points, with layer names and elevations derived from a CSV file.


  1. Relayer the points according zones of typical strata as suggested by a geologist.
  2. Create a CSV file with rows for new layers and columns of depths for each zone.
  3. Run GCSTRATA.
  4. Select the points.
  5. Choose whether to compute elevations or depths.
  6. Select the CSV file.
  7. Choose whether to delete the original points.
  8. Create a new point with a new elevation on the layer in the left column for each point with layer name matching the first row.

For example, using this table, and selecting depths, for each point on layer B4, create a point on each of the six listed layers with the same easting and northing. The elevation of the new point on layer 1_topsoil is 0.1, on layer 2_alluvium is 0.3, etc.

Layer,        A,    B1,    B2,   B3,    B4,

1_topsoil,   0.2,  0.2,   0.2,   0.2,  0.1,

2_alluvium,  0.2,  0.2,   0.2,   2.5,  0.3,

3_colluvium, 0.2,  0.2,   0.2,   2.5,  0.5,

4_RS,        4.8,  2.3,   3.7,   4.7,  1.5,

5_XW,       12.8,  3.6,  12.8,   9.1,  4.1,

6_MW,       13.6,   20,  22.7,  20.1,   28,

If the points are to be used for depth surfaces, select depths so the Z value is derived from the table. If for elevation surfaces, the value in the table is subtracted from the elevation of the original point.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Modify text by text style.

Modify the metrics of selected text to match a text style and update the default text style.

Select text objects and a text style.

See also

Change the default text style by command line or alias
Select the default text style from a list
Manage the text styles
Modify selected text properties
Match the properties of a text object

TML date  SourceGC
02/08/19     Geocomp Update or $250 190

Create a DTM of a subgrade by depth boundaries.

Create a DTM surface for use as a Subgrade below selected boundaries representing depths of material.

The Final DTM is the underside of many subgrade layers each defined by a boundary and a depth below the previous subgrade.

Create a layer list of layers containing closed pline boundaries. The boundaries are processed in alphabetical layer name order.

GCSUBDTM copies all points and sets from the Initial DTM onto a new DTM, drapes the first boundary on the first layer name onto the new DTM, clips the new DTM inside the boundary, creates a new set inside the boundary at a horizontal offset from the set (=Clip Dist) and vertical offset from the DTM (=elevation of pline) and then copies that part of the initial DTM that is outside the boundary to the new DTM layer.

The process is repeated for all closed plines with elevations on the next layer in the specified layer list. The layers are worked through in alphabetical order until the Final DTM is created.

The elevations on the plines are depths (thicknesses) relative to the previous new DTM. A positive elevation value results in a new surface below the previous surface. Negative elevations build the surface up.

This Final DTM could then be a sliced DTM in ROADWAY, a termination surface in SIDESLOPE, a surface for volumes or exported to machine control.

Optionally, compute volumes or keep intermediate DTMs.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create plines to transition to subgrade templates.

Create plines to transition to subgrade templates.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Export Quantm special zones .SZA

Export .SZA files for Quantm for Trimble Alignment Planning. You can specify zones that require special treatment such as cost and crossing requirements.

Select zones by closed plines or sets (or blocks containing closed plines or sets) to export to the special_zones.sza file.

The name of the pline or set (or subject of the block) defines the zone description. The layer name defines the zone label.

Export linear features using GCLFAOUT.

Export terrain data using GCTMAOUT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Create a coordinate table.

Label points with EAT text arranged in a table framed by plines.

The columns show Point number, Easting, Northing, Elevation, Name, Chainage, Offset or blank.

Select the points.
Enter the location of the upper left corner of the table.


For each of seven possible columns, specify a property to list. Highlight a row in the list box to make the column specifications editable.

Enter up to 61 characters for the title of the table.
Use Title Box
Include a title at the top of the coordinate table.
Enter the number of characters to define the width of each column. Enter 0 to omit a column.
Enter the heading for the top of each column.
Enter a prefix of nil to 13 characters in length. To further widen a column, increase column width instead adding leading spaces to prefix.
Select from Pt# (point number), North (y-value), East (x-value) or Elev (elevation), Name (point name), Chainage (station), Offset (horizontal offset) or None (a blank column).
Enter the maximum number of rows for each page of the table. New pages are created for rows that exceed that number. The horizontal separation between tables is 1 sheet unit at the current view scale.
Select the layer on which to create the table text and plines.
Text style
Select text style with a fixed-width font such as tmodelf so the characters line up vertically. The point numbers and coordinates are right-justified. The names are left-justified. The headings are centred.
Select the colour of the EAT text. The headings and plines are created in the line colour of the current layer. HAL for CH and Offsets
Select a horizontal alignment record
Sort points based on chainage
Sort points by chainage or by point number in alphabetical order starting with integers.


The text labels show the current properties of the points, not the properties at time the table was created.

If the selected points contain field values that exceed the specified column width, you are prompted to increase the column width or return to Settings.

The numbers of decimal places are controlled by the precision settings in UNITSSET at the time the table was created. If you change precision, recreate the table.

The offsets are displayed in the offset EAT code format labelling settings in UNITSSET. This format controls the included characters, the left and right indicators and the zero offset notation.

See also
Create a coordinate table with latitude and longitude
Create a table of dimensions of short set segments
Create a table from text in a *.CSV file

TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
01/09/2018 RG 1226 Draft|​Label coord. tables S 188, 92

Label batter with block showing direction of slope.

Place user-​definabled "tadpole" blocks between two sets representing the top and toe of a batter.

Each block is placed at the specified spacing from from the set joining points of higher elevation to the lower set. The blocks can therefore swap direction at transitions between cut and fill. It doesn't matter which you pick as "Top" and "Toe" unless you are drafting in 2D.

Blocks are scaled to just less than the horizontal distance between the sets. Blocks which exceed the specified maximum length are not placed. Tadpole blocks one unit long are placed with a small gap at the lower end.

Typical tadpole blocks are GCTADPOL, TADPOLE TYPE 1 and TADPOLE TYPE 2.

To create your own tadpole block, draw plines so that the location for the higher batter string is at 0,0 and the lower is at 0,1. Then use BLOCK to Create the block from the plines with the origin at 0,0.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Import Quantm terrain data.

Use GCTMAIN to verify your .TMA file before submitting it to Trimble Alignment Planning System.

Use MOSSIN to transfer proposed alignments in GENIO format from Quantm to Terramodel.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Export Quantm terrain data.

Create a .TMA file for submission to the Trimble Alignment Planning System for route optimization. The TMA file is a grid of points interpolated from a DTM within a boundary.

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

Check your .TMA file by reimporting it using GCTMAIN.

Export Special Zones using GCSZAOUT.

Export Linear Features using GCLFAOUT.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     POA  

Locate TIFF world files (.TFW)

Create text at the north-west corner of TIFF world files showing the file name.

Enter height and width of one of the the images in pixels, then browse to select one of more TFW files.

.TFW files are used by IMAGE manager to locate geo-referenced .TIF files.

The width and height in pixels in an image can be read by File Explorer | Properties | Details or by any photo editor.

TML date  Source 
25/03/20     Geocomp Update or $200  

Define a region by tracing inside multiple selected plines, sets or text.

Report the area or show the extent of the region enclosed within multiple boundaries around a location by creating a new set, pline or hatching on the current layer in the current view.

You can

  • Continue to select locations Inside to define more regions from the same selected boundaries.
  • Have the different hatch or boundary on different colours or layers, by running GCTRACE twice or modifying later.
  • Name the new boundary set or pline with an incrementing integer "lot" number.
  • Configure the maximum Snap Distance. Smaller gaps are crossed automatically.
  • Remove Duplicate points from the new set.
  • Select a hatch pattern from a list and a scale.
  • Select None, if you don't want to hatch.
  • Report to P3Pad the new boundary record number and name (if selected), Basic Area, Alternative Area and accumulated Alt Area written with units and rounding according to the MEASUNIT and UNITSSET settings. These are always reported to message scroll.

If your pline boundaries are splines, select only a few at a time and check the view resolution interval in DISPLAYSET.

The direction of the boundary set or plines is derived from one of the selected objects.

Closed regions which are inside the selected objects but outside the selected location are excluded as "islands".

Typical applications for GCTRACE include reporting areas, hatching regions and creating closed figures from messy linework. GCTRACE combines the features of TRACEBDY which creates internal boundaries with a fixed maximum snap distance and HATCHENC which reports areas and creates hatching within internal and external boundaries.

To trace outside selected plines or sets, define an island by including an even larger boundary and select a location between them.

See also LOTJOIN to create multiple sets from multiple centres, AUTOSET to create a clockwise set from points, QSET to quickly key in a lot boundary and HATCHPAT and HATCHUSER to hatch closed figures, LABELSETS to label sets with lot names, GCLABLOT to label sets with text, GC80 to compares lot areas and DTMEDGE and GCDTMBDY to create DTM edges.

Some examples:

Define a boundary inside complex data

  1. Select a new current layer
  2. Run GCTRACE
  3. Specify Set or Pline for the new boundary
  4. Specify a snap dist to suit the job
  5. Select all the sets and plines that limit the boundaries
  6. Click the Inside field
  7. Choose a region by clicking a location
  8. The boundary is created.

Quickly hatch many regions

  1. Select a new current layer
  2. Run GCTRACE
  3. Specify a suitable hatch and scale
  4. Specify None for the new boundary
  5. Select all the sets, plines and text that you want to limit the boundaries
  6. Click the Inside field
  7. Choose a region by clicking a location
  8. The region is hatched
  9. Change colour or hatch pattern or current layer, if you want
  10. Click another location
  11. Another region is hatched.

Compute many areas

  1. Select a new current layer
  2. Run GCTRACE
  3. Specify a suitable hatch and scale
  4. Specify None for the new boundary
  5. Specify Report
  6. Select all the sets, plines and text that you want to limit the boundaries
  7. Click the Inside field
  8. Choose a region by clicking a location
  9. The basic and alternative areas are written to the message scroll and the area is reported to P3Pad. The hatching shows which areas you have computed
  10. Change colour or hatch pattern or current layer
  11. Click another location
  12. Another region is hatched and the areas are accumulated in message scroll and P3Pad.

Create closed subdivision lots

  1. Specify a new current layer
  2. Run GCTRACE
  3. Specify a snap dist of say 0.005m
  4. Specify to create sets
  5. Specify an initial lot number
  6. Optionally, specify report
  7. Optionally, specify a hatch pattern and a scale so you can see where you have been
  8. Select all the sets and plines, but no text, to limit the lots
  9. Click inside the first lot
  10. The closed set for the first lot is created with the lot number for the set name
  11. The next lot number increments by 1
  12. Click inside the second lot, etc., until all lots are defined
  13. If you hatched, delete or relayer the hatching

Create all subdivision lots from lot numbers

  1. Specify a new current layer
  2. Run LOTJOIN
  3. Select all the sets and plines
  4. Select lot number text

Determine an area excluding voids

  1. Specify a new current layer
  2. Run GCTRACE
  3. Specify a snap dist to suit the job
  4. Specify to create a report and plines
  5. Specify a hatch and scale
  6. Select all the sets or plines limiting the region making sure that the internal boundaries do not intersect the external boundaries
  7. Click a location inside the external boundaries and outside the internal boundaries
  8. The hatching confirms the region for which the area is reported
  9. You can delete the hatching and use the plines in other commands such as HATCH, SHADEISO or GCGRNGRD.

Hatch except where there is text

  1. Show text boxes using Quick text in Display Settings
  2. Specify a new current layer
  3. Run GCTRACE
  4. Specify a hatch and scale
  5. Select all the sets and plines and text
  6. Click a location inside the boundary lines and outside the text boxes

Hatch closed contours or isopachs

  1. In CONTOURSET, don't spline, clip lines or label
  2. Generate CONTOUR plines
  3. Run GCTRACE
  4. Specify a hatch and scale
  5. Select the contours by layers
  6. Click locations inside the closed boundaries.

Replace sets or plines with closed clockwise sets

  1. Use GC35 to create points at centroids
  2. Use LABPT to create text at centroid points
  3. Specify a new current layer
  4. Run LOTJOIN
  5. Select all the sets and plines
  6. Select lot number text
  7. If you want anticlockwise sets, REVERSE afterwards.
  8. If you want to keep the original directions, use GCTRACE instead
  9. DELETE the original objects later, if you want.

TML date MenuSource 
01/09/18   Draw|​Set|​Trace enclosing boundary
Draw|​Hatch|​Within multiple lines
Geocomp Update or $200  

Set default text style using the command line.

Set the default text style using the command line and an argument. For example, type GCTSTYLE "seg label" to change the default text style to seg label.

Use in combination with a toolbox, alias or macro.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 190

Export a set to Trimble .tta and .ttx.

For newer Trimble instruments, replaced by EXPORT Trimble Roading 3D (DC) export using DC file, GCDCOUT or GCMULTDC.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create the swept path of a vehicle.

Create plines showing the swept path of a vehicle.

Place vehicle outlines at intervals along the path.

Store dimensions and layers for a single vehicle or a prime-mover and one or two trailers.

For simple cases, GCTURN can be used in place of AutoTURN and AutoTrack.

Watch a short demonstration (.wmv).

TML dateGuide Source 
01/09/18 GCTURN vehicle dimensions   $350.00  

Adjust text aspect to right alignment.

Adjust the aspect ratio of selected text so the selected text aligns to a selected location.

For each selected text object with left or centre horizontal justification, modify the aspect so that the right hand edge of the text box lines up vertically with the X coordinate of the selected location.

Text is not modified where the difference in aspect is more than 25% or the text has left horizontal justification.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export or report selected text.

Export selected text records to a file or P3Pad report.


Select text objects
Select the name and location of a new .CSV file
Sort on Northing
Sort on record number or by descending northing for columns of text.
Report text to P3Pad with record numbers.
Recs for Heading
Enter the number of text records to be written to the heading lines.
Recs per Line
Enter the number of text records to be written to each line, after the heading
Export to CSV or report or both
Cancel command


EAT codes are exploded to normal text.

Multi-line text objects are written to single lines separated by | characters.

To convert text to coordinates, select text by crossing with no heading lines, enter the number of columns for Recs per Line, and then export to .CSV. This assumes the selected text has been created row by row, left to right. Then read the coordinates into a spreadsheet or other application or into Plan view using IMPORT ASCII points.

To export tables of text to a .CSV, specify the number of records for a heading and the number of columns. To import such a table, use CSV2TAB.

Replaces TXTOUT.

See also LISTTEXT and TEXT.

TML date MenuSource 
21/08/19   File|​Misc .Export|​Text
File|​Misc. Import/Export|​Text Export
Geocomp Update or $250  

Export files to Leica UMC 3D Machine Control.

Export the centreline, coordinate, profile and triangle files required for any equipment fitted with current versions of Leica Geosystems Universal Machine Control 3D.

Define an alignment using a road job, then select plines or sets to export as a .GEO file or a selected DTM to export as an .XML.

Click on Create UMC 3D Files to be prompted for Arc-to-Chord tolerances and the .LIN output file name. Then click OK to create the files and load them directly onto Leica Machine Control.


Road job
Select a roadjob to export the main alignment as centreline (.LIN) and profile (.PRF) files.
GEO (3D Lines):
Select points, sets or plines to create a .GEO file.
Specify a DTM layer to export as a LandXML file. You can limit the DTM to a boundary.

Export settings

Arc to Chord
Wherever the plines or sets contain arcs or spirals, additional coordinates are written to the .LIN, PRF, or .GEO files using the specified arc-to-chord tolerances.
Generate Report
You can report to P3Pad every record written to the LIN, PRF, GEO or XML files.
Export Filename:
Specify the location and name of the .LIN file. Any PRF, .GEO or .XML file names will match.
Create Files
Write .LIN and .PRF files then any .GEO or .XML files

Define any dead regions by SETSMOOTH.

Alternative ways to create .XML

The best way to export strings for any Leica iCON Machine Control is to use ROADRUN, selecting Group, to generate an .XML file. To export a DTM, create a different .XML file with DTM2XML. Do not combine strings and DTM into a single XML file.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18   Geocomp Update or $250 

Break sets and plines into segments.

This is different to EXPLODE, which explodes only sets and plines that have complex linetypes.

GCUNJOIN does not break plines containing spirals or vertical curves.

DISJOIN is an alias for GCUNJOIN.

See also JOIN.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Delete selected registered VALs.

Delete registered Vertical alignments from the VAL Manager while retaining the pline records.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create a pline VAL from a registered vertical alignment with offsets.

A pline is created along a registered alignment defined by offsets in the vertical alignment manager.

The vertical IPs are created at the chainage interval in the Settings.

A report is displayed showing each chainage, vertical offset and elevation of each IP.

See also GCHALOFF.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 450+412

Import Geocomp vertical alignment (.VER).

The .VER file is imported as a pline in the profile view.

Use GCIMPORT if you want the SDS data with the VER.


TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​More...|​​Import Geocomp VER Geocomp Update or $250 77,252

Export Geocomp vertical alignment .VER (.VER).

Export a pline in the profile view to a vertical alignment.

You can export the straights and parabolic vertical curves.

For circular curves, only the IP is converted.


TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 412

Change tunnel wrap status of a layer.

Change wrap status of a DTM layer to "wrapped" or "unwrapped", without transforming the points.

Use this when you have "unwrapped" data on a "wrapped" layer, or vice versa.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create or replace xlines with chainage labels on a roadway.

Create or replace xlines along a selected roadway on the nominated layer.

The chainages and offsets are computed from, and the xlines refer to, the main horizontal alignment of the selected roadjob.

Specify the left and right offsets for extents of the new xlines. These offsets also limit the extents of roadways in commands such as ROADSPOT and GC42AB.

Specify an interval for the new xlines. If you don't want xlines at intervals, specify a very large interval.

The xlines are deleted and created on the nominated layer. The default xlines layer is that of the first xline on the alignment. If there are no xlines, the default layer is from the GCXLINES:LAYER project variable set by PROJECTV. If the variable has not been set, the default is the current layer.

The chainage format and precision is controlled by UNITSSET.

The message scroll reports the main alignment name and description for the current road and default xlines layer.


  • Create xlines at Hal and Val points
  • Create xlines at templates
  • Create xlines at start and end of skips but not across skips
  • Create xlines at points near alignment on design surface
  • Limit xlines to a chainage range
  • Keep current xlines
  • Keep current xline labels
  • Interpolate the extents of new xlines from current xlines
  • Label xlines with chainages perpendicular to the alignment
  • Prefix xline labels with text such as Ch, Sta or KP
  • Prefix xline labels with the road name

See also

Create xlines at single points, chainages or plines
Recreate xlines after moving intersection points
Create xlines without a roadway
Label xlines
Create xlines at points near alignment

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Roads|​More...|​​Xlines from road Geocomp Update or $250 84

Import LandXML points within boundaries.

Import points from a LandXML file that fall within a closed pline or within an offset from an open pline.

For XML files with lines longer than 255 characters, import points with BIGXMLIN, or use GCFIXXML to insert new lines and try GCXMLIN again.

See also the LandXML IMPORT script, which can also import surfaces and alignments, and GCPTSIN, which controls point numbers.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export roadjob in LandXML format.

Export roadjob strings at xlines in LandXML cross section format.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Compute a set at the intersection of slopes from two segments.

Select segments from two sets, corresponding slopes and beginning and ending locations.

For example, locate a channel in a median by battering from the carriage ways.

See also GC64.

TML date  Source 
12/08/19     Geocomp Update or $200  

List Geodimeter directory and delete files.

List files on a Geodimeter data collector with option to delete.

After requesting the Geodimeter instrument type and some communication parameters, open the Instrument Directory dialog box, which displays the Area and Job files that are currently stored in the Geodimeter instrument or data collector.

You can use GDMDIR to:

  • Determine the current contents of the collector before going into the field.
  • Delete files on the collector using the computer
  • Confirm serial communication before configuring import or export scripts.

To download Geodimeter survey files see, IMPORT. To edit, see GFE and RDE.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM File|​Geodimeter|​Geodimeter directory/​delete files...
File|​Geodimeter directory/​delete files...
Geocap|​|Transfer|​Instrument directory/​delete files...

Measure bearing and distance.

Report bearing and slope distance between two locations to message scroll.

In Points mode, select two points Points or two locations. In Segment mode, select a set segment.

For two locations, or a pline segment, the show the bearing and horizontal distance.

For two points or a straight set segment, the show the point numbers, bearing, horizontal distance, and zenith angle if the points have elevations.

For an set arc segment, show the point numbers, radius, chord length, arc length, tangent, EX and delta angle.

See also DISTANCE which shows the horizontal distance project units and sheet units at the current view scale, with the option to accumulate.

See also GC29 which shows point numbers, bearing, horizontal distance, dE, dN, vertical angle, slope distance and grade.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Reports|​Geometry inquiry
S 17

Report measured values from objects.

Select objects and print a report of selected objects.

TML date Guide Menu Source GC
01/09/18 RG 429 Reports|​Geometry/​Stakeout
Inquire|​Brg/Dist reports
S 17,41

Establish the GPS geodetic system.

Use this to define your local grid before importing Trimble GPS Real-Time Kinetic (RTK) data to compute with RDE.

Establish a geodetic system for the project to which any imported GPS (WGS84-based) data will be converted. This geodetic system cannot be modified after a point is created.

Do not perform geodetic corrections (i.e. "Flat Earth")
Ignore any data that requires geodetic corrections and do not import it. If an imported DC file contains an embedded coordinate system, that coordinate system becomes the current geodetic system.
Use local projection
Use Easting and Northing settings in the RDE\Computation Settings and Tolerances\General Settings tab to create a non-standard geodetic system.
Use current geodetic system
Use the geodetic system currently displayed in the following list box as the "local" geodetic system. When GPS (WGS84-based) data are imported, coordinates are converted to the geodetic system set by this command. To import a DC file with an embedded coordinate system, the two coordinate systems must be the same. The WGS84-based data are not stored; however the geodetic system is stored so that the original data can be re-created if necessary.
Select new geodetic system
Set a different project geodetic system and geoid model before any points are created within the project. Choose from
  • Coordinate System and Zone
  • Calibrated Site
  • Default projection (Transverse Mercator) (or enter your own projection parameters)

GEOSYS uses the Trimble Coordinate System Manager (CSM).

COORDCON and GCCOORD use a different coordinate system library unrelated to GEOSYS.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​GPS Geodetic System... S  

Geodimeter File Editor.

Edit Geodimeter format files including .RAW, .JOB, .UDS, .ARE, .PTS and .PCO.

GFE functions have mostly been replaced by IMPORT, EXPORT and RDE.

Geodimeter data files are unitless so you must independently determine the data units and check that the GFE Settings correspond. For example, by default GFE assumes that the angle units are Grads; you may want to change the setting to DMS. The Easting|Northing column headings may appear to be the wrong way around.

GFE is installed with Terramodel. No security key is required. Geodimeter .JOB files open in GFE by default. GFE fails to open .JOB files in other formats such as Trimble Journal .JOB files.

GFE Help is available from the Help menu in GFE, from the Index submenu in the Help menu and by the HELPGFE command.

See also Geodimeter Software Tools (GST) and GDMDIR.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09 HELPGFE File|​Geodimeter|​Geodimeter File Editor...
File|​Geodimeter File Editor...

Limit the slope of triangles.

Raise the lowest point in affected triangles in a DTM surface by 1 mm until no triangle has a slope greater than the nominated value.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Export GeoNav details.

Export GeoNav Coast, Runline, Centreline, Vessel, Waypoint, Antenna, Station, Clip, Design or Grid database data.

TML   MenuSource  
01/09/18   HDMS|​Export|​GeoNav detail HDMS  

Import GeoNav details.

Import GeoNav Coast, Runline, Centreline, Vessel, Waypoint, Antenna, Station, Clip, Design, Grid database or Dredge log data.

TML   MenuSource  
01/09/18   HDMS|​Import|​GeoNav detail HDMS  

Report areas of golf course fairways, greens, bunkers and tees.

Report, sum and label the area of each selected closed set or pline representing a fairway, green, bunker or tee.

The areas of all greens, bunkers and tees with centroids inside a fairway are subtracted from the area of that fairway.

The fairways are selected by record. The greens, bunkers and tees are selected by layer.

See also GCTRACE.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export points to Topografix/Mapsource GPS eXchange Format (.GPX).

Export selected points to a .GPX file optimised for reading into Garmin Mapsource software.

Use Settings to choose the coordinate system from which your coordinates will be converted to latitude and longitude on WGS84.

The waypoint name is derived from either the Terramodel point number or name.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $200  

Export files to Leica GradeSmart 3D Machine Control for graders and dozers.

Export the centreline, plan, layer and triangle files required for dozers or graders fitted with Leica Geosystems GradeSmart 3D Machine Control.

GRADESMT writes coordinates computed along selected strings to 0.0001m precision using specified tolerances in Carlson .CL, .PLN and .LAY file formats. A DTM can also be exported as a Leica TPStakeout TSB file.

Road job
The exported centreline (.CL) file contains coordinates at chainages along the main alignment of the selected roadjob. Each record in the .CL file is in the format 0,​chainage,​L,​northing,​easting. Create one roadjob for each centreline.
2D (PLN):
Select sets or plines to export as a .PLN file for export as a Plan or background map. Each selected set or pline is written to the .PLN as a POLYLINE with the colour number and name followed by coordinates as easting,​northing. If you want hatching, blocks or text in the Plan, explode them to plines first.
3D (LAY):
Select sets joining 3D points to export as a .LAY file for export as a Layer of strings. Each selected set is written to the .LAY as a POLYLINE with the colour number and name followed by coordinates as easting,​northing,​elevation.
Specify a DTM layer to be exported to the Leica TPStakeout ASCII triangle file (.TSA) and binary triangle file (.TSB).
Chainage Range
Limit the exported coordinates to within a chainage range. The initial default values are derived from the selected roadjob. If you change the alignment, reset the start and end chainages.
Triangles per grid (BinTri):
As this integer value for triangle density increases, the grid squares increase in size and reduce in number. This value is a trade-off between the precision and file size of the TSB file. The initial default value is 20.
Arc to Chord
Wherever the strings contain arcs, the additional coordinates are written to the .CL, .PLN and .LAY files using the specified arc-to-chord tolerances, in another trade-off between precision and file size. The same tolerances are also approximated along spirals, combining curves and splines.
Generate Report
If enabled, every record written to the CL, PLN, LAY and TSA files is also reported to P3Pad.
Export Filename:
Specify the location and name of the .CL file, and thus the .PLN, LAY, .TSA and .TSB files.
Create Files
Write a .CL file, then PLN and LAY files if objects were selected. Then, if the DTM layer is not 0, and you confirm that you want to Export triangles, the TSA file is exported and a separate command window opens to run the Leica program BinTri.Exe which converts the TSA file into a TSB. You will need to press any key when prompted, twice.

If you have multiple alignments, repeat with a different roadjob. These files can be combined into a .PRJ project file using Leica GradeSmart software.

To verify elevations at locations in the .TSB, use Leica TPStakeout software on a Leica survey instrument.


TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $500  

Generate a grid of points, interpolate elevations from a DTM and generate a report.

Generate a grid of points
The Grid Layout dialog allows for control of the number of rows and columns, the start location, the rotation and the layer on which the grid points are generated. The grid starts in the top left hand corner, goes across then down. If any points already exist on this layer you will be prompted for the option of deleting any existing points. Thus it is important to have each set of grid points on a unique layer.
Interpolate elevations onto the grid points
This function calls DTMPTS command. Select the DTM layer from which to interpolate the heights and the grid points (by the layer on which you created the grid points).
M.A.D. Report
Generate a report in Mile-a-Day format.
The report is displayed in the Terramodel P3Pad report viewer and saved as an .ELE file.
L.F. Report
Generate a report in Landform format.
The report is displayed in the Terramodel P3Pad report viewer and saved as a .TXT file.
C.A.G Report
Generate a report for Comput-A-Grade irrigation software by Merrilees.
The report is displayed in the Terramodel P3Pad report viewer and saved as an .FRL file.

For all reports, the heading is derived from layer name of the grid points. The report lists only the number of points specified when creating the grid earlier. If you have manually inserted or removed points then this report will be wrong.

See also GCGRDVOL and IRBAY.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 221

Interpolate an ASCII X,Y,Z file from a DTM and grid.

Interpolate an ASCII X,Y,Z file from a DTM, a bounding pline and an interval.

Specify a bounding box, a DTM layer and a grid interval.

Click Export to be prompted for a file name.

X, Y, Z coordinates are written directly to the file based on the interval and boundary.

Round the coordinates to the nominated interval or increment from the lower left corner of the boundary. The boundary "box" does not have to be rectangular.

Very large grids can be created, limited by disk space not project file size. The generic X,Y,Z file format can be read into many applications including Spreadsheets.

See also

Define any dead regions by to be excluded from the output
Import PTS files
Create grid points in the project
Interpolate elevations from 2D points onto any DTM
Create grid points in the project and interpolate elevations from a DTM

TML date  SourceGC
27/08/20     Geocomp Update or $250 221+244+188

Create a grid of points or plines using grid settings.

Create a grid of points or plines then label them like this:

  1. Use SNAPSET to set the grid origin and bearing
  2. Use GRIDSET to define the grid spacing and type
  3. Use GRIDSET to turn the grid on
  4. Use BOX to create a limiting pline
  5. Use GRIDMAKE to create the points or plines
  6. Use GCLABGRD or LABELGRID to label the grid.


Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Pline|​Grid S 265

Transform from grid to ground or ground to grid.

Transform all objects in Plan view from "ground" coordinates to a "grid" coordinates, or vice versa, by applying a combined scale factor and rotation around a point.


Convert to Grid
Convert objects from the current Ground coordinates to Grid coordinates
Convert to Ground
Convert objects from the current Grid coordinates to Ground coordinates
Origin Point
Select point number and layer for the origin
Lock layer
Lock the origin point layer to prevent accidental deletion or transformation
Currently in Grid or Currently in Ground
Display whether the current coordinates are in Grid or Ground
Enable switch
If the coordinates are incorrectly displayed as Ground, when they are in fact in grid, or vice versa, enable the coordinates to be switched.
Combined Scale Factor:
Enter a combined scale factor
Compute CSF
Compute the combined scale factor at the origin point
Enter a rotation
Apply rotation
Rotate the objects, or not
Transform all objects in Plan view, that are not on a locked layer, from Grid to Ground or Ground to Grid, and update the status

See also

Helmert transformation
Rotate, translate and scale
Scale by X, Y and Z.

TML date  SourceGC
23/08/19     Geocomp Update or $250  

Configure current grid settings.

Configure the colour, type, spacing and visibility of a display grid for each view mode.

The Grid on tick box, makes the grid visible unless the interval is too close to display or no grid line passes though the display.

Set the Horizontal and Vertical distance between grid intervals, in ground units, for the horizontal and vertical directions. For the Plan, Sheet, and Xsect view modes, the vertical control is dimmed and the vertical spacing is set equal to the horizontal spacing.

Set the grid type to Dots, Ticks or Lines. When the Ticks option is selected, you can enter the horizontal and vertical length of the tick marks in sheet units.

To change the gridset mode at the command line or in a toolbox, for

Gridset modeEnter at command line
NoneGridset 0
OnGridset 1
On/OffGridset -1

To create a grid of points or plines, use GRIDMAKE or GCGENGRD.

To snap to the grid or rotate the grid, use SNAPSET.

To restrict the direction of cursor movement, use CURSOR.

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09HELPTM Settings|​Grid settings... S 93

Compute the cut and fill volume in selected grid cells.

Report volumes and create text showing the values in each region. Select regions defined by closed plines of any shape or create rectangular grid cells.

Generate grid
Create regular grid cells as a series of abutting rectangular plines.
Compute the cut & fill volume for a single selected region.
Compute the cut & fill volumes for selected grid cells. Report result for the individual cells and the total cut & fill volumes.

Place the generated cells and subcells on different layers, so they can be selected or displayed easily.

If you label the cells with text, use vertical justification in the styles to prevent overwriting.

Regions can be any shape, including stockpile boundaries.

See also GCGRDVOL which also controls boundaries, reports, text layers, style and hatching and can create regions between xlines.

Command date MenuSourceGC
29/10/08   Reports|​More...|​Grid volumes S 222

Change the name of each object to match its group.

This can be helpful where you want to use groups with a function that uses names. For example, where you want to export to a format that includes a name or description field.

You may then want to use DESC to change numeric names to alphanumeric.

See also REGROUP which changes the group to match the layer and LAY2NAME which changes the name of each object to match its layer.

TML date  SourceGC
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250 76

Export a layer in Leica DTM Stakeout GSI format.

The DTM can be uploaded into Leica Total Stations that include DTM stakeout software, such as TC1100.

Choose between 8-character and 16-character GSI format. Coordinate shift values are set where the coordinates are 1000000 or above.

DTM Layer Name, JobID and export file name.

Export all triangles in the DTM or only DTM triangles entirely inside a pline boundary.

Depending on the software installed on the Leica total station, you may be able to also export triangles by TPSTKOUT or EXPORT LandXML or DXF 3DFaces.

See also GCGSIOUT and EXPORT LandXML for alignments and GCPTSOUT for points.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Geocomp Systems Support web page.

Type GSSWP at the command line to launch your default web browser and start a new window for the Geocomp Systems Support web page.

See also RUN and TMLLIST.


Geodimeter Software Tools.

Geodimeter Software Tools (or GST) 2.02, GEOTOOL and GEOMODEL were supplied by Geodimeter or SpectraPrecision as a stand-alone applications for communication with Geodimeter survey instruments and contouring.

Their functions are largely replaced by Trimble Data Transfer Utility and Terramodel functions GFE, GDMDIR, RDE, IMPORT and EXPORT.

GST is bundled with the Terramodel 10.61K installation .ISO. If you install GST to C:\​Trimble\​GST\​Geotool.exe, you can execute from a Terramodel command prompt using the GST ALIAS. Check that the Settings are correct for your conventions. The default angle units are Grads; you may want to change them to DMS.

This table explains which functions run for these applications and Trimble and Spectra​Precision Sentinel keys (dongles).

Application launched Modules on key Application actually run Communication with Geodimeter Contouring
GST Key is not checked GST Yes No
GEOTOOL Key is not found GEOTOOL Yes No
GEOTOOL Key has GeoTool module GEOMODEL Yes Yes
GEOTOOL Key has no GeoTool module None No No
Terramodel Key is not found Terramodel Field data Yes Quick contours
Terramodel Key has Contour module Terramodel with Contour Yes Pline contours
Terramodel Key has any module other than Contour Terramodel with other module Yes Quick contours
Data Transfer Utility Key is not checked Data Transfer Utility Yes No

Application date Guide   Source GC
16/05/00 in-built help   ISO
MM 3


Create a horizontal alignment by entering curves into a table.

Create or edit a horizontal alignment through entry of intersection point coordinates and curve data into a table.

The curve types are

Point Of Beginning: Enter the starting coordinates of the alignment.
A circular curve: Enter the IP and radius.
A combining curve with spiral | arc | spiral | arc | spiral. Enter the IP, two radii, three clothoid spiral lengths and a "% delta 1st angle". In the "% delta first arc" either enter a positive value for the portion of the total delta angle at the IP as divided between the two arcs, or enter negative value for the length of the first arc.
Intersection point with no curve: Enter the IP coordinates only.
A spiral curve with spiral | arc | spiral: Enter IP, radius and two clothoid spiral lengths.

See also CURVE.

Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Roads|​Alignments|​HAL data entry S  

Manage registered horizontal alignments.

Register horizontal alignments, chainage equations and horizontal offsets.

Horizontal alignments are used to designate the path that the design will follow, and to control the way in which features are transitioned.

Change the record number of the alignment associated with the HAL. You can register the same set or pline with more than one HAL.
Change the name of the registered alignment selected in the list of HALs below.
Enter or pick the set or pline to be registered as the HAL.
Register a horizontal alignment by specifying a name and a pline record.
Chainage (Station) equations
Add, delete or edit any back and ahead chainages and whether the chainages increase or decrease in value from that location.
Add, delete or edit offset alignments defined by chainages and horizontal offsets relative to a pline alignment.
Delete the highlighted HAL from the list.


Command dateGuideMenuSource 
12/03/09HELPTM Roads|​Alignments|​HAL manager
Tunnels|​Alignments|​HAL manager
Channel|​Alignments|​HAL manager

Report horizontal and vertical alignments.

At xlines along selected HAL, design VAL and Existing VAL, report chainage, easting, northing, design elevation, existing elevation, elevation difference and grade.

You can consider skips from the current road job.

TML date  Source 
01/09/18     Geocomp Update or $250  

Create set by three offsets from a set.

Select a set and a chainage, perpendicular and elevation offsets to create a new set.

Select a set
Chainage Offset
Enter the chainage offset along the set.
Perpendicular Offset
Enter the horizontal offset perpendicular to the set.
Elev Diff:
Enter the vertical offset
Create new points and a set connecting those points with straight segments.
Cancel the command without creating any points or sets

HALXYZ is an alias for HAL_XYZ.TML.

TML date  Source 
21/02/19     Geocomp Update or $250  

Basin area.

Calculate the area of a set or polyline and store it as an attribute of a basin.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 UG 405 Hydro|​Basin|​basin area S  

Hatch regions enclosed by boundaries.

Create a single block from hatching plines within selected boundary lines.

Select Pattern to hatch with a predefined hatch pattern using HATCHPAT.

Select User to hatch at a user-​defined angle and spacing using HATCHUSER.

Command dateGuideMenuSource277
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Hatch closed lines S 277

Hatch the region enclosed by selected objects.

Create a single block by hatching within a single region defined by multiple boundary lines.

Select a predefined hatch pattern, a scale and a location inside the boundary lines.

The block boundary is defined by tracing inside selected boundaries.

The hatch patterns can be selected from a list controlled by HATCHPAT.

The hatch scale is stored as a project variable.

HATCHENC has been replaced by GCTRACE which can also create plines or sets, control the maximum snap distance and report Basic and Alt areas.

TML date MenuSourceGC
01/09/18   Draw|​Hatch|​Within multiple lines
Draw|​Hatch enclosed area
Geocomp Update or $250 277

hatch pattern toolbar

Hatch regions within closed boundaries with a pre-defined hatch pattern.

Create internal blocks by hatching within each selected closed boundary using a predefined hatch pattern at a specified scale.

Hatch regions

To hatch regions, select a hatch pattern from the drop-down list, closed boundary records, and a scale.

The initial scale is derived from the plan view scale and the sheet units.

Each button in the Hatch toolbox, included in the Geocomp.ws workspace, selects a corresponding hatch pattern from the default hatch pattern file.


The listed patterns are read from the first TMODEL.PAT found on the Terramodel Search Path. The default pattern is the first in the file. The TMODEL.PAT is commonly in C:\TMCUSTOM, C:\TMCUSTOM\​GEOCOMP, C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Terramodel\​Geocomp or C:\Program files (x86)\​Trimble\​Shared\​Locale\​English\. Use TSP to check the TSP and EDITINI to edit.

Load a hatch pattern

If the hatch pattern you want is not on the list, select the Load button from the list dialog and select a pattern from another hatch pattern file. Any hatched blocks you create are stored in the project, but the patterns are not. To create more blocks with the same pattern in a future session, load the pattern again or add the pattern to TMODEL.PAT so you can simpley select it.

If you have different .PAT files with the same name, check that TSP finds the right file before you load.

Edit hatch patterns

The hatch patterns are defined in a common AutoCAD-compatable format. Add or edit your own hatch patterns or import patterns from other sources. Manually edit with a text editor or graphically edit with HatchKit for Terramodel from Cadro.

Scrambled hatches

Patterns defined to few significant figures can scramble at large coordinates. Use patterns in TMODEL.PAT supplied with Geocomp Update K or later or use HatchKit to recompile hatches at high precision.

See also

Hatch inside a boundary defined by multiple objects
Hatch with a user-defined pattern

Command dateGuideMenuSourceGC
12/03/09 UG Draw|​Hatch|​With selected pattern
Draw|​Hatch closed lines
Hatch Toolbox
S 277

Hatch regions enclosed by boundaries with a user-​defined hatch pattern.

Create a single block from hatching plines within selected boundary lines using entered hatch angle, space and scale.

The spacing and scale are in sheet units.

Command dateGuideMenuSource278
12/03/09HELPTM Draw|​Hatch|​With user-​defined pattern
Draw|​Hatch closed lines|​User
S 278

Design a haul road.

Select a ROADJOB with registered HALs, check the settings and then press Enter. The result is a road fully designed in horizontal, including fitting of curves, templates, transitions, super­elevation and widening; if the same design criteria apply througout, design a long road in minutes!

Keep any of your existing curves, superelevation, widening, xlines, and existing profile, or update them.

The settings include design speed, default cross slope, max super, pavement and shoulder width and widening ratios. You can redesign or recreate curves, superelevations, widening, xlines, profiles and RoadDTM and recompute volumes.

Edit Hal and Edit Val buttons allow you to edit your alignments with GCHALEDT and GCVALEDT.

HAULROAD requires training and a project based on prototype_haulroad.pro.

See also the simpler FORESTRD.

TML date  Source 
Custom     POA  

List basin hydrograph.

List summary information and hydrographs for a specified basin.

TML dateGuideMenuSourceGC
29/10/08 UG 405 Hydro\​Basin\​List basin summary info S  

Calculate curve number.

Calculate a weighted coefficient or curve number given the area and C/CN value.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 UG 405 Hydro|​Basin|​Curve Number /C factor S  

Hydrology cover sheet.

Create a cover sheet containing company and project information.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 UG 405 Hydro|​Create cover sheet... S  

Hydrology defaults.

Hydrology default settings.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 UG 405 Hydro|​Hydro defaults... S  

HDMS toolbox

Hydrographic Data Management System.

A suite of tools for processing hydrographic survey data.

HDMS processes hydrographic survey data from in various ASCII formats including GeoNav from Geocomp Systems, HYDROpro from Trimble, and Reson.

Depth labels can be applied, formatted and weeded.

Depths, points and contours can be coloured by depth ranges.


Use MENUCFG to select a menu file such as GEOCOMP+HDMS.M or GEOCOMP+HDMS_US.M.

See also:

  • Terramodel HDMS
  • GCCOORD: Coordinate System Transformation within Terramodel
  • GCLLGRID: Create a labelled pline grid of latitudes and longitude
  • LLTABLE: Create table of coordinates including latitudes and longitudes
  • GeoCalc: Coordinate System Transformation - stand alone
  • Nav Notes: Related notes and links
  • GCGeocode: Select, transform or filter millions of points
TML dateGuideMenuSource 
01/08/19 hdms.pdf HDMS
Toolbar button

About HDMS.

About HDMS.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​About HDMS HDMS  

HDMS data binning.

Thin hydrographic point data into square bins.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Bin|​Create a depth bin HDMS  

Colour by depth.

Colour objects by depths specified in a Depth Color and Layer style (.DCL) file.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Colour by depth|​Colour objects
HDMS|​Color by depth|​Color objects

Contour by depth.

Create contours at depths specified in a Depth Color and Layer style (.DCL) file.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Colour by depth|​Create contours
HDMS|​Color by depth|​Create contours

Compare sounding lines.

Compare sounding lines.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Compare sounding lines HDMS  

Create a grid of blocks coloured by depth.

Add blocks to depth points and colour the blocks using a DCL file.

To run the example:

  1. Copy C:\​TMCUSTOM\​GEOCOMP\​Docs\​HDMSDCLBLK TEST.PRO, a sample Terramodel project file containing a 5 x 5m grid of depths, to a data folder.
  2. Start Terramodel.
  3. Open the project file hdmsdclblk test.pro.
  4. If you haven't got a HDMS menu, use MENUCFG to select the menu file GEOCOMP+HDMS.M or GEOCOMP+HDMS_US.M.
  5. From the HDMS Menu, select Colour by depth then Colour blocks.
  6. Select some Depth Records.
  7. Select Layer on which to place the Blocks.
  8. Click [Next>>].
  9. Select HDMS​DCLBLK-1x1 from the list (If HDMS​DCLBLK-1x1 is not on the list, Browse to select it from C:\​TMCUSTOM\​Geocomp\.)
  10. Tick Map colour so each block is displayed with the block colour (otherwise you will display the colour of the objects in the block.)
  11. In the Scale box, enter 5.0 or use the mouse to measure some other grid size. (The depths in HDMSDCLBLK TEST.PRO are in a 5 x 5m grid, so a scale option of 5.0 will scale the 1 x 1m block to 5 x 5m.)
  12. In the Rotation box, leave the value as 0.0 degrees. (If you depth grid is rotated, enter the rotation in degrees from north.)
  13. Leave the Create new Layer for each Level option un-ticked. (Selected if separate layers for each DCL level are required for export.)
  14. Click [Browse...] to select the example file Outer Hbr Blue.DCL from C:\TMCUSTOM​\Geocomp.
  15. Click [Edit] to view or edit this DCL file.
  16. Click [Ok] to create a grid of blocks coloured according to the depth of the points. (To colour the points, use HDMSCOL.)

Previously created blocks are not removed; another block is added each time you run HDMS​DCLBLK.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
01/09/18 in-built help HDMS|​Colour by depth|​Colour blocks
HDMS|​Color by depth|​Color blocks
Geocomp Update or $250  

Label depths.

Label hydrographic depths.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Label|​Label depths HDMS  

Label and clash depths.

Label and clash hydrographic depths.

Label hydrographic depths then weed out clashing labels by proximity and depth priority.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Label|​Label and clash depths HDMS  

Label survey events.

Label hydrographic survey events.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Label|​Label events HDMS  

Smooth a DTM surface.

Smooth a DTM surface using Nearest Neighbour Weighted Surface Estimation.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Bin|​NN weighted surface estimation HDMS  

Label hydrographic runlines.

Label hydrographic runlines.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Label|​Label runlines HDMS  

Round, truncate or restore depths.

Round, truncate or restore hydrographic depths.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Round, truncate or restore depths HDMS  

Adjust sounding time.

Adjust the time of selected hydrographic depth records.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Adjust sounding time HDMS  

Label trackplots.

label hydrographic trackplots.

TML date Guide Menu Source 
01/09/18 hdms.pdf HDMS|​Label|​Label trackplots HDMS  

Draw hydrographs.

Draw hydrographs in the sheet view.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 UG 405 Hydro|​Hydrographs|​Draw hydrograph S  

Import a HEC-RAS Geometry file.

Import a HEC-RAS Geometry file.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
29/10/08 ADD 9.7 347 File|​Misc. Import/​Export|​HEC-RAS Import S  

Export a HEC-RAS Geometry file.

Export a HEC-RAS Geometry file.

TML dateGuideMenuSource 
01/09/18 ADD 9.7 347 File|​Misc. Import/​Export|​HEC-RAS Export Geocomp Update or $250  

Help for GeoCalc.

GeoCalc 4.20 is a stand-alone geodetic coordinate transformation application by Geocomp Systems for 32-bit Windows which has been superseded by GCCOORD and COORDCON.

GeoCalc help files on Windows 10 or later cannot be opened within GeoCalc but can be opened in Terramodel by HELPGEOCALC command installed with Geocomp Update L and later.

Application date MenuSource 
23/11/99   In GeoCalc: Help|Index Geocomp Update  

Help for Geodimeter file editor.

Open the Index Tab for Geodimeter File Editor.


Help date MenuSource 
29/10/08   Help|​Index + search|​Geodimeter file editor
File|​Geodimeter|​Geodimeter file editor...|​Help|​Help topics
File|​Geodimeter file editor...|​Help|​Help topics
Geocomp Update  

Help for Import-Export.

Open the Index Tab for Import-Export Help.


Help date MenuSource 
12/03/09   Help|​Index|​Import + Export Geocomp Update  

Help for Raw data editor.

Open the Index Tab for Raw data editor Help.


Help date MenuSource 
29/10/08   Help|​Index|​Raw data editor
Edit|​Raw Data Editor|​Help|​Contents
Geocomp Update