Installing Geocomp 10.08 on Windows 2000
Prepare your computer
- Verify that the host computer meets the hardware specifications
- Verify that the Geocomp dongle is embossed Sentinel C Version B or Sentinel CplusB.
- Attach the dongle to a parallel port
- Login with administrator privileges
- Configure Windows to reveal file extensions as follows:
- Start Windows Explorer or My Computer
- Under the Tools Menu, select Folder Options
- Select View tab
- Under Advanced Settings, Files and Folders, untick “Hide file extensions for known file types”
- OK
- Check under Control Panel… Add/Remove Software, to see if Sentinel System Driver has been installed. This is required on Windows 2000 for Geocomp to detect the dongle. If not, install Rainbow Sentinel System Driver from “Other Applications” on the menu.
Install from CD
- The following instructions assume that you are installing Geocomp to the default location, C:\GC10.
- If you require a different folder, the best way is to first install to your alternative folder then refer to the User’s Guide C:\GC10\docs\gc1007ug.pdf for an explanation of the directory structure so you can see what to edit in the GC10.BAT file and configuration.
- Insert the Geocomp Systems September 2001 Distribution CD.
- If a Geocomp Systems Update September 2001 menu does not appear, either:
- Restart Windows, close all applications, reinsert the CD and try again, or
- Enable AutoRun, close all applications, reinsert the CD and try again.
- Select Geocomp 10.08 from the menu.
- Read the Geocomp 10.08 Release Notes.
- Read the installation notes (this page).
- Select Install Geocomp 10.08 and answer the questions.
- If you get an “ikernel” error, restart Windows and try again.
- Copy C:\GC10\EXTRAS\GC10MIN.BAT to C:\GC10\GC10.BAT
- The following instructions assume that you are installing Geocomp to the default location, C:\GC10.
Create a Geocomp shortcut
- Start…
- Search..
- For Files or Folders…
- Click on All files and Folders
- For Files or Folders…
- Search for _DEFAULT.PIF
- Under Edit, use Copy to Folder to place a copy of _DEFAULT.PIF into the Desktop folder.
- Close the Search window.
- Right-click on the copied _default shortcut on the desktop
- Select Properties
- Under General Tab:
- Set the title to “Geocomp 10”
- Under Program Tab:
- Set the command line to C:\GC10\GC10.BAT
- Leave the working directory empty
- Set the icon to C:\GC10\GC10.ICO
- Tick “Close on Exit”.
- Under the Advanced button
- This is the location of the CONFIG.NT and AUTOEXEC.NT files.
- Under the Memory tab:
- Set “Initial Environment” to 4096
- Set “Expanded (EMS) memory” to None
- Set “Extended (XMS) memory” to 16384
- Set “Uses HMA” to ON
- Set “DPMI” to Auto.
- Under Screen Tab:
- Choose Full Screen
- Under Misc Tab
- Untick “Background”
- Set “Idle Sensitivity” to LOW.
- Enable Windows shortcut keys including “ALT TAB” and “ALT PrtSc”.
- Select OK
- Under General Tab:
Enable text display using ANSI
Select D for DOS Shell in Geocomp Main Menu. The DOS prompt should look something like:
When ANSI is not enabled, you see this instead:
[1;36mC:\GC10\DATA [2;33m[GEOCOMP 10 DOS SHELL] > [1;32m
To enable ANSI, see How Geocomp displays text using ANSI.
Check for possible problems
- Logout as administrator and login as local user (optional)
- Execute Geocomp 10 using the shortcut
- Enter the activation code using the instructions supplied with the code. The activation code for Geocomp 10.07 works with 10.08.
- If it can’t find the security device, check the dongle and Sentinel driver.
- If you get Windows errors about 16bit file system, DOS is probably not correctly configured. You may need to reinstall Windows 2000.
- If you are using the Urban Drainage module, see Section 9.4 in the User’s Guide.
- To set up plotting and printing, see Geocomp Printing and Plotting.
- If you experience graphics problems, see How to solve problems with VGA graphics.