This upgrade to 10.08 includes the changes made in all patches for 10.07 issued previously. It does not overwrite your batch files or configuration files.
Insert the Geocomp Systems September 2001 Distribution CD.
If a menu appears, select Geocomp 10.08, then Upgrading from Geocomp 10.07 to 10.08.
If a menu does not appear, either
Restart Windows, close all applications, reinsert the CD and try again,
Enable AutoRun, close all applications, reinsert the CD and try again,
Run \Geocomp 10.07 to 10.08 Update\setup.exe directly from the CD,
copy all the files from the \GC10\ folder on the CD only, except .BAT files. Do not overwrite any \GC10\CFG files or any other files that you have configured.
If you get an “ikernel” error, restart Windows and try again.