Geocomp 10 Manuals
Both the Reference Manual and User’s Guide are installed with the software in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). This means you can use Acrobat Reader (also supplied) to display them on screen, print them out and search them for text.
User’s Guide
207 pages. Topics covered include how to:
Install Geocomp 10.
Use data collectors in the field, download them into GEOCOMP and reduce the data into coordinates using feature code tables and control point files.
Form and use DTMs.
Compute volumes from DTMs, sections or contours.
Compute volumes of open cuts being either excavated or filled.
Create horizontal and vertical alignments, obtain long and cross sections, design roads using templates and obtain progressive volumes of earthworks.
Edit data and output the plots.
Reference Manual
691 pages. Describes in detail what each GEOCOMP option does and what the prompts mean. There are around 600 options in around 15 modules.