Transfer data to and from Trimble
Transfer data to and from Trimble survey, GPS and machine control instruments
This page explains how to transfer data between recent versions of Trimble Terramodel and Trimble Total Station, GPS or Machine Control survey equipment with an ACU, CU, TSCe, TSC2 or TSC3 Control Unit running Trimble Survey Controller, Trimble Site Controller, Trimble Access or Trimble Business Center software.
Prepare for communication
- From Survey Controller to Terramodel via Serial Port
- From Survey Controller to Terramodel via ActiveSync
- From Survey Controller to Terramodel via Survey Data Card
- From Access to .DC via General Survey Data Card
- From Access to .DC via Windows Mobile Device Center
- From Terramodel to SCS900 via script
- Identify .JOB file format
Transfer points from Control Unit to Terramodel
- Download points as .DC via Survey Controller script
- Download points as .DC via Data Transfer Utility
- Download points as .DC from Survey Controller via Windows Explorer
- Download points as .DC from Access via Windows Explorer
- Download points as .DC from Access via Windows Mobile Device Center
- Import points as .DC via script
- Download and import points as .DC via script
- Import Survey Controller .JOB via Survey Data Card script
- Import points from Trimble Access via Data Transfer Utility
- Import points, strings and DTM from SCS900 via .TXT
- Import points, strings and DTM from SCS900 via .DXF
- Import points and strings from Business Center via .DXF
- Import points from Geodimeter via .JOB (or .AGA or .ARE)
- Import points and strings from TDS via .JOB
Transfer points from Terramodel to Control Unit
- Export points as .DC via setout script
- Export points as .CSV via ASCII points script
- Upload points via Survey Controller script
- Upload points via Data Transfer Utility
- Upload points via Windows Explorer
- Upload points as .DC to Access
- Export and upload points via script
- Transfer a project to Business Center via .PRO
Transfer road from Control Unit to Terramodel
Transfer road from Terramodel to Control Unit
- Export design templates as .DC via Roading 3D script
- Export cross sections at intersecting sets as .DC
- Export sets as .DC
- Export sets as .DXF to SiteVision
- Export background map as .DXF to SCS900
- Upload a roadway or sets as .DC via Data Transfer Utility
- Upload a roadway or sets as .DC via Windows Explorer
- Upload sets as .DC to SCS900
- Export and upload plines, sets and text as .DXF
- Export and upload a roadway to GCS900
- Export and upload a roadway to SCS900
- Export and upload strings as GENIO
Transfer digital terrain model from Control Unit to Terramodel
Transfer digital terrain model from Terramodel to Control Unit
- Export digital terrain model as .TTM
- Export gridded digital terrain model as .DTX
- Upload as .TTM via Data Transfer Utility
- Upload as .TTM via Windows Explorer
- Upload to SCS900 as .TTM via Business Center
- Export and Upload DTM as .TTM
- Export DTM and sets as .TTM and .DXF and convert to .SVL and .SVD for GCS900
Transfer feature code library to Control Unit
List or edit
List available devices using Terramodel
Devices describe survey file formats and communication specifications used by Terramodel and Data Transfer Utility, are managed by the Trimble Remote Device Manager and can be installed with Data Transfer Utility or Terramodel.
- In Terramodel
- File
- Download/Import
- Import Script Manager
- Edit the Survey Controller script
- Observe the list of available devices
- To add a new device, or change the properties, such as baud rate, of an existing device, select Edit.
Open Trimble DC File Editor via Windows Start menu
- In Windows
- Start
- Programs
- Trimble Office
- Utilities
- DC File Editor
- In DC File Editor
- File
- Open
Open DC File Editor via Terramodel
- In Terramodel
- Type DCEDIT at the command line and press Enter
- In DC File Editor
- File
- Open
If Terramodel reports “Command not available”, you can alias the command like this:
- In Terramodel
- Type ALIAS at the command line and press Enter
- In the Alias field, enter DCEDIT
- In the Command field, enter EXEC
- In the arguments field, enter “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Trimble\DCEditor\DCEditor.exe” for 32-bit Windows or “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Trimble\DCEditor\DCEditor.exe” for 64-bit Windows (including the ” characters).
- Add
- OK
- Type ALIAS at the command line and press Enter
Open Geodimeter File Editor via Terramodel
- In Terramodel
- File
- Geodimeter
- Geodimeter File Editor…
- File
- Geodimeter File Editor…
Open directory to list or delete files on Geodimeter instrument
- In Terramodel
- File
- Geodimeter
- Geodimeter directory/delete files…
- File
- Geodimeter directory/delete files…
Open Raw Data Editor
- In Terramodel
- Edit
- Raw data editor
Prepare for communication
Prepare for communication from Survey Controller to Terramodel via Serial Port
- Connect to the computer with the appropriate cable
- On the Control Unit
- Windows desktop
- Select Survey Controller
- Files
- Import/Export
- Trimble PC communications
Prepare for communication from Survey Controller to Terramodel via ActiveSync
- Connect to the computer via serial cable, USB, Infrared, or similar.
- On the Control Unit
- Select Convert to Desktop
- On the computer, when prompted by ActiveSync
- Select No to Partnership (or set up a Partnership)
- In Terramodel
- Import Script Manager
- Survey Controller
- Edit Devices
- If Survey Controller on ActiveSync is not an Active Device
- New
- Create Survey Controller (Active Sync) device
- Specify a name and select Control Unit
- Finish
- Select Survey Controller (CU) on ActiveSync as an available device
- OK
- If Survey Controller on ActiveSync is not an Active Device
- Close
Prepare for communication from Survey Controller to Terramodel via Survey Data Card
- In a web browser
- Go to Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- Download and install the latest Data Transfer Utility (which was version 1.57 last time we looked)
- Go to Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- In Terramodel
- File
- Download/Import
- Import script manager
- Edit Survey Data Card
- Instrument/Data Collector
- Edit Devices
- New
- Survey Data Card
- Browse to specify the exact path of the source .job file, but not the file name
- Enter a device name (e.g. GPS Job on E:)
- Close
- Close
- Highlight the newly defined device
- Edit Devices
- Source Files
- Always browse files
- Destination folder
- Browse to select a folder for temp files (on hard drive with with plenty of space)
- Raw source files
- Select template C:\Program Files\Trimble\Shared\Formats\Trimble (DC).lgr
- Raw data settings
- Specify a points layer, import all coordinates and all bearings and, optionally, display raw data editor.
- View File contents, Default units settings, Coordinate shift, Point descriptor expansion, Import summary
- Set according to your preference
- For all tabs
- Untick Show this page at runtime
- OK
- Instrument/Data Collector
- Close
Prepare for communication from Access to DC via General Survey Data Card
- Go to Trimble Access Installation Manager
- Download and install TAIM
- Select Update Office Software during installation
- Obtain the most recent version of Trimble Data Transfer Utility (1.57 last time we looked) from
- Install Data Transfer Utility
- Optionally, create a shortcut to Trimble Data Transfer Utility (which is in Windows Start menu)
- In Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- Devices…
- New…
- Select General Survey Data Card for the type of device
- Select a file location where you will always place the Trimble job files
- Next
- Enter a name for the device e.g. Access job on E:
- Finish
- Close
- Close
Prepare for communication from Access to .DC via Windows Mobile Device Center
- In Windows 10
- Download and Install Windows Mobile Device Center
- Update Windows Registry by opening this .REG file
- Using Windows Search (the maginifying glass on the taskbar next to the the start button)
- Search for and select Turn Windows Features on and Off
- For .NET Framework 3.5, turn on both HTTP and non-HTTP Activation
- Search for and select Services
- Select the Extended tab
- For Windows Mobile-2003-based connectivity, Properties, select Log On as Local System Account and Allow service to interact with Desktop
- For Windows Mobile-based connectivity, Properties, select Log On as Local System Account and Allow service to interact with Desktop
- Restart Windows
- On Trimble TSC3
- If Trimble Access is not installed, install Trimble Access using Trimble Installation Manager
- Exit Trimble Access
- Settings
- Connections
- USB to PC
- Turn OFF Enable advanced network functionality
- Restart Trimble Access
Prepare for communication from Terramodel to SCS900 via script
- Install SCS900
- In Terramodel
- In Export script manager
- Edit SCS900 export script
- Select and configure site controller
- Select controller
- Add feature code file
- Select/Create and configure site
- Export background maps with scs900 (background).acf
- Add DC calibration file
- Add Local geoid file
- Export control points in P,E,N,Z,D format
- Select/Create and configure design
- Export DTM surface file as .TTM
- Export Roadway model file
- Export Foreground maps with scs900 (dxf).ACF
- Export Setout points file
- Select/Create and configure work order
- Select and configure site controller
- Edit SCS900 export script
- In Export script manager
Identify .JOB file format
- By default, Windows opens .JOB files in the Geodimeter File Editor (if Terramodel is installed). If GFE displays data, you have a Geodimeter .JOB. If GFE fails to open the file, the .JOB is in some other format.
- To determine the .JOB format, right-click on the file and open with any text editor such as Notepad to read the start of the file.
- Trimble .JOB file formats
- Geodimeter .JOB
- An ASCII file with a series of values separated by = signs, (something like this: 2=1 3=1.750 62= 21=0.0000 5=10 4=62101 6=0.000 7=337.3255 8=87.4747 9=55.87, etc.)
- From Geodimeter or Trimble 5600 series instruments
- To import into Terramodel, use ‘Geocomp Geodimeter .JOB _i’ or ‘Geocomp Trimble .JOB _i’ import script
- Tripod Data Systems (TDS) .JOB
- A binary file beginning with the text “Tripod Data Systems Job File”.
- From Tripod Data Systems (now part of Trimble) instruments
- To import into Terramodel, see Import points and strings from TDS .JOB.
- Trimble Survey Controller .JOB
- A binary file beginning with the text string “Trimble Survey Controller Journal”
- From Trimble Survey Controller instruments
- Contains an embedded .DC file which you may be able to export directly from the Survey Controller
- To import into Terramodel, see Prepare for communication from Survey Controller to Terramodel via Survey Data Card and Import points from Survey Controller .JOB via Survey Data Card script
- Trimble Access .JOB
- A binary file beginning with the text “Trimble General Survey Journal”
- From Trimble Access instruments
- Contains an embedded .DC file
- To import into Terramodel, see Prepare for communication from Access to DC via General Survey Data Card and Import points from Trimble Access .JOB via Data Transfer Utility
- Geodimeter .JOB
Transfer points from Control Unit to Terramodel
Download points as .DC via Survey Controller script
- Prepare for communications using Prepare ActiveSync or similar
- Create a download (or download and import) script in Terramodel
- Import Script Manager
- New
- Create a script
- At Instrument/Data Collector, select Survey Controller
- Complete the script.
- Run the script
Download points as .DC via Data Transfer Utility
- In Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- Move the .DC file from the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit to the computer
Download points as .DC from Survey Controller via Windows Explorer
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Windows Explorer
- Move the .DC file from the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit to the computer
Download points as .DC from Access via Windows Explorer
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Trimble Access on TSC2 or TSC3
- From JOBS, select Import/Export then Export fixed format files
- Select Trimble DC v10.7 file format
- Give the export file a name then ACCEPT.
- In Windows Explorer
- Move the .DC file from the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit to the computer
Download points as .DC from Access via Windows Mobile Device Center
- Connect TSC3 to computer by USB cable
- On TSC3
- Start Trimble Access
- Open job to be exported
- Jobs
- Import/Export
- Export file format
- Trimble DC v10.7
- Accept DC file
- DC file created
- On computer
- Start Windows Mobile Device Center
- Connect without setting up your device
- File management
- Browse the contents of your device
- Browse to the TSC3
- Trimble Data
- Copy .DC file to your DC survey data folder on computer
- Windows File Explorer might also include the location \Trimble Navigation Limited TSC3
- Import points as .DC via script
Import points as .DC via script
- In Terramodel
- File…
- Download/Import
- Trimble Raw survey data (dc)
Download and import points as .DC via script
- In Terramodel
- Check that you can download using a script as described above
- Note the settings in the script
- Check that you can import using a script as described above
- Note the settings in the script
- Create a new Download and Import script using the noted settings
- Run the script
Import points from Survey Controller .JOB via Survey Data Card script
.JOB files from Survey Controller can be identified by opening them in NOTEPAD. They are binary files which begin with “Trimble Survey Controller Journal”.
- Prepare for communication by editing the Survey Data Card script
- Transfer .JOB file to computer via card, floppy, USB drive or by downloading .DC points via Survey Controller script
- In Terramodel
- File
- Download/Import
- Survey Data Card
- Open job file(s)
- Next
- Next
- Close Raw data Editor
- Finish
Import points from Trimble Access .JOB via Data Transfer Utility
.JOB files from Trimble Access can be identified by opening them in NOTEPAD. They are binary files which begin with “Trimble General Survey Journal”.
- Prepare for communication from Access to .DC via General Survey Data Card
- Copy the Trimble Access .JOB file into the General Survey Data Card device location or connect the physical Trimble Access device
- In Data Transfer Utility,
- Select a General Survey Data Card device (if reading .JOB file from disk), or a General Survey device (if reading directly from Access on a TSC2 or TSC3)
- Click Add…
- Select all required Survey Controller files from the list
- Files of Type Survey Controller Files
- File format DC File v10.7
- Browse to select the destination folder for extracted .DC files
- Open
- Transfer All
- Close
- In Terramodel
- File…
- New
- Download/Import
- Trimble raw Survey Data (dc)_i
- Browse to select .DC files from the destination folder selected above
- Continue to import the .DC file following the prompts
- Inspect the survey in the Raw data editor
- Process the points, for example with AutoDraft
Import points, strings and DTM from Site Controller (SCS900) via RECORD.TXT
- On the control unit with Site Controller software, select Settings, then Data output options then Store raw data to record.txt file.
- Transfer RECORD.TXT file from control unit to computer
- In Terramodel
- Run SCS900IN command
- Browse to select the RECORD.TXT file
- Specify the import layer
- Run AutoDraft command to process the point names coded in the field.
Import points, strings and DTM from Site Controller (SCS900) via .DXF
- Transfer DXF file from control unit with Site Controller to computer
- In Terramodel
- File…
- Download/Import
- AutoCAD import for SCS900
Import points and strings from Business Center via .DXF or .DWG
- In Business Center
- Ribbon
- Export…
- CAD tab
- DWG Exporter or DXF Exporter
- In Terramodel
- File…
- Download/Import
- AutoCAD import for SCS900
Import points from Geodimeter or similar Trimble instrument via .JOB (or .AGA or .ARE)
- Transfer .JOB (or .AGA or .ARE) file to computer
- In Terramodel
- File…
- Download/Import
- Geocomp Geodimeter .JOB (or .AGA or .ARE).
Import points and strings from Tripod Data Systems (TDS) via .JOB
- Create a .TDS import script in Terramodel (if it doesn’t exist)
- Import Script Manager
- New
- Create a script
- Script name “TDS job_i’
- Import from disk
- File format: TDS (job)
- Leave Files(s) blank
- Show the import summary
- Finish the script.
- Run the script
To import directly from TDS Survey Pro CE instruments, use TDS Survey Pro CE import script. TDS SurveyLink and TDS ForeSight DXM can also download from TDS instruments.
Transfer points from Terramodel to Control Unit
Export points as .DC via setout script
- In Terramodel
- File
- Import/Export…
- Run the Trimble setout (dc) Script
Select the format version for the heading of the .DC file. If the version you need is not on the drop-down list, manually enter it; for example, enter SC V10-70.
Export points as .CSV via ASCII points script
- In Terramodel
- File…
- Export Script Manager
- New
- Create a new script to both export to disk and upload
- Next
- The output format is ASCII Points
- Next
- In Export to file, specify the location and a file extension of *.CSV
- For the output format, select P,E,N,Z,D
- Run the export script
Upload points via Survey Controller script
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- Create an upload script in Terramodel
- Export Script Manager
- New
- Create a script
- At Instrument/Data Collector, select Survey Controller
- Complete the script.
- Run the script
Upload points via Data Transfer Utility
- Prepare for communications using Data Transfer Utility
- In Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- Move the .DC or .CSV file to the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit
Upload points via Windows Explorer
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Windows Explorer
- Move the .DC or .CSV file to the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit
Upload points as .DC into Trimble Access
- In Terramodel
- Export points via setout (dc) script
- Prepare for communications from Access to .DC using ActiveSync or similar
- Transfer the DC file to Trimble data folder on TSC2 or TSC3
- In Access software on TSC2 or TSC3
- Import the DC file from \Jobs\Import-Export\Import fixed format files\DC V10
Export and upload points via script
- In Terramodel
- Check that you can export using a script as described above
- Note the settings in the script
- Check that you can upload using a script as described above
- Note the settings in the script
- Create a new Export and Upload script using the noted settings
- Run the script
Transfer a project to Business Center via .PRO
- In Trimble Business Center
- Open a new project
- In Windows Explorer
- Drag .PRO file into Business Center
Transfer road from Control Unit to Terramodel
Download a roadway as .DC via Data Transfer Utility
- Prepare for communications
- In Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- Move the .DC file from the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit to the computer
Download a roadway as .DC via Windows Explorer
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Windows Explorer
- Move the .DC file from the Trimble Data Folder on the control unit to the computer
Download a roadway as .DC via Geomatics Office
- Prepare for communications via ActiveSync or similar
- In Trimble Geomatics Office
- New file
- Metric
- Start RoadLink
- Pick job
- Import from Survey Controller
- Export as a survey controller (DC) file
Export a roadway as .XML from Business Center
- In Trimble Business Center
- Ribbon
- Export…
- Construction tab
- LandXML exporter
Import a roadway as .DC via script
- In Terramodel
- Download/Import
- Trimble Roading 3D (DC)
Import a roadway as .RXL via RoadXML
- In a web browser
- Go to Trimble ASCII File Generator Utility
- Download and open Trimble ASCII File Generator Installation
- Go to Style Sheets for RoadXML files
- Download and open RoadXML to .DC file stylesheet zip
- Extract the files to the \Trimble Survey Controller\Custom ASCII Files folder
- Go to Trimble ASCII File Generator Utility
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Windows Explorer
- Transfer the .RXL file from the Control Unit to the computer using ActiveSync
- In ASCII file generator (at Start/Programs/Trimble Data Transfer)
- Browse for Source JobXML or Job File to select the .RXL file
- Select the “RoadXML to DC File” option in the “Output format” field
- Click OK to create a .DC file
- In Terramodel
- Import the .DC file via Trimble Roading 3D (DC) script
Import a roadway as .XML via LandXML
- In Terramodel
- File
- Download/Export
- LandXML (xml)
Transfer road from Terramodel to Control Unit
Export design templates as .DC via roading 3D script
- In Terramodel
- Define a roadway with design templates
- File
- Export/Upload
- Trimble Roading 3D (DC)
- Run the export script
Export cross sections at intersecting sets as .DC via GCDCOUT
- In Terramodel
- Create XLines at the required cross sections
- Using GCDCOUT command
- Select HAL/VAL or Roadjob
- Select the 3D sets
- Set JobName, chainage range, sideslope grades and output filename.
- Create the .DC file
Export sets as .DC using GCMULTDC
- In Terramodel
- Using GCMULTDC command
- Select 3D sets to be uploaded
- Select output .DC file
- Export .DC file
- Using GCMULTDC command
Export sets as .DXF to SiteVision
- In Terramodel
- Export using SiteVision Office (dxf) script
- In SiteVision Office
- Import .DXF
Export sets, plines and text for background map as .DXF to SCS900
- In Terramodel
- Export using AutoCAD (dwg or dxf) script
- Save as type .DXF
- Specify conversion mapping file SCS900 (dxf) or SCS900 Background.
- Specify version 11
- Do not explode blocks.
- Export using AutoCAD (dwg or dxf) script
- In SCS900
- Import .DXF
Upload roadway or sets as .DC via Data Transfer Utility
- Prepare for communications
- In Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- Move the DC Roading file to the Trimble Data Folder on the control unit
Upload roadway or sets as DC via Windows Explorer
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Windows Explorer
- Move the .DC Roading file to the Trimble Data Folder on the control unit
Upload sets as .DC to SCS900
- In Terramodel
- Export .DC using GCDCOUT command
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- Copy .DC file to SCS900
Export and upload plines, sets and text as .DXF
- In Terramodel
- Export Script Manager
- New
- Create a new script to both export and upload
- Next
- Select Survey Controller on ActiveSync
- Next
- Select AutoCAD file format
- Next
- Specify R11 format
- Complete the script definition
- Export Script Manager
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Terramodel
- Run the export script
- On the Control Unit, specify Foreground Map if you want to select the objects in the field or Background Map if you don’t.
Export a roadway to GCS900
- In Terramodel
- Create a roadway
- In SiteVision Office
- Import the Terramodel .PRO
- Convert/Connect to GCS900
Export and upload a roadway to SCS900
- In Terramodel
- Prepare SCS900 export script
- Create a roadway
- Run SCS900 export script to create data files in specified sync folders
- Connect to SCS900 instrument
- Note that the Roadjob alignment and templates are exported but subgrades are not.
Export and upload strings to Survey Controller or Access as GENIO
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Terramodel
- Export .CRD file with 12D strings using SURVCONT command
- Upload .CRD file from computer to instrument with Survey Controller or Access with GENIO Roads
Transfer digital terrain model from Control unit to Terramodel
Download .TTM via Data Transfer Utility
- Prepare for communications
- In Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- Move the .TTM file from the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit
Download .TTM via Windows Explorer
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Windows Explorer
- Move the .TTM file from the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit
Export as .TTM from Business Center
- In Trimble Business Center
- Ribbon
- Export…
- Construction tab
- TTM Exporter
Import digital terrain model as .TTM
- In Terramodel
- File
- Download/Import
- Trimble DTM (ttm)
- Run the import script
Transfer digital terrain model from Terramodel to Control Unit
Export digital terrain model as .TTM
- In Terramodel
- Create a DTM layer
- Check the DTM with 3D Visualizer, contours, and so on
- File
- Export/Upload
- Trimble DTM (ttm)
- Run the export script
Export gridded digital terrain model as .DTX
- In Terramodel
- Create a DTM layer
- Check the DTM with 3D Visualizer, contours, and so on
- Use TRMBGRID to create a .DTX file
Upload digital terrain model as .TTM via Data Transfer Utility
- Export DTM as .TTM
- Prepare for communications
- In Trimble Data Transfer Utility
- Move the .TTM file to the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit
- On Control Unit
- Use Stakeout/DTM
Upload digital terrain model as TTM via Windows Explorer
- Export DTM as TTM
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Windows Explorer
- Move the .TTM file to the Trimble Data Folder on the Control Unit
- On the Control Unit
- Use Stakeout/DTM
Upload to SCS900 as .TTM via Business Center
- In Terramodel
- Export DTM as .TTM
- In Business Centre – Heavy Construction Edition
- Import .TTM
- Export to SCS900
Export and upload digital terrain model to Survey Controller as .TTM
- In Terramodel
- Export Script Manager
- New
- Create a new script to both export and upload
- Next
- Select Survey Controller on ActiveSync
- Next
- Select Trimble DTM – TTM format
- Next
- Complete the script definition
- Export Script Manager
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync or similar
- In Terramodel
- Create a DTM layer
- Check the DTM with 3D Visualizer, contours, and so on
- Run the TTM export script you created above
Export DTM and sets as .TTM and .DXF and convert to .SVL and .SVD for GCS900
- In a web browser
- Download and install Trimble File Flipper for Windows
- In Terramodel
- Export sets to .DXF
- Export DTM as .TTM
- In File Flipper
- Browse to find your design file
- Select either
- .DXF
- .TTM
- .XML
- .DXF and .TTM
- Specify GCS900
- If using GPS, specify calibration and coordinate system. (Geoids are listed under Settings).
- Save to a folder
Transfer feature attribute library to Control Unit
Export a feature attribute library as .FCX
- In Terramodel
- File
- Export/Upload
- Trimble FCX _e
- Select an AutoDraft Configuration file .ADC
- Specify the name and folder for the .FCX
- Export .FCX
- Specify .FCX file name and location
- Include Global codes
- Next
- Export
- Enter FCXOUT at the command line to open the script
If the Trimble FCX _e script is not shown on the list, use the Export Script Manager to turn it on. If the script is not available to turn on, create one with the file format Feature codes (fcx). Use the Alias manager to create an alias to open the script with the command FCXOUT. Geocomp Update adds this script and alias.
Export a feature attribute library as .FCL
- In Terramodel
- Draft
- Automatic drafting from points (AutoDraft)
- Browse to select an AutoDraft Configuration (.ADC) file
- Edit
- Add Root field codes to the feature descriptions, where required
- File
- Export
- Export .FCL
- Specify .FCL file name and location
Export and Upload a feature attribute library as .FAL
For old instruments with Survey Controller and ActiveSync.
Create the .FAL from the .ADC:
- Prepare for communications using ActiveSync
- In Terramodel
- Draft
- Automatic drafting from points (AutoDraft)
- Create or edit an AutoDraft Configuration (.ADC) file
- File
- Export/Upload
- Trimble Feature codes (fal)
- Browse to select the AutoDraft Configuration (.ADC) file
- Nominate an export file name and location
- Complete the script to create a Feature Attribute Library (.FAL) with the same name as the .ADC file, on the Control Unit.
If you haven’t already got the Terramodel export script “Trimble Feature codes (fal)”, create one:
- In Terramodel,
- File
- Export/Upload
- Export Script Manager
- New
- Create a new “Trimble Feature codes (.FAL)” script to both export and upload
- Next
- Select Survey Controller on ActiveSync
- Next
- Select Feature codes (.FCX) format
- Next
- Complete the script definition
Last revised 24 November 2021.