3D | Create a 3D set offset from horizontal and vertical alignments | alignment | set |
3DFILTER | Filter superfluous points from DTM | dtm |
3DMCOUT | Export to Topcon 3D-MC MCA file | export |
3DPIPE | Report 3D lengths and angles for sets | pipe general |
3DROAD | Create a 3D set offset from roadjob alignments | alignment | set |
3DVIEWS | 3D Visualiser | dtm |
3DVISUALISER | 3D Visualiser | dtm |
3DVISUALIZER | 3D Visualizer | dtm |
ABBREVSET | Set prefix abbreviations for labelling and display | set | config | view |
ABOUT | Report Terramodel version number and modules | report | config |
ACADCONV | Convert .DWG or .DXF files to R2000 .DWG or R10 .DXF files | convert |
ACTIVE | Set active alignment | alignment |
ACTIVECHAINAGE | Set the active chainage | alignment |
ACTIVESTATION | Set the active station | alignment |
ADD2NAME | Add a prefix or suffix to names of points, plines and sets | name |
ADD2PLIN | Add a new vertex into a pline | pline |
ADD2PTNO | Add a prefix or suffix to point numbers | point |
ADD2SET | Add a new point into a set | point | set |
ADD2TXT | Add a prefix or suffix to text | text |
ADDIMAGE | Add an image to selected plotboxes | image |
ADDISO | Add an isopach depths to DTM points | dtm |
ADDMAPSY | Add coordinate mapping systems | transform |
ADDTIDES | Add tide heights to depths | hdms |
ADDWACS | Replaced by ADDMAPSY | transform |
ADJUSTAREA | Move a reference line to meet a target area | pline | set |
AIRVALVE | Label a pipe with airvalve blocks | pipe general |
ALIAS | Create, edit and delete aliases | config |
ALIGNIMP | Import an alignment from an ASCII file | alignment |
ALIGNOFF | Import alignment offsets from an ASCII file | alignment |
ALIGNTXT | Align text to HAL | align | text |
ALL | Display extents | view |
ALT | Enable menus for entry by keyboard | menu |
ANG | Report angle-right between points | report |
ARC | Draw pline arcs from any three parameters | set |
ARC2P | Create a pline arc using two points and a radius | set |
ARC2PSET | Create a set arc using two points and a radius | set |
ARCBL | Create breaklines along all arcs on a layer | dtm | set |
ARCBREAK | Replace set arcs with points and chords | set |
ARCENTRE | Toggle visibility of set arc centre points | toggle |
ARCS | Replaced by ARC | set |
AREA | Report the area of a closed figure | report |
AREA2SET | Replaced by TRACEBDY | set |
ARRANGE | Arrange icons of minimised views | view |
ASAPIMAG | Add mastersheet images to plotboxes | image |
ASHIN | Import an Ashtech points file | import |
ASM01 | Renumber points in chainage (or station) order | point |
ASSETLAY | Relayer objects to match Asset_ID | feature attribute |
AUSGEOID | Import an AUSGeoid .DAT or .TXT file | import | transform |
AUTODRAFT | Create line, block and text features from field codes | survey |
AUTOSAVE | Enable automatic saving of project files | config |
AUTOSET | Create a clockwise set from points | set |
AVERPTS | Compute average coordinates | report |
AVGEND | Compute volumes by average end-area | report |
BARRIER | Report on installation of pre-cast road barriers | report | road |
BASIN | Create, enter and edit basin attributes for a point | hydrology |
BBEAR | Create a point at the intersection of two bearings | point |
BCPIPEIN | Import a pipe survey from Business Center | pipe survey |
BDIST | Create a point at the intersection of a bearing and an arc | point |
BDYRELAY | Replaced by GCNEARLN | set |
BEARTEXT | Adds a datum angle to bearing text | text |
BENCH | Replaced by GCBENCH | set |
BESTFITA | Draw a curve or plane of best fit | pline |
BESTFIT | Replaced by BESTFITA | pline |
BFITCURV | Draw an arc of best fit | pline |
BFITLINE | Draw a line of best fit | pline |
BGELEV | Copy points into an elevation view | view |
BHOLE01 | Import boreholes from a CSV | import |
BIGXMLIN | Import points from .XML files with long lines | import |
BIN2IMG | Create a coloured image from depths | hdms |
BL | Create breaklines | set |
BLDG | Create plines with corners at right angles | set |
BLFILTER | Filter excess points from breaklines | dtm | set |
BLINECHK | Check for crossing breaklines | set |
BLKPTS | Place blocks at points relative to an alignment | block |
BLKREAD | Replace an internal block with an external block | block |
BLOCK | Create, place, list or purge blocks | block |
BLOCKDIR | Modify direction of blocks | block |
BLOCKLST | Create an array of blocks for a legend | block |
BLUETOP | Bluetop report | report |
BMAP | Replaced by BLKPTS | block |
BOREHOLE | Import boreholes | import |
BOX | Create a pline box by two corners | pline |
BOXDYNA | Create pline boxes from dynaview extents | pline | plot |
BREAK | Break a pline or set into two parts | pline | set |
BUILDING | Construct a building with perpendicular or angled sides | pline |
CAGDRLX | Report Compute-A-Grade ditch | report |
CALLOUT | Label objects with callout text | text |
CAROUSEL | Configure plotter pen carousels | plot | config |
CASCADE | Arrange all open views so that all the view names are visible | view |
CASE | Replaced by TEXTCASE | text |
CAT | Create a catenary curve in the profile view | pline |
CDSPROF | Create initial design profile for a cul-de-sac or kerb return | alignment |
CENTREV | Re-centre views based on active alignment | view | alignment |
CENVIEW | Re-centre views based on road alignment | view | road |
CF2SUPER | Create superelevation slope alignment from existing crossfall | alignment |
CHAINAGE | Set the start chainage of a HAL | alignment |
CHEKATT | Check attributes | feature attribute |
CHEKROAD | Check and correct roadway alignment registration | alignment |
CHKRDDTM | Check road DTM and add breaklines across roads | road | dtm |
CHNGATTR | Replace selected attributes based on a dictionary | attribute |
CHNGCOLR | Change colour ByLayer to colour by colour number | colour |
CHNGHEIG | Change elevation by point name | elevation |
CHNGNAME | Replace selected characters in names based on a dictionary | name |
CHNGTEXT | Replace selected text based on a dictionary | text |
CHOSDIFF | Report chainage, offset and height difference from DTM | report |
CHTXT | Convert stationing text to chainage text | text |
CIRCLE | Create a circular pline | pline |
CLEANSET | Replaced by CLEANUP | set |
CLEANUP | Remove superfluous points and vertices | set | pline |
CLEARMESS | Clear text from the message scroll display | display |
CLIP | Clip plines or sets at closed boundaries. | pline | set |
CLIPOUT | Clip objects outside multiple boundaries. | pline | set |
CLOSE | Close the current project | file |
CLOSEFIG | Close selected lines | set |
CLS | See CLEARMESS | display |
CMD | Open Windows command prompt | config |
COLOR | Modify the color of selected objects | colour |
COLORCODE | Color points relative to a tunnel design | color |
COLORCON | Colour contours by contour interval | colour |
COLORPT | Colour points between contour intervals | colour |
COLOUR | Modify the colour of selected objects | colour |
COLOURCODE | Colour points relative to a tunnel design | colour |
COLRLINE | Modify colours and linetypes by layer | colour | linetype |
COMMAND | Bring up a command line | command |
CommandToggle | Toggle the visibility of the command line | command |
COMPASS | Place a compass rose | block |
COMPGRID | Compactor grid settings | compactor |
CONFORM | Report road thickness conformance | report |
CONNECT | Connect two sets across a gap to form a single set | set |
CONTENTS | Help Contents | help |
CONTOUR | Extract contour plines from a DTM | dtm |
ContourAtElev | Create plines at a specified contour elevation | dtm |
CONTOURSET | Configure contour interval | dtm | config |
CONTOURVOL | Compute volumes from contour plines | dtm |
CONVDMS | Convert DMS to decimal degrees or decimal to DMS | transform |
CONVERT | Convert sets to plines or plines to sets | set | pline |
CONVSET | Set slope convention | set |
COORDCON | Convert between USA or UTM geodetic coordinate systems | transform |
COORDS | Display the coordinate scroll | display |
COPY | Copy selected objects | set | pline |
COPYROAD | Copy a roadjob to a new roadjob | road |
COPYRWAY | Copy a roadway to a different roadjob | road |
COPYTEMP | Copy a roadway template to other templates with the same name | road |
CORDSCRL | Recover a lost coordinate scroll | display |
COUNT | Count the number of objects of each type in each view | report |
CRDTABLE | Replaced by GCTABLE | text |
CREATELL | Import layer lists and layers | import | layer |
CROSSCHK | Check for crossing lines | set |
CROWFOOT | Toggle arrow heads on segment text leader lines | toggle |
CSM | Coordinate System Manager | config |
CSTAKE | Print the slope staking reports | report |
CSTAKING | Print the slope staking reports | report |
CSV2ADC | Create AutoDraft Configuration file from .CSV | config |
CSV2TAB | Create table of text from .CSV file | text |
CTAB | Replaced by GCTABLE | text |
CULDESAC | Create and draw a Cul-de-Sac | set |
CURRENT | Select the current layer by object or list | layer |
CURSOR | Limit the direction and increment of cursor movement | display |
CURVE | Insert or edit pline curve | alignment |
CURVESOL | Compute arc properties | pline | set |
CUTFILL | Balance cut or fill volumes | dtm |
CUTFILLA | Replaced by CUTFILL | dtm |
CVD5EXPT | Export to Civilcad 5 .AS5 | export |
CVD5IMPT | Import from Civilcad 5 .AS5 | import |
CVDEXPT | Export to Civilcad 4 .ASC | export |
CVDIMPT | Import from Civilcad 4 .ASC | import |
DATAMINE | Import a Datamine binary file | import |
DCEDIT | Trimble DC File Editor | import | export |
DDIST | Create a point at the intersection of two arcs or distances | point |
DEADSETS | Show and create dead regions | dtm | set |
DECURVE | See CURVE | pline |
DEFANG | Display angle between two bearings | report |
DELBLKS | Delete missing blocks and text | block |
DELAYLST | Delete layer lists | layer |
DELCROSS | Delete objects between two locations | delete |
DELETE | Delete records | delete |
DELTRIAN | Replaced by REMTRIS | set |
DELETESEGMENT | Delete a segment | delete |
DEPTHDTM | Create a depth surface from plines representing depths | dtm |
DESC | Change numeric names to alphanumeric | text |
DESCAD | Change numeric names to alphanumeric with separator | text |
DESIGN | Project batters from a design DTM | dtm |
DESIGNELEV | Modify elevation to design roadway elevation | road |
DESIGNSET | Configure design settings | config |
DESPIKE | Remove spikes from a DTM | dtm |
DESPLINE | See SPLINE | pline |
DFEDIT | Data Format Editor | import | export |
DIAG | Trimble diagnostic report | report |
DIM | Dimension sets and plines | text | report |
DISJOIN | Break sets and plines into segments | set | pline |
DISPFEAT | Display feature attributes | attribute |
DISPLAYSET | Configure object display | display |
DISTANCE | Report the distance between two locations | report |
DIVIDE | Divide a line into intervals | point | set | pline |
DLGDOIN | Import USGS DLG-O file | import |
DLGDOOUT | Export USGS DLG-O file | export |
DLINE | Dimension between two locations | text |
DOCUMENTS | List Terramodel documents | help |
DPAD | Replaced by MOVEPAD | set |
DRAFTSET | Drafting settings | config |
DRAGHDIN | Import Drag Head log file | import |
DRAINRPT | Drainage detail report | report |
DRAPE | Create sets where selected plines cross DTM links | dtm |
DRILL01 | Label a drill hole | text |
DRNGRADE | Label a set segment of a drain with grade | pipe general |
DRNVOLMS | Report volumes and areas of ponds in a DTM | report | dtm |
DTM2LDBX | Export a DTM as Leica 1200 DBX database | export |
DTM2XML | Export a DTM as LandXML | export |
DTMALL | Relink all DTM layers and refresh | dtm |
DTMAREA | Replaced by GC82 | dtm | report |
DTMBYLL | Replaced by GCCOPY | dtm |
DTMCH | Select the current DTM layer | dtm |
DTMCONE | Create a cone from a point to a DTM | set |
DTMDRAIN | Create sets around drainage areas | hydrology |
DTMEDGE | Create a set around a DTM edge | dtm |
DTMGRID | Interpolate a grid of points over a DTM | dtm |
DTMINFO | Report which layers are linked for DTMs | dtm |
DTMMATCH | Match overlapping DTMs | dtm |
DTMMATH | Create points by comparison with two DTMs | dtm |
DTMPTS | Interpolate elevations of points from a DTM | dtm |
DTMSET | Create sets of triangle sides on a DTM | dtm |
DTMSHOT | Create a point on a DTM at a grade and bearing | dtm |
DTMSTATS | Report the highest and lowest elevations of points in a layer | report |
DTMUPDT | Relink the current DTM layer and refresh | dtm |
DTMVISTA | Project sets onto a DTM | dtm |
DUMPATT | Report the attribute records stored for a selected object |
report |
DUPLTUS | Remove duplicated segments from triangular sets | set |
DUPLTRIS | Remove duplicated segments from triangular sets | set |
DXF3D | Import elevations from .DXF files | import |
DXFCHANG | Change the name of layers in a .DXF file | export | import |
DXFIN | An alias for IMPORT | import |
DXFOUT | An alias for EXPORT | export |
DYNAVIEW | Create a dynaview | plot |
EARTHWORK | Compute volume of cut and fill between two DTMs | report |
EARTHWRK | Report Roadway volumes by end-area | report |
EDIT | Edit object | object |
EDITINI | Edit initialisation file TMODWIN.INI | config |
ELBLK | Replaced by PTBLKS | point |
ELE2NAME | Change name of objects to match their elevations | name |
ELEVALONGSET | Set the elevation of points along a set | set |
ELEVATION | Replaced by GCELEV | elevation |
ELEVOBJS | Interpolate elevation of points, text and blocks from DTM | DTM |
ELEVREFPLANE | Modify elevation of points by reference plane | elevation |
ELEVREFPT | Modify elevation of points to reference point | elevation |
ELFS | Elevation and grade from chainage | profile |
ELLIPSE | Create an ellipse | pline |
ELTXT | Replaced by TEXT2PNT | point | text |
ELVPLINE | Interpolate elevations onto contour plines | plines |dtm |
EMXSALIGN | Import a Geopak alignment | import |
ERRELIP | Add error ellipse attributes | attribute |
EVALDTM | Report problems with breakline formation | dtm |
EXEC | Execute an external program | config |
EXIT | Exit Terramodel | save |
EXPLODE | Explode blocks, text and complex linetypes | block |
EXPLORE | Open Windows Explorer | exec |
EXPORT | Export data using scripts | export |
EXPORTGC | Export or report cross sections in Geocomp format | export |
EXPORTSMGR | Export script manager | export |
EXPORTXS | Export cross section data in Terramodel .XSC format | export |
EXTEND | Extend a pline or set to boundaries or a distance | pline | set |
F1 | Help | help |
F2 | Create, edit and delete layers | layer |
F3 | Refresh the display of the active window | view |
F4 | Move the display to a new location | view |
F5 | Zoom in by window | view |
F6 | Zoom out by 2X | view |
F7 | Toggle point number labels on|off | point label | display |
F8 | Toggle symbol labels on|off | point label | display |
F9 | Toggle elevation labels on|off | point label | display |
F10 | Enable menus for entry by keyboard | menu |
F11 | Toggle point name labels on|off | point label | display |
F12 | Zoom to extents | view |
FACTZ | Replaced by SCALEELV | transform |
FBLOCK | Import ASCII point files by square regions | import |
FIELDD | Replaced by RDE | survey |
FILLET | Create a curve by radius at the intersection of two segments | pline | set |
FILTER | Filter vertices in plines | pline |
FILT3DPT | Filter duplicate points by 3D tolerance | point |
FIXCURVE | Move three-point-arc points onto tangents | set |
FIXDTM | Fix breaklines connected to points in other layers | dtm |
FIXDYNA | Replace dynaviewed plotboxes with new plotbox records | plot |
FIXLAYERS | Fix layers that do not compute end-area volumes | dtm |
FLD2RDE | Import a 12D Model .FLD file | import|survey |
FLIPDOWN | Copy points and sets from an elevation view to a plan view | view |
FLIPUP | Copy points and sets from a plan view into an elevation view | view |
FONTCHNG | List or change fonts used by selected text | text |
FORESTRD | Apply horizontal design criteria to a road alignment |
road |
FORESTTB | Report offsets for a forest road | road |
FRGOUT | Export Fastmap 700 Full Road Geometry file | export |
FTCODEIN | Replaced by FYATBIN | attribute |
FYATBEDIT | Edit feature attributes | attribute |
FYATBEP | Export feature attributes to CSV | attribute |
FYATBIN | Import feature attributes from a survey file | attribute |
FYATBOUT | Export feature attributes to Mapinfo | attribute |
GARMININ | Import Garmin GPS Waypoint (.wpt) File | import |
GARMINOU | Export Garmin GPS Waypoint (.wpt) File | export |
GC01 | Truncate the name of selected objects | text |
GC02 | Modify point name to include chainage & offset | name | alignment |
GC03 | Report chainage and offset from HAL and VAL | report |
GC03A | Report chainage and offset from master HAL | report |
GC03DRN | Report chainage (horizontal), offset and design offset from HAL and VAL | report |
GC03DUAL | Report chainage and offset from two HAL and VAL pairs | report |
GC03RAKE | Report chainage, offset and rake | report |
GC03WALL | Report chainage and offset for a wall | report |
GC04 | Create mid-points on short plines | point |
GC05 | Calculate the centre of mass between two DTMs |
report |
GC06 | Round elevations in project file | point |
GC07 | Helmert transformation | transform |
GC08 | Part of RDXGC and XSHEETGC | plot |
GC09 | Place blocks and symbols by group | block |
GC10 | List and sum area, 2D length and 3D length for printing | report |
GC10CSV | Replaced by GC10 | report |
GC100 | Report thickness between two DTMs | report |
GC12DIN | Import 12D Model .12DA or .12DAZ archive file | import |
GC12DOUT | Export 12D Model .12DA archive file | export |
GC14 | Report chainage (along slope) and offset from HAL and VAL | report |
GC14S | Report sorted chainage (along slope) and offset from HAL and VAL | report |
GC14SET | Report chainage (along slope) and offset from set | report |
GC14R | Report chainage and offset in TMS ProFit XY format | report | tunnel |
GC15 | Delete selected lines with specified total length | pline | set |
GC16 | Change colours and linetypes by group, name or layer | colour | name | group |
GC16ADC | Modify line colours and linetypes to match AutoDraft | colour | linetype |
GC17 | Calculate intersection with DTM given bearing and slope from set |
point |
GC18 | Report chainage and elevation along a VAL | report |
GC20 | Compute and check cut|fill volumes within boundaries |
report |
GC21 | Change the default callout style | text |
GC22 | Check a DTM edge boundary | sets |
GC23 | Create a set where slopes from points intersect a DTM | set |
GC24 | Adjust a lot or traverse by Bowditch | survey |
GC25 | Create a single isopach or cut|fill line between two DTMs |
dtm |
GC25MULT | Create multiple isopachs between two DTMs | dtm |
GC26 | Test attribute records | attribute |
GC26GIS | Create an attribute record in MS Access for an object | attribute |
GC27 | Place chainage labels parallel to xlines | text |
GC28 | Create 3D points along HAL & VAL at 2D distances | alignment |
GC283D | Create 3D points along HAL & VAL at 3D distances | alignment |
GC29 | Compute distance & direction with 3D components |
report |
GC29UTM | Compute ellipsoidal distance & direction | report |
GC30 | Replaced by GC30A | report |
GC30A | Report coordinates and elevation difference to DTM with alignment and labels | report |
GC30PERP | Report coordinates and elevation difference perpendicular to DTM | report |
GC31 | Remove duplicate points on a layer with tolerances |
point |
GC32 | Report visible layers in each LayerList | report |
GC33 | Create a DTM from the upper or lower of two DTMs | dtm |
GC33MULT | Create a DTM from the upper or lower of multiple DTMs | dtm |
GC34 | Find and report a point by number | mark |
GC35 | Create points at centroids of a plines or sets |
point |
GC36 | Move points onto a HAL or line | point |
GC37 | Report and label cross section from strings | report |
GC37CSV | Create cross sections as .CSV at strings intersecting xlines | export |
GC38 | Affine transformation | transform |
GC383D | Replaced by GC3DADJ | point |
GC39 | Move a HAL IP and update Xlines | road |
GC3D | Create a 3D set offset from alignment | set | alignment |
GC3DADJ | 3D conformal transformation | transform |
GC3DROT | Rotate in 3D by steps | transform |
GC3DSETS | Find the closest or perpendicular 3D distance | point | set | report |
GC3PTARC | Create an arc set through three points | set |
GC40 | Compare points in two layers by coordinate | report |
GC40A | Compare points in two layers by coordinate using search ranges | report |
GC40M | Compare points in two layers by coordinate using alignment | report |
GC40PILE | Report pile differences | report |
GC40RAKE | Report pile rakes | report |
GC40TEXT | Label points in two layers with differences | text |
GC41 | Show obstructions with circles in profile view | road |
GC42 | Report elevation minus roadway elevation | report |
GC42AB | Compare as-built points within tolerance with roadway design | report |
GC42ABS | Select as-built points within tolerance of roadway design | select |
GC42DTM | Compare DTM with roadway design | report |
GC42HAL | Compare as-built points with HAL in selected Roadway | report |
GC42KB | Compare as-built points with HAL and design kerb set | report |
GC42VAL | Compare as-built points with VAL in selected Roadway | report |
GC43 | Report surface areas of shapes in a roadjob |
report |
GC43CSV | Report surface areas of shapes in a roadjob to CSV |
report |
GC43MCSV | Report multiple surface areas of shapes in a roadjob to CSV |
report |
GC43S | Report surface areas of shapes in a roadjob within a material |
report |
GC43SCSV | Report surface areas of shapes in a roadjob within a material to a CSV file |
report |
GC44 | Report surface areas of a DTM by slope and chainage |
report |
GC44CSV | Report surface areas of a DTM by slope and chainage to CSV |
report |
GC44S | Report surface areas of a DTM by slope and chainage within a material |
report |
GC45 | Create points along a HAL or VAL at incremental distances |
point |
GC46 | Compute cut volumes between surfaces within blocks |
report |
GC47 | Create road resheet profiles | road |
GC48 | Extract profiles from roadway shapes | road |
GC49 | Create a point on a line given elevation | point |
GC50 | Grade a set from known points | set |
GC51 | Intersection design | road |
GC52 | Change group of selected objects | group |
GC53 | Modify, list or highlight non-contourable points | dtm |
GC54 | Transform ellipsoidal height points to geoidal heights points | transform |
GC55 | Extrapolate heights from two 3D sets perpendicular onto a set | point |
GC55HAL | Extrapolate heights from two 3D sets perpendicular to HAL onto a set | point |
GC56 | Swap in X, Y or Z or mirror in X or Y | transform |
GC57 | Create points from cross sections | road |
GC58 | Remove duplicate sets, plines and text from a layer or layers | set | pline | text |
GC58S | Remove duplicate sets, plines and text from selected objects | set | pline | text |
GC59 | Quality Assurance report from Geodimeter as-built survey | report |
GC60 | Radial setout report | report |
GC61 | Create a point at a distance between two points |
point |
GC62 | Replaced by ELFS | alignment |
GC63 | Intersect batter defined by two sets with DTM | road |
GC64 | Intersect two slopes each defined by two sets | road |
GC64BIT | Fix initialisation to suit 64-bit or 32-bit Windows | config |
GC65 | Create point at chainage, offset and elevation along alignment | alignment |
GC65FILE | Import points by chainage, offset and elevation | alignment |
GC66 | Create breaklines at changes of grade, valleys or ridges | set |
GC67 | Move points onto perpendicular Xlines | alignment |
GC67A | Move points onto skewed Xlines | alignment |
GC68 | Replaced by GCDIVIDE | point | set |
GC682SET | Add points into sets with connecting breaklines | set |
GC69 | Change zero elevations to no elevation | point |
GC70 | Combine elevation of point and DTM | dtm |
GC71 | Solid hatch along lines | hatch |
GC72 | Report satellite horizon curtain | report |
GC73 | Interpolate elevation from VAL | alignment |
GC74 | Set the start chainage of multiple sets or plines | alignment |
GC75 | Report distance and slope between sets or plines | report |
GC76 | Report on Geodimeter job file | report |
GC77 | Change elevation of text to match elevation of subject | text |
GC78 | Replaced by GCCHRLIN | profile |
GC79 | Renumber points to match their point names | point |
GC80 | Report and compare areas of lots | report | set |
GC81 | Report horizontal alignment | report |
GC82 | Report DTM areas | dtm | report |
GC83 | Select objects less than or greater than specified length | config |
GC84 | Join consecutive plines or sets | pline |
GC85 | Replaced by CLEANUP | set |
GC86 | Move objects relative to alignment or point | alignment | point | transform |
GC87 | Create an elevation DTM from another elevation DTM and a difference DTM | alignment |
GC88 | Clip or extend a pline to a defined length | pline |
GC89 | Create a DTM perpendicular to another DTM | dtm |
GC90 | Extend DTM to point | dtm |
GC91 | Extend DTM by distance | dtm |
GC92 | Report or move duplicate points | dtm |
GC93 | Mirror or rotate point label | point label |
GC94 | Report crossfall between two sets | report |
GC95 | Delete segments greater than a nominated length | set |
GC96 | Select points between two DTM layers | dtm |
GC99 | Create parallel strings at offsets from alignment | set |
GC100 | Report thickness between two DTMs | report |
GCACTIVE | Select active alignment from registered alignments | alignment |
GCADDBLK | Insert blocks graphically and interpolate elevations | block |
GCADDLAY | Prefix name with first 4 characters from layer name | name |
GCADJANT | Adjust points for a non-vertical antenna | survey |
GCADJDES | Adjust points for new vertical or slope alignment | alignment |
GCANG | Report and label angle-right between points | text |
GCARC | Create arc pline or set by three parameters | set |
GCARCARC | Replaced by DDIST | point |
GCARCBL | Create invisible breaklines along all arcs on a layer | dtm | set |
GCAREAS | Report areas, lengths or volumes of plines by layer list | report | pline |
GCBADEAT | Delete or select text containing Bad Rec EAT codes | text |
GCBENCH | Create a bench set | set |
GCBLKFIX | Modify colours of block definitions | block |
GCBLKPTS | Create points at the insertion points of blocks | block |
GCBOUND | Match extents of boundaries | dtm |
GCCHORD | Create chords from arcs, spirals and plines | set | pline |
GCCHRLIN | Import a profile from a file of chainage and elevation | profile |
GCCL | Create PPS Tunnelling System CL file | tunnel |
GCCLIP | Create new DTM surfaces clipped to boundaries | dtm |
GCCOLCON | Modify colours of positive, zero, and negative contours | pline |
GCCONCHK | Modify elevations of 2D points in contours | Point | set |
GCCONIN | Import contours from Geocomp .CON file | import |
GCCONOUT | Export contours to Geocomp .CON file | export |
GCCONSIM | Export contours to simulator .TXT file | export |
GCCONTXT | Modify elevations of labelled contours | pline |
GCCONVRT | Convert plines to sets or sets to plines | set | pline |
GCCOORD | Convert between coordinate systems in Australia and new Zealand | transform |
GCCOPY | Copy objects onto a layer | point | set | pline | block | text |
GCCSVIN | Import ASCII coordinate files | import |
GCDAMVOL | Compute dam volumes with increments | dtm |
GCDCOUT | Export alignments to Trimble DC files | alignment |
GCDELSET | Delete sets and points in sets | set |
GCDEMIN | Replaced by GCESRIIN | import |
GCDESC | Replaced by F11 | toggle |
GCDESCRL | Replaced by F11 | toggle |
GCDIMLOT | Label lots with dimension text | text |
GCDIVIDE | Create points at minimum spacing along sets | point | set |
GCDRAPE | Create sets where selected plines cross DTM links | dtm | set |
GCDTM | Relayer objects into a DTM layer using a .dtp file | dtm |
GCDTMALL | Create arc breaklines, relink all DTM layers and refresh | dtm |
GCDTMBDY | Create boundaries from multiple DTMs | dtm |
GCDTMDIF | Report elevation differences between three DTMs at cursor | dtm |
GCDTMEDG | Remove triangles on a DTM edge | dtm | set |
GCDTMGDE | Create slope alignments from a DTM | alignment |
GCDTMIN | Import a Geocomp .DTM file | import |
GCDTMOUT | Export a layer as a Geocomp .DTM file | export |
GCEARTH | Roadway volume report in columns | report |
GCEDTABL | Replaced by FYATBEDIT | attribute |
GCEDTATB | Replaced by FYATBEDIT | attribute |
GCELEV | Modify the elevation of selected objects | elevation |
GCESRIIN | Import ESRI ArcInfo ARC DEM grid files | import |
GCEXTEND | Extend or trim multiple sets or plines | set | pline |
GCEXPLOD | Explode blocks and text | block, text |
GCEZGIN | Import .EZIGRADE RTK Survey file | import |
GCEZGOUT | Export .EZIGRADE or .AGD Survey file | export |
GCFALL | Create paths flowing from locations on a DTM | dtm | pline | hydrology |
GCFILLET | Insert or expand arcs along sets and plines | pline | set | arc |
GCFILTER | Filter excess points from straights and arcs in sets | set |
GCFIXXML | Fix .XML files with long lines | import |
GCFOLLOW | Create a set that follows segments or links | set | dtm |
GCGENGRD | Create points on a grid pattern | points |
GCGEOIN | Import Leica .GEO coordinate file | import |
GCGPXIN | Import GPS data in .GPX format | import |
GCGRDVOL | Compute cut and fill volumes for regions in a grid or between Xlines | report |
GCGSIOUT | Export alignment in Leica RoadPlus GSI format | export |
GCGT7IN | Import alignment in Topcon Civilcad GT7|GTS format | import |
GCGTSOUT | Export alignment in Topcon Civilcad GC7|GTS format | export |
GCHALADJ | Adjust registered hal to use offsets | alignment |
GCHALDEL | Delete selected registered HALs | alignment |
GCHALEDT | Edit a registered horizontal alignment graphically | alignment |
GCHALIN | Import Geocomp Horizontal Alignment | import |
GCHALOFF | Create a pline from a registered HAL with offsets | alignment |
GCHALOUT | Export Geocomp Horizontal Alignment | export |
GCHAULMN | Add Masshaul Import and Export materials from a CSV file | masshaul |
GCHELP | Report key, version and path configuration | help |
GCIDCHN | Display chainage and offset at cursor | alignment | display |
GCIMPORT | Import Geocomp data | import |
GCIN2SET | Insert points into multiple sets | set |
GCINCPT | Create points with incrementing by point numbers | point |
GCINCTXT | Create number or letter text incrementing by multiples | text |
GCINSBLK | Replace circles with tree blocks | block |
GCINSIDE | Report areas and subtract internal areas | report |
GCIRBOOM | Design ramps for pivot irrigation | pivot irrigation |
GCIRDESN | Merge pivot irrigation ramps into DTM | pivot irrigation |
GCIRINFO | Check pivot irrigation boom | pivot irrigation |
GCIRPROF | Create pivot irrigation profile | pivot irrigation |
GCJOINMP | Join points with gaps | survey |
GCJOINPT | Join points based on feature-coded name | survey |
GCKMLIN | Import placemarks and paths from Google Earth (KML or KMZ) | import |
GCKMLOUT | Export to Google Earth, NearMap or Web Map Service | export |
GCLABGRD | Label and draw grids inside polygons | draft |
GCLABIP | Label intersection points | text |
GCLABLOT | Label closed sets with lot area and lot number text | text |
GCLABPEG | Label pipeline with peg labels | pipe general |
GCLABPNT | Label multiple points with EAT text, leaderline and border | text |
GCLASIN | Import lidar data from .LAS or .LAZ files | import |
GCLAYCOL | Relayer and recolour objects using name | layer | colour |
GCLFAOUT | Export linear features for Trimble Alignment Planning | Export |
GCLINPTS | List points with invalid coordinates | point |
GCLLGRID | Draw latitude and longitude grid | pline | hdms |
GCLNGIN | Import Geocomp long section | import |
GCLOTCNR | Label lot corners with two elevations or differences | text |
GCLPOINTS | Replaced by GCLPTS | report |
GCLPTS | List the coordinates of selected points |
report |
GCMAGNET | Assign point properties by text from Topcon Magnet Field | text | point | survey |
GCMAPIN | Import a contour .MAP | import |
GCMAPOUT | Create a layer map file | layer | export |
GCMARKER | Display temporary vertex markers on plines | pline |
GCMATCH | Close gaps in contours | pline |
GCMATIN | Import road materials | road |
GCMATOUT | Export road materials | road |
GCMERGE | Merge multiple regions or DTMs | dtm |
GCMFI | Import multiple ASCII PTS or CSV files | import |
GCMOSSIN | Replaced by MOSSIN and MOSSTRI | import |
GCMOSSOU | Replaced by MOSSOUT | export |
GCMULCON | Assign contour elevations to multiple plines | pline |
GCMULTDC | Export multiple alignments to a Trimble DC file | alignment |
GCMULTGD | Export multiple alignments to Geodimeter .rln files | alignment |
GCMULVOL | Compute volumes between pairs of dtm surfaces | dtm |
GCMULXML | Export multiple alignments to Leica 1200 LandXML files | alignment |
GCNAMEPT | Name points sequentially along a set | import |
GCNEARLN | Select points near multiple selected sets or plines | set | pline | point |
GCNEDIN | Import Trimble Alignment Planning Grid (NED) files | import |
GCNMEAIN | Import NMEA strings from GPS receivers | import |
GCNOELEV | Select objects with no elevations (2D) | point | pline | text |
GCOBJIN | Import data from Wavefront .OBJ files | import |
GCOBJOUT | Export data to Wavefront .OBJ files | export |
GCOFFELV | Create plines or sets offset from a set | sets |
GCOFLINE | Select points of multiple selected sets | set |
GCONECON | Modify the elevation of a contour pline | pline |
GCOUT | Export data to Geocomp SDS (.PTS & .STR) |
export |
GCP39 | Replaced by GCRLNOUT | export |
GCPAD | Place building pads at nominated height within a lot | set |
GCPAN | Pan by numeric keypad with 8 = north | plot |
GCPANEL | Create concrete roadway batter panel set out points | roadway |
GCPAVSET | Create a PaveSet paving machine setout file | export |
GCPILE | Create pile points using HAL & VAL | alignment |
GCPLDICE | Replaced by GC71 | hatch |
GCPLFIN | Import HP-GL/2 (.PLF, .HPG, .GL2, .PLT, .000) plot file | import |
GCPLTIN | Import Geocomp .PLT plot file | import |
GCPRFEDT | Edit profile IPs graphically | profile |
GCPROFIL | Create profiles from multiple HALs and DTMs | profile |
GCPTAIN | Import data from TPSetout|TPStakeout .PTA survey points file | import |
GCPTDIST | Check minimum distances between points on sets | report |
GCPTRLDS | Replaced by F11 | toggle |
GCPTSIN | Import point data from an ASCII file | import |
GCPTSOUT | Export points to various ASCII formats | export |
GCPTSTXT | Change elevation or name of points by nearest text | point |
GCPURGE | Purge all unused blocks | block |
GCQA | Report chainage, offset and elevation difference to DTM | report |
GCQP | Interactive quick profile or cross section | profile | section |
GCQV | Move an IP and recompute roadway volume | report |
GCREDRAW | Redraw all views and reset view scale for point labels | view |
GCRELAY | Replaced by GCCOPY | layer |
GCREPORT | Open P3Pad report editor | report |
GCRENUM | Renumber points in set order | point |
GCREVIEW | Move or copy objects from one view to another | view |
GCRIVER | Interpolate elevations onto a digitised river | set |
GCRLNOUT | Export Geodimeter Roadline alignments from strings | export |
GCRLNOUT | Export Geodimeter Roadline alignments from strings | export |
GCRUNWAY | Report runway conformance | export |
GCSCALE | Multiply X, Y or Z by scale factors | transform |
GCSCANIN | Import lidar scan data and filter by many variables | import |
GCSPOT | Report the DTM elevation at the cursor | report | dtm |
GCSDROUT | Export Sokkia SDR alignment files | export |
GCSKIPMN | Replace skip ranges by CSV or pline boxes | alignment |
GCSPELL | Check spelling | text |
GCSTLOUT | Export DTMs to surface models in .STL format. | export | dtm |
GCSTRATA | Create points at strata from table of depths | dtm |
GCSTYLE | Modify text by text style | text |
GCSUBDTM | Create a subgrade DTM from depth boundaries | DTM |
GCSUBGDE | Create plines to transition subgrade templates | alignment |
GCSURFAR | Replaced by XSURAREA | report |
GCSZAOUT | Export special zones for Trimble Alignment Planning | export |
GCTABLE | Create a coordinate table | text |
GCTADPOL | Label batter with block showing direction of slope | block |
GCTMAIN | Import Trimble Alignment Planning .DTM | import |
GCTMAOUT | Export Quantm DTM for Trimble Alignment Planning | export |
GCTFWIN | Locate TIFF world files (.TFW) | import | image |
GCTRACE | Define a region by tracing inside plines or sets | set | pline | hatch | report |
GCTSP | Replaced by TMCUSTOM | config |
GCTSTYLE | Set the default text style at the command line | text |
GCTTAOUT | Export a set to Trimble .tta and .ttx | export |
GCTURN | Create the swept path of a vehicle | road |
GCTXTFIT | Adjust text aspect to align on right | text |
GCTXTOUT | Export or report text | text |
GCUMC3D | Export to Leica Universal Machine Control 3D | export |
GCUNJOIN | Break sets and plines into segments | set |
GCUPDATE | See UPDATE | config |
GCUPJ | See UPDATE | config |
GCUPK | See UPDATE | config |
GCUPL | See UPDATE | config |
GCUPM | See UPDATE | config |
GCVALDEL | Delete selected registered VALs | alignment |
GCVALEDT | Replaced by GCPRFEDT | profile |
GCVALOFF | Create a pline from a registered VAL with offsets | profile |
GCVERIN | Import Geocomp vertical alignment | import | profile |
GCVEROUT | Export Geocomp vertical alignment | export | profile |
GCWRAP | Change tunnel wrap status of a layer | tunnel | dtm |
GCXLINES | Create or replace labelled xlines for a roadway | road |
GCXMLIN | Import LandXML points and parcels | import |
GCXMLOUT | Export roadway strings to LandXML | road |
GCXTIE | Compute a set at the intersection of slopes from two segments |
set |
GDACONV | Replaced by GCCOORD | transform |
GDMDIR | List Geodimeter directory and delete files | survey |
GEN2DN | Replaced by P29 | survey |
GEN2DO | Replaced by P29 | survey |
GEN2DP | Replaced by P29 | survey |
GEOCPAL | Replaced by EDITINI | config | hdms |
GEOMINQ | Measure bearing, distance and vertical angle | report |
GEOMRPTS | Report Bearings and Distances | report |
GEONAV | Replaced by HDMS | hdms |
GEOSYS | Establish GPS geodetic system | config |
GFE | Geodimeter file editor | survey |
GM1 | Change slopes of triangles to within slope limit |
point |
GNCSTEXP | Export GeoNav detail | hdms |
GNCSTIMP | Import GeoNav detail | hdms |
GNDWEED | Replaced by HDMSDW | hdms |
GNHLAB | Replaced by HDMSLAB | hdms |
GNIMPORT | Import GeoNav .GPT file | hdms |
GNSETUP | Replaced by EDITINI | hdms |
GOLFAREA | Report golf course areas | report |
GPSSYS | Replaced by GEOSYS | config |
GPXOUT | Export Topografix GPX points for GPS | export |
GRADESMT | Export files to Leica GradeSmart 3D Machine Control for graders | export |
GRDPTS | Replaced by GRIDEXPT | dtm | export |
GRIDELEV | Create a grid of points and interpolates elevations | dtm |
GRIDEXPT | Export a grid of points interpolated from a DTM | export |
GRIDMAKE | Create points or plines using grid settings | point |
GRIDPLAN | Transform from grid to ground or ground to grid | transform |
GRIDSET | Set the current grid settings | config |
GRIDVOL | Replaced by GCGRDVOL | dtm | report |
GRP2NAME | Change the name of each object to match its group | group |
GSIDTMOU | Export a layer in Leica DTM Stakeout GSI format | export |
GSSWP | Geocomp Systems Support web page | report |
GST | Geodimeter Software Tools | survey |
GT3PT | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTACT | Replaced by IMPORT | survey |
GTAF | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTAP | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTCOMM | Replaced by GMDIR | survey |
GTCONV | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTDIR | Replaced by GDMDIR | survey |
GTDXF | Replaced by EXPORT | survey |
GTFACT | Replaced by RDE | survey |
GTFD | Replaced by IMPORT | survey |
GTFileEditor | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTFL | Replaced by EXPORT | survey |
GTJR | Replaced by JOB2AGA | survey |
GTL1C | Replaced by IMPORT | survey |
GTL2 | Replaced by IMPORT | survey |
GTL1D | Replaced by IMPORT | survey |
GTLS | Replaced by AUTODRAFT | survey |
GTNR | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTPCF | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTPTA | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTPS | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTREC | Replaced by IMPORT | survey |
GTRN | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTRPTS | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTRT | Replaced by PTS2TRV | survey |
GTRXYZ | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTSEND | Replaced by EXPORT | survey |
GTUDS | Replaced by GFE | survey |
GTXFER | Replaced by EXPORT | export |
HALDATA | Create horizontal alignment by table entry | alignment |
HALMANAGER | Register horizontal alignments | alignment |
HALVALRP | Report horizontal and vertical alignments | report |
HALXYZ | Create a set by three offsets | set |
HAREAB | Basin area | hydrology |
HATCH | Hatch regions enclosed by boundaries | hatch |
HATCHENC | Replaced by GCTRACE | hatch |
HATCH_IT | Replaced by GCTRACE | hatch |
HATCHPAT | Hatch regions with a selected hatch pattern | hatch |
HATCHUSER | Hatch regions with a user-defined pattern | hatch |
HBLIST | List basin hydrograph | hydrology |
HCCN | Calculate curve number | hydrology |
HCOVER | Hydrology cover sheet | hydrology |
HDEFS | Hydrology defaults | hydrology |
HDMS | Hydrographic Data Management System | hdms |
HDMSABT | About HDMS | hdms |
HDMSBIN | HDMS data binning | hdms |
HDMSCOL | HDMS colour by depth | hdms |
HDMSCSL | Compare sounding lines | hdms |
HDMSDCLBLK | Create hatching coloured by depth | hdms |
HDMSDLAB | Label depths | hdms |
HDMSDW | Label and clash depths | hdms |
HDMSEVT | Label survey events | hdms |
HDMSNWSE | Smooth a DTM surface | hdms |
HDMSRLAB | Label hydrographic runlines | hdms |
HDMSRTR | Round truncate or restore depths | hdms |
HDMSTC | Adjust sounding time | hdms |
HDMSTLAB | Label trackplots | hdms |
HDRAW | Draw hydrographs | hydrology |
HEATMAP | Show elevation differences with colours | block | dtm | report |
HECIN | Import a HEC-RAS Geometry file | import |
HECOUT | Replaced by HECOUTGC | export |
HECOUTGC | Export a HEC-RAS Geometry file | export |
HECX | Replaced by HECOUTGC | export |
HELP | See CONTENTS | help |
HELPGEOCALC | Help for GeoCalc | help |
HELPGFE | Help for Geodimeter file editor | help |
HELPIE | Help for Import-Export | help |
HELPRDE | Help for Raw data editor | help |
HELPTM | Help for Terramodel | help |
HELPTOOLBOX | Help for Toolbox | help |
HELPTV | Help for Visualizer | help |
HELPTVL | Help for 3D Visualizer | help |
HGNIMP | Import GeoNav .GPT file | hdms |
HGEN | Compute Basin hydrographs | hydrology |
HIDE | Hide or reveal a set segment | toggle |
HILO | Replaced by DTMSTATS | report |
HLIST | List hydrographs | hydrology |
HNAVEDIT | HYDROpro NavEdit | hdms |
HORIZALIGN | Register one horizontal alignment | road |
HRLIST | List reach hydrograph | hydrology |
HROUT | Route hydrographs through a pond | hydrology |
HROUTR | Route hydrographs through a reach | hydrology |
HYDROIMP | Import HYDROpro .HPT depths | hdms |
ID | Identify object | report |
IDANGLE | Report the angle between two lines or three points | report |
IDCHAINAGE | See IDSTATION | alignment |
IDSTATION | Identify chainage and offset | alignment |
IGRP | Display only objects in the same group | group | display |
ILINE | Create points at intersections of selected lines | point |
IMAGE | Image manager | image |
IMAGEPTH | Change image file locations for Image manager | image |
IMANAGER | Island manager | alignment |
IMPORT | Import data using scripts | import |
IMPORTGC | Import Geocomp .CES cross sections | import |
IMPORTSMGR | Import script manager | import |
IMPORTXS | Import various cross section formats into a roadway | import |
INCHOFRL | Replaced by GC65FILE | import |
INCRTEXT | Create text incrementing by one | text |
INSALT | Import GeoNav Salt Harvester log files | import |
INT3DSET | Create sets with elevations interpolated from known points |
set |
INTERP3D | Update elevations interpolated using INT3DSET |
point |
INTOSET | Insert points into a set | set |
INVERSE | Replaced by GEOMINQ | report |
INVRPTS | Replaced by GEOMRPTS | report |
IRBAY | Design flood irrigation bays | flood irrigation |
IRBENT | Enter irrigation bay grid point elevations | flood irrigation |
IRBGRID | Generate a grid of irrigation bay points | flood irrigation |
IRBTAB | Create an irrigation bay design results table | flood irrigation |
IRCDTAB | Report drain or channel grades and widths | flood irrigation |
IRCHFLO | Compute parameters for trapezoidal channel flow | flood irrigation |
IRDTMS | Generate a single DTM from multiple irrigation bays | flood irrigation |
IRHAUL | Compute truck haul distance for an irrigation bay design | flood irrigation |
IRPUTAT | Set or edit irrigation bay text attributes | flood irrigation |
IRSTRUC | Generate irrigation bay tables and reports | flood irrigation |
IRSUMTX | Recalculate totals in irrigation bay results table | flood irrigation |
ISCLOSED | Select closed or open sets or plines | set | pline |
ISLAND | Traffic island editor | alignment |
ITXT | Replaced by INCRTEXT | text |
JOB2AGA | Convert a Geodimeter job file to Geodimeter raw data file | survey |
JOBOUT | Reverse-engineer Geodimeter .job data from points | report |
JOIN | Join plines or sets with common ends | set |
JOINTEXT | Join pairs of text objects together | text |
KEAYSIN | Import data from Keays | import |
KEAYSOUT | Export data to Keays TR1 | export |
KORKDTM | Export DTM layer to Kork format | export |
LABBENDS | Suffix point names with deflection angles | set | point |
LABELANG | Label the angle-right at each point of a set |
text |
LABELARC | Label segment with radius as text along | text |
LABELCONTOURS | Label contour plines with text | text |
LABELGRID | Label a grid within a box | text |
LABELHAL | Label horizontal alignment intersection points | alignment |
LABELINE | Label alignments with names in plotboxes | alignment |
LABELLOT | Change lot area labels to show alternative area | set | text |
LABELOFF | Label points with offset text | point | text |
LABELPI | Label Intersection Point Chainage | alignment |
LABELPOINT | Label points with point labels and symbols | point label |
LABELROADHAL | Label a registered horizontal alignment | alignment |
LABELROADVAL | Label a registered vertical alignment | alignment |
LABELSEG | Label sets with bearings and distances | text |
LABELSETS | Label sets with lot numbers and areas | text |
LABELSTA | Label chainage using text leader lines | text |
LABELTABLE | Create table of dimensions of short set segments | table |
LABELVAL | Label vertical alignment intersection points | alignment |
LABGRADE | Label the grade or distance between two points | text |
LABPT | Label points with EAT text | text |
LABPTQ | Label points with number, elevation or name | text |
LANDFILL | Create a surface of troughs | sets |
LAY2NAME | Change the name of each object to match its layer | layer |
LAYER | Select or create the current layer from a toolbar | layer |
LAYERCSV | Replaced by LAYERNEW | layer |
LAYERMAP | Rename layers and update colours and linetypes | layer | colour | linetype |
LAYERNEW | Create a new layer | layer |
LAYERNXT | Change the current layer to the next layer in alphabetical order | layer |
LAYERSET | Create, edit and delete layers | layer |
LAYINFO | List summary information by layer about selected points | layer | report |
LAYLSET | Make only layers in selected objects or layerlist visible or invisible | layer |
LAYOUT | Create parallel sets for subdivisions | sets |
LAYUSTN | Relayer and colour objects for Microstation 7 export | layer |
LBLANG | Replaced by LABELANG | text |
LC | Report coordinates | point |
LEVEL3W | Add or edit three-wire level (stadia) points |
survey |
LEVELLST | Report of all the level points | report |
LEVELS | Add or edit single-wire level information | survey |
LFILL | Replaced by LANDFILL | sets |
LIDARGRD | Import gridded ASCII lidar data | import |
LIDARIN | Import lidar ASCII data | import |
LINEINT | Evenly space points where X and Y is wrong | hdms |
LINETYPE | Modify the linetypes of selected sets and plines | plot |
LINETYPESET | Load or purge linetype definitions | plot |
LinetypeToggle | Toggle on or off the linetype selector on the toolbar | display |
LINETYPS | Draw all loaded linetypes in the sheet view |
plot |
LINEZERO | Modify linetype to By Layer | linetype |
LINKSET | Configure DTM links | dtm |
LinkToggle | Toggle on and off DTM link display | dtm |
LIST | List information about selected types of objects | report |
LISTFONT | List and create a table of available fonts | text |
LISTGRP | List groups used by selected objects | group |
LISTLOTS | List geometry of lots | report |
LISTPIPE | List as-constructed pipe data | pipe general |
LISTREF | List reference files | file | report |
LISTTEXT | List text objects | report |
LLAYER | Report the number of objects on each layer | layer |
LLGRID | Replaced by GCLLGRID | pline, hdms |
LLIST | Modify the layer list of multiple dynaviews | dynaview |
LLISTSET | Layer list settings | dynaview |
LLOTS | Create a table showing block, lot, area and % area |
plot |
LLRPT | Layer and layer list report | layer |
LLTABLE | Create a linked coordinate table including latitude and longitude | report |
LLTYPE | Change the linetype of the current layer | layer |
LOADATT | Load or reload the specified attribute definition file |
attribute |
LOBJCOLOR | Change the line colour of the current layer | layer |
LOBJS | List objects and details | report |
LOTJOIN | Create closed sets inside lines around text | set |
LOTPTRLS | Replaced by GCLOTCNR | text |
LPI | Replaced by LABELPI | alignment |
LPLINES | List alignment details of a pline | report |
LPOINTS | List the coordinates of selected points |
report |
LPTCOLOR | Change the points colour of the current layer | layer |
LPTSRAD | List coordinates and radiations | report |
LSEC1 | Label long sections in Geocomp-style | plot |
LSECUK | Label long sections in United Kingdom-style | plot |
LSETS | List name and point numbers of sets | report |
LSTA | Replaced by LABELSTA | text |
LUNUSED | List the unused point numbers | report |
LVC | Label points along a vertical curve | plot |
LYR | Replaced by QUIKLSET | layer |
LYRPROP | Edit layer properties | layer |
MacroPlay | Play a macro | command |
MacroRecord | Record a keystroke macro | command |
MAG600IN | Import Magellan Explorist 600 GPS UPT file | import |
MAGELLIN | Import Magellan GPS UPT file | import |
MAGELOUT | Export Magellan GPS Waypoint UPT file | export |
MAGNIFY | Magnify view scale by a factor | view |
MAPIIN | Import MapInfo MIF data | import |
MAPINFOIN | Replaced by MAPIIN | import |
MAPINFOOUT | Replaced by MAPIOUT | export |
MAPIOUT | Export MapInfo MIF data | export |
MAPPOINTS | Create sets and plines from point names | survey |
MASSDIAG | Scale an exploded masshaul diagram | masshaul |
MASSHAUL | Create a masshaul diagram | masshaul |
MASSIMPORT | Masshaul import and export locations | masshaul |
MATCH | Modify objects by matching properties of another object | config |
MATCHOBJ | Modify objects by matching properties of another object | config |
MATERIALS | Material manager | road |
MATRIX | Create a matrix of copied objects | copy |
MDLIN | Import MDL autoscanning laser system *.CDU data |
import |
MEASUNIT | Configure measurement units | config |
MENUCFG | Configure the menus | config |
MERGE | Merge DTMs | dtm |
MessageScroll | Toggle the visibility of the message scroll area. | display |
MG1 | Label and report triangle slopes | point |
MHIMPORT | Add a volume report for masshaul analysis | masshaul |
MICROSS | Install Microsoft Sans Serif Windows font | config |
MINMAPIN | Import a MineMap file | import |
MIRROR | Copy objects to a mirror image | pline, set |
MIRRORDY | Mirror dynaviews | view |
MKBLK | Create a 1, 2, or 3 point unit block | block |
MKBLKINT | Convert selected external blocks to internal blocks | block |
MKV | Display temporary vertex markers | mark |
MOSSEXPT | Replaced by MOSSOUT | export |
MOSSIN | Import Survey, Design and Triangles from Moss GENIO data | import |
MOSSMIN | Create a .MIN file from Moss GENIO features | import |
MOSSOUT | Export Moss GENIO data | export |
MOSSTRI | Import Moss GENIO triangle data | import |
MOSSX | Replaced by MOSSOUT | export |
MOVE | Move objects to another location | move | transform |
MOVEPAD | Move a pad DTM and report volumes | dtm | report |
MSCAPEIN | Import Mincom Minescape grid data | import |
MTL | Move text leader line | text |
MULTCODE | Insert multiple-code separators into names before field codes | survey |
MULTICOPY | Create multiple copies of selected objects | copy |
MultilayerDTM | Create a DTM from multiple layers | dtm |
MULTIOFF | Create set, pline or segment at repeated offsets | pline | set |
MULTIPIN | Import MultiPlane RTK Survey or FieldLevel XML file | import |
MVIEW | Create multiple dynaviews | view |
MXVALIN | Import VAL from MX report | import |
NAME | Modify the names of selected objects | name |
NAME2LAY | Change layer to match object name | layer |
NAMECASE | Change the case of names | name |
NAMEPTS | Rename points in sets to match set names | set | point |
NAMESETS | Rename unnamed sets to match point names | set | point |
NAVEDIT | HYDROpro NavEdit | hdms |
NEW | Start a new project | file |
NEXTVIEW | Change the current view to the next open view | view |
NFS | Replaced by GC02 | name |
NODE | Pipe node properties | pipe design |
NPSCHART | Draw a table of details of set or pline |
plot |
NS95 | Nikon NS-95 Database Utility | survey |
NSWSCIMS | Import NSW SCIMS points | survey |
NZGEOID | Import NZGeoid .SID file | import | transform |
OBJREG | Register Object to Sheet for ASAP | plot |
OBJSNAP | Enable running object snap modes | config |
OBSDIFF | Report vertical differences between obstructions | report |
OFF | Turn off selected objects | view |
OFFALL | Turn off all objects in the current view | view |
OFFELEV | Create plines or sets offset from a set | set |
OFFELEVM | Create plines or sets offset from multiple sets |
set |
OFFSEG | Create pline or set at a horizontal offset from a segment | set |
OFFSETDIST | Create pline or set at a horizontal offset | set |
OFFSETPOINT | Create pline or set at a horizontal offset and location | set |
OLIST | Replaced by COUNT | report |
OLIST2 | Count the number of objects of each type to P3Pad | report |
ON | Turn on selected objects | view |
ONALL | Turn on all objects in selected views | view |
ONGRP | Turn on all objects of nominated group | plot |
OPEN | Open an existing project | file |
ORDERFORM | Email a report of the dongle | help |
ORDERPRINT | Print a report of the dongle | help |
OVALITY | Create circle from average radius | pline |
OVERHANG | Make non-contourable points under overhangs | dtm |
OVERWALL | Create cross sections from points along Xlines | plot |
P29 | Roadline 2D export to Geodimeter | export |
P39 | Geodimeter Roadline 3D file | export |
P3PAD | See GCREPORT | report |
PAD | Create a rectangular set at an elevation | set |
PADDOWN | Lower all points in a pad by an increment |
set |
PADSHIFT | Set the shift value used by PADDOWN and PADUP |
set |
PADUP | Raise all points in a pad by an increment |
set |
PALETTE | Select the palette and colourmap | config |
PAN | Move the view to a new location | view |
PARABOLA | Create a parabola | set |
PARKING | Create parking bays | set |
PCHAINAGE | Create points relative to a HAL | alignment |
PCOPY | Copy from a reference project | file |
PHASE | Phase editor | road |
PHASEMAN | Phase manager | road |
PHASENAME | Edit phase names | road |
PHOTOCSV | Import photo coordinates | import |
PINSET | Insert point at intersection of two lines | point |
PIPE | Pipe properties | pipe design |
PIPEAIN | Import pipe survey attributes | pipe survey |
PIPEBREK | Break pipe segment with Asset_ID | pipe survey |
PIPEBYCR | Edit pipe and node elevations | pipe design |
PIPECHRT | Create a pipe chart | pipe design |
PIPEDALL | Draw all pipes | pipe design |
PIPEDEF | Edit default pipe and node settings | pipe design |
PIPEDELS | Delete pipe segment with Asset_ID | pipe survey |
PIPEDESN | Design pipe branch | pipe design |
PIPEDRAW | Draw single pipe | pipe design |
PIPEDUMP | List pipe attributes | pipe design |
PIPEINFO | Report pipe dimensions and cover | pipe general |
PIPELBR | List pipe branches | pipe design |
PIPEJOIN | Join pipes with Asset_ID | pipe survey |
PIPELL | Pipe and node label settings | pipe design |
PIPEMAXV | List large velocity pipes | pipe design |
PIPEMINV | List small velocity pipes | pipe design |
PIPEOBST | Label pipes at obstructions | pipe general |
PIPEQ | Enter the flow rate for a pipe | pipe design |
PIPEREPT | Report pipe attributes on selected sets | pipe survey |
PIPERSLT | Report results for pipe or node | pipe design |
PIPESCLQ | Scale pipe flow rate | pipe design |
PIPESOLV | Solve the pipe branch design | pipe design |
PIPESUM | Pipe summary report | pipe design |
PIPESWAP | Swap pipe Asset_ID attribute with String_No | pipe survey |
PIPEV | Modify pipe velocity | pipe design |
PIPEWSP | List pipe water surface profile | pipe design |
PIPEWELD | Create points at pipe welds | pipe survey |
PIPEXING | Draw pipes crossing the alignment | pipe design |
PLAN2DBX | Export sets to Leica 1200 series DBX database | export |
PLANPROF | Display the plan and profile views | display | view |
PLANSET | Automatic Sheet Assembly and Production (ASAP) Plan Settings |
plot |
PLANSHEET | Display the plan and sheet views | display | view |
PLAY | Replaced by PTLAYCOL | layer | colour |
PLINE | Create a pline | pline |
PLINFILT | Filter excess vertices from straights in plines | pline |
PLNNONAM | Display only plines with no names | pline | display |
PLOT | Plot plans to a printer | plot |
PLOTBOX | Create a pline box using sheet units | plot | pline |
PLOTSET | Plot parameter settings | plot | smooth |
PLOTTERSET | Plotter configuration settings | plot |
PLTO3D | Modify elevation of single contour pline | pline |
POINT | Create a point | point |
POINTSET | Configure point numbering | point |
POLY | Replaced by POLYGON | set |
POLYGON | Create n-sided polygon | set |
PONDDEF | Define pond outlet devices | hydrology |
PONDLIST | List pond data | hydrology |
PONDOUT | Define pond outlet devices | hydrology |
PONDSUM | Pond summary report | hydrology |
PONDVOL | Enter pond volume | hydrology |
PORTSC1 | List points showing heights as depths | hdms |
POWERGDE | Export to Leica PowerGrade 3D | export |
PPS | Display the Plan, Profile and Sheet views | display | view |
PPSX | Display the Plan, Profile, Super and Xsect views | display | view |
PPX | Display the Plan, Profile and Xsect views | display | view |
PPXS | Display the Plan, Profile Xsect and Super views | display | view |
PREDAREA | Divide a closed set into lots by area | set |
PREVIOUS | Display the previous view | view |
PRJCLNT | ASAP Project Data Management – Client | plot |
PRJINFO | ASAP Project Data Management – General Information | plot |
PRJLOC | ASAP Project Data Management – Location | plot |
PRJLTEXT | ASAP Project Data Management – Link text to data | plot |
PRJSTAFF | ASAP Project Data Management – Staff | plot |
PRODUCTS | Report the serial number and modules | help |
PROFILE | Create profile | alignment |
PROJDATA | ASAP Project Data Management – Data | plot |
PROJECTV | List and edit all project variables | config |
PROJINFO | Enter and report user information about a project file | config |
PROJVARS | Enter and report survey information about a project file | config |
PSBOX | Edit ASAP PLANSET plot boxes | plot |
PSINDEX | Place an ASAP PLANSET index of drawings and symbols |
plot |
PSMAN | ASAP PLANSET manager | plot |
PSSET | Configure ASAP PLANSET | plot |
PSSHEET | ASAP PLANSET sheet assembly | plot |
PSTATION | Create points relative to a HAL | alignment |
PSTYPE | Select ASAP PLANSET sheet type | plot |
PTBLKS | Create points at the insertion point of 3D blocks |
point |
PTCASE | Change the case of alpha point numbers | point |
PTDRAIN | Create a catchment boundary around a point | hydrology |
PTJOIN | Join points by sequential point number | sets |
PTLAB | Edit point label blocks | block |
PTLAYCOL | Relayer and recolour points using name | layer | colour |
PTS2ADC | Create points for testing AutoDraft | point | survey | config |
PTS2BDY | Create a boundary around points | point | set | pline |
PTS2NAME | Rename points to match their point numbers | point |
PTS2PROF | Copy points to profile view | alignment |
PTS2TEXT | Export a coordinate list | export |
PTS2TRV | Export a .TRV file from the selected points | export |
PTSIN | Import point data from various ASCII file formats |
import |
PTSITE | Change elevation by elevation difference from a point | point |
PTSITE2 | Change elevation by slope and distance from a point | point |
PTSOUT | Output point data to various ASCII formats | export |
PXPS | Display the Plan, Xsect, Profile and Super views | display | view |
QISOLATE | Isolate or unisolate current layer | display |
QPROFILE | Display profiles or cross sections between two locations | profile |
QSET | Create a set by bearing and distance | set |
QSGRIDIN | Import Qsurv grid file | import |
QSGRIDOU | Export to Qsurv grid file format | export |
QSURVOUT | Export to Qsurv format | export |
QUIKLSET | Quickly control the visibility of layers | layer |
QV | Quick volumes by changing roadway HAL IP | report |
RAILCANT | Compute elevations by railway cant | alignment |
RAILWAY | Create railway alignments with cant | alignment |
RAIN | List rain database | hydrology |
RAINT | List rainfall report totals | hydrology |
RANGE | Report elevation range within a boundary or along a set | report |
RAWTOAREA | Replaced by GFE | survey |
RCLTABLE | Create a table of arc properties | report |
RDDESIGNCRIT | Select road design criteria | alignment |
RDDESIGNSET | Road design settings | road | config |
RDE | Raw data editor | survey |
RDGUIDE | Road job workflow guide | road |
RDSCACALN | Import a Caice alignment | import |
RDSDTMSET | Road DTM settings | road |
RDSECHO | Report roadjob data | report |
RDSGPALIGN | Import a Geopak alignment | import |
RDVALDESCRT | Select vertical alignment design criteria | alignment |
RDVALEDIT | Edit a vertical alignment using design criteria | alignment |
RDX | Create Cross Section plots from a roadjob | plot |
RDXGC | Create cross section plots with labels in a table |
plot |
RDXLINES | Create xlines on a roadway | road |
REACH | Define reach parameters | hydrology |
READATTB | Add ATTRIB values from a Trimble DC file and add to point names | survey |
REARLOTL | Replace segments in a set with a single segment | set |
RECENTER | Pick a new location for the centre of the view | view |
RECOVERSCROLL | Recover a lost coordinate scroll | display |
REDO | Restore the most recent changes made by Undo | edit |
REDRAW | Refresh the display of the current view | view |
REFER | Refer selected objects to a parent | alignment |
REFERENCE | Refer selected objects to a parent | alignment |
REFERPTH | Change the path of reference files | file |
REFILE | Reference file manager | file |
REGALIGN | Register multiple alignments | alignment |
REGROUP | Change the group of each object to match its layer |
layer |
RELAYER | Relayer selected objects | layer |
RELAYERSETS | Replaced by GCCOPY | layer |
RELAYFIG | Relayer selected figures if they are closed |
layer |
RemoveLinks | Remove DTM links from a project | dtm |
REMTRIS | Remove triangle segments joining a square grid of points. | set |
RENUM | Renumber individual points | point |
RENUMBER | Renumber selected points | point |
RENUMLOT | Renumber lots by adding an increment | set |
RENUMREC | Renumber records to display over other records | record | display |
REPORTNEW | Replaced by GCREPORT | report |
REPORTLT | Report bearings and distances of set segments | report |
REPORTS | User-defined reports | report |
RESECT | Solve a 3-point resection problem | point |
RESONIN | Import Reson ASCII depths | hdms |
RETTABLE | Create a table of arc properties | report |
RETURNS | Create a kerb return elevation table | report |
REVERSE | Reverse the direction of selected objects | sets |
REVIEW | Move objects from one view to another | view |
RGRAPH | Graph rainfall database | hydrology |
RMGC | Link points to photos and text | config |
ROADDTM | Create a DTM layer from Road cross sections | road |
ROADGRID | Road design editor display grid | road |
ROADJOB | Road Job Manager | road |
ROADMAT | Road Job Materials | road |
ROADPROF | Create profiles from road job surfaces | profile |
ROADRPT | Print a Road report | report |
ROADREG | Create roadjobs from registered HALs | road |
ROADRUN | Export alignment and sets to Leica RoadRunner or iCON | export |
ROADSETS | String points created from road cross sections | road |
ROADSIGPOINT | Roadway masshaul significant points | masshaul |
ROADSPOT | Report roadway details at a location | report |
ROADWAY | Roadway manager | road |
ROTATE | Rotate objects about a specified point | transform |
ROT3D | Rotate points in 3D using 3 pairs of points | transform |
SIDEVIEW | Replaced by FLIPUP | view |
RPAN | Replaced by RECENTER | view |
RTSCALE | Rotate, translate and scale objects | transform |
RUN | Execute an external file | config |
RUNLINE | Label hydrographic runlines | hdms |
SAVE | Save the current project | save |
SAVEAS | Save the current project with another name | save |
SCALE | Multiply easting and northing by scale factors | transform |
SCALEELV | Multiply elevations by a scale factor | transform |
SCALEGRID | Mass haul diagram grid settings | masshaul |
SCLBLKS | Scale blocks by a factor | block |
SCLPLOTB | Scale closed plines by a factor | dynaview |
SCS900IN | Import Trimble SCS900 record.txt or .csv file | import |
SCURVE | Create or edit a set curve | set |
SEARCH | Search settings | config |
SECURITYPASS | Replaced by ABOUT Products | config |
SEGEDIT | Segment editor | set |
SELECTAT | Select by feature attribute value | attribute |
SELECTGP | Select by group number | group |
SELECTPT | Select points not in sets | point |
SET | Create a set | set |
SET2PROF | Create a profile from a set | set |
SET2PRFL | Create profiles representing a pipe | pipe general |
SET2ROAD | Create road jobs from sets | alignment |
SET2TRAV | Re-engineer Geodimeter .job data from sets | set |
SET2TRV | Export a .TRV traverse file from the selected set | set |
SETAREA | Draw a set enclosing two sets | set |
SETCH | Set the chainage to any location on an alignment | road |
SETCURL | Set the current layer by picking an object | layer |
SETFILT | Filter excess points from straights in 2D sets | set |
SETGRP | Set the group to the next group | group |
SETLABEL | Label sets with name | text |
SETNONAM | Display only sets with no names | set | display |
SETSMOOTH | Change breakline smoothness and dead regions | dtm |
SETSTA | Set the station to any location on an alignment | road |
SEWBC | Compute sewer block controls | sewer |
SFLOOR | Create a DTM surface in-between two DTMs | dtm |
SGRP | Set the group for selected objects | group |
SHADEDTM | Shade a DTM by elevation ranges | dtm |
SHADEPTS | Colour points by elevation ranges | dtm | point |
SHADEISO | Shade two DTMs or an isopach surface by isopach ranges | dtm |
SHADESLP | Shade a DTM by slope ranges | dtm |
SHADETRI | Replaced by SHADESLP | dtm |
SHADOW | Compute the limit of shadows | survey |
SHAPE | Shape Editor | road |
SHAPECLASS | Shape class manager | road |
SHAPEMAN | Shape library manager | road |
SHAPESET | Create sets from roadway shapes | road |
SHOWDIR | Show direction of pline or set | report |
SHOWDIRN | Show direction of pline or set and reverse | report |
SHOWDYNA | Show objects on dynaview layers | dynaview |
SIDESLOPE | Project side slopes from alignment | dtm |
SIDEVIEW | Replaced by FLIPUP | view |
SIGHTDST | Create vehicular sight lines | alignment |
SITEWORKIN | Import Paydirt SiteWork data | import |
SITEWORKOUT | Export Paydirt SiteWork data | export |
SKIP | Skip manager | alignment |
SLICE | Interpolate batter points from HAL, VAL and side slope |
point | alignment |
SLL | Create splined plines | pline |
SLOPE | Identify DTM triangles within a slope range | dtm |
SLOPEMANAGER | Register slope alignments | road |
SMANAGER | Subgrade manager | road |
SMOKEDUC | Create smoke duct mounting points | tunnel |
SMPROAD | Create simple one-template roads or channels | road |
SMPTMPL | Create simple road or channel template | road |
SNAPLYR | Toggle the snapability of a layer | toggle |
SNAPSET | Configure the cursor snap interval and direction | config |
SNR | Find and replace | text | name |
SNRFILE | Find and replace text in an external file | file |
SOILNAIL | Create soil nail sets | set |
SORPT | Replaced by GC60 | survey |
SPLAY | Cuts splay corners into lots | sets |
SPLINE | Spline plines | pline |
SPLITSET | Split lots into smaller lots | sets |
SPOT | Report the DTM elevation at a location | dtm | report |
STAKE | Report angles, distances and coordinates for setout | report |
SSERIFE | Install MS Sans Serif Windows font | config |
STAKED | Compare staked (as-built) points to design | report |
STAKING | Configure the contents of a roadway staking report |
config |
STARNET | Import a STAR*NET .TER file | config |
STAORCHN | Configure station or chainage notation | alignment | config |
STATION | Set the beginning station of a HAL | alignment |
STATUSBAR | Status bar toggle | display |
STEXT | Create single line text | text |
STREAM | Create plines or sets from a stream of locations | pline | set |
STRIPNUL | Strip null characters from a file | import | export |
STYLESET | Text style settings | text |
SUBGRADE | Subgrade editor | road |
SUNSTAR | Create an azimuth based on star or sun shots |
survey |
SUPERELV | Superelevation editor | alignment |
SUPERPLOT | Superelevation diagram | alignment |
SUPERVIS | Display your GPS location | survey |
SURFACE | Surface manager | road |
SURFAREA | Report the cut|fill surface area using average end area |
report |
SURPEXPT | Export a Surpac string file | export |
SURPIMPT | Import a Surpac string file | import |
SURVCEXP | Export roadway to Carlson SurvCE CL, PRO and SCT files | export |
SURVCONT | Export Moss GENIO to Trimble Survey Controller | export |
SVIEW | Open or change the state of a view | view |
SW1 | Modify colour of points on steep DTM links | dtm |
SYM2BLK | Replace symbols with blocks | block | symbol |
SYSTEM | Configure Terramodel system variables | config |
TABLET | Configure a digitizer tablet | config |
TAILING | Create a tailings beach | set |
TAKEOFF | Replaced by INT3DSET | sets |
TANCIRCLE | Create a set tangent to one or two circles | set |
TC* | Drill hole and blast pattern layout | drill and blast |
TD* | Tile drainage | tile drainage |
TDIR | Replaced by TEXTDIR | text |
TDS | Tripod Data Systems Survey Link DC | survey |
TEMPLATE | Template editor | road |
TEXT | Create text objects | text |
TEXT2PNT | Create points at multiple insertion points of text or blocks |
point | text |
TEXT2PT | Create a point at the insertion point of text |
point | text |
TEXTALIGN | Align text objects in X or Y | text |
TEXTALONG | Create a text object along a selected line. | text |
TEXTARRO | Draw an arrow with text inside | text |
TEXTBACK | Hatch behind text | text | hatch |
TEXTCASE | Change the case of selected text | text |
TEXTDIR | Modify text direction | text |
TEXTFIT | Adjust the aspect ratio of text | text |
TEXTMETRICS | Change the font, rotation, orientation, height, justification, slant and aspect ratio of text | text |
TEXTRND | Round selected bearings and distances for cadastral plans |
text |
TEXTROTATE | Change the rotation angle of text | text |
TEXTSCALE | Replaced by TXTSCALE | text |
TEXTSTYLE | Change current text style | text |
TEXTSWAP | Replaced by TXTSWAP | text |
TEXTWRAP | Modify multi-line text to fit width | text |
THREEPC | Replaced by GC3PTARC | set |
TILECENTRED | Tile views centred by chainage | view |
TILEHORIZ | Tile views horizontally | view |
TILEVERT | Tile views vertically | view |
TLYR | Replaced by VISLYR | layer |
TMANAGER | Template manager | road |
TMGIS | Link Terramodel with a Microsoft Access database | report, import |
TMLINK | Replaced by EXPORT and IMPORT | survey |
TMLLIST | Open the installed TML list | report |
TMRUN | See RUN | alias |
TMXIN | Import objects and layers from a Terramodel exchange file (.TMX) | import |
TMXLAYER | Export layers only to a Terramodel exchange file (.TMX) | export |
TMXOUT | Export objects to a Terramodel exchange file (.TMX) | export |
TOGLINKS | Toggle DTM display of links | dtm | display |
TOGQUICK | Toggle display of quick contours | dtm | display |
TOGSLOPE | Toggle display of triangle slope | dtm | display |
TOOLBOX | Create or edit toolboxes | config |
TOWER | Replaced by DTMCONE | set |
TP01 | Pipeline project variables | pipe optimisation |
TP02 | Create HAL and VAL sets from HAL and VAL plines | pipe optimisation |
TP03 | Create 3D pipes using HAL and VAL sets | pipe optimisation |
TP10 | Generate 3D reports on pipes | pipe optimisation |
TP40 | Place airvalve and scour blocks | pipe optimisation |
TP41 | Create obstructions in profile view | pipe optimisation |
TP99 | Display and edit pipe node design information | pipe optimisation |
TP99 | Recentre plan and profile view by chainage | pipe optimisation |
TPLSEC | Create long section plot for pipeline | pipe optimisation |
TPSETOUT | Export to TPSetout | export |
TPSTKOUT | Export to TPStakeout | export |
TRACE | Create a set bounded by selected lines | set |
TRACEBDY | Create a set bounded by selected lines | set |
TRACKPLOT | Label trackplots | hdms |
TRAV2D | Enter points by 2D traverse or radiation | set |
TRAVERSE | Enter points by 3D traverse or radiation | set |
TRAVPLIN | Enter a pline by traverse or radiation | set |
TRAVUTM | Enter points by ellisoidal traverse or radiation | set |
TRIM | Trim a line or arc | pline | set |
TRISOL | Triangle solutions | report |
TRISWAP | Swap links in adjacent triangles | dtm |
TRMBGRID | Export a Trimble gridded DTM (.DTX) file. | dtm |
TRMBROAD | Export a roadway to Trimble .tta or .ttx | export |
TRMBTIN | Replaced by EXPORT Trimble DTM (TTM) | export |
TRMBUTIL | Part of TRMBGRID | dtm |
TRUEDIST | Report a segment length with an applied scale factor | report |
TSP | Terramodel Search Path Browser | setup |
TTMIN | Replaced by IMPORT Trimble DTM (TTM) | import |
TTXOUT | Replaced by EXPORT Trimble Roading DC | export |
TUNNELDTM | Unwrap a tunnel | tunnel | dtm |
TV | Terramodel Visualizer | visualizer |
TVL | 3D Visualiser | dtm |
TVLITE | 3D Visualiser | dtm |
TWOPL | Curve from two points and a line | set |
TXTFIT | Replaced by TEXTFIT | text |
TXTHTDIF | Modify text to show height difference between segment points | text |
TXTIN | Import text from a file | text |
TXTOUT | Replaced by GCTXTOUT | text |
TXTREFEL | Match elevation of text to point | text |
TXTSCALE | Modify the size of selected text | text |
TXTSW | Replaced by TXTSWAP | text |
TXTSWAP | Swap the text of two records with control of location, rotation and subject | text |
UNDER | Create a profile of a pipe conduit under a road | profile |
UNDO | Undo changes | edit |
UNHIDE | Reveal all segments of selected sets | set |
UNITBLK | Insert blocks graphically using 1, 2 or 3 locations | block |
UNITSSET | Configure dimension mode, precision and labelling | config |
USTN2MOS | Modify objects from Microstation 7 to look like objects from GENIO | import |
UPDATE | Download software updates | config |
UPGRADE | Enter an upgrade code to enable new Terramodel modules | config |
UPTAKE | Replaced by INTERP3D | point |
USER | See REPORTS | report |
VALDATA | Enter a vertical alignment by a curve table | alignment |
VALEDIT | Shift intersection points in a vertical alignment |
road |
VALMANAGER | Register vertical alignments | alignment |
VARIOFF | Insert points of constantly varying offset from a selected alignment |
road |
VCLOSE | Close the active view | view |
VERTALIGN | Register one vertical alignment | road |
VICRDSEC | Create cross sections from cross section plots | road |
VIEWPORT | Turn on or off objects outside the field of view | view |
VIEWROTATE | Rotate the display of the plan view | view |
VIEWSCAL | Specify the plan view scale | view |
VCLOSE | Configure the view settings | view |
VISLYR | Toggle the visibility of a layer | toggle |
VISUALIZER | Visualizer | visualizer |
VMAX | Maximize the active view | view |
VMIN | Minimize the active view | view |
VNEW | Open a new view | view |
VOLUME | Replaced by EARTHWORK | report |
VPAN | Pan by numeric keypad with 1 = North | plot |
VRECALL | Recall a saved view | view |
VRESTORE | Restore a view | view |
VRMLIN | Import Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML) data | import |
VRMLOUT | Export Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML) data | export |
VSAVE | Save a view | view |
WALK | Create a pline given a DTM, a slope and a starting location |
road |
WESCOMIN | Import data from Wescom | import |
WORDPAD | Open the Wordpad Editor | exec |
XLINES | Create Xlines along plines | road |
XLINPTS | Create Xlines of points near HAL | road |
XSECTION | Export cross section from DTM | DTM |
XSECTIONDIGI | Digitize cross sections | road |
XSECTIONEDT | Edit cross sections | road |
XSECTIONMAN | Manage cross sections | road |
XSECTPTS | Turn on only points at active chainage | point | alignment |
XSECTRPT | Report 3D length of cross sections | report |
XSHEET | Create cross section plots in sheet view | plot |
XSHEETGC | Create cross section plots in Geocomp-style | plot |
XSLABEL | Label obstructions on cross section plots | plot |
XSOUT | Export cross sections from points | export |
XSURAREA | Report volume of road job surface areas to a spreadsheet | report |
XTIE | Replaced by GCXTIE | set |
XTOCL | Create walls for use in Visualizer | visualizer |
XVOLUMES | Report volume of all road job materials to a spreadsheet | report |
XYZTOAREA | Replaced by GFE | survey |
ZI | Zoom in 2x | view |
ZO | Zoom out 2x | view |
ZOOM | Zoom in by window | view |
ZOOMSCAL | Zoom active view to a scale | view |