Installing Geocomp 10.08 on Windows 95
- Verify that the host computer meets the hardware specifications
- Verify that the Geocomp dongle is embossed “Sentinel C Version B” or “Sentinel CplusB”
- Configure Windows to reveal file extensions as follows:
- Start Windows Explorer or My Computer
- Under the View Menu, select Options
- Select View tab
- Untick “Hide MS-DOS file extensions for file types that are registered”
- OK
- Modify Windows System Configuration files as follows:
- Select Run… from the Task Menu
- Select OK
- Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS to include:
device=c:\windows\himem.sys device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems ram devicehigh=c:\windows\command\ansi.sys dos=high,umb
- Save changes and Exit
- Restart Windows
- Install Geocomp 10.07 by running Setup from the root directory of the Geocomp 10 CD. If in doubt, select the default settings.
- Click here to download the patch to Geocomp 10.
- Install the patch by extracting from the zip using folder names. Extract to the root of the Geocomp software folder. For example, if your software folder is C:\GC10\, extract to C:\.
- Using Windows Explorer, highlight the Geocomp 10.07 shortcut C:\GC10\Extras\GC10-95.pif and select Copy
- At a suitable place on the Windows Desktop, right-click and select Paste Shortcut. (To set up the shortcut yourself, see here).
- Attach the dongle to a parallel port
- Execute the “Geocomp 10” shortcut
- Enter the activation code using the instructions supplied with the code
Please also refer to Chapter 2 of the Geocomp 10 User’s Guide. This guide is installed with Geocomp 10 into C:\GC10\GC1007UG.PDF.
To set up plotting and printing, see Geocomp Printing and Plotting.